Ebisu Nouvelle Chinois "WASA" 辣油 & Jako 辣油 set for sake

Set up a shop without a sign in Ebisu、Attracting attention as an original creative Chinese、One of the restaurants where reservations are difficult to make is the Chinese restaurant "WASA"。"Fulinmen Sake House"、Nishi-Azabu's "Epicer"、Became independent after undergoing training at "Kaika-tei" in Gifu, famous as Nouvelle Chinois.、2020 October、Owner-chef Masataka Yamashita who opened a new restaurant in Ebisu and restarted。 During such、「わさ(WASA)」からお取り寄せできる「辣油&じゃこ辣油のセット」の二種類の特製辣油が届きましたので、Immediately、晩酌のお供にいただこうと思います♪ 辣油のネット通販サイト https://mall.omakase.in/stores/vb5019433 「辣油」 上澄みの澄んだ辣油と唐辛子を混ぜ合わせた辣油と二度楽しめる「辣油」は、Water Cooker Gold Pickled Who、It is said that it goes well with meat and potatoes and sukiyaki。Refrigerated storage is strictly prohibited to preserve flavor、It will be stored at room temperature avoiding high temperatures and humidity.。Immediately after opening、What surprised me the most was、その立ち込める辣油の香りの豊かさです!この食欲をそそる香りだけで箸が進みそう!辣油のベースはキャノーラ油丁寧にヘタと種を取り除いた朝天唐辛子国産唐辛子をローストしてから油でじっくり中火で香料の草果と山椒と一緒に風味が飛ばないように火入れしていきます味や風味の決め手は温度で絶妙な火加減がこのような繊細な辣油を作り上げています「じゃこ辣油」 カリッカリに揚げた食感の楽しめるじゃこに辣油を合わせた一味変わった「じゃこ辣油」。If you also open this、The fragrant scent of potatoes rises、The scent of the sublime oil with a mellow feeling wafts in the air.、味わう前から間違いのない美味しさが伝わってきます!「わさ公式Instagram」の記事の中には、Pouring potatoes high into a pot of hot oil、I could see that you are uploading a video to finish it crispy。This burning seems to be the liver、Texture and aroma of potatoes、Flavor、It is calculated by considering the balance with hemp oil to make the most of the original umami taste of potatoes、22Deep-fried potatoes are pickled for a minute。This is vegetables and tofu、Buckwheat soup and pasta、炒めものに使えるようです!じゃこは和歌山の山利の目の細かい粒のそろったものを使用されています「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × おぼろ豆腐」 器釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ180 先ずは、Choose a combination of tofu that is also offered at the store、I tried to match "Oboro Tofu" and "Jako Oil" simply! I take a bite and nod my head.、That crunching sound resonated pleasantly again.、The more you chew, the more the umami taste spreads、It exposes the presence of Jaco.。A dish that I can't bear as a potato lover! The smell of hemp oil is elegant、While tasting refreshingly、The pungent taste that rushes in with the time difference becomes a habit! Because the umami taste of potato oil alone is strong and very fragrant、Because even dark tofu will lose、In addition, it seems to be more compatible to remove the moisture of the tofu and then combine it! This "potato oil" is、Wouldn't it be delicious if it was paired with sweet and sticky potatoes? And intuition works、Let's choose "Grand Petica (Destroyer)" and "Andes Red" from among 7 kinds of potatoes native to Mikata and try it! "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"、Sweet smell like sweet potato、And golden pulp as beautiful as chestnuts、The smooth texture is、Potatoes made from red soil produced in the Mikatahara plateau of Hamamatsu "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"。This potato is、Originally found by Masahiko Bale, who has produced many varieties in Unzen City, Nagasaki Prefecture, as a mutation of "Red Moon" on his own farm、It was then nurtured、2000Varieties are registered in 2000.。What is the name at the time of application, "Oh my gosh"。