Vintage poster exhibition is being held at Hamamatsu and Nordic vintage furniture "Learner's"!

Focusing on Danish and British vintages、Learner's furniture and miscellaneous goods。Current、3月4日(金)〜3月13日(日)まで開催されている「ヴィンテージポスター展」へ行って参りました!浜松は舘山寺街道沿いに佇む白い建物サインが目印です! オーナーの内藤慎一(Shinichi Naito)さんは、Leveraging our experience selling vintage furniture and repair and maintenance skills、2007Opened the long-awaited store in front of my home on May 30, 2008。 Things that have been used for a long time、What is currently being made?、With the concept of a select shop that proposes interior life that combines these to live happily in your own way、デンマークやイギリスのビンテージを中心に家具と雑貨(ビンテージと新品)を取り扱われています! 北欧ビンテージ家具は、Many of them are teak, known as high-grade wood.、its beautiful deep brown hue and wood skin、And the delicate grain of wood is easy to blend in your hand、Gives a very soft impression、Over the years, it has changed over time.、The tasteful atmosphere provides peace of mind。 Fresh flowers in the store、Occasionally, there is、助信にある花屋「FLANNEL FLOWER(フランネルフラワー)」の山本さんが時折活けにいらっしゃっているとのこと私たちも大好きな山本さんのセンスの良さが光ります! コンパクトなサイズ感の店内だからこそ、Furniture and sundries installed in a natural style as if they were a corner of the living room of the home。Every time I visit、There is a change of furniture.、being repositioned is a different atmosphere and、A nice shop that shows various faces。 Tableware and accessories、Interior miscellaneous goods etc.、Some are Nordic vintages.、New brand-name products are also lined up、The old and new designs are very natural fusion! other day、We were born in Antwerp, Belgium, and we also had a bowl of MINSK (Minsk) of "DOMANI" (color):Brick)とヨーロッパ製のガラスのフラワーベースをこちらで購入したばかりです! この日の目的は、"Vintage Poster Exhibition" currently being held。And、それを主催している友人のアートコレクターである宿里博(Hiroshi Yadori)さんにも久方振りにお会いしたくて足を運んで参りました! 今回は、1967Vintage posters such as posters for events organized by the Marg Foundation in Miró of the Year and posters for Picasso's exhibition in 1973 and Hockney's exhibition posters from the 80's have been showcased.、96Tillmans poster at the Louisiana Museum of Art of the Year and Egleston、Ellsworth Kelly and others will be relatively new works。Picasso caught the eye among the dozen or so vintage posters。1973Annual and、They're the same age as me.、I feel attached to it.。 There are also children who have already decided on a marriage destination after being held、I heard that we are replacing several new works.。If you have a favorite piece you want to buy,、Contact Us、It might be good to visit。 While listening to memories about vintage posters from the organizer's Mr. Shuri、The story is one of the present pleasures of our home.、Spreading about the collection of Scandinavian vintage furniture and accessories、We had various discussions with the owner Naito!! What we like is hot、こうした会話を楽しめ共感し合える仲間が居てくれるというのは嬉しい限りです! 宿里さんお気に入りのデビッド・ホックニーのポスターも2点展示されており、It is one of the works that has been kept carefully.。 In the Lerners.、Because repair and maintenance of Nordic vintage furniture are also possible、There are many cases where we actually consult、この日も購入したばかりのサイドボードの引き出し内部のリペアについて伺ってきました! 物腰が柔らかく、Naito-san who is easy to talk to。They are very easy to understand and kind to me.、安心してお任せできます! 居心地の良さでつい長居をしてしまいがちなラーナーズ。I'm sure、貴方のお家にプラスアルファできるお気に入りの家具や雑貨に出会えることでしょう! Learner’s(ラーナーズ) 住所:Shizuoka, Hamamatsu-shi, Naka-ku, Tomizuka-cho, 3003-36 TEL:053-476-8571 Hours of operation:Weekdays 13:00-20:00、Saturday and Sunday:11:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday Parking:店前に有(無料) ヴィンテージポスター展 開催期間:3月4日(金)〜3月13日(日)※火曜定休 (アートコレクター宿里氏も夕方17時ぐらいまでは在店予定)

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