Chihuahua's beloved dog Chocolat "Handmade rice and dog birthday cake to celebrate 4 years old"

Every year、我が家の愛犬ショコラの誕生日には 特別に犬用バースデーケーキを用意して一緒にお祝いしています。 Dog:Chocolat / Chocolat (Long Coat Chihuahua)♀)は 2023/7/25(Tue)に4歳の誕生日を迎えました! 一人娘(犬)ゆえに甘やかしてしまうこともあり、 Selfish and free-spirited、I'm a heavenly demon and I'm a self-paced kid who goes my way.、 Very clever chocolate from our point of view。 ドッグフードを受け付けない体質のショコラのために 相も変わらず毎食の手作りごはんが欠かせない日々ですが、 On this day, too, I prepared a lot of things that chocolate loves。 「早く食べさせて〜」と犬用ケーキをガン見 「ケーキ食べる?」と聞くと足をバタバタさせて待て状態 ベリーの豆乳クリームを一口舐めさせて見ると、 For the taste of a once-a-year cake that you don't usually eat、I'm going to lose myself。 It's an annual thing.、Because one cake is too big for the body of the chocolat、 Let's have them eat about 3 portions this year.。 Because it's a dog cake、Ingredients and sugar content are very different from those for humans、 I'm being careful.、A proper cake with a sweet smell。 Every year、I have a video of how to eat it all、 This year, while licking my tongue at my own pace、3分ほどで1/3ケーキを完食です♪ 「ショコラ用手作りごはん」 大好物の錦爽鶏のササミ肉と人参、Sweet potato、Boil broccoli in each、 Laid in colorful order on the cercle、Flower mold with die-cut carrots、 I tried to serve the usual homemade rice a little stylishly.。 This is for dinner。 「ベリーと豆乳のモンブラン」 今年のショコラ用バースデーケーキは「ベリーと豆乳のモンブラン」に。 I love the sourness of berries and soy milk.、Chocolate that looked delicious.。 我が家の天使です! いつまでもいつまでも私たちの家族の一員として一緒に楽しい時間を過ごせたらと思います♪ Chocolat(ショコラ)”4歳のお誕生日おめでとう”...

In celebration of my dog chocolate's 3rd birthday, we have a "dog birthday cake" once a year!

2022/7/25(Mon)、Our Dog:Chocolat / Chocolat (Long Coat Chihuahua)♀It's his 3rd birthday! Because I no longer go on a reporting trip overseas due to the corona disaster、2020After welcoming him into his family on March 7, 2008、We have reached 870 days at the earliest.。The chocolate that I just welcomed into my home is full of energy.、I was a little snobby.、A child who eats thin and is not attached to food.、I don't eat too much.、During meals, it is difficult to eat unless you take care of it with a stickler、Consult a veterinarian、That's what worried it was。 Your veterinarian said, "If you are well,、Don't worry too much," I felt a little more at ease after hearing that.、It was a wait-and-see day.。At first I was giving them dry dog food presented by a pet store, but、After all, the bite is bad、I've tried all sorts of dog food.、Most of it was in vain.。Only、Freeze-dried domestic scissors that show interest are given instead of sprinkles、Days of deception and deception。During such、There are days every few days when you vomit when you eat in the summer.、There was no abnormality when I tried the checkup.。Although not sick、I'm worried about chocolate that is obviously thinning.、I decided to review the hood.。Homemade rice recipes for dogs, etc.、Research various information、Something to eat、Properly research what you can't eat、色々なレシピにチャレンジしました! 最終的に落ち着いたのは、It is a homemade rice that gives moist boiled "Nishikishu chicken scissors" and fiber-rich boiled vegetables together! Chocolat looking restless at my feet with a sobs from the side of boiling scissors in the kitchen。After I started to give homemade rice, I became full of appetite.、It will not be left to eat well.、As soon as you see it, the gloss of the hair gets better、I became a muscular well-balanced body with a moderate sense of flesh.。Bowel movements are also good and there is no need to vomit、The veterinarian health checkup once a month is also approved、Healthy body without knowing disease! Be careful what people say for their health.、That's no different for dogs.、I began to feel strongly about it.。Homemade rice is a little bit、Although it takes time and budget、愛犬が健康で長生きしてくれるならばお安いものです! 今では、Eat three meals in the morning, noon, and evening、Reborn as a glutton who even begs for yogurt after meals、There is a cheerful chocolat。そんなショコラが今年で3歳の誕生日を迎えました! 「犬用バースデーケーキベリーの豆乳ムース」 一年に一度の誕生日は、Celebrate with a birthday cake for dogs that is a must-have every year! This year、For chocolate that loves sour fruit、We have prepared a healthy "berry soy milk mousse"。Remove fresh cream for chocolate that is not good at fat content、Because the amount is also one piece is a lot、半分ずつ二日に分けて与えます! 普段は、Although it is a smart chocolate that does not touch the meal for humans on the table,、"It's a ♪ chocolate cake," I told him.、While crunching the nose、ソワソワと落ち着かない様子で前のめりに(笑) 先ずは、When I approach my favorite sweet potato with "please ♪"、With a smirk on his face,、I'll lick it and see how it goes.。 Intact、口を開いてパクリ!しっとりと優しい甘味のさつま芋をあっという間に平らげます! お次は、I've been waiting! And just get your face close to the birthday cake、Kunkun and this also from the wait-and-see。Who do they look like?、Gourmet chocolate is a principle of not eating what you don't like.、こちらは合格したようです! 生クリームを外して上げると、Begin to devour vigorously、While licking and licking、I will break it up little by little and eat it! Compared to other dogs、Because chocolate is the type to enjoy a leisurely meal、It takes a few minutes to eat even a small cake.、無我夢中で美味しそうに食べるショコラの顔を眺めているだけで幸せな気分に浸れます♪ 半分のケーキを食べ終えた後に、He licked his tongue and made a satisfied face.、ゲフッと一発(笑) 普段は犬用のおやつも余程のことがなければあげることがなく、I eat three meals a day.、This day is special! Being an only daughter (dog), I sometimes spoil、Bohemian in Wagamama、Although I have grown up to be the type who goes my own way with a heavenly demon、Chocolat full of originality、間違いなく癖の強い我が家に相応しい家族の一員♪ こちらのLINEスタンプは、The daughter of a dog lover made it for Chocolat! The first one is on the left.、The second bullet is on the right。Every expression is adorable、It is full of chocolate full of cuteness that can not be said anything! I hope that you will continue to live a long life together with your health! Chocolat "Happy Birthday"...

