Atami Birthday Trip (8) "Furuya Ryokan" The best remote building that has been renewed by atami's highest-established inn

Become atami's best-established ryokan、Atami Onsen "Furuya Ryokan" boasts a history of more than 1806 and more than 200 years。 Spend a quiet moment of peace while being located in the city of Atami、A superb inn where you can enjoy hot springs and authentic Kyoto-style kaiseki cuisine using "Seizaemon-no-Yu", one of the Seven Atami Yuyu, as the source。 "Takeda ShingenyaGatamon", which is also a symbol of Furuya Ryokan、It was used in Akira Kurosawa's movie "Kagemusha"、Because there is also a legend that the ancestors of the Uchida family who have been protecting Furuya Ryokan for more than 200 years were samurai of the Takeda series、Hishi Takeda at the top of the gate is like the spirit of a samurai.、精神誠意のおもてなしの気持ちを表されています! 本館は和風鉄筋4階建てとなり、8 guest rooms with hot spring open-air bath、4 guest rooms with a hot spring indoor bath、22 rooms in 10 standard rooms、In July 2021, a detached building was opened as a new building.。Four guest rooms with open-air baths have been newly expanded in the remote building、The total number of rooms is 26.。 And、By setting up a limited room with pets in the wake of corona evil、1It is possible to stay with your beloved pet only for 3 pairs (3 rooms) a day、This time、私たちは愛犬ショコラと離れ棟の露天風呂付き客室に宿泊致します! 本館前には大変立派な松があり、The figure shows the swell in the form of a large snake crawling on the ground.、大木ではないものの存在感溢れる様が見て伺えます! この松には言い伝えがあり、The old、A big snake protecting Tenmangu Shrine enters the shrine during the horyo calendar year、It is said that it is protecting Tenmangu shrine as the incarnation of this pine someday.。In the Taisho era,、There is also an anecdote that a large rich man petitioned to "give away as much money as you can to my residence"、旅館のスタッフさんが教えてくださいました! 左手に見えますは、"Furuya Tenmangu Shrine"。Furuya Ryokan is also said to be a "marital inn"、It is said that it is called so because it owns and stores the "Couple Daikoku statue (Kamakura period)" dedicated to Izuyama Shrine where Minamoto Yoritomo and Masako Hojo were connected。The two of them who were united by marriage。To be able to continue to be amicment of the couple for many years to come、お参りさせていただきました! 全館京風の造りで趣向を凝らされており、The front lobby of the main building where soft bright wood grain warmly welcomes you。Check in here。 Flowers that greet you glossily in the spotlight on jet-black walls。 Immediately、We will move to the remote building where you will stay。How to head to the remote building、Because you can use the elevator at the back of this stairs or the covered parking lot、足腰の弱い方はエレベーターをご利用ください! 離れ棟は和風鉄筋3階建て。Because the entrance of this place is an automatic door、There is no problem even if you have luggage.、基本的にスーツケースや旅行鞄はスタッフさんたちが運んでくださいます! 同伴するショコラはキャリーバックに忍ばせて客室へ。 ※When you are accompanied by a pet、Except for the guest room, all corridors etc. will be moved by carryback、A child who is not able to be mature in the carryback may be difficult。 While the japanese atmosphere full of calm、It may be a new construction that has just been renewed、A simple, Japanese modern taste is a lovely hallway in a remote building。 Room 624 is a guest room with an open-air bath (12.5 tatami mats) with a source of Hinoki indoors.。重厚感のある二重扉で奥行きもあるため防音効果抜群でプライベート感もアップ! 踏込の広さも十分に確保されており、I feel calm as if I'm back home.。 Footwear for the inside of the building is also prepared in different colors and sizes for each man and woman、浴衣にお着替えになってからも足元楽に移動することができます! 客室は和モダンでシンプルな造りとなり、The size is more than 12.5 tatami mats, so you can relax comfortably。It becomes a Japanese-style room full of cleanliness that showed refreshingly with Ryukyu tatami (half-tatami without edge tatami)、新築の気持ち良さがあります! 【客室の備品や設備は以下の通り】 最新型電動ブラインド、Indoor open-air bath (sohinoki-zukuri)、TV、Toilet (with washlet)、Amenity Goods、Yukata、Bath towel、Hair dryer、a pot of water、Cosmetics、Japanese Tea Set、Mineral water、Refrigerator、Free rental (DVD deck)、Go, Shogi, Playing Cards)。 Also、As a prevention of new corona infection、All rooms are equipped with a virus disinfector "Aeropure" and a spray-type disinfectant.。In addition、In the remote building, the installation of the low-concentration ozone generator "IonSupply ©" is being taken thoroughly.。 A western-style room with a coffee table for ease of foot。A swivel chair is installed、Because soft natural light enters from a wonderful kumiko work shoji、こじんまりとした空間ですが居心地が良かったです! 客室奥からの景色。Can you see the indoor open-air bath with glass windows?。Thanks to this glass window、It is designed so that you can watch TV while taking a bath、長風呂に最適です! 担当してくださる仲居さんがお茶を淹れてくださり、Take a break。