Lake Hamana "Bentenjima Yamamototei" Set meal lunch unique to Uogashi restaurant with raw fish founded in 1975

Benten island in Lake Hamana.、A luxurious lunch at Bentenjima Yamamototei, which provides fresh ingredients harvested at the local Lake Hamana at its best! Bentenjima Yamamoto-tei、1975Established in 1975、It was running across the street from this place.。Is here.、As a sister store of "Bentenjima Yamamototei" which is the head office、2017Opened in March 2008 under the name "Uogishi Restaurant Taisuke"、2020In February 2008, the two stores merged to leave the name of the historic head office.、「弁天島 山本亭」としてリニューアルオープンしています! 目の前には浜名湖が見渡せる絶好のロケーションを誇り、Local people started.、Support from tourists is also thick、大変賑わっている人気店となります! 鰻やすっぽんなど浜名湖を代表する食材を取り扱い、From an affordable set meal、We have a course meal tailored to various scenes、バリエーションに富んだメニューも人気の一つです! すっぽんを取り扱う店というのが一目瞭然の立派なすっぽんの彫刻が設置されている店先。 When you pass through the noren, two water tanks are installed.、The narrowness and suppon overlap! I'm surprised that this much is being purchased.、It's also a specialty of this place.、その人気振りが伺えます! 日本一のすっぽんブランドと名高い浜名湖の「服部中村養鼈場」より仕入れられており、Taking advantage of the natural environment of Lake Hamana、High-quality suppon grown over 3 to 4 years by the method of open-world aquaculture、It is said that you can enjoy an elegant and refreshing taste without habit! My late father also handled suppon at a Japanese restaurant at my parents' house.、I've seen suppon released in my life since I was a child.、まるでペットのようにお世話していた時期を懐かしく思い出します! 広々とした店内にも大きな水槽が設置されており、1On the 1st floor, there is a counter seat surrounding the raw spoon and a horiki-style tatami room seat that is a semi-private room style with a small rise.、2The floor is a Japanese-style table and can be used as a banquet seat、There are about 80 seats and a generous number of seats! Also、A complete private room is by appointment only.、Room charges will be charged separately。 Here you will、"Ise shrimp miso soup" is also popular、水槽内で立派なその姿を楽しむことができます! 水深50mの地下海水をくみ上げて利用している生簀には、Yuto Port Market and Maisaka Fishing Port、Including the natural tiger puffer of Enshu-nada that the board chief himself visits and purchases every day to the local market of Hamamatsu Central Wholesale Market、Lobster, flounder and turbot、Sazae-San,、旬の活魚が悠々と泳いでいます! 前回は予約無しで入店し、I was guided to the counter seat.、This time, I was guided to a seat in a semi-private room of a small rise by advance reservation。1Because the floor seats face the parking lot、If you want to see Lake Hamana, it may be a good thing to reserve a seat on the second floor.。 Recommended dishes for this day are listed on this board。Choose the main from among these、+300円することで定食にもできます! 鮮魚がいただけるので、Seafood rice bowls and sashimi set meals are also recommended.、The temperature is also low in the single digits on this day.、体が冷えてしまわないよう煮魚と天丼をチョイスしました! 「黒ムツの煮魚定食」1,760円 本日のおすすめのボードメニューから「黒ムツの煮魚」を選び、I had a set meal for +330 yen! White、Clam soup、Small bowl、Pickles、甘味まで付いてきて+330円とは大変お得で嬉しいサービスです! 程良く脂ののった黒ムツは、Thick and soft、The broth is best for accompaniment to rice with a thick seasoning! You can enjoy the texture of the beef sardines that were burned together、香り良く美味しくいただけます! 「活車海老天丼」1,980円 蓋からはみ出るほどに真っ直ぐ綺麗に揚げられた車海老が整列し、Three live prawns、野菜はとろとろの茄子天とししとう天が添えられる豪華な天丼です! 衣はサクッと軽い食感と香ばしさが楽しめ、The inside is soft and fluffy.、The more you chew, the sweeter you can feel the shrimp.、あっという間に平らげてしまいました! 浜名湖畔に足を運ぶなら是非ともこちらで遠州灘の海の恵みをご堪能ください! 弁天島 山本亭 住所:3212-3 Bentenjima, Maisaka-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-592-1919 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-14:30、Dinner 16:30To 22:00(Last order 21:00( 2) Parking lot:16Stand (free) Closed:Thursday

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