Izu Shuzenji "Birthday Trip 2023 Part 1" Stroll along the promenade and bamboo forest path along the Katsura River in the hot spring town

My birthday trip, which turned 50 on November 9th this year, was、I decided to go on a trip to Izu with my dog Chocolat, who was welcomed into my family during the Corona disaster。On the first day、「修善寺温泉街」の散策からスタートしました。Hamamatsu and Shuzenji, where we live, are in the same Shizuoka prefecture.、The distance is about 170 km.、車移動で2時間半ほどの移動となります修善寺温泉は今から約1,200年も前に弘法大師が発見された温泉で湯どころ伊豆の中でも「最古の温泉」となり代表格の温泉街です「独鈷の湯(とっこのゆ)」 修善寺温泉の中心を流れる桂川河畔に湧く修善寺温泉発祥の湯となる「独鈷の湯(とっこのゆ)」大同2年(807年)修善寺を訪れた空海(弘法大師)が桂川で病父を身体を洗う少年の親孝行の心に打たれ持っていた仏具(独鈷杵)で川の岩を打ち霊泉湧き出させその湯に浸かった父親の病気がたちまち癒えたことで温泉療法が広まったと言われています。 Current、「独鈷の湯」は見学のみで入浴は不可となっており、It cannot be used as a foot bath。 The information board is also multilingual.、The history of "Dokzu no Yu" is written、You can see that it is managed as a tourist facility。 If you want to enjoy the foot bath of Shuzenji Onsen, go to "Foot Bath / Kawara-yu"。 "Foot bath, Kawara-yu" While listening to the murmur of the Katsura River、Take a break during your walk。In the vicinity of this foot bath、In the old days, there was a "Kawara-yu"、Because it was popular with local residents and tourists as a communal bathhouse,、2010On April 3 of this year, this footbath was opened and named "Kawara-yu"。It's free to use、You can enjoy the quality of alkaline simple hot springs。 「饅頭総本山源楽 修善寺本店」 こちらは修禅寺門前に構える饅頭専門店の「饅頭総本山源楽 修善寺本店」で修善寺温泉名物として真っ黒な源楽胡麻饅頭を中心に販売されています熱海駅から徒歩3分の場所に熱海支店もあります。 In the shop、Souvenirs of Shuzenji are lined up、In the TV program "Tokoro-san is a delivery thing!"、George Tokoro's No. 1 popular "red snapper dashi salt"、The store's No. 3 popular "Wasabi Shiitake Mushroom"、国産の大根をまるまる一本贅沢に使用し三種の味わいが楽しめる「つるし三色たくあん」や「伊豆のニューサマーオレンジゼリー」などの人気商品をはじめとした伊豆名産やお菓子が大集合蒸したてほかほかのお饅頭を店頭販売されており店先にベンチも設置されているためちょっと摘めるおやつとしても「墨客の小径」 こちらもお土産物を中心に販売される専門店として以前は目の前の「新井旅館」の大宴会場として使用していた「甘泉楼/かんせんろう」をリノベーションさせており軒先には車道より一段高くした歩道を設けられ「墨客の小径(ぼっきゃくのこみち)」と命名外には手湯があり誰でも気軽に温泉を楽しめ癒されます菓子や漬物干物などの土産物をはじめジェラートや十三夜焼きという名物の大判焼きを食べながら温泉街散策をするのもおすすめです「新井旅館」 総檜造りの文化財風呂「天平大浴堂」が自慢の宿で明治5年(1872年)創業「新井旅館」は平成10年(1998年)に建物の歴史的価値が公に認められ、15棟が国の登録有形文化財になっており風情溢れる佇まい数多くの文人墨客に愛された純和風旅館です旅館を訪れた主な文人墨客としては画家の「安田 靫彦/横山 大観/川端 龍子/今村 紫紅/小林 古径/石井 林響/前田 青邨/速水 御舟/川合 玉堂」をはじめとし文人の「岡本 綺堂/泉 鏡花/芥川 龍之介/尾崎 紅葉/舟橋 聖一/幸田 露伴/川口 松太郎」に俳人の「高浜虚子」役者では「初代 中村 吉右衛門/市川 左団次」と錚々たる著名人が足を踏み入れては滞在を愉しみ多くの名作を生んでいます旅館裏手には石田畳の回廊があり桂川沿いを散策できますこの日の気候は初冬といえど過ごしやすい緩やかな日和となりましたが今年は秋の訪れが遅れ寒暖差がないせいか紅葉にはまだ少し早い時期となりました。Among them、It's a joy to find autumn leaves dyed red。 If the dog also follows manners with a leash、You can take a walk around the Katsura River together.。Even if you go around slowly with a break, it's about an hour away.、It will be a moderate walking route。 The scenery of the matchmaking bridge dyed bright red and the autumn leaves shine、The best location where you can fully enjoy the atmosphere of Japan。 There are five bridges over the Katsura River.、5It is said that if you cross all the bridges with a wish, love will come to fruition。Each bridge has its own alias.、Met、Tied、寄り添って安らぎを感じるというもので信じるか信じないかはあなた次第ですが恋愛成就祈願には持ってこいの橋となります①渡月橋(とげつばし)/別名みそめ橋/良縁祈願 ②虎渓橋(こけいばし)/別名あこがれ橋/恋愛成就 ③桂橋(かつらばし)/別名:Tie Bridge / Child Treasure Prayer (4) Maple Bridge / Also known as:Snuggling Bridge / Marriage Prayer (5) Takishitabashi Bridge / Also known as:Peace Bridge / Couple's Harmony "Katsurabashi (Katsurabashi) / Also known as:Tie Bridge / Prayer for Child's Treasure" Autumn leaves in autumn、In early summer, with fresh greenery、Scenery along the Katsura River where you can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons。 No matter how many times you visit、心安らぐ素敵な場所となり今年は愛犬ショコラも一緒で更に思い出深い散策となりました艶やかな朱塗りの「楓橋(かえでばし)」と「桂橋(かつらばし)」の間の「竹林の小径」は特におすすめの観光スポット。 Here is、1994年から3年間の月日を費やして整備された桂川沿いの散策道は左右に見事な竹林が並びます昼の陽射しを浴びながら青々とした竹林も凛とした様子が伺えますが日没後はライトアップされるため幻想的な夜の雰囲気もまた素敵なことでしょう修善寺温泉行きバス終点「修善寺温泉駅」の斜め向かいには浴衣や着物レンタル・着付けができる「街ナビ ゆるり」というお店がありますので、Would you have time、浴衣や着物で散策するのもおすすめです中央にある大きな竹の円形ベンチには是非、Try to sit down and lie down。The view of the bamboo forest directly above is the best。 Mengzong bamboo is covered with a length of 20 meters high.、The sound of bamboo leaves swaying in the breeze resonates as the best background music。 For a different flavor than usual、His dog Chocolat is also enjoying a walk。On the way、抱っこしてと目を潤ませながら哀願する姿も(笑) 「楓橋(かえでばし)/別名寄り添い橋/結婚祈願」 「伊豆の小京都」と言われるだけの景観が楽しめます紅葉までもう少し伊豆・修善寺の紅葉は、11月中旬〜12月初旬にかけたが見頃となります「ギャラリーしゅぜんじ回廊」 「楓橋(かえでばし)」渡ると見えてくる「ギャラリーしゅぜんじ回廊」では地元の写真家の写真や花々などを期間毎に展示し写真展が開催されており修善寺の四季の様子などを楽しむことができます入場は無料で、It will be a gallery that anyone can enjoy。The photo exhibition of this day is "Shuzenji Temple, Douzhou / Shooting:Yukio Taguchi。 Shuzenji event "Shakyamuni Nirvana"、"Kobo Obituary"、"Star Festival" and、"Treasures of Shuzen Temple"、And the scenery inside the Shuzen Temple, etc.、Photographs of Shuzenji throughout the year are displayed.、I watched it calmly。 「滝下橋(たきしたばし)/別名安らぎ橋/夫婦円満」 5つの橋の最上流にある「滝下橋(たきしたばし)」まで来たら橋を渡り折り返し地点と参りましょうこちらは「夫婦円満」の橋私たちも夫婦になり早11年この先も二人三脚で円満な人生でありますよう願い渡ります橋脇に祀られている古いお地蔵様道祖神として祀られているお地蔵様には疫病が村に入り込まないよう魔よけをしたり旅人の安全を願うなど様々な役割をもっております温泉旅館へと繋がる脇道「あさば/ASABA」 日本を代表する関東随一の老舗名旅館で、534年続く温泉宿「あさば/ASABA」。1489年に浅羽弥九郎幸忠が宿坊を開いたことから始まった「あさば」その威風たるや門構えからして風格が違います世界中でも超一流の宿やレストランにしか加盟が認められないフランスの協会組織「Relais & Chateaux/ルレ・エ・シャトー」に日本で初めて加盟しそのサービスのクオリティの高さを認められています約1万坪の敷地内には竹林や滝などの自然の癒しがありその風景に溶け込むように設えた日本建築の優美さが訪れる人たちを魅了し続けています「蕎麦と地魚 博重(ひろしげ)」 こちらは以前人気の蕎麦屋「朴念仁(ぼくねんじん)」のあった場所で現在は建て替えられて別の蕎麦屋「蕎麦と地魚 博重(ひろしげ)」になっています店内からは「竹林の小径」が伺え清らかな水で作り上げた店自慢の信州手打ちそばと地元伊豆の新鮮な野菜や沼津直送の地魚料理が楽しめ人気のようです修善寺に訪れる度に主人が気になっている蕎麦屋「十割そば さくだ」。Every time、何故か定休日に当たり入店ならず(笑)一瞬店とは思えない趣の屋台。Here is、「塩蕎麦・天ぷら蕎麦・蕎麦湯」のおまかせコース一本で勝負されておりその価格何と600円!と破格の設定と言えます水・木曜日の定休日以外に足を運べたら挑戦してみたいと思います修善寺ランチは軽食にするつもりでワンコ同伴可を探し歩き蕎麦屋「十割そば さくだ」の目の前にあるカフェ「珈琲 琴茶庵/Koto-san」にお邪魔しましたその模様は次の記事にて御紹介致しますランチと珈琲ブレイクを取っておよそ1時間半ほどで駐車場に戻ってこれ駐車料金は2時間以内の400円で済みました店前の敷地で駐車場を営まれている「刀剣 古美術 美好屋」御主人が兎に角優しい方で最初に料金を払って出掛けようとした際に「時間気にせずゆっくり行っておいで」と声がけしてくれました駐車場奥にある「桂遊庵」と名付けられた東屋まで案内してくださり「此処からの景色はうちだけの特権だよ良かったら観ってって」と教えてくれたのです歩き疲れた足を休ませ「桂遊庵」から伺える「桂橋(かつらばし)」を楽しませていただきます。...

