Hamamatsu Eel "Lake Hamana Eel Daidara" "Una Egg Bowl Gozen" steamed in Kanto style

"Lake Hamana Eel" which serves fluffy eel steamed in Kanto style of Lake Hamana eel opened in Yalue on November 22, 2020 last year! Mr. Ito, the owner of the shop、Trained for about 15 years in the world of cuisine, mainly in hotels and izakayas。The owner's grandfather originally worked at an eel farm.、Because my parents were also working on eels、He seems to have been used to eel since he was a child.、If you do、We want to have an eel shop with a commitment to handling only the local "Lake Hamana eel"、奥様と御二人で「浜名湖うなぎ だいだら」を立ち上げられています! 厳選した浜名湖産の鰻にこだわり、Carefully steamed、Grilled eel、"Una egg bowl" with a whole dashi rolled egg is a specialty、The compatibility between the bright yellow egg with dashi and the shiny plump eel has a strong impact on the appearance.、There is no doubt that the fluffy texture goes well with each other! This "Daidara specialty" is also popular on SNS、Is it time-to-time?、テイクアウトやデリバリーも好調のようです! 店内は温かみのある和の趣で、4 counter seats with a view of craftsmanship、8 seats in a small raised tatami room、There will be 10 back room seats that can also be private rooms。I visited here at lunchtime late on weekdays on this day.、Current、"100 million yen cashback campaign 3rd" to stimulate demand for visits to restaurants in Hamamatsu City is also being held、大変賑わっておりました! 奥座敷席に通され、Let's wait for eels in a spacious tatami room! On this day, the way that looks like the owner's mother is also served in the hall service、とても気持ちの良い接客をしてくださいました! メニューには「うな重・上」3,300円をはじめ、There is a signboard menu "Oke-mabuushi" 3,850 yen, etc.、The lunch menu is 2,750 yen for "Una Egg Bowl Gozen"! Unusual for an eel specialty store、There are also non-eel menus such as "Lake Hamana Oyster Set Meal" 1,500 yen and "Trout Bowl Set Meal" 1,280 yen、3Two lunchtime benefits are also full of great deals and nice service! [Lunch time privilege] (1) Large serving of rice free (2) Liver sucking → can be changed to miso soup or soup of Lake Hamana nori (3) Free drink (Cola, ginger ale, orange juice, black oolong tea, collagen peach soda, collagen white grape soda, collagen yuzu soda, iced coffee, barreled all free glass) I choose one of these! Lunch privilege "Tarutome all free glass" I chose all-free without hesitation、7 in a glass:3Appeared poured beautifully in the ratio of! I've been talking non-erbil after a long time.、昔より大分美味しくなりましたね♪ ランチセット「トリュフサラダ」 ランチ御膳と定食に付いてくる「トリュフサラダ」はレタスや水菜、Carrot、Tomato、Cone、アボガドなどのミニサラダにトリュフオイルドレッシングがかけられています! ほぼ同じタイミングで「浜名湖うなぎ うな卵丼御膳」と「浜名湖産カキフライ定食」が運ばれて来ました!小鉢や椀がお盆一杯に並ぶ嬉しい品揃え! 数量限定「浜名湖産カキフライ定食」1,500円 今年の浜名湖産の牡蠣漁は出が良いようで、It is said that you can enjoy this oyster fried set meal in limited quantities! It's a medium-sized oyster.、5You can enjoy plenty of pieces! Squeeze the lemon and enjoy it refreshingly.、Enjoy the classic tartar sauce、In addition、You can ask for sauces if you like! Small bowl "Trout Sashimi" Red Fujimas、Enjoy the elegant sweetness of the fat on moist、You can enjoy it well with the wasabi attached! Small bowl "Asa no Tsukudani"、Nori cold fellow、Pickles、Fruit" "Rice (refill free)、Nori soup" While having oyster fry、I suddenly saw the eel sauce prepared on the table.、Put "eel sauce" on rice、I enjoyed it in the kabayaki style of oyster fries! Because it is a little sweet sauce、小さなお子様でもカキフライが食べやすくなるかもしれません♪ 「うな卵丼御膳」2,750円 蓋を開けるととろとろの半熟卵にうなぎの半身を乗せた「うな卵丼」がお目見え!卵は丸ごと1本のだし巻き卵と変更することも可能とのこと! 関東風に丁寧に蒸し上げふわっふわのやわらかな鰻に、Served with softly finished softly finished softly! The sweet sauce is well entangled in the egg.、小さなお子様や御年配層に喜ばれそうな味わい!鰻と卵の相性は抜群です! 小鉢「とろろうなぎ、Pickles、あさりの佃煮」 小鉢「マスのお刺身、Eel Bone、Shirasu grated、果物」 甘味「わらび餅アイス添え」 「うな卵丼御膳」に付く食後のデザートは、Warabi mochi and ice cream! There are three kinds of ice cream served with kinako and matcha warabi mochi (vanilla)、Matcha green tea、Black Sesame)、抹茶をセレクト! 御膳と定食のボリュームは申し分なくとてもリーズナブルに鰻を楽しめるお店となります! 浜名湖うなぎ だいだら 住所静岡県浜松市中区鴨江3-68-8 アサヒ開発ビル1-A TEL:053-525-8511 Hours of operation:11:00-14:00、17:00-20:00(オーダーストップ) 子連れ可(キッズメニュー有) 定休日月曜日 駐車場:有 https://daidara-bocchi.com/...

