Hamamatsu custom-built house "Hana Mizuki Kobo" Comfortable kitchen life at the order counter that enriches life!

To hana mizuki kobo, a housing manufacturer in Hamamatsu that is engaged in the creation of more than 3,000 pairs of houses in custom-made houses using traditional techniques incorporating natural materials! The location is located in Ohiradai with Lake Sanaru、There is also a model house adjacent to the head office、1999年竣工のアウトドアリビングを併設したプロバンス邸宅を見学することも可能です! 1994年より創業の「花みずき工房」は、100% It is said that it is a specialty field to make a house that tailors a beautiful design drawn by the in-house design、From finding the ideal land、Site、Renovations, etc.、住まいに関連することなら何でも相談に乗ってくださる心強い会社! 今回、We also took time to consult about the malfunction of our kitchen counter, which has been one of our troubles! In the head office、There is a meeting space where you can meet with customers.、Natural light from the terrace gently enters、明るく清潔感のある空間です! 親会社である不動産会社「マストレ」の大塚利彦副社長より御紹介いただいた「花みずき工房」の副社長・石川嘉則さんに事前に画像などをお送りし、Because I told you the contents of the consultation、On this day、現場監督でもある副部長の水島藤之さんを交えての打ち合わせとなります! 今回の相談内容は、The height of the kitchen counter existing in our house is originally set low、Our couple who are tall、To be in a posture that bends deeply during cooking、The fact that the posture lasts for a long time is likely to cause low back pain、The top of the newly added kitchen wagon is white、The atmosphere is different from the wooden counter and it is worrisome、In addition, based on the difference in height between the counter and the wagon, a little inconvenience occurs、To be able to clear all conditions、既存カウンターの上に乗せるオーダーカウンターを作ることに致しました! 寸法を測り、Choose the type of wood and the grain of wood、Up to the confirmation of the paint to be painted there、While looking at various samples、We will pursue the ideal shape! Especially、Because the existing counter itself is already tanned、Please pay close attention to the paint.、By devising the blending of paint and the number of times to apply、既存カウンターとの統一感を大切にしていただきました! さらに、It is also a kitchen counter、Because it is a counter that touches ingredients、Top coat paint、He proposed natural paints that are gentle on the body.、Because there is a chocolat of the dog in our house、Even if I had to lick it with a lick、安心の対応です! ああでもない、It's not like this.、I want to.、If you want to、Please feel like you are reading this self-made request.、After the meeting,、Actually headed to our house.、既存のキッチンカウンターを見てもらいましょう! 既存カウンターの上にサンプルを添えながら、Final check of the thickness and color of the grain、In addition to adjusting the height at the order counter、Include ideas that also enable storage、Devise a device only because it is custom furniture、とても便利なキッチンカウンターに生まれ変わってくれそうです! 「花みずき工房」の職人の手により、The counter cut without a minute of madness、I put a shaving and take a corner, etc.、当たりの優しい風合いになるよう丁寧に仕上げてくださいます! およそ一ヶ月の月日を経て、The day of delivery of the long-awaited order counter has come! Because the wooden order counter has the weight moderately、It will be carrying in work for two adults! Its beautiful finish is wonderful.、質感や色合いも想像以上にピッタリと合っています! キッチンワゴンの天板も木製板にし、If you do the final check after installing、When I point out the details that the master who is very anxious about the mouth May flies a little to a fine detail、Mr. Mizushima responded to repairs in an instant、微調整までしてくださいました! ミリ単位で確認した採寸のおかげでカウンターとワゴンの高さもジャストサイズでツラ合わせができており、There is a design as if it were a counter that was from the original、完璧で感激の仕上がり!ショコラも馴染みの良い木製カウンターにご満悦の様子です!(笑) キッチンワゴンはキャニスター付きのもので分割するとこんな感じです! いつも調理中は使い勝手の良いようにワゴンをコロコロと移動させていましたが、By matching the heights,、Transform into a stunning L-shaped counter! Until now, there were steps and it was inconvenient.、これは便利です! 収納スペースは手前側と奥側にそれぞれ用意していただき、The side facing the kitchen takes depth、Large fruit bowls and tissue cases can also be stored! In order to make the counter shape look refreshing、普段は隠しておきたい物が仕舞える本当に便利な収納スペースを作っていただきました! 手前側には浅めの奥行きを取った収納スペースを作っていただき、Cell phone and small accessory storage、飾り棚として活用できるようにしていただきました! 設置が無事に終わったため、At the first order counter、自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」のこだわり豆で淹れる美味しいコーヒーでも飲んでいっていただきましょう! 身長162cmの私でも作業しやすい高さとなり、without straining the waist、It is a very comfortable counter! The warm wooden counter、ちょっとカフェっぽい雰囲気に見えませんか? カウンター内に収納スペースを設けたことで、Because you're not putting extras on the counter、The presence of the electric mill of "Kalita" shines! In addition、お気に入りの紅茶ブランド「TWG Tea(ティー・ダブリュー・ジー・ティー)」と「MARIAGE FRERES(マリアージュ・フレール)」の缶がすっぽりと収まってくれたのも嬉しい限りです! 家に居る時間をより快適に、Wishing for ease of living、My house is changing furniture and making little-by-little changes。This time, I am really pleased with the couple that I was glad to consult with "Hana Mizuki Kobo"! Not to mention the custom-built house of the new building、家づくりのことなら何でも相談してみると良いですね! 花みずき工房 住所静岡県浜松市西区大平台2丁目48-33 TEL:053-482-0800 Hours of operation:9:00-18:00 Golden Week Holidays:大平台本社5/2(日)〜5/5(水)※5/8(土)より通常営業 駐車場:possession...

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