Hamamatsu Lake Samei "Garden marché" A rich weekday afternoon spent in the green courtyard on the shore of Lake Sameko

Starting in 2021 in the green courtyard of a modern home standing on the shore of Lake Sanari、Although irregularly in spring and autumn、Go to the "Garden marché" held about twice a year。 This is because the husband runs the architectural design office "Kurata Corporation"、A lovely house with a simple modern structure built to overlook a spacious and lush courtyard。 His wife, who has two children, handmade her original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" & KIDS"、With good friends of writers、"Garden marché" held by making effective use of the well-maintained courtyard。 It was usually held on holidays.、This is the first time that 10 will be held on weekdays.:00-15:00It will be a leisurely start。 It was Halloween month.、The decoration of the marche is also decorated with pumpkins and Halloween specifications.。My chocolate has become a signboard dog。 Original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" & KIDS" Custom production of dog leashes, harnesses, collars, etc. using paracord "cocolo-shima" Chiffon cake specialty store "55SWEETS" What I'm looking for、"Mont Blanc" at the chiffon cake specialty store "55 SWEETS"。Decorate with cute Halloween-specific icing cookies from "atelier R"、The fluffy chiffon cake is filled with fresh cream, and the low-sweetness marron cream and marron glace are the best.、It was ♪ a blissful snack time after returning to my house Icing cookie "atelier R" using natural pigments In the courtyard、A large whooping red tree is planted in the center as a symbol tree.、A triangular tarp is attached to prevent sunlight。 Fabric panel shop "kitikichipanel" Adult cute accessory "/ link" Girl's Halle Day accessory "amulette" This time、Takehiro Odagi, aka Zen-san, the owner of the French bistro "L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine", was also open、A coffee break while enjoying Zen's mild and fragrant blended coffee with your own cup。 French Bistro "L'ESPRIT Zento Wine" L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine "Blended Coffee" ¥400 (Note):Bring your own coffee cup) This is、It is a neighborhood behind my house and is within a 1-2 minute walk.、I visit every time with my dog Chocolat as a couple.、Relaxing on the lush grass、You can enjoy a relaxing time。 On a pleasant autumn day without a single cloud、The breeze is also pleasant、It's a garden marche day。 While enjoying the sun in the warm sunlight、About an hour in small、Leisurely time。 My dog Chocolat also seems to feel good on the lawn.、The end of the day。   A garden marche held by wonderful artists at a stylish home on the shore of Lake Sanari。Although on a small scale、I'm ♪ looking forward to this cozy event every time Emer BABY & Check out the official KIDS Instagram...

Hamamatsu Italian Restaurant "Vistante Unico" completely private room! Private restaurant limited to three groups per day

Hamamatsu is a casual lunch course at the completely private restaurant "Bistorante Unico" in Kamo River.。Even if this place is called Kamo River、It will be an Italian restaurant tucked away like a hideaway in a residential area near Nejorimatsu.。 Because it was originally a snack place、The untouched exterior is a small restaurant with a Showa atmosphere.、The inside of the store is simple but modernly renovated.、It will be a calm space with monotone tones.。The maximum number of seats can be used for 6 people.、In a completely private room with only one room、It will be a private restaurant for private use.。Two-part system during the day、①11:00-13:00、②13:30-15:30Next、17 at night:30In part of the system of、Limited to 3 groups per day。The last、When introduced at LADE, he was called "Catering Business Trip Chef"、It is a restaurant that I used at home.。 Bistorante Unico Owner-Chef Lucas Tanaka Born in Hamamatsu after graduating from Tokai Cooking and Confectionery College in 2nd year、Trained as a waiter at "ANTICA OSTERIA DEL PONTE" in Tokyo Marunouchi Building for 1 year.、At "La scogliera" in Akasaka、Worked as a waiter and cook for about three and a half years。Once、Returning to Hamamatsu、Experienced part-time work at a restaurant for one year for the preparation period for the trip to Italy。When I couldn't go to Italy due to the influence of Corona、2020In October of this year, we opened "Bistorante Unico", which focuses on catering for one year only.。However,、Because there is no end in sight for Corona in that one year、The store was renovated、1Changed to a completely private restaurant with only tables and catering。 When renewed、Ink art ordered by a friend to match the monotone texture in the store。Abstract and atmospheric ink art is、It blends easily into the background and creates a modern atmosphere.。 The monotone sea panel art also looks great on the white wall.、Match the atmosphere of the store。 Lunch menu、5Dish course¥5,500、6Plate course¥8,800、83 courses are available for ¥13,200.。On this day, you can easily order "Appetizer / Pasta / Pasta 2 / Main / Dessert (5 dishes)" ¥ 5,500 each.。It is also a completely private room.、The good thing ♪ is that you can enjoy conversation and food without worrying about your surroundings.、"Aroma Premium" antibacterial and antiviral disposable towel containing natural aroma oil。It is a tasteful wet towel that is also used in the "Porsche Center Hamamatsu" that we are indebted to.。Lavender from left to right、Peppermint、Three types of citral are available.、You can choose your favorite scent。Start your meal while being soothed by the fragrant aroma。 "Zakros Sparkling Juice" ¥ 600 (tax included) To be a complete one-operation、Chef Lucas does everything from cooking to serving by himself。Although the kitchen is small in the compact size store,、This destination、No wasted movement、The interval between the hours provided is also provided in a perfect condition、You can see how efficient it is.。 "Nagasaki Prefecture / Kue Hokkaido / Sweet Shrimp" Honesty、It is unlikely that Kue will appear in the ¥5,500 lunch course.、Because you are doing the management alone,、Being able to multiply the cost of ingredients、Also、He is trying various ingredients as a study fee for handling high-quality ingredients.。He is still a young chef, so I am looking forward to his future with a lot of room to grow.。 As for Kueh, he said that the ripening is still shallow at the third day.、You can enjoy the elasticity of Kue, but you can also feel the sweetness.、In addition、Make tartar using broth made from sweet shrimp with a strong sweetness、Sicilian capers and fresh tomatoes、Finished in a delicious sauce using red onions、To add texture and aroma as an accent、Roasted pine nuts and three-leaf shoots are added.、It is finished in a dish with a strong impression.。 From the first appetizer、It's the beginning of a satisfying course that will grab your stomach! "Egg noodles with clams and basil sauce" Using homemade egg noodles kneaded only with the moisture of Cochin eggs made in Hamakita。Taking advantage of the gentle flavor of clams and egg noodles、For basil sauce that does not insist too much、Homemade ricotta cheese with cashews and stir-fried sesame seeds、Use garlic、Without adding hard cheese、It is finished with a gentle taste that does not spoil the flavor of clams.。Egg noodles with a nostalgic taste、The texture of fresh clams that you can enjoy the elasticity of preppuri is a good accent.。 "Homemade focaccia with homemade apple yeast" "Hida, Gifu / Dragon's Eyes Tomato Risotto" Searching for rice that absorbs the umami well with domestic rice、Uses the finest brand rice "Dragon Eyes" grown in Hida, Gifu Prefecture。The splendidly large grain of rice is、Cultivation that sticks to natural farming methods、Pesticide reduction、Pesticide-free、High-grade rice that becomes organic JAS rice。Using the broth of the sweet shrimp head used in the appetizer, it was cooked up to 90%.、Add tomato sauce and butter to the broth and emulsify、Rich risotto with cayenne pepper。The top is covered with the scent of shaved pistachios.、Underneath is a cherry tomato confit as an accent。It is a risotto that you will never get tired of eating with the umami concentrated in each grain.。 What steak knives are used for meat dishes?、Choose from ten color variations of the French Jean Dubost Laguiole / Laguiole)"。Each person shows their individuality in the fun of choosing their favorite color.。This time the、My husband wears light blue、I chose Bordeaux next door.。 "Italian / Veal loin roast Okumikawa / Sautéed tengu eggplant Guérande salt"、Take your time to enjoy the Italian chilled veal loin with no odor or peculiarity for about 1 hour.、Roasted at "BALMUDA The Toaster"、Simple and juicy。Because the sauce is veal with little oil、Use beef tendon and cream to add richness。the pulp is soft,、It contains plenty of water、Okumikawa's tengu eggplant with a texture that melts when heated、Served with microherb spring chrysanthemum and amaranth shoots。Thickly cut、The melt of the sautéed tengu eggplant is exquisite.。The umami of veal grilled by exquisite cooking that maximizes the inherent flavor of the ingredients is、Surprised by the fineness of the fibers while being thick、The juiciness is so delicious that chopsticks can't stop.。 "Hamakita Cochin's Egg Ice Cream, Flower Fruit, Pear Earl Grey Tailoring" For flavorful vanilla ice cream using Hamakita Cochin eggs、The ripe pear has an Earl Grey scent and finishes it into espuma with a light touch.、Served with the fresh flavor of ripe fruitless fruit。The closing of the course is、Freshly made ice cream and light sauce with a low sweetness、In addition、It is finished as a light dessert by using seasonal fruits.。 "Coffee" present、Chef Lucas、We are considering relocation with future restaurant expansion in mind.、I am looking for a property。We will also support you、We are looking forward to the birth of the new "Unico" that you can experience after the relocation! Bistorante Unico Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Hamamatsu City Naka-ku Kamie 2-53-12 Reservation required:Reservations can be made by LINE or DM Business hours: Lunch 2 parts:1 portion lunch 11:00-13:00 (up to 2 hours)、2 parts of lunch 13:30-15:30(up to 2 hours) 1 group per night:Dinner 17:30Later Business Trip Chef:Book your catering early! Fully private private restaurant (*up to 6 people, children OK) Closed:Please check the available dates of reservation Parking:5台https://www.instagram.com/bistorante_unico/...

Nagoya Italian Restaurant "BOTTEGON / Bottegon" reopened! A course with the best carefully selected ingredients