Atami Birthday Trip (9) "Furuya Ryokan" Authentic Kyoto-style kaiseki that enjoys the season using carefully selected ingredients

Atami Onsen "Furuya Ryokan" boasts a history of more than 1806 and more than 200 years、Kazuyoshi Taneda, a native of Miyazaki Prefecture who serves as the head chef, used carefully selected ingredients from all over the country、和にこだわりつつも新しい発想を取り入れて古屋旅館ならではのオリジナル京風懐石料理を提供されています! 創業当時より朝・夕の御食事はお部屋食で提供されており、30 minutes before the start of the specified meal, Mr. Nakai can start preparing the meal.。The meal on this day will be from 18:00、17時半から準備スタートです! 卓上にセッティングされていく様子を眺めながらシャンパーニュ「ラ・コリーヌ・アンスピレ/ジャック・ラセーニュ (Jacques Lassaigne La Colline Inspiree)」で乾杯するも既に食事前に1本空けてしまいました! 先付や前菜が並び始め、On the right hand side, there is a towel with the name of Oshibori and Furuya Ryokan.、You can take it home with you.。Now、You're ready! When I imagine a series of flows while looking at the menu、胃袋が待ち遠しいと唸ります! 「食前酒」 自家製梅酒と静岡産ほうじ茶の食前酒 食前酒に梅酒をいただく機会は多いものの、The combination with hojicha is fresh! The aperitif which divided plum wine with hojicha is gentle in sourness、Refreshing plum flavor、And the aroma of hojicha that comes through the nose、食欲を掻き立ててくれる一杯! 「先付」 丹那の牛乳を使った胡麻豆腐 先付で心を奪われるとはまさにこのこと!一口で虜になるねっとりとした食感に、Flavorful sesame tofu stretched with rich milk、Well-balanced with rich sesame sauce made only with rubbed sesame、絶品です! 「前菜」 秋刀魚寿し、Kawabuta Stew And Gori、Ginkgo、Mushigo Matsuba Skewers、Pumpkin Icho、 Homemade Karasumi、In the middle of foie gras、Kaki Egg、Hijiki Men Pine Needles、Kaku mother-in-law Matsukasa、 Dried Flowerless Flower Fruit Group Chestnut、Konoha No Shitori、Soy dumpling sesame vinegar、干柿白酢 柿の器や、For a cute imitation of a pine plump、Dried fruitless like chestnuts、Egg yolk dyed in persimmon color、Deep-fried hijiki noodles made into pine needles、Decorative daikon radish made of autumn leaves, etc.、A number of appetizers that you can enjoy autumn attire with your eyes and tongue、丁寧な手仕事の細やかさと味わい深さを堪能! 「吸物」 菊花糁薯、Daikoku Shimeji、Yacon、Red-core radish、Moro Cucumber、柚子 透き通るほどに塩味優しい品のあるお出汁に、Chrysanthemum potato with the umami of the soup stock、Daikoku Shimeji with a rich umami、Wearing a daikon radish like a hagoromo。 「お造り」 本日のお造り 薄くスライスされた赤大根の上に添えられた本日のお造りは、sea bass、Tuna Medium Toro、Oval squid sepioteuthis lessoniana、金目鯛の四種です! 身の締まったスズキ、Beautiful tuna inside toro、Bouncy Aoriika、Sweet golden sea bream with flower hoshiso and red ted、Carrots and pumpkins decorated with maple and ginkgo。 Six kinds such as wasabi and soy sauce are served in the sashimi、お勧めの組み合わせやお好みの組み合わせでいただけるスタイル! 先ずは、"Wasabi of Izu + Tosa Soy Sauce" of the royal road、「伊豆大島の自然海塩+オリーブオイル専門店CREA TABLEさんのExVオリーブオイル」、Let's have it from the combination of the top and bottom basic that is recommended with "blue pepper + ponzu"! If you simply enjoy the taste of fish, sea salt is also good、辛いもの好きな私たちは変化球の青とうがらしの組み合わせもお気に入りです! 「焚合せ」 里芋、Octopus Kokurani、Autumn leaves、Needle ginseng、Shake Yuzu, the combination of the fire with a smile、To a moist taro、Boiled octopus that was soft and glossy by boiling it with azuki beans。 "Medium plate" Kuroge Wagyu Hobayaki、Shiitake mushroom、Turnip、White konnyaku, determine how the fire is on, and take the lid.、A dish full of gravy served with specially warmed miso! "Oi" eel and truffle chawanmushi Chawanmushi Chawanmushi with the scent of truffle、It is finished in a slightly sweet taste、ふわとろの鰻入り! 「強肴」 蕎麦の実寄せ、Sardine liver、Eggplant、Pineapple、Princess Ginseng、Lalesi、 Strawberry、Ura、Persimmon、Dry Orange、Caviar、みかん酢ジュレ さっぱりとした冷製仕立ての強肴で、Each dish is a chopstick resting existence。 「焼物」 銀鯥西京焼き、Aigamo Loin、Vinegared ginger、栗渋皮煮 焼物は西京味噌の上品な味わいが楽しめる銀鯥と噛むほどに味わいが楽しめる合鴨の二種。The chestnuts are served with a large blueberry.。Served with vinegared ginger and red clams。 "Mushroom rice" cooked in an earthenware pot has come to the rice of the meal! When you open the clay pot lid,、Caught by a so good scent、思わずショコラも覗き込み仲居さんにおねだり中!(笑) 「御食事」 きのこめし(白米に加えもち米を使用) 「御食事」 きのこめし、Miso soup、香の物 昆布だしと塩で炊き上げた土鍋ご飯は、Exquisite rice with chopsticks going on with the rich aroma of mushrooms! The compatibility with the black pepper of the back that you like is also outstanding! By adding glutinous rice、Because it becomes delicious rice even if it cools down、I've had one cup at a time.、The rest is "onigiri"、お夜食としていただきます! 「水菓子」 りんご、Matcha Pudding、黒ごま蒟蒻 食感を残したりんごの蜜煮に、Matcha pudding and black sesame sauce with black honey if you like。Although it is a small amount、お腹は一杯! 順に運ばれてくる秋満載の献立に舌鼓しながらの御夕食。If you give me the handmade rice you brought to the chocolate, please flatten it cleanly.、Looks of delight! Stretch your legs and relax as if at home、一緒に秋の夜長を楽しみました! 古屋旅館 住所:5-24 Higashikaigancho, Atami City, Shizuoka PREFECTURE TEL:0557-81-0001 Pets:Yes (*Limited rooms, conditional) Parking:35Stand-owned (free) https://atami-furuya.co.jp/...

