"Christmas party inviting Mr. and Mrs. Iketeru to enjoy a full course by a business trip chef"

One night in December when the cold came.。Inviting a friend and his wife to our home、While having a business trip chef serve his skills、Hold an early Christmas party to enjoy an Italian full-course dinner! Above the antique lighting bureau in the dining room is、This year、With the pointy Santa (copper) of the long-awaited "Shimoo Design" that I finally got、Decorate pine cone tree、Casually stage Christmas。 The table coordination on this day is、The welcome plate is the German "Rosenthal"。Pine cone wreath decorated with squash and wood stand candles、Set in brown tones! This day、What is Mr. and Mrs. Naoki Iketeru and Mr. and Mrs. Kayo who visited from Kamakura?、Owner manager of "Kamakura Kokon":We are happy to be introduced ♪ by Daisuke Matsumiya Naoki Iketeru Born in Gunma Prefecture。92 year、Graduated from Sophia University, Faculty of Science and Engineering。 Japan Coca-Cola、Oracle Japan、Through Misumi、2006Started a business in。 In addition, Microsoft USA、Enoteca Executive Officer、Served as President and Executive Officer of Yukoyuko Holdings、 2016Promoting Cainz's digital strategy as an advisor since the year。 2019From July、Serves as General Manager of the company's Digital Strategy Headquarters。 (Profile:My Neighbor Cainz from) Kayo Iketeru TESL in the United States after graduating from high school(Teaching English as a Second Language)Learning、Homecoming。 After experiencing teaching and school management at an English conversation school、1992Joined Master Foods (now Mars Japan) in a human resources position。 After that、Ford Japan、adidas Japan、Pfizer、Consistently in charge of human resources at Japan Paul。 2006 year、Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Hosei University Graduate School of Business Administration。 Same、Aiming to balance childcare and work, Eyes Plus Inc. is established.。 EQ while providing consulting for organizations(Emotional intelligence)Realizing the importance of、 Since the、Institutional Design、Human Resources and Organizational Development、We build and provide our own programs that incorporate EQ in career design, etc.。 He is the author of "Emotion Management: Knowing the "Feelings" of Yourself and Your Team to Create the Best Results" (Diamond Inc.)。 (Profile:From Interaction Pro Inc.) Among the table coordination this time、When I tell you that I coordinated by interweaving "CAINZ" products in some places,、Iketeru's wife:Kayo said, "Oh! (laughs) The wood stand with candles、Substitute "baked paulownia cylinders" that can be used for interior work by purchasing them at different heights! With a naturalness as if it were a candlestand from the beginning、I didn't feel any discomfort (laughs) I used it for the cutlery rest、Substitute "Karuru Brick (lightweight brick)" that can be used for DIY decoration of interior walls! To match the brown of Cutipol cutlery、I chose a dark shade.、Light、Due to washable lightweight bricks、It was very easy to use! He was amused by the idea that Cainz products can be used in a different way from their original use.、一発目のサプライズは大成功です! Champagne「Jacques Lassaigne × Kisui Nakazawa」 Champagne「Jacques Lassaigne × Kisui Nakazawa」にて乾杯!モングーのモンラッシェと呼ばれる「ジャック・ラセーニュ」が収穫年の個性を最高の形で表現した究極のシャンパーニュ「レゼルヴ・エクストラ・ブリュット」。Based on 2015, including a 50-year-old vineyard, reserve wines from 2010 are used.。Mongoo's Chardonnay-like pure acid and rich mineral feeling、Aromas of ripe exotic fruits、Silky foaming characteristic Blanc de Blanc。Fermented and matured in stainless steel tanks、ドザージュゼロの繊細さが和にも洋にも合う厳かなシャンパーニュです! 今回の出張シェフは付き合いが長く信頼のおけるイタリアンシェフ山田芳国(Yoshikuni Yamada)。