Taro Yamaguchi, who develops wine dining centered on Italian restaurants in Nagoya and operates MIPROVINI Co., Ltd.:TARO-CHAN) OPENED ITS FIRST ITALIAN RESTAURANT "VINI DEL BOTTEGON " ON OCTOBER 1, 2012. / Vini del Bottegon"、Last year、After about a month of renovation、2022 June,、The store will be renamed "BOTTEGON / Reopened as "Bottegon"、2023We celebrated our 12th anniversary on October 1.。 「BOTTEGON / What is "Bottegon"?、It means "small workshop" in Italian.。Before independence、「ENOTECA PINCHIORRI / Enotecapinchiori" and "The Ritz-Carlton Hotels / The Ritz-Carlton Hotel" and more、Taro-chan, who has fought in various big box restaurants、The name of the restaurant was named in the hope that anyone can easily enjoy wine and food.。 This store renewal is、Mr. Takeshi Nishimura of Osaka-based Design Create Corporation "Design plus alpha", which is widely active, is in charge of the same as the old store.。The old store design that felt good old Italy has been renewed with a classical modern atmosphere with the theme of "glamour and sunshine"、Facade with stone and leather doors for added dignity。 The inside of the store has also been renewed.、A private room is set up by the window on the right side of the entrance.、In the back, there is a dining room overlooking the kitchen.。 "LOBMEYR" with a delicate silhouette with an elegant design / Shelves with Rob Meier glasses。 We always have 3,000 bottles of whiskey and wine.、Utilizing my experience as an owner sommelier、Abbinamento (Italy):Abbinament)。 Dining、2There are 4 tables for people、With a glass wall that gives a sense of depth、Create a spacious space。 The counter over the kitchen is alive and well.、The atmosphere of a single board、It enjoys an even more profound atmosphere.。 The interior of the store is moist and you can enjoy lunch and dinner in a calm atmosphere.。 It is also fun to see the state of the kitchen inside the counter.。 The pinnacle brand of Italian slicers "Berkel / Berkel" is installed、It makes a mouth-watering prosciutto.。 Nagoya lunch on this day was、Special order of a course meal of ¥14,000 (tax and service charge excluded) served at dinner time。Before meals、I was able to meet the owner Taro-chan, who visits each store for the first time in a long time.。Current、At MIPROVINI Inc.、11Expanded to 8 stores per month、Considering expansion into Hawaii next year、They will work toward further business expansion.。Here Recent、2023on September 23,、We were also able to hear about the new store "Tonkatsu Butaro" that has just opened in Izumi 3-chome.。Tonkatsu restaurant with only 7 seats at the counter、Quite curious! Private room that can accommodate up to 12 people。This time, we will use it luxuriously as a couple.。 Currently known as BOTTEGON / Satoshi Nakagawa, 43, who is in charge of Bottegon's chef,、I joined this company during the Corona disaster.。Aiming at the chef、After graduating from "Mizumoto Gakuen Tokai Cooking and Confectionery College" in Hamamatsu、Long Italian and Spanish cuisine、About 20 restaurants serving Japan cuisine、GRANADA Co., Ltd., which is operated in Tokyo and Nagoya, / Granada"、There was a turning point in the Corona disaster.、Joined MIPROVINI Inc.。After being assigned to each store to understand the restaurants in the group、HERE: "BOTTEGON" / He is the top chef of "Bottegon"。We hear about nostalgic memories of our days as a vocational student in Hamamatsu, where we live.、There is a sense of closeness because there are mutual acquaintances.、We shared a great time。Above all、Who is Kenji Masaki, the owner-chef of the popular Chinese restaurant "Chinese Restaurant Masaki in Hamamatsu"?、I was a classmate of mine at vocational school.、Abondance, a French pastry shop that we get along well with, / Pastry chef Heberle Bernard Pierre Claude, owner of "Abondons", was a lecturer at a vocational school.、Bloom into ♪ memories Appetizer "Hida Takayama Higashi Farm Paprika Mousse" Delivered from "Higashi Farm", which has been farming in Hida Takayama for three generations、Roast thick and tasty paprika in the oven、Puree in a juicer、A dish where you can enjoy the original taste of paprika finished in mousse with puree and whipped cream。 To bring out the sweetness of paprika without adding any sweetening、A little salt is used to bring out the sweetness.。 Added "Gifu Ena Gobal Pork Prosciutto" Domestically produced ham jointly created by Yoshinobu Niiho, owner of the butcher shop "Sakaeya Co., Ltd." in Shiga Prefecture, where the owner Taro-chan was born, and a prosciutto workshop in Nagano Prefecture。The raw material is healthy pigs raised on feed carefully examined by "Yama no Ham Kobo Gobal" in Ena, Gifu Prefecture.。Handmade prosciutto without any chemical seasonings or additives、Aged over time、The shoulder loin prosciutto, which is finished with a concentrated taste, has a deeper taste the more you chew.、Features a nutty aroma。 Bread "Homemade Focaccia" The original table focaccia that has inherited the unchanged taste since the opening、Sweet potatoes and milk give sweetness and richness、The salty taste of rock salt on the surface is accentuated.、Fragrant outside、Focaccia with a medium fluffy texture、Blends well with meals and sauces.。 Appetizer "Toyosu Yamayuki Oma Main Tuna Hokkaido Untan Onion Based Vinaigrette Sauce Squid Ink Couscous" From "Yamako Group", which is the number one tuna trading in Toyosu Market Oma main tuna to be purchased。Sneak in the texture of squid ink flavored couscous、The melting-flavored fat of Omamoto tuna is connected with an onion-based vinaigrette.、For refreshing tailoring。You can enjoy the umami of Hokkaido sea urchin with caviar olive oil.。 Lunch Antipastomist Speciale (appetizer platter)。The one-plate style that can be enjoyed little by little is also unique to lunch.。 Appetizer "Western-style spring rolls with shark fin, oscetra caviar, shark fin bean paste cooked in beef broth" Even though it is an Italian restaurant、Utilizing the experience that the chef has cultivated so far、Based on Western style、Incorporating Japanese and Chinese elements、For a configuration that will not make you feel bored。Loosen shark fins prepared with beef broth、Cooked with vegetables such as onions and mushrooms and made into spring rolls.、Served freshly fried hot。 Look、Although it seems to be Chinese、The seasoning of the bean paste is Western-style.、The style of salting caviar instead of sauce。 Fish dish "Tachiuo Fresh Porcini Karasumi" Thick sword fish cooked beautifully and plump。Poiret the swordfish fragrant、For sautéed mushrooms cut into large pieces、Using fresh porcini from Italy、Finish with Karasumi oil、A dish with fragrant aromas that whets your appetite。 "Omi beef and jibeef burger Kitaakari's low-temperature potato fries" with a playful touch、Although it is a burger served as a chopstick resting existence、Even if you say "it's a main dish", you will be convinced and it is a hamburger that is so satisfying to eat.。Buns are fluffy homemade brioche、For a thick and juicy patty made with minced Omi beef and gibeef、Thick cheddar cheese sandwiched between、Even though it is a hamburger, it feels like eating meat.、A favorite dish。The potato fries of Kitaakari served with it are、It is slowly fried at a low temperature.、For a garnish where you can enjoy the sweetness like sweet potatoes。 Next, shake the frying pan quickly in the kitchen and emulsify it.、Enjoy freshly made pasta with a sense of heat。 Pasta "Fresh Pasta with Fresh Italian Porcini Kitalla" The first dish of pasta where you can enjoy porcini mushrooms that arrive fresh from Italy in a luxurious and pepperoncino style。...

Hamamatsu "Home party with Mr. and Mrs. Mameyakafu and our favorite restaurant takeout"

Vivid flowering of higan flowers and mackerel clouds float in the autumnal equinox sky、When I started to feel the refreshing signs of autumn、At my house, I invited my friends and his wife for more than 10 years to hold a home party.。The arrangement of fresh flowers that decorate the dining table、This time too, I asked the flower shop "Sou Sou" in the neighboring Ohiradai、I came to receive it。 Here is、Originally, it was active as a "Flower Studio Rac" of flower classes.、Current location、Relocated and reopened on Sunday, March 5, 2023 in Ohiradai、Flower shop and flower class opened together under the new store name "Sou Sou"。It seems that they spent a hot summer without an entrance door from the beginning of the opening.、Recent、A new glass door is installed at the entrance.、It seems that the inside of the store is also cool.。 23 years ago、The seeds sown by the owner, Maiko Takemura, finally sprout and the plants and trees grow.、It is named "Sou Sou" with the thought。Slow vegetation、However,、The name of the store is refreshing with a soft sound that makes you feel strong growth.、Thinking of the owner、It will be a store that will grow as the name of the store says.。 You can feel the changing of the seasons through the flowers.、Plants and flowers that are close to your usual life、We want to make it a place where people can enjoy the changing scenery.、Open this store。The store has、Flowers and plants purchased at the market are lined up、Flower classes (reservation required) are held regularly in the back.。 Not limited to fresh flowers、In addition to dried flowers and wreaths, etc.、Glass and pottery vases are also sold.、Props related to flowers are also available.。 In green、There is a calm atmosphere in the air、The interior of the store is soothing by the cheerful atmosphere of the owner, Maiko.。 Seasonal flowers、How to make dried flowers or wreaths or swags、Making marché baskets, etc.、A fun classroom awaits。 This also、For flower arrangements that decorate the center of the dining table、Order with a horizontal specification so as not to be tall and "an outfit that feels autumn"。What do you like about this arrangement?、Not in flamboyant attire、There is a naturalness of plants and flowers.、A warm place that blends in well with the antique Scandinavian furniture in our house。Also、The conscientious price range that is easy to ask regularly is also attractive.。 Home party appetizers、Please take out the Italian café "Kitchen Luce" in Isaji-cho, Nishi-ku, where the quiet fields spread.、Pick it up before it opens。 Based on the concept of "a place where everyone gathers", as a space where everyone from small children to adults can enjoy delicious and enjoyable meals.、2019Opened on May 18,。 Colours and white、The inside of the store where bright and soft sunlight shines comfortably、The warm grain of the wood is cozy.、I like the atelier-like atmosphere in the Italian countryside。2 counter seats、Table 5×2 people = 10 seats、There are also two private rooms that can seat 4 to 5 people in a raised private room.。 Owner-chef Yumiko Murakami in the back (commonly known as:Yume-chan)、About 10 years ago, he trained for about 6 years in Prato, a city in northwestern Tuscany, Italy.、After returning to Japan, I worked at casual Italian restaurants in Tokyo and Osaka.、Back to hamamatsu、I chose the place where my parents' field used to be my next base and set up "Kitchen Luce".。Hall staff have、With Yume-chan's older sister, Kumiko、Sachiko Yasuike (a.k.a.:Sacchan) with three people、It is open brightly with a soft atmosphere unique to women.。 This time the、Owner-chef Yume-chan's takeout menu、With colorful appetizers that are also bright for the eyes、They make 11 exquisite snacks that are perfect for wine guessing.。It is a box that seems to be able to make a picnic as it is.、I will take it home and put it in a bowl.。 For the main dish of a home party、I ordered paella from the Spanish restaurant "ELCAMINO Saneidai Main Store", which was relocated and opened in "Sala Plaza Saneidai" along Orange Street operated by "SALA Group"。 Here at "Sala Plaza Sanadai"、"Yorimichi Marche" held on the second Wednesday of every month and、Other seminars and events are also held regularly.、”Another Life Space”Based on the concept、Lots of community-based events。 The original、Due to the aging of the "ELCAMINO Main Store" along White Street in Sameidai、2020on December 1,、Spanish restaurant "ELCAMINO Sanaidai Main Store" relocated and opened in the back of "Sala Plaza Sameidai"。 "ELCAMINO"、There is also a branch in Tamachi, which is in the city of Hamamatsu.、Spain cuisine in tapas suit the wide variety of、A bar-style restaurant where you can easily enjoy the best paella, Spanish wine, sherry, etc.。Sanidai store、The ceiling height is.、Full of greenery and openness in the courtyard、Bright interior with natural light。In the terrace、Fortunately, it is also possible to accompany a dog、Let's enjoy it in the coming season。 Paella requested in advance from the owner Yuji Nakano。This paella takeout is、It will be handed over in a "disposable container" or "iron pot"。If you wish、Because it is served in an iron pot、Not to mention the taste of paella、You can even enjoy the atmosphere in earnest.。Returning the iron pot、Due to the nature of the iron pot、Return without washing has become an iron law、In a sense, it doesn't require much effort.、It is a nice service for housewives。 Hot freshly made paella in an iron pot、Nabeshiki、Comes with oven mittens、Convenient to carry。Just put it on the tabletop、There is no doubt that the table will be gorgeous all at once.。Please send me a hand-drawn invitation on how to eat deliciously.、It explains it in an easy-to-understand manner.。 In the morning, I ran to buy and pick up、Because I was able to come back to my house before noon、Let's get ready for the home party。And、Even if I say it, I just put it in the bowl、Takeout's easy party (laughs) Set the table、Served with flowers、All that's left is to wait for the guests of the day。Our beloved dog Chocolat is also starting to sobble before the arrival of guests (laughs) This time's guest is、Kiminori Hamashoji, the owner of the home-roasted coffee shop "Mameyakafu" in Fukuroi, and his wife Akemi。They were the two ♪ who taught us the iroha of coffee, and as a souvenir, we received the "FERRARI F1® Limited Edition "SUZUKA" of Suzuka Circuit.。Here is、2021Ferrari, which has become an official partner of Formula 1® since the year,、Of all races、Special bottles for the four most iconic Grands Prix that have made F1 history。This is a limited edition bottle that F1 enthusiasts will be happy to have。 Sou Sou "Autumn attire"、Roses and snow willows、Crestle、SP Mum、Fujibakama、Rikyukusa、Fruits of tin roses、Autumn hydrangea、Eucalyptus with Belgian Fresh、Gentle flowers dressed in autumn colors are included.。 Champagne "Monthuys Pere et Fils Brut Reserve" in the village of Charli-sur-Marne in Vallée de la Marne, the westernmost part of the Champagne region.、Founded in 1966 by Gabriel Baron and his wife Dolores Fuente, Baron Fuente produces champagne aged for more than 36 months.。In bright gold-yellow color、sweet aroma of ripe fruit,、Fresh citrus freshness、For the aroma of toast and brioche in the air、You can enjoy the full-bodied, plump fruit taste with a refreshing acidity and plenty of ripeness.。 "Yamanashi Prefecture Giant Peak and Shine Muscat Prosciutto and Mozzarella Burrata Salad" Yamanashi uses "Kyoho" and "Shine Muscat" delivered from "Okuyamaen" in Makioka Town.、I made a fresh fruit salad with Spanish jamon serrano and "burrata raw mozzarella" from "Flower Garden Farm".。Served with the microherb "Yakusai Mix (YAKUSAI Mix)" grown by Ryosuke Matsumoto of "MzFarm" sold at "Bio Atsumi Episly Hamamatsu"。 Kitchen Luce "Appetizer Assortment" Not to mention Ayari、Considering the balance of materials、Yume-chan from "Kitchen Luce" who made the perfect appetizer for guessing delicious wine even when it is cold。I think it was difficult to make such a variety of dishes apart from restaurant business.。Thank you very much.。 From the top right、"Carrot sformato" sformato, which means "steamed" in Italian。Everyone has a melt-in-your-mouth smooth sformart where you can enjoy the gentle sweetness of carrots.、Rave reviews。"Spring rolls with avocado and mozzarella"、"Ricotta and spinach quiche" using spinach that goes perfectly with the richness of ricotta cheese、The epidermis is reddish-purple and the contents are bright yellow.、When heated, you can enjoy a sweet potato-like sweet potato "Destroyer's Potesara"、"Eggplant and bell pepper caponata" oozing tomato sauce、The salty balance of boiled pork soaked in oil is ideal for sake "Tonno del Chintai and bean salad"、"Marinated Norwegian salmon" with dill / Serve with caviar lime (pink)"。The appetizers that were carefully prepared were、Whatever you eat, it is delicious and very satisfying! KITCHEN LUCE "FOCACCIA" CALIFORNIA "FOG MOUNTAIN CHARDONNAY JEAN CLAUDE BOISSET 2019" (FOG MOUNTAIN CHARDONNAY / JEAN CLAUDE BOISSET WINES U.S.A.) A new brand of the Burgundy giant Boisset, known as the "Nouvelle Vague of the wine world"。Sakura Wine Awards 2020、2023and Gold Award-winning California Chardonnay。in pale golden yellow tones,、Aromas of tropical fruits、Citrus fruits such as lemons、Fully ripe apples、You can feel the fragrant aroma reminiscent of nuts such as almonds.、A cup full of crisp flavors and gorgeous fruit flavors。 Kitchen Luce "Boso Shrimp no Karaage" What is "Boso Shrimp"?、here、It is a name used around Lake Hamana、The official name is "Yoshiebi"、In Kansai, it is called "Shirasa shrimp"。Because the shell is thin and soft、Fragrant when fried、The meat is satisfying to eat as pre-puri.、Although small、It is a very tasty shrimp full of umami.。 Kitchen Luce "Peperoncino with chicken and lotus root" The chicken that grilled the skin fragrant and the crispy lotus root、After lightly lentin, rebake with the salamander function of "BALMUDA The Toaster Pro"。Will be tightly squeezed lemon。 Kitchen Luce "Roast Beef Salad" Moist roast beef with a beautiful rosé color、Served with salad with baby leaves or Parmigiano Reggiano cheese。Salt or ponzu sauce、Sources and、There are many ways to enjoy it。 Kitchen Luce "Green Olives" ....

