Atami Birthday Trip (1) (2) "Waguri Confectionery Kiito -Raw Silk-" 1mm Waguri Mont Blanc with chestnut original rich aroma and deep taste while suppressing sweetness

"Atami Ginza Shopping Street" with a retro Showa atmosphere from the good old days。 Currently, there are many new stores using vacant houses、La DOPPIETTA, a popular gelato store,、かばのロゴで人気を博した「熱海プリン」の2号店「熱海プリンカフェ2nd」など、Stylish and catchy cafes and western confectionery shops、A new wind of a new store is poured into a nostalgic and retro-modern shopping street、若年層の観光客を呼び寄せています! その中でも一際目を惹き一躍人気を集めているのがこちらの「和栗菓子kiito -生糸-」です! 「和栗菓子kiito -生糸-」は、Atami's best-established luxury inn "Furuya Ryokan" boasting a history of more than 200 years and "Waguri Specialty Saori", a procession shop in Kyoto, became a joint production shop、2021年3月2日に熱海銀座商店街(熱海銀座通り)にオープンした行列必至の和栗モンブラン専門店! 熊本県上益城郡産の丹沢種と筑波種の高品質な2つの純国産和栗を合わせたkiitoオリジナルのモンブランは、Made with the same recipe as "Waguri specialty Saori"、Waguri squeezed out of the squeezer with a thinness of 1mm on the spot becomes sweetness modest、You can enjoy the original taste of chestnuts、The appearance that shines on SNS and the high-quality Western confectionery that gourmet groans、It quickly gained popularity as a sweets representing Atami、オープンより僅か半年で5万食以上を販売しているブレイク商品となります! 本来ならば、I would like you to make it fresh in the store.、Pet entry is for NG、This time, a new product that has just started to be sold from November 1st "1mm Japanese chestnut takeaway Mont Blanc - Yui" and、食べ歩き用「1mm和栗のモンブランソフトクリーム」を購入したいと思います! テイクアウト商品は11時~17時までの販売となり、There is also the fact that "Furuya Ryokan" where I stayed this time is operated、We receive a special discount ticket for guests。 Mont Blanc to finish by wearing kinshi-like Japanese chestnut paste by using a dedicated squeezer after ordering! This is a package of "Takeaway Mont Blanc - Yui".、店内で提供されているサイズより少々小振りなサイズとなるようです! 目の前で絞り出される和栗ペーストは1mmの細さととても繊細で、The appearance of weaving is like the name of the shop itself named raw silk、本物の生糸のような美しさがあります! お次は食べ歩き用の「モンブランソフトクリーム」を仕上げていきます! 滝のように流れ出てくる和栗ペーストを器用に受け手を回しながら全体にバランス良くかかるように仕上げる熟練パティシエの技! 最後に絞り口をカットして完成! 食べ歩き用「1mm和栗のモンブランソフトクリーム (ミルクソフトクリーム)1,100円 種類は「ミルクソフトクリーム」、"Shizuoka Tea Soft Serve Ice Cream"、There are three kinds of "mango soft serve ice cream (discontinued)"、プレーンのミルクをオーダー! 1mmの純国産和栗ペーストの中に隠れているのは、For crispy meringue、Packed with soft serve ice cream、There is a streisel.、The crunchy feeling is also up! Is japanese chestnut paste kneaded with astringent skin?、Like a star of buckwheat noodles、There are small brown grains in some places.、豊かな栗の香りと奥深い味わいを楽しませてくれそうです! 「モンブランソフトクリーム」は食べ歩き用ですが、I wanted to eat while looking at the sea、Hurry to the seaside, which is a few minutes away by car! The Montblanc soft-serve ice cream with the blue sky and Atami Port in the background is exquisite from the first bite.、I've always loved soft serve ice cream.、The compatibility of elegant Japanese chestnut paste and milk soft with a low sweetness is outstanding! sometimes、Crispy、Meringue and Streisel accents that appear crisply are also fun、2人でペロリと平らげてしまいました! 保冷バッグにて自宅に持ち帰ったテイクアウト専用の「1mm和栗のお持ち帰りモンブラン-結-(ゆい)」の消費期限は、It is set to be up to 22 hours on the day of production date by refrigeration required、In order not to spoil the flavor of chestnuts、極力早めに食べることをお勧め致します! パッケージが可愛いので贈答用にもお勧めですがあくまでも生の洋菓子ということを忘れてはいけません! 新商品「1mm和栗のお持ち帰りモンブラン-結-(ゆい)」1,600円 こちらのテイクアウト商品を開発されるまでは、Waguri Mont Blanc that I could only get in the store、Succeeded in maintaining the texture by coating crispy meringue with white chocolate! Repeatedly develop products with dozens of chocolate coatings、Don't spoil the flavor of meringue and insist too much、絶妙な厚さでコーティングできるホワイトチョコレートを選定することができるまで約半年の試行錯誤の末に完成された新商品となります! 持ち帰ったことで時間が経過してしまっているため、Normally, the thick meringue has been crushed thinly.、味わいは遜色なく楽しめました! まるで生糸のような繊細は和栗ペーストをふんわりと纏わせたモンブランは、To make use of the original taste of chestnuts with genuine fresh cream made from hokkaido raw milk、There is no cringe and elegance by suppressing the sweetness of sugar to the limit。Melt-in-your-mouth marron cream on a moist sponge cake、Homemade meringue baked slowly at low temperature using Wasanbon is coated with white chocolate、Crispy texture finished in a taste close to the mont blanc in the store。By enjoying these layers in one bite、The deliciousness of the delicious Japanese chestnut Mont Blanc spreads to your mouthful、自宅でも贅沢なティータイムを楽しむことができました! kiitoオリジナルのメニューには、There is also "Waguri and seasonal fruit parfait" combined with seasonal fruits、Next time, I hope we can enjoy it in the store.。It is not an exaggeration to say that it is adult sweets "Waguri confectionery kiito - raw silk-"。熱海旅行の際には是非ともお勧めしたいお店の一つとなります! 和栗菓子kiito-生糸- Address:8-9 Ginzacho, Atami City, Shizuoka TEL:0557-52-3551 Hours of operation:10:00-17:00 Takeaway:Yes Parking:No

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