Taking advantage of training at famous Italian and French restaurants in the prefecture、Because we work in a free style、They kindly accepted the proposal for the day! On this day、Son of Mr. and Mrs. Iketeru:Kango Iketeru is a professional windsurfer.、"TSUKASA Hamanako Freestyle Championship 2022 (JWA JAPAN TOUR)" sponsored by the Japan Windsurfing Association (JWA) 2022-23 FREESTYLE Round 4)"、Come to the beach for judging and support。 The menu structure prepared for this day is、Order all 8 full courses including surprises! "Bagna cauda" colorful vegetables are、浜松の「ファーマーズマーケット」や袋井の「とれたて倶楽部」と地場の旬野菜を用いた「バーニャカウダ」からスタート!少しソテーした香ばしい温野菜の甘みや、Prepare crispy and fresh raw vegetables、Each is a bagna cauda that feels crisp when combined with the sauce。By making a classic and simple sauce、It is devised to enhance the original flavor of vegetables.。 While making and incorporating each dish、They even serve、Luxury time。It seems that the demand for business trip chefs has increased due to the Corona disaster.、Since my family started keeping my dog Chocolat, eating out at night has disappeared.、出張シェフの存在はとても助かります! 「玉ねぎのフォカッチャとチャバッタ」 × 器「Shimoo Design 浮様 パン皿」 私のリクエストで数年ぶりに焼いてくれたという芳国くんのフォカッチャが登場です!パンはイタリア産と北海道産の小麦粉を使い「玉ねぎのフォカッチャとチャバッタ」の2種を提供フワッと厚みのあるフォカッチャはソテーした玉ねぎの香りと甘みが広がります! お次の一皿は、Using a vessel with bright red Christmas colors、Shirako is here! "Hokkaido cod milt meuniere" "Hokkaido cod milt meuniere" with potato galette and wasabi choy salad。The source is、Yuzu Bourg Blanc、Potatoes and butter、Enhance the rich combination of milt with the refreshing aroma and acidity of yuzu、The tangy pungency of wasabi cabbage tightens the whole thing! It is a gorgeous dish sprinkled with Christmas colors! "Chateau Mukrani Reserve Royal White 2013 (Chateau Mukhrani Reserve Royale White), the birthplace of wine with a history of 8,000 years、European-style Georgian wine white available。White grape varieties native to Georgia:Gorli Mtsvane。A rare variety "Gorli (city name) and Mtsvane (green)" native to the central Karturi region, which is different from "Mtsvane Kafri", which is known as the main variety of Georgia.。Hints of lime and honey are felt in the floral aroma.、Aroma from pears and barrel aging、樽のニュアンスが溶け込んだしなやかでリッチな味わいが楽しめます! 「天使の海老と自家製リコッタチーズを詰めたラビオリ」 × 器「釋永岳 MARS HIMAWARI」 御前崎産伊勢海老のミキュイを添えた「天使の海老のラビオリ」。Gentle angel shrimp with Americane sauce accented with ginger-flavored mousse。Americane made with angel shrimp、Although it is not as powerful as Omar、Enjoy the sweetness like sweet shrimp、It is finished in a rounded and soft sauce.。Ginger-flavored milk foam does a good job of not getting too persistent.、中の餡に感じるディルのおかげで後味も爽やかに! 2種目のパスタは「The surprise!!」 料理が趣味で、18歳から作っているという「ボンゴレビアンコ」が得意料理とされる池照さんへ贈る「ボンゴレビアンコ」!お二人の喜びに満ちた満面の笑みが最高の証です! 「御前崎産ハマグリと菜の花で作るボンゴレ」 × 器「釋永岳 gen 平鉢」 池照さんへ捧ぐ「ボンゴレ」は、With clams more vigorously than small Asari! The water in which the pasta is boiled is made with kelp.、Transfer the umami of kelp to pasta、It is finished so that the umami of the clams stands out more.。The bittersweet taste of rape blossoms、出汁の利いた蛤に見事マッチング! 「浜名湖産牡蠣と御前崎産カサゴのソテーのクラムチャウダー」 × 器「釋永岳 áge鉄鉢」 浜名湖産の浅利とカサゴのアラでフュメをとり、Onions、Celery、Potato、The green part of Shimonita leek、Sauté garlic and thyme for flavor、The soup finished with fresh cream is a clam chowder that feels comfortable and refreshing! By sautéing oysters and scorpionfish, you can add aroma and add sharpness to the soup, which tends to be monotonous.、Sprinkle on chef's homemade Genovese oil、For accents! Actually、Among Iketeru's specialties are、Because there was clam chowder that I learned in Seattle、It was finished in a special clam chowder that feels one or two habits! "SUBRINA ACT2 2016 (Sabrina)" ....

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