Gifu Mizunami "Goryu Yanagiya" Omakase Jibier at "Yanagiya Kiyama", an annex limited to one set of local cuisine restaurants representing Japan!

Gifu Prefecture is in the depths of the mountain where you can feel the four seasons of the satoyama of Mizunami City、Yanagiya, a famous local cuisine restaurant that stands in a tasteful atmosphere that relocated an old private house from the late Edo period in 1859。 Many foodies have made their name as "a place to visit once in a lifetime"、Because the reservation becomes almost introduction system by a complete reservation system、At first glance, mr. refused!? the narrow gate of。Foodies call foodies' friends、その連鎖で勢いは留まることを知らず現在も予約困難店となる名店中の名店です! 春は野山の芽吹きを感じるほろ苦さが堪らない山菜や野草を、In summer, the Pure River fish such as fragrant natural sweetfish and thick natural eel、In autumn, natural mushrooms such as matsutake mushrooms、Meat exclusively in winter、Meat、on parade of meat and gibier lovers unbearable meat and、A local cuisine restaurant representing Japan that competes with one "Omakase Course" that finishes the blessings of Satoyama with charcoal grilling because of that time。 The small restaurant that my grandmother started in Akechi village next door started the other generation、"Goryu Yanagiya", founded in 1946,、Masaaki Yamada, the father of kazutaka Yamada, the third-generation current head, established the current style of "having the ingredients of the mountain cooked and eaten on the spot at the hearth edge"。While inheriting that style、The third generation that matured into japan's best restaurant attracting attention from all over the world。Mr. Yamada, who will be the three brothers,、I cut the shop with my third son, Masashi Yamada.、His second son, Kaoru Hayashi,、2014年にオープンさせた名古屋の「御料理 柳家 錦」にて店長を務められ三兄弟で「柳家」の名を背負っているのです! 「御料理 柳家(本館)」 「御料理 柳家岐山(別館)」 昨年2021年11月にオープンされたばかりの別館は、It is built to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the founding of "Yanagiya"、The setting is the extreme of the momentum of "one set a day limited"。Also affected by coronal ravages、引き渡し日が一ヶ月ほど遅れてしまったようですが無事竣工されています! この日の岐阜の気温は、Because it got cold with only 2-3 degrees、The rain turns into snow.、As the area falls into the silver world、Thanks to a friend who took the driver, I was able to arrive safely.。To be during the period of priority measures such as spread prevention、17It will close at 20:00 from time to time。 If you open the door,、The traditional craft of splendid solid wood is enshrined、The dignifiedness is a masterpiece.。the predecessor was an antique collector.、Both in the main building annex、You can see a lot of the collection。 "Yanagiya Kizan" opened at 1:11 p.m. on November 1, 2021 with persimmon drops.。You can step into this annex limited to one set a day、懇意にしている友人のおかげです! “ヒトサラ ベストシェフ&レストラン”とは「シェフが選んだシェフ」をテーマに100人と100店をグルメメディア「ヒトサラ」が独自に表彰している年に一度のアワードです。Based on a questionnaire to chefs conducted at the end of last year、Taking into the recommendation received in the original content "Shop recommended by the chef"、"The most refined" chefs and restaurants have been selected.、This is the third generation of "Yanagiya":山田さんも受賞されています! そして、Not evaluation by experts etc.、生活者による評価をもとにした独自の年間レストランアワード「The Tabelog Award 2022」。