Toyohashi French "aru" Delicate and neat full course along the body naturally by making use of the local material of Higashi-Mikawa

Since 12/27/2017 opened in the city of Toyohashi, Aichi prefecture building 2nd floor、As early as distinguished oneself、I went to French restaurant "aru", which has grown into a popular restaurant in the Higashi-Mikawa area.、Full course lunchtime! The location is on the 2nd floor of the Yoshida Building along Hirokoji within a 5-minute walk from JR Toyohashi Station.、A simple brass sign under the soft light lit by eucalyptus trees and naked bulbs is a landmark! If you visit for the first time in a while、1On the 1st floor, there was a high-end bread specialty store "Muginokura"。 The name of the shop is named after the names of your two children.、"aru(al)"。 At the end of the leisurely approach、The smoky blue wooden door that becomes the theme color of this shop welcomes you gently、A comfortable space awaits you at the end of the door! The design of the store is、Toyokawa is active mainly in architects ' HAAG DESIGN + Haag Cafe (Hague Design + The Hague Cafe)" is designed to incorporate the chef's attention、Exudes a cosy soft air to flow into the simplicity of space。Kitchen suggests that the appearance of the floor are arranged on the right、We have about 14 to 18 seats in a relaxed manner.、It seems that the sales style while the number of seats is slightly limited by corona disaster continues。 20I wanted to out the atmosphere of the restaurant you like found in the apprenticeship in Paris in the late、Suzuki chef talk round table using the old material was item 外せない。Think that chef is granted the、Kazushi Aoyama, a craftsman of the workshop "Wood and Leather aoyama" in Shitara-cho, Aichi Prefecture! dare、The round table with taste created by stitching together old wood is packed with Chef Suzuki's warm thought that "I want you to enjoy the meal without straining your shoulders and elbows"! Fresh flowers that make you feel the season are、Kaori Akaya of Toyohashi's small flower shop "Lacle Florists" regularly asks for arrangement and maintenance、I am always healed by the flowers and plants that are set up very tastefully! This is、Learn the basics of cooking from Chef Yuji Kawada of osaka's bistro "Avolonte"、In addition、Hiroki Yoshitake of the popular restaurant "Sola" which became independent after training at the 3-star "l'Astrance" in Paris and earned 1 Michelin star at the shortest (Yoshitake Hiroki)And the chef、I learned a lot how to make use of the ingredients from chef Minoru Ogata of "nacrée" in Sendai, who is also from "Astrance" and becomes a Michelin star.、Chef Takumi Suzuki, who gained experience as a service and Sommelier at Restaurant Eternite in Osaka, was 32 years old.、It is an independent shop with Sommelier's wife, Aya Suzuki, and two tripods! Although "ARU" has been cheering since the beginning of the open,、Gault, a restaurant guidebook from France published in 20 countries around the world as a restaurant guide recommended by gastronomic experts&Millau (Go et Millau) 2022" won two tocks for the second consecutive year、Makes its national debut! Currently lunch、Recommended one course "saison" for both dinner ¥11,000 (around 12 dishes)、Taking advantage of ingredients that can see the faces of producers who place trust with the chef's own eyes、We are offering dishes unique to Higashi-Mikawa that can only be tasted here! In the walk-in cellar in the store、About 700 bottles of Wine, mainly Japanese wines, are placed.、The treasured children who have collected little by little by two people up to now are lined up.。You can also enjoy Japanese wine, which has attracted attention in recent years, to match the dishes.、Only in this shop! Today's Menu Drinks menu includes、Available in a wide range of drinks from alcohol to soft drinks、For those who like wine、Mainly Composed of Japanese and French wines、A pairing wine course is also available to snuggles up to the dishes。This time, we selected 7 kinds of dishes with wine for each of them! Champagne「Petitjean Pienne / "Champagnes Blanc de Balncs Extra Brut" / プチジャン ピエンヌ) 「ブラン ド ブラン エクストラ ブリュット シャンパーニュ プチジャン ピエンヌ」は、Blanc de Blanc Champagne made only from Chardonnay。One of the most highly regarded Côte des Blancs districts known for their high-quality Chardonnay、Produced only in Chardonnay from the Village of Claaman, a Grand Cru-rated village。Made by assembling wines from several different years、3Released after 20 years of maturation。Charred butter、Honey、With a faint citrus flavor、It is a well-balanced champagne that harmonizes delicate sourness and gorgeous fruitiness.! 