A nutritious eel heavy lunch grilled with Kishu Bincho charcoal while looking out at the courtyard of Hamamatsu "Kanerin Eel Shop"

To "Kanerin Eel Shop", an eel specialty store founded in 1952 along the Yuto Kaido in Irino-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu City Speaking of "Hamamatsu's food" where we live、But first and foremost "eel" to raise、Eel shop very much、Taste sauce and bake、How to Cook rice into a particular、It is thought that there is a favorite shop for each person! In our husband and wife's dogma and prejudice、Storefront、Customer service、Material、Taste、As a cost-performance score、The shop which acquires the No.1 with a very good balance is here "Kanerin-an shop"! This one was originally、That had been operating in the town、 1977In October, and moved here INO-Cho, 39 years、In relation to earthquake-proof outlets、In the form of the new and reformed、2016To set up a Japanese garden on 23 June, the quaint atmosphere has changed、The Japanese space full of restless、While not facing the street was described as too cozy、益々その名を轟かせる名店となります! 店内は、Counter seating around a central courtyard、Table seats、Private room、A sitting room and all 61 seats are available.、今回は中庭を望むことができる掘り炬燵の座敷席へと案内していただきます! 11月に入り、The day of zero new corona infection people in Hamamatsu City continues、As a thorough measure、The window is opened and ventilation is improved.、We are working on infection prevention measures such as alcohol disinfection and acrylic panels between tables next to the cash register.。 While waiting for the time between ordering and baking、Take a break with warm green tea。 The interior of the restaurant is comfortable and calm.、You can enjoy meals in a very easy posture because you can lower your feet with a digger in the tatami room seat。 こちらのお店も現在開催されている「浜松市×PayPay」のキャンペーン対象店となりますので、Pay pay bonuses worth up to 30% from the settlement amount、大変お得に食事を楽しむことができます! 「うな重(並)」2,940円 こちらでは、Deprecating quick quality eels to its seasonal's supply chain、I will bake it with Kishu Binkatan! The outside is fragrant and the inside is plump and baked.、It founded 67 years.、A secret kept from his grandfather's long shirttail while sauce three times under、Taste、Luster with the best to finish、大きな釜で炊き上げ米の芯までふっくらと炊きあがった熱々の御飯の上に乗せて提供! 鰻と御飯の間に粉山椒を振りかけ、Enjoy the scent of sansho spreading in your mouth! The eel is soft enough to cut with chopsticks.、Sauce is not too sweet and spicy, which is common in the countryside、Elegant and just right salt plum。 The grain stands firmly while the white rice is small.、In a state of gloss to entangle the sauce、The heavy box becomes the heat which can be able to be in the state of heat while raising the steam to the last minute.、思わず箸が進む美味しさは格別です! 鰻の肝入りの肝吸いは上品な味わいで漬物は柴漬けや沢庵の3種盛りとなります! 免疫細胞強化に役立つビタミン豊富な栄養満点の鰻を食べて免疫力を高め、Body building that is not defeated at the virus! eat well、Sleep well.、よく笑いましょう! 大変満足度の高い「かねりん鰻店」のうな重。 If you eat eel in Hamamatsu、We always recommend "Kanerin Eel Shop"、Because a new eel shop is opened、そちらにもまた足を運んで見たいと思います! かねりん鰻店 住所:731 Iinocho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-448-9335 Hours of operation:11:00-13:45[O.S]、17:00-20:00[O.S] Closed:Every week Wednesday、3rd Tuesday https://kanerin.net/...

After the relocation "Tempura Seisei" Shizuoka's proud tempura craftsman Takeo Shimura eats the craftsmanship