2021from 523 stores that received extremely high ratings in 2008、"Gold" as the top of about 810,000 stores nationwide (as of December 2021) by vote by tabelog users、「Silver」、「Bronze」、「Best New Entry」、"Best Regional Restaurant" awards are selected.、523店中31店の名誉となるゴールドを獲得され授与されています! 入口に設置されたワインセラー。The selection of wine is left to the third son, Masashi Yamada.、go out to buy directly to France and Italy、You will see it with a lion nap that is sure。こちらのワインの年間仕入れ数を耳にした時は驚きを隠せませんでした! 昔ながらの伝統的な日本家屋の造りを尊重し、In a wooden building studded with the skills of a shrine carpenter、Two spaces full of openness with ceiling height continue、Even though the scent of new wood is still drifting、A calm annex where you can feel the warmth of the soil such as juraku wall。There is a goodness here which is different from the age of the main building with a taste。 a digger-type hearth prepared for each of the two。In order to charter the room comfortably for 7 people、You can stretch your legs and relax。Although it is a face-to-face type that is easy to talk about、大きな囲炉裏のおかげで程良い距離が保たれるのも嬉しい造りです! 本館、In the annex,、What pottery do you offer?、The owner and the third son carefully bake each one by one、It is the style of "Yanagiya" to provide country-style hospitality that makes you feel nostalgic somewhere、On this day, the third son, Masashi Yamada, will be in charge of baking.。Yanagiya、In the French restaurant run guide "La Liste 2019" which introduces 1,000 excellent gastronomic restaurants from all over the world、Ranked in the top 10 scores in the world、The Local Cuisine Award has also been awarded a double award and has been a brilliant achievement.、awarded annually from there、「La Liste 2022(ラ・リスト)」では、Although it was a corona evil, it was going to France、剛之(Masashi)氏が満を持してその授与式に登壇された際の裏話や珍道中話も楽しく伺うことができました! 囲炉裏に用意された炭の火おこしは既に準備万端で、Waiting for ingredients、It gently warms our cold body! Charcoal uses two different types of charcoal.、The way it is assembled is also unique.。Binchotan is placed in the center of the circle、I put the agarsh that fire is easy to turn around.。Agarsh also has the meaning of scenting、炭の良い香りを食材に閉じ込め堪能することができます! 今回はノンアルコールワインをセレクトしてもらいジビエに合わせることにしました! 先付け「蜂の子の佃煮、Simmered sardines with sweet and dew、ハツと蒟蒻の赤味噌煮込み」 卓上にセットされていたアルコールおしぼりで手を拭き、I put a nonwoven apron.、until the first skewer is baked、I will receive a three-point serving of the first mover。From the left in the order、Tsukudani of nutritious bee-little beeko, which is considered to be a delicacy in the mountainous regions of Gifu and Nagano。Bee-ine has improved anemia、Empowerment、Cancer control、It has the effect such as anti-aging、It is said to contain a lot of various nutrients.、There is a culture of eating for a long time。Because it is sweet and spicy seasoned and brown、It's hard to recognize that you're a bee child from the look.、I think that it is easy to eat even if you are not good at it。The middle is boiled with a sardine that can be eaten to the bone.、The moistly cooked sardines ooze the taste、It is made with ginger and is ideal for serving rice and drinking.。The back is braised with red miso with hats and clams.、酒好きには堪らない濃厚な味わいが楽しめます! 一串目は、"Leek room" with duck carrying leek。 The position and angle of the skewer are delicately adjusted to make a decision、The moment the duck fat drips through the leeks as it is baked、While making a delicious sound、良い色に仕上がっていきます! 面を返して、It's been a while now.。 The final touch is to broil over a charcoal fire。