Kakegawa bread "Boulangerie Poispoix" A rich meal bread made with domestic wheat with a focus on high-quality ingredients

At Kakegawa's quiet Hatsuma no Mido No. 270 "Ho no Hashisonogaya Line"、Commitment to high-quality materials、To the bakery "Boulangerie POWA POWA" made with domestic wheat。 Here is the original、It is a bakery started by a baker who is the mother of the current owner Kenji Ichihara of Boulanger.、14 years ago in 2009、After training as a baker in Tokyo、When I returned to Kakegawa、It will be the shop that took over my mother's bakery.。At that time、Bread and pastries、"Powapowa", which was a bakery in a rural town with a local connection centered on the manufacture and sale of delicatessen bread, etc.、On the occasion of the change in Ichihara-kun's generation、Little by little, focusing on the baguette, which represents French bread、Incorporating hard types such as campagne, which is a simple, simple but flavorful meal bread、I'm gradually growing into the ideal bakery I want to make.。 Attached to "Boulangerie POWA POWA"、2019Opened GAMA COFFEE home-roasted coffee shop specializing in specialty coffee beans in the year.。 The original、His wife Misato from Kyoto、I was trained as a coffee roaster in Kyoto.、The space on the right side of the store has been renovated as a café.、We offer delicious specialty coffee.。The coffee is、"Soft blend" with a medium-roasted fragrant and light mouthfeel (moderate bitterness)、"Brazil Caramellard"、"Rwanda"、Prepare "Nicaragua"。Medium deep roast is、"GAMA Blend" with mellow richness and well-balanced taste、"Tanzania"、"Guatemala"、"Columbia"、"New Guinea"、"Mandelin"。Deep roasting is、Deep richness and aroma、"Italian Blend" with a profound taste、"Peru"、"Ethiopia"、"Kenya"、"India", etc.、15You can choose your favorite coffee from the types of beans。 In a comfortable space with soft warm sunlight、Relieve daily fatigue、Refreshing your mind、Hope that the story will bloom、Serving a delicious cup of coffee。And、There is a "simple bread set" on the menu.、Bread comes with coffee。Master baking bread next to each other、With his wife roasting coffee beans、Making use of the skills that each couple has learned、A restaurant with a wonderful relationship where you can share it with each other and enhance it。 In the back of the café is a roaster of the coffee roaster "FUJI ROYAL"、With your own hands、Carefully hand-pick the beans、We sell coffee beans roasted in-house.。 Carefully selected specialty coffee beans are roasted into a deep roast with a heavy feeling.、"Iced coffee bottle" that finishes iced coffee with a clear aftertaste and、Roasted coffee beans and hand drip coffee packs、Baked goods, "fleur de sel (salt) from the French Camargue", etc.、There are also products on sale that are appreciated as small gifts.、Assortments are also available according to your request.。 Roasted beans for sale Saturday morning、A leisurely drive from Hamamatsu to Kakegawa for about 1 hour by car。Because it is never close、Only occasionally can be purchased in stores。It will be so popular that there is a line from the morning.、We recommend visiting early after opening.。Also、This bread is also sold regularly in Hamamatsu.、At Hirosawa's stylish European-style delicatessen "Küche" from around 12:30 on the first Thursday、At the special tofu shop "Sanzai Tofu" in Shinogase Town, Higashi Ward, there is a chance to purchase it when it arrives on the first Friday and the third Friday.。 As you enter the store、The interior of the store smells of fragrant wheat from freshly baked bread。Although the favorites are fixed、Look at the expressive faces of the abundant freshly baked bread、It's also fun to spend time wondering which one to choose.。 Because it is bread that I want you to eat every day、Kenji Ichihara of the current owner Boulanger, who believes that the material should be of good quality,、Domestic wheat、Organic rye from Australia、Raw sugar in Tanegashima、Gerand Salt、Natural salt of Izu Oshima、 Organic walnuts and dried fruits、cage-free eggs, etc.、Sticking to high-quality materials as much as possible、Yeast mainly uses homemade yeast (Levan variety) and organic yeast.、Day by day、Thinking about the land、Caring for people、Thinking about sustainable manufacturing、I continue to bake bread every day。"When I was little,、I、He wasn't that fond of bread."、It just so happens that there is a time when I can hear the story.、Mr. Ichihara told us about the history without decorating。He、The first time I encountered a really delicious baguette、With the desire to "make and spread flavorful bread that is simple but close to everyday life"、Continued to work hard to make bread、Recently, he happily told me that he was finally able to offer his own bread.。 Here is、Because it has been switched to face-to-face sales due to the Corona disaster、It will be in the form of telling the staff your favorite bread。 In the refrigerated showcase、Besides sandwiches and quiches、Cheese on the upper tier、Ham or sausages in the middle、Juices、Products that are ideal to accompany bread are also sold。 Ham and sausages of "Inagaki Intestine Store" in Okazaki City, Aichi Prefecture The wife of the café "GAMA COFFEE"、Support during busy bakery sales hours。According to her husband, Ichihara-kun, she is a "more stoic wife than me" (laughs) I'm sure it's ♪ a statement because they recognize each other as partners, because I haven't used a "café" yet.、I would like to enjoy coffee here leisurely next time I have time.。 On this day, I returned to my parents' house in Makinohara.、For bread lunch with a daughter and wife who are about to give birth、12Choose from a variety of breads。 "Cage-free egg sandwich (2 pieces)" ¥ 400 (excluding tax) Sandwich of free-range egg generously sandwiched between fluffy bread。So that you can enjoy the deliciousness of eggs raised free of stress in cage-free keeping、The seasoning is gently finished.、Fun for the whole family。 "Croissant" ¥280 (excluding tax) I have been making it for more than 10 years、He said that he felt like he had finally made it to the starting line in the past few months.。powder、training、How to fold, etc.、Change every time you prepare、Now because I have been trying various things。He will continue to pursue the ideal croissant。The fine layers layered on top of each other are beautiful、Outside is Parisak、The inside is fluffy and thick、You will be enveloped in the aroma of fermented butter。 "Oliva" half size ¥520 (excluding tax) Rustic with green olives from Italy and Sicily。 "Tomate" half size ¥520 (excluding tax) Italian cherry tomatoes and anchovies。It's delicious as it is, but、By rebaking, you can enjoy the aroma of the crisp skin more.。If you accompany it with pasta、Excellent compatibility with leftover sauce。 "Noir" sold by weight @2.2/g Whole wheat bread made by kneading organic walnuts into a compound dough。Fragrant and sweet taste of walnuts、Combined with the goodness of whole wheat flour、"Noah" is hearty and satisfying to eat。Excellent compatibility with smoked foods and honey。 "Classic of flaxseed and black beans" It is rich in nutritional value and is good for the body.、With "flaxseed", which is also famous as a super seed,、A healthy combination bread where you can enjoy the natural sweetness of "black beans" packed around。 1 piece of "plain bread" ¥450 (excluding tax) On this day, there was a 30 yen discount tag for "plain bread"。Domestic wheat、Organic yeast、Natural palm oil、Use natural salt、Eggs and dairy products are free、It will be bread that makes the most of the sweetness of the flour.。Crisp and fragrant skin、Moist inside、Simple taste that you will never get tired of with a fluffy dough。Thick slices of buttered toast are recommended。 "Pain de campagne" half size ¥600 (excluding tax) Yeast is caused by the traditional French method called "Levin mix"、Domestic wheat、Organic rye、Natural salt、Kneading with water、Slowly fermented and baked "Pan de Campagne"。Mellow sweetness and fragrant flavor of stewed dishes and meat dishes、It goes well with cheese, etc.。 "Sautéed Basil Chicken and Onion with Cumin" ¥480 (excluding tax) Sandwiched with plenty of chicken with moist basil flavor、For a crust that you can taste with a crisp sound、Tempt food with onion sweetness and cumin aroma。 "Bacon and Sweet Potato Quiche" ¥ 600 (excluding tax) The sweet potato feeling is warm、Diced corn is the ultimate in umami、layers of potatoes overlap,、The thick and moist appareil with plenty of ingredients is satisfying to eat but has a gentle taste and a light texture.、You can enjoy it with a zaku horo tart。 Autumn limited "Campagne with boiled astringent skin and organic walnuts" ¥ 650 (excluding tax) Every year、Popular autumn-only product "Astringent skin stew and organic walnut campagne"。Everyone knows how hard it is to do chestnut work manually.、In particular, astringent skin stew can only be understood by those who have made it.、It's a very time-consuming task、One of the cooking methods that I think requires patience。To make this product here too、About a month、He spends his days facing each chestnut every day.。Chestnuts boiled in astringent skin and organic walnuts are generously added to the campagne dough.。Not without good reason。 "Complex" half size ¥400 (excluding tax) Moist and heavy meal bread baked mainly with domestic whole wheat flour。Using three kinds of homemade yeast、Whole wheat flour made from organic wheat from "Aoyagi Milling"。Umeno Milling's whole wheat flour、Hokkaido "Yumechikara" whole wheat flour、Domestic barley flour is added to the whole wheat flour of Mie Prefecture "Nishino Kaori"、A little flour from "Harukirari"。Using these domestic whole wheat flours、It is said that it is carefully kneaded and baked by hand.。Even though it is a whole wheat flour main, it does not smell like grain.、Don't get a lumpy texture、And not to make it a netty texture.、In search of the ideal form、Trial and error、It has been brushed up many times.、"Complex" that finally settled on the current composition。That is the、With the gradual changes from now on、It seems that they are trying to provide the best at that time.。Grain aroma、Wheat sweetness、The more you chew, the more umami spreads、Bacon or butter、Creamy cheese、It goes perfectly with olive oil! "Anbutter" ¥350 (excluding tax) For a crust with a crisp texture、Plenty of bean paste with the texture of red beans and thickly sliced butter sneaked in.、Infallible "anbutter"。If you enjoy it with delicious coffee at snack time、For a very satisfying tea time。 Look at the face of bread、If you smell the fragrant aroma、You can understand the deliciousness of the bread even before you eat it.。">The bread of Boulangerie POWA POWA、For us、Exactly such bread。Simple and simple, but infinitely rich in flavor、I would like it to be on the table at any time.、One of my favorite boulangeries。 POWA POWA / GAMA COFFEE Address:278-1 Hatsuma, Kakegawa-shi, Shizuoka TEL:0537-24-4107 Hours of operation:10:00~ 17:30 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesdays (twice a month) Parking:In front of the store https://powapowa-gamacoffee.com/...