Foodies come from all over the country、We are happy to hear from "Tempura Seisei" in Shizuoka, which is famous as a difficult-to-make reservation shop。 The place is adjacent to Asama Shrine、There is a garden that is said to have been built by Ota Dokan, who is known for building Edo Castle in the late Muromachi period warlords.、In the Meiji period, it became the residence of Takayoshi Sekiguchi, the first governor of Shizuoka Prefecture、After closing the site where the former long-established Kappo ryokan "Kikuya" opened in the Showa era、「静岡鉄道 株式会社」が土地を取得し保全管理に務められ、We are redeveloping it as a new facility that makes use of local tourism resources.。In the newly built wooden one-story building、Through this place, "I want to convey the charm of Shizuoka"、We will attract "Itamae Tempura Seisei" with the same desire to make Shizuoka a representative shop、Constructed a store that made a lot of Shizuoka wood.、History and Food Culture of Shizuoka、As a source of industrial appeal、新生「てんぷら成生」として2021年3月に移転オープンさせ誕生! 建物は、Using prefectural materials mainly from Shizuoka City"Occiz wood"、Designed to be a space where you can enjoy your meal while looking at the garden.、京都で数々の料理店を手掛ける建築家「株式会社 木島徹建築設計事務所」の木島徹(Tetsu Kijima)氏が手掛けられています「成生」 今宵のメンバーが揃うまで、We will wait for a while in the waiting room。 Fuji stone (Osawa stone) which reaches as much as 3t in weight is enshrined in the waiting、I tried to hold up my hand to receive that power。The cool comfort is a strange feeling that calms down somewhere rather than energy。 The vase is served with pretty flowers blooming in the garden.。 廊下の照明は「LIGHTDESIGN.INC」の東海林弘靖(Shoji Hiroyasu)氏が手掛けられており粋な細工で足元に美しい富士山が浮かび上がります! 一輪の命と念持仏この日のカウンターは貸切で8名のワイン仲間との美食会ゆえに天ぷらとワインのペアリングも楽しみにして参りました! 諸事情がおありのようで料理撮影が禁止されているため、It is different from the usual coverage feeling、I was able to enjoy the meal slowly.。I will describe it in the order in which I had it as a memorandum。 [One item] peanut sink a warm dripping thick with the saltiness of the eyes gradually permeates the stomach。 Two items: Kue sashimi Enjoy the sweet fat of kue that is tightened through low temperatures。 [Three items] bonito 50 °C low temperature and beautiful glossy bonito is exquisite。 ※ Grated daikon radish to accompany tempura is also a chopstick rest、If you empty the vessel, you will get a replacement many times.。 [Tempura] according to ingredients、Change clothing and temperature、素材を活かす (1)太刀魚 大根の鬼おろしの上に乗せられた太刀魚は上にも鬼おろしを添えハフハフしながら。 (2) Ginkgo a little salt。 (3) Green beans Fresh blue turns into umami。 (4) Lotus root with mud is fresh with the scent of soil that smells faintly with skin。 (5) Kiss Fluffy。 (6) White sweet sea bream Scales have a crisp and light texture, and while enjoying the softness that melts inside, let's use Sansho。 Chopstick rest salad raw Chinese cabbage、Garland chrysanthemum、Turnip、Add kara ink to your accent。 (7) Pumpkin Sweetness condensed by deep-frying。 (8) The thick sardines of the evening fishing are cut into half-length。 (9) Kobani Oni grated。 (10) ・ (11) Eggplant and leek。Serve with freshly shaved bonito flakes。 (12) Make Quinn Enjoy the gap between the crispy skin and the smoothness inside to fry the potatoes that have been slept for about half a year.。 (13) Renko sea bream with ara salt。There is a sweetness with goods and it seems that rice will go with the remaining aroma that comes out to the nose。 (14) Kamasu Shirami enjoys the difference。 Freshly cooked white rice cooked in a wood-fired pot (Sida Haibara rice) Tendon or Tencha or Tenbara。 Incense Cucumber、Paprika pickled in bran、蓮根甘酢漬け 赤だし 山椒を効かせて。 Magnum of this day can be tasted at its best、3 Champagne Pinot Noir、A total of four Magnums were vacated.。 ⒈「ドゥラモット ブリュット ブラン ド ブラン(Delamotte Brut Blanc De Blancs)」 ⒉「ベル エポック ペリエ ジュエ 2007(Perrier Joue Belle Epoque Blanc 2007)」 ⒊「ベルンハルト・フーバー シュペートブルグンダー 2015(Bernhard Huber Spätburgunder H 2015)」 ⒋「クリスチャン セネ ブリュット ミレジム 1995(Cristian Senez Brut Millésimé 1995)」 朝夕と一日に二度、Mr. Shimura is seconded to purchase to Naoki Maeda, the fifth-generation owner of The Sasue Maeda Fish Shop in Yaizu。We directly purchase the one and only ingredients that are indispensable to "adult"。They are both friends and friends.、The fight between the two, also referred to as a rival, has been featured in various media、I'm having a good time watching.。Suruga Bay, one of Japan's leading fishing grounds,、Using ingredients from the sea and land of Shizuoka, which is blessed with a mild climate and agriculture is also active、We had a valuable experience at a luxurious gastronomic party while enjoying the craftsmanship that you volunteer in front of you。 After the meal, move to the tea room and have sencha。 The first thing on offer is a freshly made flowerless sorbet.。There's a slight salt effect.、A sharp aftertasm that blends perfectly into the stomach after meals。 Mt. Fuji also on the hanging scroll of the tea room。 The first roast of Ashikubo tea, blessed with the rich nature of the Ashikubo River, a tributary of the Abe River, is drained.。 The second roast was 65°C and drunk and compared、I'm pouring oil.。 The vast site boasts a site area of about 1,800 square meters、500You can enjoy a japanese garden of about 660 square meters boasting a history of more than 60 years.。In the lit up garden、The upside-down garden pattern reflected in the pond creates a beautiful night。Currently, it is also open for lunch.、日中に魅せるお庭の顔もまた素敵なことでしょう! 秋の夜長の夜風は心地良く、He gently stroked me with my reddish cheeks with plenty of alcohol.。 Souvenirs are prepared for each、Inside, two nigiri rice cooked in a wood-fired kiln was in the middle.。Nigiri rice made with only salt and white sesame seeds so that you can feel the umami of new rice。The rice grains stand firmly and are finished in a splendid bale type、The next morning、冷めた状態でも美味しく堪能することができました! 「成生」志村 剛生(Takeo Shimura)氏プロフィール ・1975年神奈川県生まれ ・東京農業大学卒業後、Study in Australia。 ・ To the world of cooking by working part-time at a Japanese restaurant where I studied abroad。 After returning home、Trained for 6.5 years at a Kappo restaurant in Yaizu、I was shocked by the deliciousness of Shizuoka's ingredients。 ・Met Mr. Maeda of The Sasue Maeda Fish Shop, a long-established fish shop in Yaizu during his training period、20Years or more、How to tighten fish together、Maturation method、I am continuing research on cooking methods, etc.。 ・ For vegetables, staff go directly to contract farmers in Shizuoka、We maximize the original taste of the ingredients by storing them with skin until just before serving。 ・ Opened "Itamae Tempura Seisei" in 2007 as a falconer。 2021、Relocated and opened as a new "adult" in the current location。 A photo to commemorate Takeo Shimura, who saw me off。素晴らしい一夜を有難う御座いました!...

Kosai "Live Fish Inn Asao" Breakfast standing on the shores of Lake Hamana and overlooking Bentenjima Island for a vitality of the day (3)

Standing on the scenic lake of Hamana Lake、Early morning at "Live Fish Inn Asao" overlooking Bentenjima, a popular tourist attraction as a power spot of Lake Hamana。If you go to the nearby Bentenjima Seaside Park,、The beautifully curved Hamana Bridge and the fantastic gradation sky that fascinates before the morning bake collaborate beautifully、The red torii gate floating on Lake Hamana as a symbol tree of Bentenjima reveals its presence at low tide、You will be fascinated! Breakfast at the hotel is at "Manfuku" in the large hall which becomes a banquet hall as well as dinner、I'm asking you to do it from 7:00 a.m., which is the first time of the morning.。Take a morning bath until your meal is ready.、It is also recommended to take a walk along the lakeside of Hamana! Rice and drinks become self-service style、A large rice cooker and a teacup are prepared.、好きなだけよそえるため分量を自分でコントロールすることができます! 我が家はいつも朝一番の朝食はしっかりと摂るほうなので、Breakfast like a Japanese set meal is desirable、何処かほっこりとする朝食が並び嬉しい限りです! 焼き鮭や新鮮な卵、Natto and nori、Side dishes are ed with nutritious small fish and boiled beans.、A lineup that seems to be able to eat as many cups of rice as you like! Especially、Maisaka Port's fresh "whites", which boasts one of the largest amounts of whites in Japan, has become a popular specialty.、I love it too! Even though I was so full the night before、It was caught by the accompaniment of delicious rice、しっかりと二杯目のおかわりまで平らげてしまいました! 「焼き鮭」 「釜揚げしらすおろし」 「ひじきの煮物」 「五目豆」 「豊岡村の棚田米コシヒカリ、Miso soup、香の物」 「卵、Natto、味付け海苔」 朝から大満足の朝食をいただき、Pour the coffee after the meal into the mug.、お部屋でゆっくりといただきました! 先代が大切に守ってこられたお宿を「自由にやってみろ」と任された若旦那と若女将の御二人が力を合わせて家族経営され、"Live Fish Inn Asassao" offers heartwarming service and relaxing Japanese cuisine。浜名湖畔にお立ち寄りの際はぜひ足を運ばれてみてください! 活魚の宿あさしお 所在地:3392-3, Shinimachi, Kosai City, Shizuoka Prefecture TEL:053-592-0761 http://www.asasio.co.jp/...

