Most sacred Temple in northern Thailand mountain standing wattplatartdis tape gold stupa

標高1,080mのステープ山の山頂に立ちタイ仏教の聖地として崇められる神聖な寺院 「ワット・プラ・タート・ドイ・ステープ Wat Phra That Doi Suthep」。 1383Built in 1999 by king Kuna at the time、高さ22mもの金色に輝く仏塔は、 Its dense decoration was beautiful until stunning、 Buddha's remains、We are still gathering people's deep faith.。 From the center of Chiang Mai、About 40 minutes away by car。 At the top of this mountain、 蛇神ナーガを模した350段の階段を上るか有料のケーブルカー(片道50THB)を利用するかの2通りの道順がありますが、 Most people use a cable car to get there.、It is said that it goes down by stairs on the way back.。 On the way back、350段もの階段からの景観を楽しむことをお勧めします♪ 片道分のケーブルカーの乗車チケットを現地ガイドのグローイさんに購入してもらい、Immediately、列に並びましょう♪ こちらが、It's the cable car entrance.。 20Because there are two cable cars that can be crowded、The order turns relatively fast.。 Us、If you're a tourist,、I think that it is one of the attractions and can be excited、 If you come to worship every day、It seems like a pretty difficult place.。 When it comes to cable cars,、I imagined that I could see the view to the top of the mountain.、 Here is、残念ながらロケーションはあまりよくありません(笑) たった2分の乗車時間ですが、Because this scenery is lonely on both going and going、やはり350段の階段は必須ですね♪ こちらの寺院誕生に至るには、There is such a legend.。 The old、King Kuuna puts the remains of the sacred Buddha on a white elephant、Let the sacred white elephant walk freely to decide the place of the bone.。 The elephant is、I walked to mt. Suthep at the end of the walk.、He died there.。 In there、King Kuuna is said to have built a temple here at the top of Mount Suthep.。 「ドイ・ステープ寺院に登らずしてチェンマイに来たと言うべからず」とタイ人の間で言われるほどのメジャースポットです! 寺院にはシンボルとなっている黄金に輝くチェディ(仏塔)と傘があり、 The 22-meter-high golden stupa、The Buddha's remains are contained.、 Not only tourists but also、A lot of local people who come to worship are very lively.。 Even so, walking barefoot in the precincts wet with rain、It's a pretty strange feeling.。 Because of the top of the mountain、It's hard to see good weather in the rainy season.。 Offering flowers and incense sticks、If you walk three laps around the golden pagoda, your wish will come true.。 The Buddha statue that was brought up in front of the pagoda、It has a beautiful emerald.、This one is made of glass.、 What is the real Emerald Buddha statue?、 バンコクの「ワット・シーラッタナーサーサダーラーム Wat Phra Sri Rattana Satsadaram」通称「エメラルド寺院」に安置されています。 In the guardian Buddha of each day of the week born、 Sunday from left (characterized by holding hands around the stomach)、 Monday (forgive style)、Monday (forgive style)、 Tuesday (Sleeping Buddha Statue)、Wednesday (bowl style)、Thursday (meditation style)、Friday (hands are crossed at the chest)、 Along with Saturdays (a statue of a sitting statue protected and meditated by a snake (Naga) with seven heads on its head。 In Thailand、Because I know the day of the week when I was born、 You will be praying in front of the guardian Buddha on that day of the week.。 There are many Buddha statues in the temple.、 Those who wish to be buried here will make a donation.、buried in this tomb。 To fly in the wind like a wind chime、Gading。 Like a Japanese ema、願い事を書いて吊るします♪ 本堂内 本堂には、The Buddha statue which has a calm expression is enshrined.、There is no end to the number of people who visit the shrine.。 Here you will、You can also receive an exorcism by a monk.。 7Each of the lights represents the day of the week.、 On the light of the day of the week when I was born、Plus one plus the number of my ages、oil the handle.。 To worship、There's a right way to worship、This process is going to be the last one.。 展望台 チェンマイの街を一望できる展望台へとやってきました。 In the observatory where a pleasant wind blows、見事なカービングが施された柱に圧倒されてしまいます! チャンマイの街並みを一望できる展望台。 The cloud of the previous day is disappearing.、微かな晴れ間を覗かせてくれました♪ 帰りは蛇神ナーガを模した350段の長い長い階段を頑張って降りようと思います! 息も荒くなるほどの階段ではありますが、 Because there is a width of the stairs,、On the way、Because it is safe to get off while taking a rest slowly、Don't overdo it.。 Even if there is a person who stops by the commemorative photograph, it does not get in the way so much.。 現地ガイドのグローイさん曰く、 Previous、行きも帰りも階段で昇降された方もいらしたそうです!(凄) 健脚に自信のある方は是非どうぞ♪ 蛇神ナーガの雄々しいお顔も観れ、Great satisfaction。 350Do you know how far the top of the stairs is?。 In the temple tour、I recommend the one that the foot is flat and easy.。 After this、Return to Chiang Mai City、 In the evening、To visit the Night Bazaar、The where to stay、ナイト・バザールの目の前にあるホテルにしました! さて、Next in line、ナイト・バザールへアクセス良好のチャンクラン通り沿いのホテルの紹介です♪ ワット・プラ・タート・ドイ・ステープ Wat Phra That Doi Suthep チェンマイハッピーツアー Chiangmai Happy Tour

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