Atami Birthday Trip (1) "Garden Cafe Ripple" A stylish café with pets healed by the murmuring of the brook in Kumiya

Autumn deepens and trees drop leaves、Japan where colored autumn leaves can be seen in the mountains。 Although I finally started to show calm、It is also because it is a corona disaster of the forbidden thing still carelessness、This year's birthday trip also abandoned overseas travel、Domestic、I will leave for the prefecture.。 同県内でありながらも片道2時間強のドライブで旅行気分が満喫できる熱海へやって参りました! 初日のランチは、From Kinomiya, which has long been worshipped as the god of good fortune and auspiciousness in Atami as a power spot in Atami, go to the stylish café "Garden Cafe Ripple" within walking distance of 600m! This modern building was designed by architect "Kentaro Yamazaki Design Workshop".、"MD Housing Workshop" is in charge of construction and has been completed! This trip is accompanied by my beloved dog Chihuahua Chocolat.、We have a selection of pet-friendly cafes and inns.。Those who keep dogs、I hope it will be helpful for those who plan to keep it in the future! At the same time as the start of the first year of Reiwa、2019Garden Cafe Ripple opened on May 1, 2008。 This café is "in-store pet allowed (limited seat)" because the owner and his wife who are operated are also dog lovers。The number of cafés where pets are OK only for terrace seats is increasing、There is a limit to the restaurant where pets are OK to the store。On this day, miraculously betrayed the rain forecast greatly and was blessed with good weather and there was no worry of rain、Because eating and drinking at the terrace seat is inevitably influenced by the weather、The shop where pets can be accompanied in the store will be very grateful information as a dog lover。Here is、Because it is a stylish and cozy café in addition、It is recommended as a nice shop for both the general public and dog lovers! (Note:Reservations are required for pets allowed in the store。I thought the wooden door on the right was the entrance to the store.、Please note that the W .C icon is displayed here.。 There is an entrance to the store in the middle of going on the wood deck terrace on the left。 The interior of the shop full of the warmth of wood、A pleasant space where you can enjoy the lush scenery luxuriously with glass windows on the whole surface。It is possible to relax with chaise longue installed all over the wall。Is it because it is business in corona disaster?、The door is completely open、Autumn breezes flow in、The shop where the bird's sardines and the murmuring of the brook in front of you give peace as a comfortable background music。 There is also a terrace seat (2 people) on the wooden deck。 Sign dog Ponta-kun (commonly known as:Pon-chan) has a house on the wooden deck terrace、I am very smart and mature while relaxing in bed.。I'm used to people.、Because it is a senior dog、Stay quiet.、He listens to the owners a lot! There are also terrace seats (seats for 2 people) in the back.、Some people enjoyed eating outside while feeling the sunlight through the trees.。 I'll spend a while in the chair on the wood deck until the meal comes.、Chocolate is also relaxing ♪ comfortably The stream flowing in front of you。 When you go out to the deck at the back of the store, you can find a slope that goes up to the roof! What! The rooftop is also a wooden deck.、It's a great place to have a coffee! Lunchtime11:30~ 14:30from the lunch menu.、It becomes with soup, salad, drink of the day (coffee hot or ice cream, black tea hot or iced, orange juice, apple juice)。 "Hamburger steak" 1,500 yen Hamburger steak with a juicy taste using domestic minced meat、Served with a sauce with a gentle taste that feels the sweetness of vegetables。The vegetables are potatoes and pumpkins.、ブロッコリーや赤黄色のパプリカと彩りも綺麗です! 「バターチキンカレー」1,300円 マイルドな味わいながらに程良い辛さでスパイシーなルーに合わせて大山鶏が柔らかく煮込まれており、Sautéed vegetables are also served colorfully here! "Salad for lunch set" Lettuce、Cucumber、Paprika、Tomato mini salad with delicious homemade dressing。 "Today's soup of lunch set" We will relax with a gentle soup of bonito stock that feels the Japanese element.。 The sign dog Pon-chan comes and goes freely in the store、When the owner, the owner, says, "House!", I am surprised because he returns smartly! Order hot coffee for an after-dinner drink for the lunch set.。It is carefully brewed by hand drip according to the meal! When it first opened, it seems that coffee was extracted by machine.、After all, in pursuit of good smell and deliciousness、現在は手間は掛かるけれどもハンドドリップに変更されたとのこと! 「ランチセットのドリンク・ホットコーヒー」 オリジナルブレンドは香り高いコーヒーで、Because our husband and I were delicious with a favorite taste、When I talk to your husband,、東京の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋でお店オリジナルの酸味は少なめで苦味とコクのある豆をオーダーしていると教えてくださいました! ウッドデッキテラスの日向の暖かさにまったりとするショコラ♪ 春は桜や新緑が、In summer, there are overgrown flowers、And the autumnal leaves of Atami seem to be in full bloom from mid-November to early December.、これからのシーズンに訪れるのも良いでしょう! 看板犬のポンちゃんの癒しと気さくなオーナー御夫妻との楽しい会話と美味しい料理があり、Stylish and comfortable Café Ripple。I found a nice café that is indispensable for going out with my dog Chocolat。また熱海へ伺う際には立ち寄りたいと思います! ガーデンカフェ・リプル 住所:22-23 Nishiyamacho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-28-0009 Hours of operation:10:30-17:00( L.O:16:30Morning:10:30-11:30、Lunch:11:30-14:30 Closed on Mondays:毎火曜日・水曜日 駐車場有 ペット同伴店内席可・テラス席可(要予約)

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