Kakegawa ham specialty store "Oishi Farm Ham Kobo" Ham and sausages handmade by craftsmen with carefully raised pigs

From a pig lovingly raised by a family in Okinosu, Kakegawa City、To the specialty store "Oishi Farm Ham Kobo" that sells ham and sausages carefully handmade one by one。 This opened in 2008 on National Route 150 in Okinosu, Kakegawa, surrounded by the sea and greenery.、Inherited by the father from the grandfather of owner and ham craftsman Yoshihiro Oishi、Pigs raised on a pig farm that has been in operation for nearly 50 years、While being grateful for their lives, the ham and sausages made by the authentic German method are very popular.、It attracts many foodies and gourmets。 The store has、There is a workshop that makes ham and sausage.、Salting meat or、Stuffing meat in the intestines、Smoking work, etc.、Day by day、Carefully handmade one by one here、Sold over the counter。 On this day、I used to return to my parents' home Makinohara.、On the way back、I stopped by at the last minute before closing time.。 "Garden Terrace" The wonderful space under the eaves in front of the store、Called "Garden Terrace"、It is prepared as an eat-in space.、You can enjoy freshly made hot dogs and sandwiches from the take-out menu sold at the store.。Only this terrace seat、To be able to accompany a dog、While my dog Chocolat also buys products in the store、Let's wait here。 In the shop、A large showcase is prepared、More than 50 kinds of ham and sausages are always lined up.、Can be purchased in units of g。 There is also an eat-in space on the left side of the entrance.、You can order various products。It is also recommended to enjoy various things to see which one suits your taste before purchasing.。 Owner ham craftsman Yoshihiro Oishi、8Over the years、At a ham and sausage specialty store in Fujikawa、After studying and training authentic German manufacturing methods, he became independent in 2008.。Once every three years after independence、It has been exhibited in contests such as the international trade fair for meat processing "German International Contest IFFA" held in Frankfurt, Germany.、202210 products are also listed in the year、All of them won prizes.、9 Gold Prizes、It is a brilliant achievement with one silver prize.。During the、The newly developed "Kakegawa Tea Ham" with pride in being here Kakegawa also won the gold award.。Your own products meet global standards、To be evaluated as a place to be recognized、You can see the spirit of daily challenge and attitude of not neglecting effort.。 This product is、Although the types are limited, they are also sold in the basement of the department store of "Entetsu Department Store".、We who live in Hamamatsu、Because it is difficult to visit here、While it is often sought after in the basement of the department store、In front of such a large number of products、Which one should I ask for?、I'm just getting lost。 While asking Oishi and his wife Hitomi for recommendations,、Various things、Let's choose the guess for dinner。 There is a wide variety of sausages and sausages alone.、The most popular one for women is "Mozzarella Wurst", which is kneaded with our favorite mozzarella cheese.、This time, what caught my eye was "spicy chorizo"。I can't stand it for lovers of spicy food.。another、What was interesting was "comedian Cotton's sausage" and、Just the other day、Sausages made by the comedian Cotton who came to interview were sold (laughs)、At the "Pré Noir Party" held at my house, I was offered delicious prosciutto.、If you can make this prosciutto on one plate with an assortment、For hors d'oeuvres that play a leading role in a little home party。 Sausages to be sliced and enjoyed are、Burn、You can take it as it is.、There is a recommended way to eat each product.、When you are looking、It's a good idea to ask how to eat it deliciously.。 Saturday and Sunday limited "Freshly baked roast pork"。This is also a gold award winning product.、Freshly baked on Saturdays and Sundays is a very popular menu。On this morning、Just、It was also listed in Instagram Stories.、It is also one of the sights of this day.。So much trouble、Let's have it in thick slices。 Happiness to see a lump of meat that has been hung and matured。I feel like I can have a drink while looking at this.。 Trial and trial、Change the way you make it every time、German soft salami "Homemade Raw Salami Pepper Visor" is also being challenged.。It seems that the self-evaluation is still not 100 points.、There seems to be signs of growth with each passing time.。 The Oishi family, who are also dog lovers,。Just smoke the leftover streaks of pork or beef without seasoning.、Snacks for dogs are also on sale。At a later date、I cut it into small pieces.、For this、My dog Chocolat is also straight (laughs) on the product shelf、Recommended reasonable wines are also available.。With a body that can feel rich fruit taste and thickness、Argentinian malbec "Antigal Estimulo Malbec" with a spicy taste and、with a pleasant dry taste rich in sweet and sour berry fruit flavor,、Best value for money Lambrusco "Lambrusco secco logitto&Guarini"、Brotherhood New York Red is the oldest surviving winery in the United States in the Hudson Valley in New York and has a track record at the White House. / White", etc.。 Courtesy and year-end gifts, etc.、Assorted gifts that are also appreciated as small gifts、"Gold Prize Set" and、"Special" ones, etc.、Gifts are available to fit your budget。(Reservation required) Particular about materials、Minimize additives、No preservatives、Painstakingly handmade hams and sausages。Thankful for the cycle of life、We will take home the products of "Oishi Farm Ham Workshop", which spares no inquisitive spirit to eat deliciously.、I would like to enjoy。 Going through the garden terrace to the backyard、There was a sign dog waiting in a pleasant green paradise。Shiba Inu on the fluffy lawn! Signboard dog "Shiba Inu:Maron (♀Maron-chan and my chocolates are each other.、Dog shyness。Inevitably, a sense of distance is created、There is no frolicking (laughs) Moisten your dark eyes、Maron-chan smartly enjoys taking a break while sitting on a girl。Maron-chan、On the day he goes to work, he comes by car from home.。If only my house had such a large lawn square,、I envied that Chocolat would also be happy。Here you will、If you observe good manners、It's ♪ nice that even those with dogs can stop by "Freshly baked roast pork" Back at my house、Although it was late、Immediately、To accompany your dinner, you will have "freshly baked roast pork"。This time, I would like thick slices.。"Please eat it as it is without heating it on the day of baking."。I wanted to taste both.、As is and、I had both the rebaked one and the one that was rebaked、You can understand the intention of being told to "leave it as it is" when you eat it.。If you prefer a moist texture、I would like you to eat it without warming it.。 "Homemade Salami Pepper Visor" Through Trial and Error Over and Over Again、Challenge repeatedly、Improvements to improvements、Finally on the shelves as a product "Homemade Salami Pepper Visor"、Soft salami with a soft texture。If you slice it、The fat melts out smoothly、Accented by strong acidity and pungency of green pepper、The more you chew, the deeper the taste expands.。 From the right: Gold Prize winner "Freshly Baked Roast Pork (Saturday and Sunday only)" 100g ¥580 Juicy roast pork is also recommended for ham steak。Freshly baked on Saturdays and Sundays is recommended as it is.。 Gold Prize Winner "Garlic Pepper" 1 pack 5 bottles around ¥690 Sausage packed with beef and pork。Accented with garlic flavor and green pepper。 "Spicy Chorizo" 100g ¥420 As the name suggests.、Spicy chorizo recommended for those who are not satisfied with ordinary chorizo。 "Homemade Salami Pepper Visor" 100g ¥864 Smoked raw salami with soft German texture。Accented by acidity and pungency of green pepper。 "Smoked Cheese" 100g ¥400 Excellent match with beer。Ideal for snacks。 "Wagyu Corned Beef" 1 pack 100g ¥800 Luxurious corned beef using Wagyu beef。With bread、For salads、Softness that melts when you put it in your mouth。 "Moldadella" 100g ¥605 Sausage from Bologna, Italy。Because it is not in stock、This is also provided home-made through trial and error.。 Square blubber and pistachios、Black pepper。With a simple and timeless taste、Recommended for sandwiches with thin slices。 Gold Prize Winner "Bacon" 100g Approx. 6 pieces ¥600 We rub our original spices and sea salt one by one using a method called "dry salt method".。 I always buy it in the basement of the Entetsu department store, because it is cut into 6 pieces.、This time I ordered thick slices。 "Smoked Ham" 100g about 6 sheets ¥650 Using outer peaches。Because it is flavored、Delicious even rolled with lettuce or other leafy vegetables。 "Smoked pork and beef tendon" 1 pack ¥200 No salt or pepper, only smoked。Perfect for dog snacks。It has a fragrant aroma and a different bite.。   From those with an early expiration date that do not last much、Up to a certain extent that it lasts for a long time、Because a wide range of products are sold、You can purchase according to your application。Safe and secure hams and sausages that are handmade based on the special German manufacturing method、Everything tasteful、Smoked incense or herbal incense、Even the salty taste is fastened with good salt plum.、A selection of excellent products that make you feel the good taste sense。One of our favorite specialty stores。Speaking of specialty stores、Mr. and Mrs. Oishi's son is currently training at "Watanabe Butcher Shop" in Hamamatsu.。This will also be our favorite specialty store.。Oishi-kun、Hitomi、I'll visit you again! Oishi Farm Ham Kobo Address:451-3 Okinosu, Kakegawa-shi, Shizuoka TEL:0537-48-5618 Hours of operation:10:00To 18:30 Closed on Mondays:Tuesday Parking:In front of the store http://www.ooishi-ham.com/...