"Lake Hamana Garden Park Mokai Aoi 2021" Commemorative photo session to celebrate the 2nd birthday of my dog Chocolat!

Located on the shores of Lake Hamana、Go to "Hamanako Garden Park" where you can enjoy the greenery spreading out on the vast grounds and seasonal flowers! This is a prefectural urban park using the site of the Lake Hamana Flower Expo.、Free parking and entrance fees for young children, young and old、犬同伴可と誰もが気軽に楽しめる素晴らしい大規模公園です! 公園は、The "west side" with a vast green space and、A "city area" where you can enjoy sightseeing boats, garden cruises, etc. in the flower plaza where flowers spread out like a flower carpet, a 50-meter-high observatory, a water play plaza, etc.、そして各国の国際庭園やモネの庭を模した花の美術館などが広がる「里のエリア」と3つのゾーンから成り立っています! こちらは南ゲートから入場し、After parking your car in the south parking lot、進行方向の先にある「南えぼ橋」を渡るところです! ショコラの誕生日は天候に恵まれ、A clear blue sky spreads out、見事なまでの快晴となりました! 梅雨明けで夏本番を迎えつつあり、These days it's a full-fledged heat。 Lake Sanaro Wampo of my dog Chocolat is shifting from morning to evening every day、This day (July 25, 2021) is chocolat's second birthday.、Prepare from the early morning and enter the park at the same time as opening、It's only a little time.、ショコラ2歳を記念する撮影会にやって参りました! 今が見頃となる「花ひろば」の向日葵たち! ビタミンカラーの黄色い絨毯が広がり多種多様な品種が揃うその明るさと鮮やかさは元気が貰えます! 前回は春のネモフィラを観に来ましたが、Nemophila blue、It's sunflower yellow.、一面が同じカラーで埋もれる花の絨毯はとても綺麗ですね! 今年は例年よりも満開の時を早く迎えたようで、Even though it's early Sunday morning、Many people have already visited the event.、満開の向日葵畑を楽しまれています! ショコラもビタミンカラーの向日葵イエローのシャツを着こなし向日葵のブローチを付けておめかし! 通りゆくお子様達に「ママ、I'm wearing that kid sunflower-♪"、I told the girls, "A Chihuahua is carrying a sunflower on her back.、It's cute-♪" etc.、I got a lot of talk to me.、人が大好きなショコラも御満悦の様子! でも猛暑日の長時間ワンポは早朝といえども禁物です(笑)うだる暑さ故に見せる笑顔がコチラ! 同じ方向を向き、Sunflowers stretching straight in a dignified figure。 夏を彩る代表的な花として一番に連想させるのも向日葵という方が多いことでしょう! 「ひまわり」は漢字で「向日葵」と書きますが、growing in that direction as the sun moves、It is so named because the flower looks like it moves。However,、In the process of growth, it moves toward the light of the sun.、When the stem blooms and hardens、通常の場合は東を向いたまま動かなくなってしまうそうです! 実は向日葵は1つの大きな花ではなく小さな花がたくさん集まって出来ているのはご存知ですか? 向日葵の一つひとつの花は同じ形ではなく、The shape of the flower is very different between the outside and the inside.。The inner flower is called a tubular flower (tubular flower).、The petals are wrapped around the sedt and the sedt、On the other hand, the outer flower is called a tongue-like flower and is characterized by a large petal.。A large sunflower can take about 2,000 seeds from a single flower.、It is thought that there are about 2,000 flowers in themselves! indeed、力強く元気が貰える花だとなるわけです! 