Birthday trip in Karuizawa(5)Healthy breakfast centered on highland vegetables at "Auberge de Primavera"

A refreshing morning at the French restaurant "Auberge de Primavera" with all-junior suite accommodation in Karuizawa。When I visited as a birthday trip in early November, the autumn leaves、Fallen leaves of deciduous trees piled up、It is made into art while expressing the deepening of autumn.。 Here you will、There is a breakfast hall.、LET'S HAVE IT AT THIS "VEGAN PLÜS (VEGAN +PLUS)" LOCATED OPPOSITE THE ACCOMMODATION! Because you can also set breakfast time at check-in、This time it was 8 in the morning.:00To ask。 What is "VEGAN" in the store name?、Original、To avoid using ingredients of animal origin、Although the main dish here is vegan cuisine、Meat and seafood menus are also provided so that non-vegans can enjoy them.。Not only for guests、Because it will be a restaurant that is open to the public.、ふらりと立ち寄って朝食だけをお召し上がりになる方もいらっしゃるそうです! 店内は、Seats are secured comfortably in a warm natural atmosphere of wood.、Dishes are lined up on the counter.。 ブッフェスタイルの朝食 パンは軽井沢で創業1933年の老舗パン屋となる「ブランジェ浅野屋」のパンを用意。Croissants in baguettes、Campagne and more、Rebake with Aladdin toaster if you like。 Cereal Fruit Juice (Apple, Orange, Tomato Juice) The vegetable-based menu is healthy、If you have eaten too much, you will find the perfect item for breakfast.。 Cut fruit and yogurt in the store on this day、We are the only guests who use the breakfast venue.、Please prepare a seat by the window here.、Thankfully, I was allowed to accompany my dog Chocolat.、Bring your own homemade chocolate breakfast、We were able ♪ to eat together, because we could include as much as we wanted, according to our own tastes.、グリーンサラダはたっぷりといただきましょう! カウンターにいらしたシェフは普段、He was in charge of the grill at the sister restaurant "Pyreness".、Chef Masaya Adachi, who is active as a supervisor with the president.。He is very friendly.、For friendly customer service、楽しい時間を共有させていただきました♪ 「グリーンサラダ」 エンダイブやカステルフランコなどのイタリア野菜にベビーリーフなどがミックスされており、Brightly swirling beets and tomatoes for the eyes。The homemade dressing has a concentrated flavor of onions.、Make delicious vegetables more delicious、無限に食べさせることができる魔法のソースです! きんぴら牛蒡、Sweet potatoes boiled in lemon herb、Ham、Carrot rapée with raisins、Marinated purple cabbage、Macaroni salad。 Ham on bread、Rebaked with cheese、Colorful salad with homemade dressing、Yogurt on cut fruit、Vegetables are the main side dishes on one plate、フルーツジュースにコーヒーをいただくバランスの良い朝食です! 愛犬ショコラも手作りの朝食を頬張りご満悦な表情!通常、Please note that this restaurant is not pet-friendly。 Commemorative photo with Chef Masaya Adachi。 宿泊施設 お部屋へ戻り、Because it was given to the weather、Go out to the balcony for dessert after dinner! With freshly brewed coffee、While having a petit four (small confectionery) wrapped in a souvenir last night、至福のバースデー日和が始まります♪ オーベルジュ・ド・プリマヴェーラ (Auberge de Primavera) 住所:1278-11 Karuizawa, Karuizawa-cho, Kitasaku-gun, Nagano TEL:0267-42-0095

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