Shizunami Coast Japanese restaurant "Restaurant Mine" Makinohara's parents' house is a small Japanese restaurant along National Route 150

Along Route No. 150 of makinohara、An indigo dye swayed at the corner of the Shizunami Kaigan entrance intersection.、Japanese restaurant where you can enjoy hand-made soba noodles and set meals "Restaurant Mine"。 Makinohara City、Can the accredited world heritage site Grand Fuji Volcano (Mt.Fuji)、Spread is a stunning tea、A healing homeland blessed with the sea, rivers and mountains。This is my parents' home.、We opened his parents at an early age from、Local regulars who started.、Thanks to tourists visiting Shizunami Beach, it has already been 46 years.、After the death of my father, who was a chef、My brother Suguru Mineno succeeded him.、74My mother and I are making small arrangements.。 In front of the Shizunami Coast in Makinohara City、2021There is Japan's first large artificial surfing pool "Shizunami Surf Stadium PerfectSwell®", which opened on August 16, 2016.、It is said that the number of visitors from overseas is increasing more than before.。Occasionally、My mother even asked me on LINE, "How should I say this in English?" (laughs)、My husband also added English notation to this smartphone site that he made.、I hope you can watch it for reference。 Shizunami Surf Stadium PerfectSwell® Oval Wavemaking Pool : Width 160m Depth 60m Area 5,000㎡ Wave-making equipment : American Wave Machine Perfect Swell 240 (same type as BSR Resort Wave Generator in Texas, the official practice field of the U.S. National Team) Admission:Free - 550 yen (tax included) * Free for one companion per surf session user * Free admission for children up to 2 years old (no entry into the water) Inside the store、Thanks to my late father's brother, a carpenter uncle、It has been renewed several times.、Providing a warm space of wood while feeling the age、There are 4 counter seats.、There are 3 seats for 4 people × raised tatami room.。Here you will、Handmade Soba and hit my brother started.、Eel, Tempura、For sashimi、We also have a variety of dishes that can be used as a sake pick.、It will be a restaurant where you can enjoy a well-balanced Japanese set meal.。 Singles often prefer counter seats.、While having a drink、It is also possible to use it in a dinner style.。 The raised tatami room is、Partition with a screen、And the。The weak legs、There is a tatami chair that is easy to stand and sit on, so you can use it.。On this day、I returned to my parents' house after a long time.、Lunch time with my daughter and her husband, who are due next week。 At lunchtime, the "recommended lunch set" is popular。Especially the "Unadon Set" limited to Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays ¥ 2,100 (tax included)、It is a set meal with zaru soba on a half-body una bowl、Because it will be a very advantageous set、There are many customers who visit us for this purpose.。 "Mussel" ¥ 400 (tax included) From the whiteboard dish、Sweet and spicy stewed shellfish。Also to accompany rice、It is also recommended for guessing alcohol.。 "Tendon" ¥ 1,380 (tax included) Tempura served in a deep bowl、On top of rice、For two shrimp with blooming flowers、Eggplant、Shimeji mushrooms、Pumpkin、Leo thank you、Okra、With large leaves and a satisfying bowl、Dressed in sweet and spicy tempura juice、Make a crisp and spooky sound、You can enjoy the fluffy and light texture inside.。In a small bowl of the day、Miso soup、Set meal style with pickles。 "Unadon Set" ¥ 2,100 (tax included) The most popular lunch set limited to Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays is the "Unadon Set" of "Unadon and Zaru Soba" that overlooks this profitability。Rice is served firmly in a shallow bowl.、Spirling the secret eel sauce、Unadon with half-body eel。The eel、Steamed and then grilled in the Kanto style、After white baking、Steam in a steamer for about 10 minutes.。Excess water is removed by steaming、Leaves only umami、Makes the eel flesh plump and soft.。This eel is baked while applying the sweet and spicy secret sauce that has been added since the founding.。The Zaru Soba、Use high-quality buckwheat from Japan、Soba noodles are carefully performed by the younger brother from kneading to cutting.。Usually said the 28 wheat 2:The proportion of wheat is slightly reduced from the ratio of soba 8 to bring out the flavor of soba noodles.。Also decoction、Put the dashi took from the thick bonito dashi for the signature, resulting、Thick sweet and spicy juice with firm umami and richness。Add condiments to buckwheat soup as you like、It's a good idea to dive a little.。 The eel、Because it takes time to bake、If you are not booked、Please wait about 25 minutes after ordering.。 The heat is still severe.、Zaru soba between eels will tempt you to eat。 Gathering with family members who were reunited for the first time in a while。My parents' house is a Japanese restaurant.、I've always witnessed the harshness of restaurants.、This shop is run by my elderly mother and brother.、How long can it continue?。Sometimes they are not nearby.、Although we can only watch、I would like to support as much as my family can.。 Suya Main Store "Kurikinton" Let's have the whole family together、Kurikinton of Nakatsugawa specialty "Suya Main Store" made as a souvenir。Every year、This is a dish that you can feel autumn when it is time to sell.。After lunch、Have a snack time with everyone during idle time。 "Kurikinton" will be on sale for a limited time from September to January at "Suya Main Store", which is also a specialty of Nakatsugawa in Gifu.。"Kurikinton", which is famous as the taste of autumn in Kiso Road, is、Cooked using only carefully selected chestnuts and sugar、"Kuriha Kurinomi De"、The old tradition of "returning the kinton to the shape of chestnuts" is preserved.、You can enjoy the original rustic taste of unpretentious chestnuts.。To the younger brother、I want to take it out of the box and serve it, so I ask for a platter.、Just like、They also prepared bamboo leaves.。This kind of place is、I think it's unique to brothers who grew up watching their father's back as a chef and craftsmanship.。If the original、I would like to go with delicious sencha or matcha.、Because my mother is always looking forward to the coffee I brew、On this day, I brought freshly brewed iced coffee from Fukuroi's home-roasted coffee shop "Mameyakafu"、I had ♪ a delicious and enjoyable time There are recommended set meals other than the "Unadon Set" limited to Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays.、Please visit Shizunami Beach when you stop by.。 Restaurant Mine Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Makinohara City Shizunami 2276-2 TEL:0548-22-1886 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-13:30、Dinner 17:30-20:30 Closed on Mondays:Monday、Tuesday's http://mine.lade.jp/...

Hamamatsu "Vistante Unico" Italian restaurant business trip chef and home party with Mr. and Mrs. Ueno

Although it has passed the autumn、The heat of the day still continues.、In the intense heat to feel the signs of autumn、Cool off in the evening、Holding a home party around champagne at our house。Our guests this time are、Kunihisa Ueno and Tomoko met through the introduction of Daisuke Matsumiya, the representative and manager of the old private house hotel "Kamakura Kokon" in Kamakura.。To enjoy a delicious meal and wine with the two of you、As a traveling chef of Italian cuisine、We are inviting Lucas Tanaka, the owner-chef of the completely private restaurant "Bistorante Unico" in Kamo River.。 The arrangement for this day that will decorate our dining table is、Please visit the flower shop "Sou Sou" that opened on Sunday, March 5, 2023 in Ohiradai、Order to arrange it horizontally along the table runner mainly in green。The day I asked、Just、I heard that there is a delivery plan、He also delivered it to my house.。Flower arrangements include、Turkish bellflower or clematis、Zinnia、Eucalyptus、Mishima Saiko、Helenium、Smoked grass、Wax Flower、Celosia、Peacock、Ainz、Lace flower、Daukas、Annabelle and many flower materials are used.、There is a freshness of green as ordered.、It adorably adds cool colors to the dining table.。"Sou sou" is、The original、A shop that was active as a flower class "Flower Studio Rac"。And moved to its current location.、You run a flower shop and a flower class together.。Because flowers are indispensable in our home、I'm glad it's opening in the neighborhood! To get to work on the preparation、Chef Lucas arrives 1 hour before start time。My house is also a first time to use it.、I think it's very difficult to be able to cook in the kitchen of a strange house at first glance.、Started as a pioneer of business trip chefs in Hamamatsu in the Corona disaster.、150Chef Lucas has done more business trips than ever before。Because I have gained experience in any environment, I am adaptable and resourceful.、The preparation is also outstandingly efficient.。I thought it would be convenient for the chef if it was in my house.、I purchased "BALMUDA The Toaster Pro" with a salamander function.、I was surprised when they brought their own! As is expected、Even if it is a cooking utensil, it is best to use something that you are used to.。What to prepare on this side for business trips、Drink such as wine or glass only if you like、Very convenient。Vessels and cutlery、Please bring placemats、Enjoy it as if you were dining at a real restaurant! 1 hour to start time、Let's relax in our gallery for the time being until we are ready.。 Mr. and Mrs. Ueno will meet again since the "Pre-Noir Party" held last summer。You may have noticed that the lighting in the gallery has been renewed.、Interesting observation of the popular work "RON" designed by lighting artist Toshiyuki Tani。Combining the craftsmanship of Mito, which is said to be the Japan of lanterns, and the craftsmanship of Suruga bamboo Sensuji work that makes insect baskets.、Lighting that expresses the delicate sense of Japan aesthetics。Mito's lantern、Water on the surface、Treated to prevent dirt、PET resin for the string、Made of starch glue and environmentally friendly materials。Usually in the higo、Although use bamboo or wire、Thin Japanese paper is wrapped around a PET resin string to create a texture.、It suppresses the shadow of the hip itself。By narrowing the spacing between the strings and strings,、Express delicacy。The Suruga bamboo sensuji work that makes insect baskets etc.、Flexible bending of thin, round bamboo strings、It is characterized by the technique of incorporating it into a bamboo circle。Dispensing with the real pleasure of "bending"、Expresses softness only by assembling "straight lines"。In addition to the warmth of a round string、You can enjoy changing to the stately color of wabi sabi unique to bamboo as you use it.。Lanterns made of Japanese paper、Can be used in either orientation、2-way type that can change facial expressions。We also received a message from Mr. Tani, a writer, saying, "Please enjoy both faces."。This work is、It is also exhibited and sold at the "Louisiana Museum of Modern Art" museum shop in Denmark, which is praised as the most beautiful in the world.。In our gallery、See the fusion beauty of Japan and Danish artwork。 Tomoko, his wife, who enjoys tea and flowers, is serving a wonderful yukata custom-made by "CHIKUSEN" on this day.、The bright pink pattern of Manju chrysanthemum shines、If you correct the collar, you can make it look like a summer kimono。Dressed lightly with a half-width obi、Appeared in late summer attire。Long hair is also cut into bassari and bob.、It is also perfect for kimono The start time is ♪ approaching、Move the location to the dining room、Let's toast with champagne first。 Bistorante Unico Owner-Chef Lucas Tanaka Born in Hamamatsu after graduating from Tokai Cooking and Confectionery College in 2nd year、Trained as a waiter at "ANTICA OSTERIA DEL PONTE" in Tokyo Marunouchi Building for 1 year.、At "La scogliera" in Akasaka、Worked as a waiter and cook for about three and a half years。Once、Returning to Hamamatsu、Experienced part-time work at a restaurant for one year for the preparation period for the trip to Italy。When I couldn't go to Italy due to the influence of Corona、2020In October of this year, we opened "Bistorante Unico", which focuses on catering for one year only.。However,、Because there is no end in sight for Corona in that one year、The store was renovated、1Changed to a completely private restaurant with only tables and catering。 The chef is also in charge of all the dishes and other dishes provided.、Only on this day, the housewife business was completely closed.、I am also grateful that I can spend a relaxing time at home.、Families with small children and、Families who have an elderly person who cannot easily eat out、Also、Having a dog or cat like us、I think it is the best business trip service for those who are about to go out.。 The menu of the on-site chef's catering is、It will be one course for 13,000 yen (tax included) per person.、Appetizers、Two kinds of pasta、Fish and meat mains、You can enjoy all 6 dishes up to dessert。Because I asked the menu in advance、I asked my husband to design and print out the course menu.。Even though it is a private space called my home、Professional cuisine、This business trip style of enjoying a special time is、It will be a "Unico" style different from other restaurants.。 Immediately、Let's have Mr. Ueno, a wine lover, serve。 Cheers to celebrate the reunion with the always lovely Mr. and Mrs. Ueno after a long time! Champagne「Le Saulx d’Ancreville / Les Saure d'Ancleville is produced in the Champagne region of northeastern France.、Champagne recommended by the sous chef of the three-Michelin-starred restaurant "La Tour d'argent" in Paris。Refreshing taste makes it easy to match with any dish、White peach with a hint of cypress、Smell of brown sugar、You can enjoy an elegant taste with a rich aftertaste.。 Chef Lucas prepared、"Aroma Premium" antibacterial and antiviral disposable towel containing natural aroma oil、In fact, it is a tasteful wet towel that is also used in "Porsche Center Hamamatsu (Porsche Center Hamamatsu)"。 The aroma is、From left to right: Citral、Peppermint、Choose from 3 types of lavender and your favorite scent、Start your meal while being soothed by the fragrant aroma! Let's start with the appetizer。Chef Lucas、Because I also have experience as a waiter、Saave is also very smart。 Appetizer "Sweet shrimp and scallops tomato consommé jelly" The appetizer was not decided in advance due to the market.、I was looking forward to the day。On this day、Kelp-wrapped sweet shrimp and scallops lavishly tossed with Sicilian caper tartar、Fresh tomato consommé jelly with egg white added to the broth taken from tomato moisture and vegetables.、Serve with boiled pesticide-free okra on top.。Sweet shrimp and scallops that spread the sticky sweetness and umami by tightening the kelp。A cool dish that will make you forget the heat of late summer goes well with Champagne.。 "Cold Federini with Edamame Sauce with Undan" Cold Federini paired with a sauce using fragrant and flavorful Gunma edamame、Served with saltwater sea urchin raised at the "Hirono Sea Urchin Farm" in Iwate Prefecture、Accented with smoked edamame。What is "Sea Urchin Farm"?、Kelp began to accumulate in ditches dug in coastal bedrock.、Sea urchins grow up eating plenty of high-quality kelp、A paradise for sea urchins、 Even if you look around the world, it will be a special environment that can only be found in Hirono Town Tane City.。Sea urchins grown there are delivered by "salt water sea urchin" using nitrogen nanobubble ultraviolet sterilized seawater.、Rare sea urchins。The melty sweetness and creaminess of raw sea urchin add gorgeousness to the lush sauce of edamame.、The fragrant aroma of smoked edamame passes through your nose、The lingering incense is enough to increase your appetite even more.。 Taste Lucas chef's food、"He、You're good!" and、Mr. Ueno giving the best compliment。Because you both have six cats at your house.、The visiting chef seemed to be very interested.、They promised to make an appointment right away.。 Surely such high-quality food at home、If you can enjoy it at this price、I would like to ask you regularly at my house.。 For every dish served、Detailed cooking explanations are also included.、preparation、Cooking、offer、explanation、dishwashing、See you on to the next dish、And even though it is all in one operation、Good pace at which meals are served、Truly enjoy professional skills。 "Fregla Clam Butter Sauce and Lime" Homemade Fregla、A type of Sardinian national pasta、We also experienced pasta for the first time because it is not well known。Although similar to Israeli couscous、It's plump and bigger than that.、This homemade fleegra is、Roll while adding semolina and water to the couscous.、Round the size into a snowball with a diameter of 2-3 mm.、dry in the oven for at least 3 hours,、To use it by returning it while sucking the juice of the clams there、It takes a lot of time and effort、Actually, I heard that there are few people who make it home-made even locally.。Each homemade fregla contains clam broth.、It goes well with umami-rich sauces emulsified with butter.、The texture is also the best! Experience an explosive taste that you can't imagine from its small appearance! Because it is shaved with lime that goes well with the sweetness of clams、The aftertaste is also a good impression that you can enjoy a refreshing aroma.。This combination is perfect as summer pasta! Champagne「Moët & Chandon Moët Imperial Effervescence / Moët & Chandon Limited Moët Imperial Effervesons" The rising bubbles sparkle like fireworks popping in a glass、Moët & Chandon exclusive Champagne with designs that express the magical world of Champagne。Fresh yet elegant、The supple mellowness of the mouth is attractive.。 Fish dish "Natural kue aged for seven days" "Natural kueh" aged for seven days is、Elastic kue by aging for 1 week、With more flavor、The skin is crisp and fragrant.、The meat is slowly cooked while turning the oil.。I'm sure it's over budget.、"If I come across an ingredient that makes me think this is it, I can't help but buy it," he told me (laughs) Saffron in soup stock made from aged fish.、Add fresh fruit tomatoes、Not to mention the sauce emulsified with Sicilian olive oil.、Cherry tomatoes served with、Unlike the fresh one used in the sauce、It is served in confit、Blanched tomatoes with herbs and garlic、Concentrate the umami of tomatoes by drying them in the oven with rice oil while changing the top and bottom over and over again.、It is exquisite and exquisite! "Homemade focaccia" steak knife used for meat dishes is、Choose from ten color variations of the French "Jean Dubost Laguiole..