2歳の誕生日を迎えたショコラと向日葵畑に囲まれて記念撮影! 向日葵は1.5m〜2mにも及ぶ背丈ほどの長さがあり、The small diameter prepared seems to be like a maze of sunflowers、不思議の国のアリス気分が味わえます♪ 済んだ青空をバックにとても気持ち良さそうなこの笑顔に癒されます! 向日葵の全般の花言葉として「あなただけを見つめる」、"Adoration"、"Worship"、"Passion"、"Makes you happy"、There are a few things that say you're great.、Relatively、There are many passionate and positive flower words。The first meaning of "stare only at you"、ひまわりが太陽に向かって咲く様子から由来しているそうです!一途な印象を持ちますね! それにしても真夏のスカッと冴え渡る青空に映える目にも鮮やかな真っ黄色の向日葵とのコントラストは爽快感に溢れています! 蜜蜂がせっせと蜜を集める姿も楽しめます! 夏のワンポは小まめな水分補給も忘れずに! 大小、Sunflowers show various appearances。Because it is dangerous if you stay in the sun for a long time、It is also recommended to watch it gently from the shade of a tree! A view overlooking Hana Hiroba from the top of Kaede Bridge。 Hana Hiroba has a large site area of about 3,000 square meters.、About 300,000 nemophila showed an adorable figure in spring.、About 40,000 sunflowers are growing now! It is a scenery because the seed is re-planted every time of year! In the waterway flowing east and west looking at from "Each bridge"、色濃く映る緑と涼やかな水面の共演が見られます! 広大な敷地内に時折現れる木陰のひんやりとした空気に救われます! 多くのワンちゃんとの触れ合いも楽しめますがワンコマナーを守ってお出掛けしましょう! 「ふれあい花壇」を手入れされるボランティアの方々。 This flower bed is、学校をはじめ家族や企業・団体などのグループがオーナーになれる花壇です! 花壇オーナーはそれぞれ浜名湖ガーデンパークフレンズ(ボランティア)に登録し、You have been given the right to plant your flowerbeds for one year.。Because there is a signboard with the owner's name and photo in the flower bed、手入れの行き届いたオーナー様の御名前をチェックしてみましょう! 暑さにバテて歩き疲れたショコラは青いベンチで小休憩! 夏のガーデンパークでは、Reduce the time to stay in the flames、Take a short break in a cool place、小まめに水分補給をするなどして熱中症対策を万全にお楽しみください! 夏場故に短い滞在時間ではありましたが、I was in contact with the greenery and flowers rich in nature.。心安らぐ癒しのひとときを過ごすことができる「浜名湖ガーデンパーク」は私たちのお気に入りの場所となります! 我が家へ戻り、Chocolat celebrates his 2nd birthday、バースデープレートを用意しました! 昨年の1歳の誕生日のバースデーケーキは華やかさに惹かれて「フルーツロールケーキ」にしましたが今年は健康面を考慮し「カボチャの豆乳ムース」と「バースデークッキー」にしてみました! 前菜として瑞々しさ満点で水分補給にもなる「鶏だしジュレ」に「ササミ巻き牛革ガム」を添えて。Birthday cake considering the size of the body of the chocolate、1個を数回に数日で分けて楽しんでもらいます!ひんやりと舌触りの良いカボチャの豆乳ムースを喜んで平らげておりました! 人が大好きで甘えん坊。It also has a heavenly demon side,、It's also cute.、Except for the thin diet, he is a very healthy and cheerful child.。She is also an only daughter.、I can't deny the feeling that I raised myself to be a selfish girl who looks like whom.、It's usually a very clever chocolate.、長生きしてくれるようにこれからも目一杯愛情をかけて育てていきたいと思います! お誕生日おめでとうショコラ! 浜名湖ガーデンパーク 所在地静岡県浜松市西区村櫛町5475-1 TEL:053-488-1500 Opening hours:8:30-17:00、Summer (July and August) 8:30To 18:00 Closed period:12/29~1/3 入園料無料 駐車場北駐車場 約390台/西駐車場 約840台/南駐車場 約210台/その他 約360台(計1,800台保有)無料

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