Ninja series rigid "wonton Hotels Classic Sesame and lightly salt to enjoy lunch

姫街道から高丘方面に入り浜松市立葵が丘小学校近くにあるラーメン屋「ワンタン軒」さん大将の豊田さんの「は~い♪いらっしゃ~い♪」の小気味よい掛け声を久々に。Here is the original、「ホームラン軒、Nabari、Coming、小六」を手がけてきた大将森重さんのプロデュースしたお店で、It is a ramen shop that Mr. Toyoda has taken over after the transfer of management rights。Former Generals、Morishige is currently、西区大山で「荒野のラーメン」という新店舗を変わらず営業中! 店内はL字カウンター10席と座敷4席のこじんまりとしたお店で、Always crowded with regulars、It is a space where you can enjoy conversation with Mr. Toyoda over the counter、It seems that the relationship between regulars also deepens、Such a place。 It was the first time in 4 months that I visited the store.、豊田さんが「ねだっち相変わらず忙しそうだね~♪」と温かく出迎えてくれます(笑) 43歳になる豊田さん。In this shop where the wife and two people get along well、It is open at my own pace so much that it is super attached (laughs) Although it is a little time just to eat ramen、Toyoda-San and I always have fun at casual dining information exchange. strong image of Ninja ball ramen speaking of wontons and Sesame bijin 700 yen、Also click here Sesame beauty staple is popular.。Here knows perfectly matched Sesame soup、Women in popular taste。With homemade noodles、Bunch flat straight at low water。Scent of wheat、Better texture、Also I 絡mimasu better soup in the dust, and the taste! wonton ramen 700 yen, I so's shio ramen。Not even my salt、Not even the Japanese plum salt、Not even salt Ninja ball、I have ordinary salt。In fact this day、For tired stomach, thin in order。Always a little chance order will respond flexibly。Soup is especially features such as this are not, simple taste.、Still here like about noodle whip lash is a feeling of。Homemade noodles also fit of sesame seeds to the soup.、Is pleased to meet feeling the bite in a simple salt potato noodles。Toyota's、You'll also know ♪ wonton hotels Hamamatsu-Shi Naka-ku Takaoka East 3-44-3 TEL:053-437-4708 Hours of operation:11:00-14:00 17:30-23:00 Closed on Mondays:On Thursday..

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