Hamamatsu "New Year's Soba" Preparation for the New Year and the end of the year greeting with your dog Chocolat

New Year's Eve is every year、I came to "New Year's soba" at my favorite soba shop as a custom、In preparation for the New Year's day this year、because I was going to buy people、Missed during business hours、我が家で蕎麦と天ぷらをいただきます! 揚げたての小海老天と菜花天に白髪葱を添えて「ビオ・あつみエピスリー浜松」で購入した「みうらや製麺」の「生そば」を茹で手打ち蕎麦の名店「竹やぶ」の蕎麦つゆをかけて「小海老天そば」に致しました! 細く長く、I'm going to.、It's getting thicker and longer.、今年は欲深い年末年始を迎えそうです(笑) 今朝は朝一の開店前に「遠鉄百貨店」の駐車場で並び、While being troubled by many people、I was able to get sake and ingredients.。新年にいただく日本酒は大好きな「萬乗醸造」の「醸し人九平次(KUHEIJI)」の飲み比べを用意し祝杯を楽しみたいと思います! また正月用の上生菓子は浜松の老舗和菓子店「巌邑堂 袖紫ヶ森店」にて用意させていただきました!こちらも遠鉄百貨店同様に、It takes more than 30 minutes to enter the parking lot.、Even in the store, I decided to queue for about 30 minutes while being exposed to the strong wind in winter。It is loved by so many locals、This is a popular shop、焼きたての「どら焼き」や「揚げまんじゅう」が人気です! 正月を迎える準備の一つに正月花があり今年も「FLOWER AND DESIGN SOWAKA(フラワー&デザイン ソワカ)」のオーナーで華道家である永井裕心くんにアレンジメントをお願いしました!毎年大人気となる竹の器を用いており、Because it is made of a flower material that is good to keep、三が日が過ぎても暫く楽しむことができお勧めです! 今年は年末にかけて我が家の庭の造り込みとなるグリーンの手配やプランターの発注なども全てコーディネートしていただき、Thank you very much for your help! While stay homes continue due to corona disaster、I asked you to make your time at home more comfortable.、More greens on terraces and verandas、癒しの空間を作ることができ大満足です! 世界中の人々が、The Corona Disaster is making a big change in lifestyles and is about to become two years old.。Although we cannot travel overseas,、I was able to finish the year safely this year.、I will say hello at the end of the year with my dog Chocolat。 We will continue to provide many guidance and encouragement this year.、Thank you very much.。 I look forward to seeing many people in a cheerful figure next year.、Please have a good new year.。 FLOWER AND DESIGN SOWAKA&デザイン ソワカ) 住所浜松市中区中島2丁目24−14 SOWAKAビルヂング1F  TEL:053-570-6460 Hours of operation:10:00~ 17:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday Parking:有(無料)...

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