Kosai "Live Fish Inn Asao" Standing on the shore of Lake Hamana and enjoying a meal of live fish while overlooking Bentenjima (2)

Standing on the scenic lake of Hamana Lake、At "Live Fish Inn Asao" overlooking Bentenjima, a popular tourist attraction as a power spot of Lake Hamana、Masahiro Yamada, the first of its long-time, started from a fishing boat shop.、当代の若旦那である山田敬介さんも和食店にて修行の道を経て跡を継がれたため地元舞坂港や浜名湖に揚がる地魚を中心とした活魚を使った新鮮な料理を楽しめる御食事が有名です! 宿の裏手にある湖畔沿いの散歩道から散策を楽しみ、The collaboration between Akatorii and sunset, which is the symbol tree of Bentenjima、それはそれは美しい景色で心を奪われてしまいます! 御食事は宴会場となる大広間の「万福」にてスタート時間を18時〜または19時〜のどちらかで選ぶことができます! 広々とした広間で宿泊客毎のテーブルが間仕切りで用意され、Consider ventilation, etc.、コロナ感染防止対策もされています! 「献立」 お酒の当てになりそうな先付けから、Until the main meal、While checking the contents of the menu lined up with idly、お料理が運ばれてくるのを心待ちに! 瓶ビールをオーダーし旦那様の45歳の誕生日を祝して乾杯です!(※こちらの宿泊は緊急事態宣言前となります) 素材選びにこだわり、While the warm is warm、While the cold is cold、Because it is faithfully protected and provided the basics in the basics so that you can eat deliciously、Freshly cooked dishes are transported in order.、あっという間に卓の上が美味しそうな料理で一杯になっていきます! 鮮魚が楽しめるお造りの盛り合わせは若旦那がサーブしてくださった際に丁寧に説明してくださいました! 「瓶ビール アサヒスーパードライ」 「アサヒスーパードライ」は、Become the official beer for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games、Because original design cans and original label bottles are released nationwide、今回はオリンピックバージョンのラベルで楽しみました! 「先付け」 香ばしく焼かれた活海老塩焼きをはじめ、steamed corn cut from the core for easy eating、Tsukudani of small girls、Squid salty、枝豆とビールの当てに嬉しい前菜ばかりが添えられています! 「ごま豆腐」 胡麻の香り豊かにねっとり、Sesame tofu with a chewy texture! The seasoning is accompanied by wasabi、If only I was in a light dashi stock、つるんと喉を潤してくれます! 「お造り」 この日の鮮魚は、Natural red sea bream with elasticity on fatty southern tuna、Thick aoriika with a thick sweetness、Pale but toothy flat eyes、With Isaki who is attractive elasticity that is refreshing to eat、色艶も良く新鮮で美味しいオールスター並みの刺身が出揃います! 「茹で蟹」 舞坂港水揚げワタリガニを半身ずつ提供され甘味のある身や内子が味わい深く楽しめます!茹で蟹を手にするとつい黙々と食べ進んでしまいます(笑) 「豚角煮」 国産豚を使用し、Sweet and sweet pork simmered in a hot and cold sauce、里芋とサヤエンドウを彩りに添えて! 「お浸し」 箸休め的な存在で、Moroheiya and Okra where Nebaneba is happy for the body、しめじのあっさりとした小鉢! 「天ぷら」 海老天が2本、Eggplant、Shiitake mushroom、Leo thank you、さつま芋と揚げたて熱々の天ぷらの盛り合わせは塩または天つゆのどちらも用意してくださるのでお好みで海老天のプリプリ具合に御満悦の私たち! 「香味野菜と白魚土佐酢和え」 白魚に衣を纏わせて揚げ玉葱やアーリーレッド、Paprika、Celery、Carrot、ピーマンなどの香味野菜とともに土佐酢で和えた夏らしい爽やかな一品! 「茄子田楽」 こちらの料理はどれも味付けが良い塩梅の匙加減でしたが田楽味噌だけ濃厚な味付けになっており薄味好みの私には少々しょっぱく感じた一品茄子のとろとろ具合は美味しかったので味噌を避けていただきました! 「蓬莱泉/関谷醸造」 お酒は、Beer、Japanese sake、Shochu、ワインなど各種取り揃えられています「蓬莱泉」は低温でゆっくりと時間をかけて吟醸酒を仕込むように丁寧な造りをしたお酒を冷やでいただきます! 「うなぎ蒲焼」 自家製たれで香ばしく焼かれたうなぎの蒲焼は半身ずつの提供ですが十二分に満足感があります山椒を添えて! 「お食事」 豊岡村の棚田米コシヒカリを使用しふっくらと艶々した米粒には甘み豊かな味わいが楽しめうなぎの蒲焼との相性も抜群です!お味噌汁は赤出汁、Incense、Takuan、Cucumber、梅くらげの三種盛り合わせとなります! 「甘味」 ねっとりとややお餅のような粘り気もあり甘さ優しい自家製杏仁豆腐に完熟宮崎マンゴーとぶどうの甘味で締めくくり気付けばお腹がはち切れんばかりの状態ではありましたが満足度の高い食事を楽しむことができました! 部屋へ戻ると寝具のお布団を敷いてくださってあったのでお腹を抱えて一休み(笑)起き上がることができないぐらい食べ過ぎてしまいなかなか寝付けない夜となりました腹八分目というのはよく言ったものです! 静かな湖面に浮かぶ弁天島の赤鳥居ライトアップされた様子が幻想的に映ります! 活魚の宿あさしお 所在地:3392-3, Shinimachi, Kosai City, Shizuoka Prefecture TEL:053-592-0761 http://www.asasio.co.jp/...