The fire rises when the fat drips、見ているこちらもワクワクしてしまいます! 「鴨の葱間」 器に盛り、"Duck onion" served with a sprinkling of salt。Duck-like elasticity and sweetness、Onions so hot that they melt with enough duck fat、For the overflowing meat juice and onion juice、言うまでもなく相性抜群の組み合わせに舌鼓! 「大根サラダ」 地場の大根の皮を剥き半月切りにし、A simple salad with just salt。To become a meat continuation of game、The presence of entrees。 I'm crazy about the story.、The following skewers have already been cooked.、Next is "Duck Loin"。 Crimson lean flesh dripping with blood。 The finish is broiled after soaking it in a pot containing a secret pickled sauce! The secret pickled sauce is made of blended soy sauce and ginger seam addition、By oozing the fat and gravy of the pickled meat、深みのあるオリジナルの漬けダレになっています! 「鴨ロース」 炭の火入れに勝るものは無し時期が限定される旬の食材の新鮮な肉を新鮮な内に捌き囲炉裏で焼き脂と血が滴る熱々の状態で頬張り肉本来の旨味を味わうとはまさにこのことでこれぞジビエ!と思わせてくれます! お次は真っ白な脂に淡くピンク色のきめの細やかな肉質は豚のように見えて実は肥大させた「猪」とのこと!(驚) その猪の脂は本当に良く燃えます!それだけ余分な脂を落としてくれるので脂の塊を見ても自然と恐れる気持ちは無くなります(笑) 激しく立ち上がる炎に身を潜らせて仕上げるその見事な火入れは、It is also a skilled technique like a performance.、見惚れてしまいます! 「肥大させた猪ロース」 絶妙な火入れで、Moist and soft、The boar with a strong umami、You will be served plenty of sour grain mustard。The boar fat that was intentionally enlarged was smooth.、It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fat that can be drunk! Because he says that I can drink the fat that I am not good at near 50 years old.、This is already a technique that can be done with ingredients.。High-quality fat also has a sweetness、It is also indispensable for women's beautiful skin。In addition、低カロリーで高タンパクと言うことなしの猪です! 「柳家」では肉質がやわらかく香りがやさしい1歳以下のメスの仔鹿を好んで使うことが多いそうです厚さ2cm程に分厚く切ったロースをじっくりと焼いていきます! 「仔鹿のロース」 繊細で柔らかな肉質はジューシィーで仕上げに秘伝の漬けダレに潜らせているためそのままでも十分美味しいのですが柚子胡椒を添えることでパンチの効いた味わいに! 家業のお手伝いもしながら昼夜働く御両親の背中を見て育つクルミちゃんあやとりが得意なようで待機中に色々披露してくれてこちらはエッフェル塔!齢5歳にして大人に物怖じすることなく会話ができる将来有望な後継ぎの一人かもしれません(笑) 先端にハツを乗せた一羽を半身にした「仔鴨」仔鴨はマガモの小さい鴨鴨の子供と思われている方も少なくないと思いますが実は全くの別品種で仔鴨は「仔鴨」という鴨の名前とのことで「鴨界では一番美味しいと思いますよ!」と剛之(Masashi)氏ここまで、Meat、Meat、肉と肉続きのオンパレードでしたがまだ自分の脳と胃が肉を欲する力が残っているから驚きです! 「仔鴨の半身」 秘伝の漬けダレを身に纏い艶やかに仕上がった「仔鴨の半身」!豪快に足を拝借しかぶり付きます!こちらには香り爽やかな本山葵を添えていただきます冬は優しい伊豆の本山葵を夏は刺激的な安曇野の本山葵を使用されています! お次は「鴨鍋」たっぷりの野菜の出汁と鴨の旨味が詰まった「鴨鍋」の取り分けもスタッフさんがしてくださいます! 「鴨鍋」 里芋、Daikon radish、インカのめざめ、Turnip、Tofu、Shimeji mushrooms、なめこ茸玉蒟蒻、Green onions、Burdock root、A duck hot pot with lots of ingredients with plenty of serum and plenty of vegetables and duck meat! Under the large hearth、How can we all sit around one pot?、It's like coming back to your parents' house in the countryside.、ほっこりと温かな気持ちにさせてくれます! お野菜たっぷりで食べ応えがあり素材それぞれの旨味はもちろんのこと濃厚な鴨の脂の甘味と旨味がほとばしる絶品鴨鍋!辛味を楽しむ一味と香りを楽しむ七味はお好みで! 〆には「自然薯」が登場!ここでも長女のクルミちゃんがお手伝いしてくれていてお櫃からご飯をよそってくれました! 「自然薯のとろろ飯」 古来より滋養強壮食として珍重され山菜の王者「自然薯」静岡県で自然薯といえば私の実家でもそうでしたが鯖の味噌汁で伸ばすのが一般的のように思いますが、Here you will、Smooth and light natural potato stretched with fragrant bonito broth、麦飯にたっぷりとかけても軽く飲めてしまう美味しさ!思わず2杯目のおかわりもペロリと頂いてしまいます! デザートは何故か「三ヶ日みかん」で御座いました! 温かな囲炉裏を囲み美食や旅話が尽きない仲間との究極のジビエの集いお誘いいただき本当に有難う御座いました!その時期毎に異なる楽しみ方がある「柳家」にまた是非次回もお声がけ頂ければと思います! 御料理 柳家(1日1組限定別館:Yanagiya Kiyama) Address:〒509-6361 岐阜県瑞浪市陶町猿爪573-27 予約専用番号:050-5263-3236(完全予約制) お問合せ番号:0572-65-2102 Hours of operation:12:00-15:00、17:00To 22:00(Sunday is 21:00まで) ※まん延防止等重点措置期間中は異なります 定休日:Occasionally parking:有(無料)...

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