Hamamatsu / Shimbashi "Japanese Restaurant Shimbashi Abe" A Japanese restaurant where you can enjoy the cheerful smile of the proprietress and a full tendon

Hamamatsu is a Japanese restaurant in Shimbashi, Minami Ward. / Japanese Food Abe"。I don't often set foot in Minami Ward.、Because there are many shops that you are interested in、I would like to visit little by little from time to time.。 Here is the original、Although it has been operating as "Uoara Branch" for a long time by dividing the goodwill from the famous restaurant "Uoara" of live fish cuisine、2019On Friday, January 11, the shop name was changed to Daian and changed to "Shimbashi Abe".、It has been restarted。 The inside of the store has a bright atmosphere、Counter seats and table seats with a view of the kitchen、Raised tatami room seats、In the back, there is a private room in the banquet hall that can accommodate up to 25 people.、Dinner parties such as legal affairs and legal requirements are also available.。 On this day, go to the raised tatami room seat。A small TV is installed in the corner of the room.、There was exactly 24-hour TV broadcasting.。Eating while watching TV、There is an atmosphere where you can relax at home.、Relaxing interior。 This is served the same menu day and night.、Starting with a set meal menu centered on tendon、Prepare sashimi set meals and unaju。The menu with photos is easy to see、obvious。"Tendon" has two shrimp、"Shrimp tendon" has 4 shrimp、When it comes to "Kamitendon"、Live shrimp becomes car shrimp。 After receiving an order, I started to hear the sound of tempura frying.、The back of a parent and child with a rounded back is similar。 A set meal of tendon with freshly fried tempura was brought to us.。Actually,、After this landlady renamed the store、You have launched a "landlady blog" on the local information portal site "Hamazo".、I am writing a landlady blog with the goal of posting once a day。My husband also has a long history of Hamazo blog.、They immediately noticed our presence.。In this landlady blog、Not much about the menu and food、Most of them are about Momo-chan, a toy poodle kept by your family.、Dog lovers、Occasionally、Turtle mikan-chan appeared.、It is something that shows everyday life like the daily murmurs of the landlady、Even if you are visiting for the first time、I think you can see the personality of the landlady。I was going back to the 2019 article I first wrote、In the article of reading, which is also a hobby of the landlady、It is written that you like "Miyuki Miyabe" and "Keigo Higashino"、My favorite author is just like me.、So much so that I felt a sense of closeness。However,、It seems that regular customers often ask me to "add food sometimes" (laughs) I usually change the menu that I order for two people and share it.、On this day, both of them are in the mood for "tendon"。I wanted to taste it slowly、The time for the trimming salon of my dog Chocolat is approaching.、We held a bowl and ate it silently.。To begin with、The birth of the rice bowl is said to have originated from a dish called "Houhan" in the Muromachi period.、Authentic rice bowls were born in the Edo period。Edo-like temperament that wants to quickly scrape in rice、Put the side dish directly on the rice、Before you know it, tempura is also put on rice.、"Tendon" is born.。On this day we、Just like an Edo kid、I scooped up the "tendon" with a sekuseka.。 "Tendon" 1,540 yen (tax included) The ingredients of "Tendon " are、2 shrimp and 2 squash、Bell pepper on eggplant sliced into rings、Beef cut vertically、White fish is fluffy fried black sea bream and lavish。The tempura batter makes a crispy and spooky sound where there is no sauce.、The place where the sauce is worn is moist、The sweet sauce that provides the same taste by adding and adding is balanced moderately.。 To be served in a set meal style、For rice bowls、Two small bowls of soup、Pickled and hearty。From a bird's-eye view、I noticed that the two small bowls were different from each other.、"Boiled Shirasu grated Japanese radish"、"Simmered Hijiku"、"Jinping 牛蒡"、A small bowl that makes you happy with the "rabbit flower"。 Small bowl "Kamaage shirasu grated radish" Small bowl "Hijiki stew" "Asari miso soup from Lake Hamana" Contains plenty of asari from Lake Hamana、The miso soup, which is sleek and the umami of Asari's soup stock is soaked in, is unique to Hamamatsu.。 Pickles "Sawaan pickles and pickled daikon" Looking at two pickled daikon radishes、Do you ever wonder?。Even though the radish is white、Why is Sawaan yellow? That is、When salting and pickling radish、The pungent components contained in radish are decomposed.、Gradually yellowing、Due to binding with other ingredients、It naturally turns yellow when pickled.。Since ancient times, Sawaan is associated with yellow.、To create the image of Sawaan pickle、There are also products that use natural coloring such as turmeric and gardenia.。With radish that ferments and decomposes pungent components and turns yellow,、Radish that remains white、It's an interesting combination。 The landlady said, "Please ♪ have a water bun."、I had a bite-sized dessert at the service.。The chewy water bun has a plump texture、The bean paste inside is full of beautiful lilac purple sweet potato strained bean paste.。Relax with an unexpected dessert after meals。Even at my parents' Japanese restaurant、My mother often said, "It's ♪ a service."、I remembered that they were handing out ice cream and sweets。Such kindness and concern of the proprietress, who can be said to be the face of the store,、I think it keeps the hearts of regular customers。 "Tentama" When you pay at the cash register、On the counter is written "Heavenly ball, please feel free"、I saw a pile of heavenly gems packed in a small bag。Here is、The tempura that comes out when making tempura at the store、It is said that it is given as a service to customers who come to the store.。In the Abe family、Tendama that must be put in yakisoba、If you float on plain udon noodles、It transforms into a magnificent tempura udon taste.。In addition、It seems that the regulars will teach you various things how to use this heavenly ball.、It's natural to put it in noodles and takoyaki.、Served with rice over eggs or cold tofu、Put it in place of fried miso soup、Stir-fry sweet and spicy with radish leaves and sprinkle it.、Every wife is full of ideas、It seems to be enjoyed by all-you-can-arrange。If one heavenly ball can spread such a delicious topic、There's nothing to say! Japanese restaurant Shimbashi Abe / Japanese Food Abe Address:995 Shimbashi-cho, Minami-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-447-0654 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-14:00、Dinner 17:00-20:00(30 minutes before L.O.) Closed:Tuesday *The first week is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays Parking lot:We have 14 units next to the store https://nippasiabe.hamazo.tv/...