Makinohara "Kominya Cafe Toko-Towa" Japanese-style meal in a space full of atmosphere and warmth over 100 years old

Renovated an old private house built over 100 years ago in the rural area of Makinohara rich in nature、Bringing back life as a space full of atmosphere and warmth、"Kominka Cafe Toko-Tokawa" where people gather。 Makinohara City is located at the southern tip of central Shizuoka Prefecture.、It becomes a warm region overlooking the majestic Suruga Bay、Sea and mountains、It becomes a land blessed with tea plantations and nature in the river、Renovated a splendid old private house of the Hei family of more than 100 years standing in a rural area full of rich nature、Reborn as "Kominka Cafe Toko-Towa" in November 2020、A wonderful shop that has been taken up by many local media and attracts a lot of buzz! What is the name of the restaurant "Toko-Towa"?、It is named by combining the two words "eternity" and "eternity".、because neither means a long long time、Profound feeling and texture of an old private house built more than 100 years ago、While experiencing the powerful nature of the natural materials you breathe and the tasteful world born from the change over time、As for the ideal way of the store, the motto is change and challenge that continues to change、As a space that lifts the soul、Open to hope that we can provide healing to many people! When you open the sliding door with a large wooden frame, a spacious earthen floor spreads out.、6A long table seat of the name is set up、Pendant light lights up a warm light、A space filled with the warmth of wood。If you use a tatami room seat,、Take off your shoes here and go to the store in the large room。 Makinohara's specialties and local artists' works are displayed in front of the counter.、There is a space where you can enjoy a selection of souvenirs。The counter seat where you can enjoy the live feeling in the kitchen becomes a tatami room seat where you can put your foot down、お一人様でも気軽に立ち寄れるお席となります! オーナーシェフとなる山本功子さんは、I was born and raised in a house where I could see this old private house.、It's always beautiful every time a big ginkgo tree is colored.、It seems to have been watching the symbol tree like the god tree、I am very shocked that the big ginkgo tree suddenly cut a few years ago.。Quire、Passed down from generation to generation、The mansion that has been carefully protected for many years、It has already been vacant for more than 30 years.、With the aging of Keiichiro Iida, the owner at that time、to know the serious circumstances that were becoming under-managed、"Is it something that can't make use of this splendid house somehow?、Being able to act became a kick、2018In December 2008, he handed over to Mr. Yamamoto、We will realize our dream of becoming an old private house café。 To regenerate the old private house built in hei family、美しい空間と豊かな暮らしを提供する「住まい塾」の設計により改築工事を島田市を拠点に古民家再生のプロとして活躍される工務店「WAKURASU富田工務店」の富田道明さんが受け持たれ、Mr. Yamamoto's strong will to "leave and utilize the existing form as much as possible" is、約半年を要して完成の時を迎えています! 風合いは優しく肌に馴染みながらも、Hard and durable chestnut trees are used on the floor、ぬくもりを感じる座敷席が広がります! 元は、known as the landowner of this land、The old private house that was the home of the Iida family, which has been served as the chief of the village since generations、A splendid mansion with a history of 1900 (Meiji 33)。By the hand work of a carpenter、Because all existing fittings etc. are beautifully fixed and regenerated、Somewhere nostalgic、Some time it's warm.。 Mt. Fuji and hawks with stunning carvings、Pine Tree Tyrings。 a letter written on a top bag by the floor。Because the character of "tea" is visible as a character that can be read、茶の心得でも詠んでいるのでしょうか? ギャラリースペースも設けられており、It is possible to decorate products and paintings for sales here.、ワークショップやイベントなどを開催するためのレンタルスペースとしての貸し出しもされています! 冷たいお茶をいただきながら、A quiet and relaxing moment。 Because the window on the veranda with a view of the garden is opened、鳥の囀りや夏の香りと共に自然豊かな田舎の風景が楽しめます! 日替わりとなる「季節の和風膳」をオーダー! この日は、Because the main dish could choose between "grated hamburger steak" or "mackerel simmered in miso"、私たちは「おろしハンバーグ」を選択! 「季節の和風膳(おろしハンバーグ)」1,450円 あっさりとした味わいながらもボリューム感のある主菜のおろしハンバーグはミニサラダが添えられ、Eggplant and minced meat with bean paste and dashi rolled egg、Tsukudani with small fish and walnuts、Spinach with sesame sauce、It is a side dish carefully handmade without spared time、Rice and soup、甘味のゼリーとバランス良く並ぶ和風膳! 「ミニドリンク(コーヒーor紅茶どちらもIce/Hot可能) +ハーフケーキセット」400円 ミニドリンクとハーフケーキセットを追加し、I'll have a cake set after dinner.。Because I was able to choose from two kinds of cakes of this day、それぞれどちらもオーダー! 「スライスリンゴのインビジブルケーキ」 甘さ控えめに作られたケーキでさらにハーフサイズということから罪悪感がないものの申し分ない食べ応え感があり、The invigible cake, which is baked with sliced apples layered in millefille shape with custard cream dough, has a beautiful cross section.、スライスアーモンドの香ばしさがアクセントに! 「スフレチーズケーキ」 レモンの酸味とサワークリームの爽やかさでさっぱりと仕上げているしっとりとしたスフレチーズケーキ! 「かりおもん ブレンドコーヒー」 コーヒーは藤枝の自家焙煎珈琲豆店「かりおもん」のブレンドコーヒー豆を使用。Sticking to matsuya style、It is carefully extracted with a hand drip、A blend of medium-roasted Ethiopian mocha and deep-roasted Guatemalan、香り高くコクが楽しめつつもスッキリとした味わいが楽しめます! 全開放された古民家カフェは密を感じることなく、It is a rich space that makes us forget the worldly and painful time of corona disaster、I can calm down and rest my mind.、Such a place。 Wrapped in the scent of wood、A moment in a space surrounded by the kindness of the owner、You can feel the luxurious time that you can taste because it is in the countryside。 On the way home、When I talk to owner-chef Ishiko Yamamoto, who is close to 10 years old、Because I have a background of being from a technical college that is rare for women、Talk with the master of my house of the technical college is also bouncy and flowers bloom in the old story、私の実家である「食事処峰」の蕎麦を好んでくれており、I'm surprised that you're still a regular who still attends、In addition to the、To one of the staff who worked、A child in my neighborhood who was a junior in my elementary school and was acting in the same group、"I had Ayako play a lot♪ said.、I was shocked that you remembered me.、"It's a good time.、Local。悪いことはできないわ」と思った日でもあります(笑) ランチ以外にカフェタイムもあることから実家に帰る際には立ち寄りたいと思えるお店がまた一つ出来ました! 古民家カフェとこ十和 住所静岡県牧之原市中734番地 TEL:0548-28-7887 Hours of operation:11:00~ 17:00、Lunch 11:00~ 14:00 Closed on Mondays:日・月曜日 駐車場:In front of the store https://www.tocotowa2020.com/...