Even now, it is often displayed on the sales floor under the name "Destroyer"、その赤紫色の表皮と芽の周りだけ赤色に染まる姿が「覆面マスクを被ったレスラー」のように見えることが名前の由来となっています正式名は「グランドペチカ」といいロシア式の暖炉を意味する「ペチカ」と地面を表す「グラウンド」をかけ合わせた言葉です「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」 器釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ180 今回は「じゃこ辣油」に茹でた「グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」を合わせてみます火入れしても煮崩れしにくい果肉の「グランドペチカ(デストロイヤー)」は縦半分にカットすると、Its cross-section is beautiful.、Reminiscent of sweet potatoes and chestnuts。By lightly shaking the salt、The sweetness is emphasized and the taste becomes rich! For a crisp texture、This crunchy feeling makes for a good accent、The ultimate combination is completed with the synergy effect of umami × umami! If you want to pair wine here、「ジャック・ラセーニュ(JACQUES LASSAIGNE)」のラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ(La Colline Inspiree)を合わせてみてはいかがでしょう♪ 「わさ特製じゃこ辣油 × アンデスレッド」 器釋永岳 mars平皿 φ250 「アンデスレッド」は、It is a potato that is said to have been born from the crossing of "Solanum Freha", which is native to the South American Andes, and "Early Rose", which has a red epidermis.。When heat is applied, you can enjoy a crisp texture、It has a firm sweetness in a creamy texture。It becomes a gentle sweetness than "Grand Petica (Destroyer)"、Because the texture becomes smooth、It becomes a dish that you can feel the existence of this crunchy feeling even more、こちらもすこぶる相性が良い組み合わせとなりました! 「わさ(WASA)」のソムリエを務められる宮城玲央奈(Reona Miyagi)さんに伺ったところ、"The compatibility with Meita Potezala is also outstanding!"。It seems that there was no mistake in the combination with potatoes! Because it seems to be compatible with the peculiar special potezala of our house、次回はそちらで試してみようと思います! 「わさ特製辣油 × プーレノワール鶏ガラスープの冷やし淡麗ラーメン」 器釋永岳 gen薄鉢 φ230 「辣油」はシンプルなラーメンに合わせようと、Since it is summer, I will try to accompany it with "chilled Tanrei ramen"! "Poulé Noir" to a chicken glass soup cooked carefully、Blend Japanese-style broth blended with grilled chin, true kelp, bonito bonito, mackerel bushi, moisturized sardine bushi, shiitake mushroom、Chilled Tanrei ramen that can be eaten smoothly and smoothly over the throat even in summer! This oil is combined with an elegant broth、I was surprised that it brought out the flavor even more! While making you feel the pungent taste of chili peppers、The soup is reborn as a mellow and flavorful superb soup! Hemp oil that goes well with clear soup、But、旨味をさらにパワーアップさせるという味わいは初めて口にする衝撃的な美味しさとなりスープを飲み切るまでに堪能致しました! 「わさ特製辣油 × プーレノワールのTKG」 器釋永岳 gen中鉢 φ130 〆のご飯は「プーレノワール」の有精卵を使った「TKG(卵かけご飯)」に「辣油」を合わせてみましょう!炊きたてのご飯に卵を割り入れ、A little dripping French Camargue salt and soy sauce、辣油をスプーン一杯分添えれば完成です!伸びやかにスクスクと育つ鶏たちは自然に自生している草も食べているため有精卵は生命力に満ち溢れ卵黄は眩いばかりの鮮やかなレモンイエローを放ちます。This "hemp oil" is、I think it will best match sweet and sticky ingredients、The sweetness of freshly cooked white rice、Full-bodied yolk of fertilized eggs、プルルンとした弾力と粘りの強い卵白と相性抜群で究極の「TKG(卵かけご飯)」の完成です! 鶏胸肉の低温調理とも楽しめそうですし、I have to do a slap in the face! (Laughs) The special oil of "WASA" that seems to be infinite ways to enjoy it。山下シェフが「日本一の辣油です!」と仰っていた通りこれはハマります!辛味を欲する夏本番が到来!我が家は「わさ(WASA)」の特製辣油を手放せなくなりそうです♪ わさ(WASA) 住所東京都渋谷区東16-1 ベルザ恵比寿1F TEL:Private opening hours:17:30~、20:30~(2部制) 定休日:On Sundays、月曜 座席数:8席 ※予約はOMAKASEのサイトより https://omakase.in/ja/r/na771535...

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