「春人参とライム」 春人参の香りや旨味を水に移した澄み切った冷製スープ。Dripping olive oil、A dish with lime skin shaved to finish。Feel the smell of the soil and the natural sweetness of vegetables、一気に食欲を掻き立てられる魔法のスープです! 最初の冷製スープで食べるモードにスイッチが入ったのか俄然食欲が湧いてきました!初夏に相応しい色鮮やかな盛り付けも思わず心が躍ります! この日は、I visited with my friend Ono-san.、Although I had recommended "aru" for a long time、The timing is not right easily、This time、初aruを体験していただきます! 「ミニトマト」・「もものすけ」 定番で提供している豊川の「ミニトマト」は、tart with rosemary scent。Served with asparagus grown spikes and leaves。"Mini tomato" made with great pains by the family of mr. and Mrs. Suzuki's friends has become one of the indispensable ingredients for "aru"! If you take a bite,、The sweetness of the tomato that can be played with a petit、moderately salty、Finger food with rosemary scent tickles nose。薄タルトのサクサク食感がまた良いアクセントになります! 赤蕪の一種で生で食すのに適している「もものすけ」を薄くスライスし、Homemade karasumi sandwiched between、Served with Nastatium。柔らかな肉質で甘味の強い「もものすけ」にねっとりとした半生カラスミがマッチング! 愛犬ショコラを飼うようになってから、I'm really going out at night and it's really less、Originally, we who drink lunch are more suitable for the character。While the pleasant sunlight shines in、緩やかな時の流れを感じながら味わうワインはまた格別です! 「デラ空洞 2021/LES VINS VIVANTS(レヴァンヴィヴァン」 長野県東御市の「LES VINS VIVANTS(レヴァンヴィヴァン」から初リリースのワイン「デラ空洞2022」。2015Mr. and Mrs. Ogino who moved to Tomi City in 1997、Pinot Noir、Gamay、Chenin Blanc、Chardonnay, etc.、We cultivate various varieties naturally without using pesticides or chemical fertilizers.。This is made by purchasing Delaware from Yamagata Prefecture、Whole chamber semimasseracion carbonic preparation without de-infarction crushing in an open stainless steel tank。Wait for fermentation to begin with wild yeast。I didn't do pijaju.、Light le montage from around the 4th day after fermentation begins。Squeezed with a pneumatic membrane press in the middle of fermentation、Switch to fermentation of only fruit juice。After fermentation、Surreal until bottled to give it a little umami。No sulfite is added from preparation to bottling、Unfiltered、Bottled。ヌーヴォーらしいチャーミングな香りとデラウェア特有の溌剌とした酸と旨味のバランスが取れたワインを「玉レタス」に合わせて! エチケットのイラストは、Illustrator Yunico Uchiyama's unique and cute design、It's etiquette that I don't often see as wine.、I feel like that's the time、一瞬「YOASOBI」的だと思いました!(笑) 「イチローファームの玉レタス」 豊川の「イチローファーム」は、Yoshiyasu Kitakawa's older brother of "Biryoku no Kaze Farm Kitakawa" where green asparagus is made、Looking up to Ichiro Kitagawa、"Ichiro Farm" taken from the name。The organic "tama lettuce" made here、No lye or ebb at all、Lushly、Leaves are softer than winter lettuce、You can feel the sweetness! Served with baby leaf salad on top、Pickled kumquat compote and chalets in some places、Salad lettuce with oil made with toyohashi leaves, which boasts the largest production volume! There is no crispy feeling、Feel the sweetness of lettuce every time you chew、The bitterness of kumquat、The faintly fragrant leaf oil is beautifully fused、デラウェアのナチュールワインとの相性も抜群!このレタスの持つ素材の強さを存分に活かしているサラダレタスにハマってしまいました! 自然の恵みが織り成す断面美!これほどに瑞々しく美味しいレタスであれば一玉をあっという間に平らげてしまうことでしょう!愛知県と静岡県は本当に美味しい野菜を作る農家さんで溢れています! 「こことあるシリーズ 2018 ぴのろぜ/ COCO FARM & WINERY(ココ・ファーム・ワイナリー)」 このロゼワインは、It all started when I tried pinot noir, which I originally intended to make red wine, and made rosé wine.、The wine made with the intention of being a one-time limit was so popular that、It later、It is built while refining and exploring the best way。The mouthfeel has a pink grapefruit-like umami and bitter aroma centered on a sour taste with a smooth core.、フレッシュで豊かな果実味のある味わいが心地好いワインを「初鰹」に合わせて! 殆どのサーヴを奥様の彩ちゃんが担当してくれますが、Occasionally、鈴木シェフもキッチンから出てきて料理の説明をしてくれます!アシスタントを付けずに全てを一人で担う鈴木くんには脱帽です! 「新玉葱 初鰹」 御前崎の初鰹に薪の香りを纏わせ、Pureed onion served instead of sauce。Purple radishes or pickled carrots、I taste it with tsubokusa with the bittersweetness of wild vegetables。Wildflowers, which are natural and ask masters of wildflowers, are also attached to the dishes.。The nutritional value of wild grass and the power of nature are inscapable.。The first bonito cut into thick dice、In a beautiful color with a pale and transparent feeling,、Enjoy the light taste that comes perfectly at this time of year、滑らかで上質な新玉ピューレの甘味が初鰹を優しく包んでくれています! 「北河さんのグリーンアスパラガス」 「豊橋百儂人」に認定されている「美緑の風ファーム北河」の北河芳泰さんのグリーンアスパラガスの登場です!太くて立派なグリーンアスパラガスですが、Cooked and served without boiling to enjoy freshness。Sauce made from green asparagus stock emulsified with butter and tree buds、Dill、Borage、Served with yuzu confiture。 Kitagawa's green asparagus has a strong aroma、It is characterized by soft and juicy pulp.、バターソースの香ばしさにも負けず劣らずの個性が引き立ちます!...

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