Mini kaiseki lunch of seasonal ingredients served at the owner's omakase of Japanese restaurant "Shin kappo Swada"

Using seasonal ingredients that increase in taste with the change of the four seasons、At "Shin kappo Swaddan", a Japanese cuisine that carefully cooks and serves the taste of the ingredients, the owner's hospitality lunch with two people of the real estate industry's living character in Hamamatsu! The location is、From Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering, go down the slope on the way to the Super Housewife's Store Tomizuka Store、It's just beyond the danko river bridge.。It's not even the main street.、Become a shop of hidden existence、Every time you visit, it will be your favorite place to calm down! formerly、I used to visit Tomizuka when I lived there.、After I moved, my feet were far away and I was a lot of talk.、I was relieved that my husband remembered when I put in the reservation phone! The store has 3 counter seats and 4 half-private table seats、There are 4 seats in the 炬燵 of private rooms、It has 4 seats in the back room。Lunch is popular, such as 1,300 yen for a limited edition of 20 meals and 1,750 yen for "Kozen".、If you present the amount in advance and make a reservation、You can enjoy the omakase course of Atsushi Sawada, the owner、This time, we have pre-booked a mini kaiseki course (reservation required) for 3,000 yen! I have a private room today.、You can enjoy your meal 炬燵 your feet in the small digging room! Mr. Atsushi Sawada, the owner、Kanto、Hotels in Kansai、Independent after gaining experience at Lake Hamana Royal Hotel、We have a store that serves as a home、2006It is open in the spring of 2008.、今年で15周年を迎えられています! 澤田さんのこだわりは”最良の状態で食べていただくために作り置きをしないこと”。 Due to the、After the order is placed, I will order sashimi.、Fried foods、Because you can start cooking grilled food、somewhat、待ち時間に余裕を持ってお出かけしましょう! 私たちは、Even the time to wait is also one of the pleasures to see sawada's detailed work、Until it comes out.、While responding to the gentle voice of the landlady who is the wife、楽しいひとときを過ごします! 冷たい麦茶をいただきながら、Waiting for a while。二段重ねの千筋籠や小鉢が添えられたお膳が運ばれて参りました! 店主の澤田さんにお願いしお品書きも書いていただきました!いつもながらに素敵な手書き! 見目麗しく細やかな手仕事を感じ取れる小鉢たち! 「小鉢」 夏バテ知らずの冷菜としてに欠かせない「うざく」ならぬ「鱧ざく」は、Add kinshi egg to the color、鱧 enjoy the texture of the rice and cucumber、さっぱりとした味わいで! 「姫鉢」 茄子と桃にねっとりと濃厚な胡桃ソースを和えた胡桃和え、Ishikawa's Bigai、さざなみ有馬煮の姫鉢三種! 「差(刺身)」 刺身には、High-quality fish kochi that is said to be "summer kochi to winter river pigs" appeared! Koci no Kombu that you can enjoy a crunchy texture while enjoying a light taste、Kombu of sebum、もっちりとした柔らかさが美味しい赤烏賊の三種盛りです! 「焼物」 店主の実家である福井は日野川で獲れる鮎を焼ひたしで、The body is soft and soft、The taste oozes firmly and is ideal for accompanying rice! This is a sweetfish that Sawada's father caught! Sawada-san is already 56 years old.、Your father is in his 70s and 80s even if he is young.、元気に鮎釣りをなさるとは流石お若いですね! 「焚合せ」 長芋と南瓜含煮、Mananji Temple、White Datsu、Octopus simmered。It is said that it is boiled over time over low heat so as to include the taste.、It has become an elegant taste that really makes use of the taste of the ingredients、「やっぱり和食はいいね♪」と思わず顔を見合わせてほっこりしてしまいます! 「油物」 天婦羅は、Salt or dashi soup sauce。We are solely salty! Angel's shrimp is fried in the head and clothes.、The aroma is irresistible! For lotus root with good texture、You can enjoy the aftertaste of the refreshing scent that pulls out to the nose、とろっとした舌溶けを楽しめる茄子と野菜の天婦羅も絶品です! 「御飯、Guk (soup)、香の物」 ゆかりの添えられた御飯はお代わりができ、The soup is red dashi miso soup.、香の物は三種と大満足なミニ会席! 「水菓子」 水菓子は澤田さん御夫妻にも私たちがお勧めする「天使音マスクメロン」を食べていただきたくて、Let me bring in the best food、最後に提供していただきました!天使音マスクメロンだからこその芳醇な香りと上品な甘味で締め括る至福のひとときで御座いました! 夜は仕出しの注文が入っていたようで、I was busy with preparation.、I was happy to see your face looking energetic! I would like to go to the beans a little more from now on! Sawada-san、Madam、お身体大事にしてくださいね! 心割烹さわだ 住所:1101-37 Tomizukacho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-476-4966 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00、17:30To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday (*8/8-8/31):まん延防止等重点措置期間中の営業時間はお店へお問い合わせください)...

