Hamamatsu "EXPASA Hamanako, a service area where you can enjoy gourmet food overlooking Lake Hamana with a superb view"

東京⇄名古屋間の東名高速走路のサービスエリアとして浜松市北区三ヶ日町にある「EXPASA浜名湖」は、It will be an centralized type that shares facilities on the upper and lower lines.、It is located on a hill overlooking Lake Hamana.、絶景のロケーションを誇ります! こちらは、2019Renewal work started in May of this year.、After that、Phased renewal、Since its grand opening as "EXPASA Hamanako" on December 5 of the same year、It is also a popular service area as a tourist spot。 Rest facilities on site are、"West Building" on the up line side、"East Building" on the down line side、Divided into "Restaurant Pavilion"、The "East Building" is open 24 hours a day, which is convenient.。 Outside, there are many food stalls where you can take out.、Lake Hamana's specialties such as eels and dumplings、Skewers, grilled zoba, etc.、Snacks are available。 Hamamatsu gyoza, which is a representative of B-class gourmet as a Hamamatsu gourmet, also seems to be popular and forms a long line。手軽な軽食としては最適! ショッピング館入り口では、Local vegetables are also sold.、"New onions" at this time of year、"Garlic"、"Lemon"、"Apple"、"Sweet potato" and other items are on sale.。I also got a large amount of large lemons。 Within Shopping、Souvenirs limited to Lake Hamana and sweets using the famous eel、It is full of popular products in the souvenir ranking。館内は愛犬との同伴は不可となりますので交代で楽しみましょう! GW中のこの日は天候に恵まれ、A driving day with your dog Chocolat。If you're with a dog like us、As a condition of the service area、It is essential to check whether there is a dog run or a lawn area。愛犬のリフレッシュ休憩としてもサービスエリアの存在はとても大切な場所となります! 遊歩道を進むと右手には「湖の見えるフード館」が建ち、The spacious food court with about 440 seats and the terrace with a view are also popular。On the left is a vast lawn with a slope.、You can overlook the majestic Lake Hamana。 The sightseeing boat around Lake Hamana is also one of the popular attractions here。There are about two flights per hour.、Sightseeing time is about 20 minutes。The price is 1,000 yen per person for adults、Children (4 years old ~ elementary school students) can board for 500 yen / person。 A staircase is prepared in the center of the lawn square.、It is possible to disembark at the sightseeing boat dock。 浜名湖サービスエリア遊覧船乗り場 特設桟橋から発着する遊覧船「海の湖 船(ちゃか)めぐり」。This is the only sightseeing boat in Japan that departs and arrives from the service area。現役の漁師が船頭してくれます! 【遊覧船催行日】 2023年4月22日(土)~5月28日(日)までの期間の土曜日、Sunday、祝日 2023年7月15日(土)~11月26日(日)までの期間の土曜日、Sunday、祝日 浜名湖の湖岸の延長距離は琵琶湖、It is the third place after Kasumigaura.、The complex terrain creates a unique landscape、The blessed brackish lake, which is home to about 800 kinds of seafood, has become a symbol of tourism in the region with the catchphrase of "lake of the sea"。One of the Eight Views of the Far River、Set sail from the scenic spot of "Sitting Falling Goose"、Enter the scenic spot of "Akizuki in Tateyama" Hamanako Uchiura Bay、船上から眺める舘山寺温泉の景観が好評です! サービスエリアではワンコ連れのご家族も多く、It is also customary to greet each other。 My chocolat is my only daughter and I'm not used to dogs.、I'm not good at greeting dogs.、このトイプードルの子とは珍しく鼻を近付けるところまでいけました! 坂道が怖いのか、When you step into the lawn square, you will be stopped.、Chocolat that makes the lead go。一筋縄ではいかない頑固娘です(笑) 降りてしまえば、It seemed that a comfortable lawn was waiting for me、He is in a good mood。 A small dog Chihuahua、I'm not good at long-distance wampos,、いつものワンポコースとなる佐鳴湖湖畔とは違った雰囲気を楽しんでくれています♪ 初夏の眩さと暖かな陽射しを浴びて、He has a big smile on his face (it's just a squeaky moment):笑) 湖に面した休憩場所として心地良い風が流れており、You can see why it's so popular。 At the back of the lawn square, an object "Bell of Happiness" commemorating the "Lover's Sanctuary" is installed.、記念撮影の場所としても人気スポット! 恋人の聖地では、You can pledge your love to each other with the heart-shaped padlock "Heart Rock"。If you get a "heart lock"、Write a message on the padlock、It seems that they lock the fence with their love。フェンス一面に愛が結ばれています! 「幸せの鐘」を鳴らすと、The sound of bells is carried by the wind、It makes a soothing sound。This service area is a place where you meet in one place on the upper and lower lines.、It seems that it is considered a "sacred place for lovers" because it is auspicious for lovers。 If you go to the right hand side of the "Lover's Sanctuary" that protrudes like a cape, there is a wooden deck.、こちらも撮影スポットです! 東名高速道路や対岸のホテル新緑が眩しい山々の景色と反対側の浜名湖の景色を堪能! 敷地の広さから小1時間ほどの休憩を楽しむことができます。 After you've had enough fun with Wampo、Sitting on a bench in the lawn、Stay hydrated and take a break。 As a place to go out with your dog Chocolat、 絶景の浜名湖を堪能できる場所としては最高のロケーションとなるサービスエリアです! 浜名湖サービスエリア・EXPASA浜名湖 住所静岡県浜松市北区三ヶ日町佐久米47-1 TEL:053-526-7220 Parking lot:Bottom: 54 large vehicles, 374 small cars、(上)大型車40台・小型車287台 年中無休...

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