I never thought I could bring my pet in such a lovely room! of course、It will be while strictly observeing pet manners、Toilet discipline and vaccinations、Don't bark in vain、Weight limit、There are conditions such as the number of heads limiting、このような高級旅館で受け入れてくださる体制を取っていただけるのは愛犬家として本当に嬉しい限りです! ワンコグッズは個々で持参する必要があり、Tableware、Hood 、Toilet Sheets、Foot towel、Bath towel、ケージ(※ケージは7kg以上の場合)を用意しましょう! 我が家のショコラと一緒に旅できる場所がこれからも増えますように! 古屋旅館自慢の一つでもある単独所有の名湯「清左衛門湯」を24時間かけ流しで楽しめる室内露天風呂。The bathtub made of domestic natural cypress、The woody scent of cypress drifts、森林の中にいるかのような清々しさに癒されます! 外付ブラインドを設置されているため、It is possible to adjust the angle and open and close the blinds with the touch of a button、Feel comfortable in the outdoor air、室内とはいえ開放感も味わえます! こちらの温泉は、200From the famous hot spring "Seizaemon-no-Yu" that continues to gush out for 20 years、Because it is a hot water directly drawn to each guest room、完全な掛け流し式の天然温泉を楽しめます! 源泉口から直接引き湯しているため、Because the hot spring poured always becomes a high temperature of 70°C to 85°C、Confirmation of hot water temperature before bathing is mandatory、Be very careful with burns.。If it's too hot、Stir with the attached hot water chaming stick、If the temperature drops too much,、twist the faucet、Increases the amount of hot spring injection。Because the faucet of the shinsui is installed, too、Let's adjust the temperature.。 Enjoy bathing without having to worry about anyone at any time and without entering the water、心身共に癒されます! 一風呂浴びて浴衣に着替え、Strolling in front of the inn for a stroll in the chocolat。Because my body is warming from the core、Early November when the autumn wind feels comfortable。It was a little early during the autumn leaves season.、It's easy to spend in a good climate。 本館ロビーを左手に抜けて温泉大浴場へ向かいましょう! 古屋旅館では古き良き時代の遺産を多数展示されており廊下を歩く際にも美術品や骨董品を楽しむことができます! 本館温泉大浴場には江戸時代より湧き出している熱海七湯の一つでもある「清左衛門の湯」が御座います! 大浴場には、"IonSupply (patented technology)" is installed, a downlight deodorizing disinfectant device manufactured by DENNETS Co., Ltd., which is widely used in medical sites, etc.、Disinfection deodorization is possible by excreting a concentration of ozone harmless to the human body for 24 hours.。This Time、The guest side is also everyone、It will be a bath while being considered so as not to be dense、It will be one of the safe materials that you have in place detailed safety measures on the ryokan side。 This is a large hot spring bath for women only.、温泉は全て客室同様に源泉「清左衛門」からの100%源泉掛け流しで露天の伊豆石大浴場と内湯の古代ヒノキが楽しめます! 泉質はナトリウム・カルシウム-塩化物温泉(低張性・アルカリ性・高温泉)となり、Neuralgia、Muscle pain、Joint pain、Fifty Shoulders、Paralysis、Stiff joints、Bruises、Sprains、Chronic digestive disease、hemorrhoids、Sensitivity to cold、Recovery period after illness、Recovery from fatigue、Health Promotion、A 2010-2010、burn、Chronic skin disease、frail child、The efficacy of chronic gynecological diseases can be expected.。 What is Seizaemon-no-Yu?、The old、A farmer named Seizaemon ran a horse.、Because I fell into this hot water jar、It is said that it got its name.。Until the Meiji era、It always springs up day and night and it never ceases、When people shout "There is no Seizaemon!" in a loud voice, hot water springs up loudly.、It is a mysterious source that is said to have gushed out hot water when shouting "There is no Seizaemon" in a small voice.。Hot spring mining has been carried out here beyond Atami since the Showa era、It seems that the amount of nanayu gushing out continues to decrease、Seizaemon-no-Yu continues to supply abundant hot springs.。When Tokugawa Ieyasu came to Atami to the hot spring cure、I'm sure you've soaked in the Nanyu Atami and healed your fatigue.。About 400 years later、徳川家康公が入湯されたであろう同じ湯に浸かる浪漫溢れる温泉となります! 【備品・設備】 アメニティーグッズ、Yukata、Bath towel、Rinse-in shampoo。 This is the Lobby Lounge and Gallery.、The oldest radio and sharaku prints in Japan、Goods related to Heihachiro Togo、Books by Yoshiko Kawashima, etc.、古き良き時代の遺産を眺めることが可能です! 開業200余年の歴史ある数々の品に囲まれて暫しタイムスリップするのも良いでしょう。 Here you will、It is said that a coffee server using carefully selected roasted beans is also installed.、明日の朝食後にモーニングコーヒーを頂こうと思います! 「ラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ/ジャック・ラセーニュ (Jacques Lassaigne La Colline Inspiree)」 離れ棟のお部屋へ戻りお祝いのシャンパーニュで乾杯です! コート・デ・ブランより1,500年ほど古い、9,000chalky soil made from the sedimentation of fish and shellfish from 20 years ago。Full of iodine and saltiness and the potential and minerality of ripe grapes、洗練された余韻を感じる極上のシャンパーニュ! 食事前のひと時に、Delicious champagne after being healed in a hot spring is permeated throughout the body、どんな美容液よりも血色良い美肌を生んでくれそうです(笑) さてお次はいよいよ古屋旅館が誇る四季折々の旬がいただける本格的な京風懐石の紹介です! 古屋旅館 住所:5-24 Higashikaigancho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-81-0001 Pets:Yes (*Limited rooms, conditional) Parking:35Stand-owned (free)

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