Hida Takayama Kiyomi "Cure Nonchue" Ham and sausage specialty store pursuing the taste of authentic French tradition

In the town of Kiyomi near Hida Takayama、Looking for the same cool air and delicious water as france、Curnontue, a workshop at Charcuterie Salezon, which specializes in french ham and sausages。 Mr. Junji Yamaoka, who was a founder and famous owner who was passionate about smoking making、I left the trading company I worked for and went to France at the age of 60.、After training for three years in Jura Mountains Mortoo, famous for smoked products in Europe、After returning to Japan、After repeated selection of locations、1998Opened in the Hida Mountains in the autumn of 2008。What is the shop name "Kurnonchue"?、In honor of the writer-foodies Kurnonsky, who has made France's local cuisine and tourism resources known to the world、Apply the same sound verb (give in) as the smoke guidance (=tue) of the smoking equipment peculiar to the provinces、It is named with the meaning "Why can't I let you come in with delicious food?"、Mr. Yamaoka still died、The authentic taste has been handed down by the handwork of the disciple craftsmen.。 A wooden workshop that blends into the peaceful scenery of Kiyomi rich in nature、in the Jura Mountains of Fransch-Conte、17Because it is equipped with a smoke chamber as well as a custom to design the building around the smoke guidance (Chue) of smoking from the old days of the 21st century、屋根から聳え立つ煙突が目印にもなっています! 鹿児島の霧島高原で元気良く放牧地を駆け回り、Prosciutto and sausage made from "Kagoshima Kurobuta" grown on natural feed、Smoked products such as bacon、Mature products、Heating products and more than 40 items、幅広いバリエーションで揃う店内! キュルノンチュエの味覚の土台となる四本の柱「①ブルターニュ”ゲランド塩田の天日乾燥塩”、Setouchi "Hakata's Salt" and Self-Contained Salt、"(2) Traditional Techniques of 2,000 Years in Europe"、"(3) Kagoshima Kurobuta of the Imperial Household Agency's delivery ranch"、"(4) Spring water filtered with buried Jomon cedar"、It has been reproduced a real smoked that can not be imitated by anyone who dwells only in the smoked product of Curnontue born from a french traditional technique、It is a famous restaurant in many famous restaurants who come to see this ham and sausage from all over the country。It is only a gem that is pleased as a gift and a souvenir、詰め合わせセットの直送便も人気です! 奥は試食&イートインスペースが用意されています天井を覆うように吊るされた「白かび熟成の乾燥ソーセージ」たちの夥しい数のソーセージはいつ見ても圧巻です! こちらでは、It is possible to sample some of the recommended hams and sausages of the day。When you enter the store, the staff asks me, "How many people?"、Please prepare a tasting for the number of people.。Not have to put up with a driver、Because beer is also sold in stores、試食のハムやソーセージをいただきながら一杯いただくことも可能です! この日の試食は6種類。"Dried sausage of white kabi aging" which can be said to be a signboard product、"Frankfurt sausage"、"Lyette du Man Speciale"、Limited edition "Andeuil"、"Smoked black pork tongue"、"Smoked malto sausage", etc.。All of them are delicious.、After all, because it does not understand if it eats and it sees、試食サービスはいつも助かっています! 温かいお茶もサービスで添えてくださるので、Take a break。It is possible to carefully examine and select slowly、To make my dog chocolat wait in the car、Papapatsu and I have you、I'll spare you a quick decision to shop.。Because the terrace seat which was not when I visited before had been expanded、暖かくなったらテラス席での試食も気持ち良いでしょうね♪ 試食した中からお気に入りのソーセージを数種類。 Bacon "smoked pork belly" which is also the basic material of carnivorous culture and smoked prosciutto "smoked prosciutto of chimney" unique to smoked kingdom Franch -Conte。 Wrapped in blank paper、A wide variety of flavorful aged dried sausages distinguished by colorful paper straps、それぞれに味わいが異なり楽しめます! 試食後にスタッフさんにお声がけしながら、I will choose my favorite product。Day trip to Hida Takayama、Here at the end of "Kurnonchue"、On the way back to Hamamatsu。 To return home.、The goods that I have purchased、オーストラリアの赤ワイン「FLUUS 2012 RUGGABELLUS(フルウス 2012 ラガベラス)」と共に早速いただいてみましょう! ①水色の紙紐 「ソオスィソン・セック・フルール・ブランシュ(白かび熟成の乾燥ソーセージ)」100g¥1,620(税込) ②黄色の紙紐 「モンベリアール・セッシュ(モンベリアールの乾燥ソーセージ)」100g¥1,221(税込) ③赤い紙紐 「チョリソ・セック(チョリソの乾燥ソーセージ)」100g¥1,404(税込) ①看板商品とも言える極上乾燥ソーセージ「白かび熟成の乾燥ソーセージ」は、Covered penicile white bacteria can be eaten as they are。その独特の風味ゆえにファンの多い人気商品です! ②モンベリアールのソーセージの乾燥バージョン「モンベリアール・セッシュ」は、Aroma of cumin、熟成味が堪りません! ③スペインの歴史と共に生まれたパプリカ風味が魅力のピリ辛ソーセージ「チョリソの乾燥ソーセージ」は辛いもの好きな大人向けの酒の当てとなります! 乾燥ソーセージ3種もそれぞれの味わいを楽しみながらワインが進みます! 今回燻製品の中で一番のお気に入りは「黒豚舌の燻製」100g¥756 鹿児島黒豚は流通主力品種三元交配豚に比べ飼育期間が長く、High-end varieties with a small number of piglets and a distribution price of 3 to 4 times。This "smoked black pork tongue" to make use of a unique texture and a light taste、10More than 10 kinds of spices and white wine、Seasoned with liqueur、I'm smoked from vacuum。気付けばスライスした1本をあっという間に食してしまうほどに「ワイン⇄豚舌」の無限ループが続きます! 「アンドュイユ」100g¥875 豚の内臓(胃・大腸・豚トロ)を粗目にカットし、Salt、Add seasonings such as spices、It is made by stuffing and heating and smoking in the intestines of cows。To taste deliciously as it is without heating、The best dish for appetizers! Because this is a limited product、お求めになりたい方はお店に事前確認してみてください! 「リエット・デュ・マン・スペシャリテ」120g¥1,050(税込) 飛騨高山のブーランジェリー「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」の「バタール」に添えて。 Only pork is boiled using bone-in pork belly as the main ingredient、To the material of the fiber-like which loosened carefully by the hand、Bouquet Garni and prosciutto cut off、Bouillon drawn from the femur、Proprietary oils and fats、Spice、Add the dice of back fat、A gem in the gem that was all finished by hand! I'll make Pork Lyette, too.、After all the material is different、Because the amount of time and effort is too different、雲泥の差を痛感する極上のプロの味わいが楽しめます! 晩酌タイムが、A night of "Kurnonchue" that feels even richer。皆様にも是非ともお勧めしたいシャルキュトリー・サレゾンとなります! Curnontue(キュルノンチュエ) 住所:3154 Makiga-dong, Kiyomi-cho, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture TEL:0577-68-3377 Hours of operation:10:00-17:00 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday Parking:There is next to the store (free) http://www.curnontue.jp/...

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