Hamamatsu / Sanidai "Kappo Kuwahara" "Okase lunch kaiseki" that gives a glimpse of the craftsman's spirit with careful cooking and reliable taste

Hamamatsu goes to "Kappo Kuwahara" tucked away next to "THE NORTH FACE HAMAMATSU SAMAIDAI STORE" along Sanidai Green Street。 She moved to Hamamatsu、15 years ago。"You can enjoy authentic kaiseki at a reasonable price" is highly evaluated by friends and acquaintances.、While knowing the existence of this Japanese restaurant、It is also a complete reservation system.、I missed the timing of my visit.、I finally had the opportunity to visit this time.、My husband and I came to look forward to it.。 "Kappo Kuwa Hara"、21Opened a year ago、Currently, the owner, Akiyoshi Kuwahara, is operating alone.。As a result、Reservations are by appointment only.。Without regular holidays、Days without reservations are holidays.。Because same-day reservations are strict due to preparation、Advance reservation is recommended。 After passing through the courtesy,、It is a small structure with a counter、Seats are、Counter 6 seats、There are 14 seats with 4 table seats × 2 seats.。Reservations for this day are reserved by us。Here is、It will be a kaiseki course day and night、Lunch ¥1,500 (excluding tax)、At night, it starts at ¥3,000 (excluding tax) and both can be ordered in increments of ¥500.、This time, we are asking for "Omakase lunch kaiseki" for ¥3,000 (excluding tax) per person that contains pottery.。 The owner, Akiyoshi Kuwabara,、Born in Toyohashi in Showa 40, 58 years old。Holding a kitchen knife for the first time at a part-time job "Chanko Edozawa" in high school、After that、Training in Kansai、Hone your restaurant preparation skills、Opened his own business after staying at a hotel for three days。I was welcomed by my mother who came to my parents' house in Toyohashi.、You live with me here。I was a chef after my father died.、My brother took over the Japanese restaurant at my parents' house in Makinohara.、I thought about the things that my mother and I were doing.、I felt a sense of closeness。 Because interviews are rarely accepted.、Although not much information is disclosed、He said that he was able to come for 21 years only by word of mouth.。He has sudden hearing loss in his right ear.、The shopkeeper speaks quietly and calmly.。To make it easier to talk and serve meals、When I asked, "Shall I go to the counter?" he replied, "I、I'm so embarrassed..."。 It seems that there are madams who drink beer and Japan from noon.、He said, "We offer it at a lower price than other places."、Next time, we would like to have it too。To enjoy a drink during meals、We have a lineup of second-class sake that allows you to taste the individuality of rice in each region.。 Because each dish is freshly made、This time's omakase lunch kaiseki is、8The dish course takes about 2 hours。 While having a conversation with the owner, Mr. Kuwabara、You can enjoy your meal calmly and slowly。 Ahead of "Vinegar Miso Ae" Golden vinegar miso、Scallops on small shrimp、Raw Japanese cloth and cucumber、And serve with chopped mushrooms.。The vinegar miso with good salt plum that arouses food stands out。 Hachisun "4 kinds of small bowls" Smooth and smooth fresh yuba and okra。You can enjoy the rich sweetness of soybeans because you can enjoy raw yuba.。 Braised shellfish、With a taste with careful preparation、Soft, moist and soaked in taste。 Edamame cut the top and bottom of the pod、Don't let it get too salty、The salt is added well enough to enhance the sweetness of the edamame.。 Untan tofu with yamaoi is、smooth and rich taste。You can enjoy a glass of sake while picking this one dish Japan。 Small bowls served in eight suns that can be enjoyed with blue autumn leaves。The first precept and eighth sun have already grabbed my stomach (laughs) "Today's sashimi" I got up at 5 a.m. and ran to the central market in the city.、Commitment to purchasing the fresh fish of the day with your own eyes。The sashimi of this day is、Bonito、Sea bream、Three types of tuna。Horns stand、The cut shines、You can really enjoy the taste of the ingredients、A moment when craftsmanship shines。Served with mellowly aged whole soybean soy sauce and Motoyama Aoi。 Mr. Kuwabara, the owner,、While leaving the commitment to ingredients、Domestic salt and aged whole soy sauce、Hatcho miso、Even if you take one soup stock、It is important to use an appropriate amount of safe and secure products.、He also told me in detail about the things used in ordinary households, saying, "I recommend something like this."。The craftsmanship of the owner, which shows honesty,、I feel the remnants of my late father somewhere.。 Boiled "Steamed lotus root" without sugar or miso,、dashi、Salt、Boiled food with a good taste made with Japan sake。Steamed white fish and ground lotus root、Fluffy and firm lotus root steamed、With plump shrimp and umami-rich Tamba shimeji and three-leaf aroma。Deliciousness that comes back to life。 Strong side dish "Yuan grilled silver cod"、The specialty "dashi rolled egg" is provided for all courses of lunch kaiseki、"Kuwahara specialty" "dashi rolled egg"。Use one egg per person、Dashi rolls made with only dashi stock and light soy sauce。To finish at once over high heat、Inside the store the sound of egg liquid flowing "juju"。Steaming、Served hot、It sways on the bowl while it is carried.、It speaks of its softness.。Eating one bite、With a deliciousness that soaks in、Truly exquisite dashi rolls。And、The strong side dish on this day is "Yuan grilled silver cod"。The silver cod pickled in the hermitage is fragrant、The meat has a soft and melty taste.、With a refreshing vinegar scent。 Fried food "Tempura" Tempura on this day、Scabbard fish、Lotus root、Okra、Shiitake mushroom、Pumpkin。The crispy tempura with a light coat is served with coarse salt made from 100% domestic ingredients.。 Meal "Cha Soba" Using carefully crafted "Tea Soba" from "Ikejima Foods" using carefully selected Shizuoka matcha with a good taste and aroma。There is a stiffness through the smooth throat、You can enjoy the aromatic taste of matcha.。 Dipping soup "Nameko soup" The dipping soup "Nameko soup" served hot is、Plenty of licks and white onions、It has a moderate thickness.、It is often entangled with tea soba noodles.。Sometimes it is a dipping soup、This one is finished with a slightly firmer taste for the eyes.。 Sweet "Soy milk and soy milk powder agar black honey" Combines soy milk and flour containing plenty of soy isoflavones that are good for women's beauty and health、Sweeten with just a little honey、Agar is made loose with a small amount、Enjoy the fragrant and smooth texture of soybean flour、Served with homemade black nectar。It is so delicious sweet that you want to have a refill.。 The nostalgia of the good old pendulum clock、It makes you feel warmth and nostalgia with the scent of Showa.。"You can enjoy authentic kaiseki at a reasonable price"、Don't lie to this evaluation that I heard from around、Low price、With such careful cooking、The body rejoices、If you think that it provides the basic taste of Japanese cuisine、The sincere and conscientious spirit of craftsmanship is unbelievable.。Not to mention that it was ranked as our favorite store、I've already said, "When should I make the next reservation?"、I'm talking。 Kappo Kuwahara Address:3-51-1 Sameidai, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-445-5686(Reservation required) Business hours:Lunch 11:30-14:00、Dinner 17:00~(Negotiable) Closed:Irregular holidays (holidays if there is no reservation) Parking:We have two units in front of the store..

Hamamatsu and Sameidai newly opened! 「Kitchen Ritta / Kitchen Rita's colorful one-plate lunch

Along the White Street of Sameidai、2023/8/18To the newly opened bistro-style Western restaurant "Kitchen Ritta" in (Fri)。 This is the place where "Kuronekoto Italian" was originally contained.、Because it was relocated to Matsushiro Town as "(Bistro Kuroneko)"、It has been vacant for a while as a vacant tenant.。It's not far from my house.、You can see that the construction is progressing before you know it.、I was looking forward ♪ to the opening of the new restaurant, and the name of "Kitchen Ritta" should not be read as "Ritta".、It comes from "altruism (Rita)"。"Altruism" means "to strive for the benefit of others."。 Wishing for the happiness of others rather than your own。 At the expense of oneself、To serve others."、With this feeling in mind, he wished to open the store.。 Shop、Blue or Green、It is finished in a cute café style with gentle colors such as earth tones.、From ceiling to wall、Dried flowers are applied here and there and throughout the store.、Creating a healing space。 4 counter seats、16 table seats、Sofa seatsWith a total of 26 seats for 4 to 6 people、Spacious seats are available.、There is also a live feeling that you can see the state of the kitchen.、Nice build。 I visited at lunchtime on this day.、In the evening、International wines (red, white, sparkling) and Hamamatsu craft beers、Because it is prepared so that you can enjoy a dish that can be used as a sake、Visit for dinner、You can enjoy a casual style dinner while picking at the counter.。 Because it has just opened,、Currently, the lunch menu is offered narrowly.、One plate style (with salad, soup, rice) ¥ 1,650 (tax included) and is well balanced with "chicken, pork, beef".。Lunch set drinks are +¥110 (tax included).、It is very good。 Chicken:"Fugaku White Chicken Sweet and Spicy Tartare" Pork:"Hamana 3-chome Tonteki" Cow:"Soft hamburger steak made with 100% beef" We happen to be nearby.、I was able to sniff out the opening as soon as possible.、On the net、Because the information has not been posted yet、I think it will be recognized little by little from now on.。Even to this day、Friends of the owners、While an acquaintance is holding a celebration、You can see the scene of going to lunch、It seemed very funny.。We also welcome new openings in the neighborhood! There is also a seat on the left side of the entrance.、Change the atmosphere、This is a pure white space.。 In the back、4Sofa seats for 6 people are available.。For those who come with small children, etc.、It's a good idea to reserve a seat here.。 Owner-chef Hiroaki Takahashi and his wife Hitomi。Chef Takahashi、Before independence、He has been working on "Cannery Row" for a long time.、I have also worked at "Mein Schloss"。There are twists and turns in the Corona disaster、On the road to opening an independent business。Because it is a private store where couples work together to manage it.、I would like to ♪ continue to support dried flowers that wrap the store in a gentle atmosphere、Many of them are homemade things made as a hobby of their wives.。There are many rare flowers and dried nuts inside.、To help customers forget about their busy daily lives.、Provides a healing space。 The customer service of his wife Hitomi is also polite, warm and comfortable.、There is no doubt that you will have a relaxing time。 One-plate lunch is easy to eat even when time is limited.、It is helpful even if you are in the middle of work.。 "Soup of the Day" The soup set for this day is、Enjoy the umami of vegetables and bacon at "Minestrone"。 Chicken "Fugaku White Chicken Sweet and Spicy Tartare" (with salad, soup, rice) ¥ 1,650 (tax included) What is "Fugaku White Chicken"?、It is a brand chicken from Shizuoka Prefecture that uses rice for feed.、Juicy and less chicken-specific odor、It will be a meat quality that you can enjoy a strong taste.。The salad is colorful with cabbage, mizuna and radishes.、It was just a solid volume、Enjoy the dressing with the scent of truffle oil.。Pickled purple cabbage or carrot rapée、Served with sweet potatoes and thick pecoros.、Vegetables are also well balanced and firm。Rice、White rice mixed with millet and cooked for excellent nutritional value and healthiness。 The thighs of "Fugaku White Chicken" are plump and juicy.、Double sauce of sweet and spicy sauce and crispy onion tartar sauce。 Beef "Soft Hamburger with 100% Beef" (with salad, soup, rice) ¥ 1,650 (tax included) Meaty hamburger made with 100% beef、Is it easy to understand if you say that it is about the size of a rice ball hamburger steak at "Charcoal Restaurant Sawayaka" that everyone in Shizuoka Prefecture knows?。Garnishes are served in the same way for both rice and salad.。 Thick、The plump and juicy hamburger steak、Smell of、When you insert the knife, the meat juice overflows from the inside.、Because it is 100% beef, it is very satisfying to eat.。The sauce is refreshing with a thick onion sauce.。 "Set drink" + ¥110 (tax included) +¥110 for lunch、The drinks that can be added are "Coffee (Hot Coffee)" & Ice)」、"Hot Tea" & Ice)」、Orange juice、You can choose from oolong tea。We ordered "iced coffee" and "orange juice"。Indulge in the words of your wife "Please take your time"、I was able to relax while having an after-dinner drink.。 While being healed by a friendly couple who are somehow relaxed、Enjoy a leisurely lunch。Lunch is casual on one plate、Dinner is served like a bistro with a glass of wine at Kitchen Ritta.。In the evening menu、In addition to the main dish, pasta is also incorporated.、You can also enjoy guessing wine.、I hope ♪ I can also visit the counter dinner Kitchen Ritta Address:3-57-17 Sameidai, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-489-8820 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30〜L.O.14:00、Dinner 17:30〜L.O.21:00 Closed on Mondays:Thursday Parking:8 https in front of the store://www.instagram.com/kitchen_ritta_/...

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