The whole body of the sea bream ramen made by Kyoto "Hyotei" Michelin three-star ryotei

Boasting a history of more than 450 years at a long-established restaurant in Kyoto、Yoshihiro Takahashi, the 15th owner of the three-Michelin-starred HYOITEI、"I want to deliver a luxurious cup that you can enjoy at home!" And wishes、Ramen making challenged! At Hyotei、Akashi sea bream has been served in the making throughout the year、This time, the bone is dried and matured.、Complete the superb soup packed with the deliciousness of sea bream、It will be full of finished whole body! now、Developing ramen with corona disaster、クラウドファンディングプロジェクト「Makuake」にも参加され、Far more money than expected than the target amount、その資金を投じてオンラインショップの新メニューの開発などに力を注がれているとのこと! そんな老舗料亭の料理人の熱い想いと卓越した日本料理の技術を詰め込んだ極上の一杯となる究極のお取り寄せグルメが浜松の「天使音マスクメロン」を生産する影山雅也さんより御中元として我が家にやってきました! クール宅急便で届いた箱の中には「鯛ラーメン(2人前)」が作れるセットと「鯛のあら炊き」がミールキットのようなセットで登場! 「鯛ラーメン」 鯛スープ、Shellfish Extract、Sea bream salt koji pickles、Sea bream grilled fu (sea bream miso)、Low-water ultra-fine noodles、Yuzu Aburaki、Black Shichimi、Kujo Leek。 「鯛のあら炊き」 上質な明石の天然鯛の頭を使った贅沢な「鯛のあら炊き」は、Using one natural sea bream luxuriously、Liquor、Mirin、It is cooked sweet and spicy using sugar.、Packed。Because the broth is boiled、Warm in a saucepan as it is、Bamboo shoots and cows boiled 蒡、clumsiness、It is also good to cook and eat with vegetables such as、煮凝りと一緒に「鯛の炊き込みご飯」にしても良しと食べ応えのある「鯛のあら炊き」が入っています!盛り付けの際に用いる木の芽が別添えされている細やかな気配りも料亭らしい粋なあしらいです! 「鯛ラーメン」器釋永岳「アージュ ÁGE 薄鉢」 ①鯛スープ:Dried sea bream bones and baked tomatoes、ネギなどの香味野菜を合わせて引きました ②貝エキスアサリや干し貝柱から抽出したエキス ③黒七味「原了郭」の名物 独特の風味とピリッとした辛さが特徴 ④柚子あぶら太白胡麻油に柚子の香りを移したフレーバーオイル ⑤九条ネギ繊維が柔らかくあっさりとし召し上がれます ⑥鯛焼き麩自家製の鯛味噌を「麩嘉」の麩で包んで焼きました ⑦鯛の切り身を塩麹に漬けました ⑧低加水極細麺歯切れのよい極細麺「麺屋棣鄂」 「鯛のあら炊きの炊き込みご飯」器釋永岳「ゲン gen 薄鉢」 瓢亭の「鯛のあら炊き」は、It is the one of the back menu existence to make only when there is an order from the 责輗、店では出していない明石鯛のあら炊きを家庭で楽しめるとは夢のような試みです! 我が家は炊き込みご飯が大好物なので「鯛のあら炊き」を炊き込みご飯にアレンジしました! 白米3合分の上に「鯛のあら炊き」を煮汁の煮凝りと共に入れ、Light mouth soy sauce、Mirin、Turn a little sake、If you put chiyo's first out of one bag、軽く混ぜ合わせて炊飯器を「炊き込みボタン」にセットし炊き上げます! 美味しい香りがキッチンに立ち込め、When the signal of cooking comes out and opens at the same time、The beautiful sea bream is cooked with a lot of cheeks! The long-awaited burning is also made、It is the completion of the cooked rice of the luster which condensed the umami of the sea bream ara! Ceramic artist in 釋 on a "gen thin bowl" of Mt. Naganaga、Beat the buds of the tree with bread in the palm of your hand、香りを添えていただきます! 美味しい鯛の頭からとれるプルプルのコラーゲンと旨味が滲み出る、Chopsticks advance with sweetness and spiciness、Oh, my God.、Enjoy plenty of cheeks and tight tails、おかず要らずの主役級のメインディシュとなります! この御時世だからこそ、Because the expected value and demand for the order gourmet are increasing、I think that you can enjoy various inquiries in the future! Mr. Kageyama、ごちそう様でした! 瓢亭 住所京都府京都市左京区南禅寺草川町35 TEL:075-771-4116 http://hyotei.co.jp/...

Eel restaurant "Live Eel Eel Heaven" Eel eel weight on doyo's day

Live eel on the spot、To "Live Eel Eel Heaven" boasting outstanding freshness! This is、It is a new store of the son who inherited "active eel eel heaven" on December 19, 2008 from the father of the future who has been operating an eel restaurant since 1985! The place is located at the intersection corner on the playground side of Shinohara Elementary School.。 旧店舗は店名を変え「昔のうなぎ屋」として「うな天」より200mほど東にありお母様が切り盛りされ現存しています! 今から13年程前に新築で建てられた店舗ではありますが、The tiled roof uses tiles collected from many old private houses.、It is reproduced the old private house in a conventional wooden building so that you can feel the remains of the good old days、The restaurant feels comfortable in a calm atmosphere with its store style and comfortableness。This is、It is born from the desire of the owner who wants you to taste the eel dish that has been passed down since ancient times in a tasteful appearance and taste。 Today is "Doyo's Day of the Ox"。 Midsummer ox to eat the "eel" is a habit from the Edo period、Is reported as the origin、Scholar of the Edo period, gennai hiraga、To jazz up the acquaintance was no sale of the summer eel eel "today、Midsummer ox "and wrote, the signs on the storefront、その宣伝効果のおかげで大繁盛をしたのがことの始まりとされています! ”丑の日(うのひ)”には「う」の付くものを食べると良いとされ、"Udon"、"Umeboshi"、And a "melon"、In the recent、From the stamina to stick "beef"、And join the "horse" as well as、"Eel" is one of them, and the above origin theory is famous! I usually go to my favorite "Kanerin Eel Shop" in the neighborhood.、I visited here this time to try to develop new ones once in a while! There are 5 private rooms、One table seat for 6 people for barrier-free support is also provided、In addition、There is a large room where about 20 people can sit in the back、間仕切りで人数に応じて対応してくださいます! 今回は、I was guided to this private room.。Because it's coronal disaster.、個室対応は嬉しいですね! 和製アンティークの大正浪漫を感じさせるガラシシェードの暖かな照明。 Looking forward to the time when you meet while inging green tea、何処からともなく漂う香ばしい香りに包まれ鰻が焼けるのをひたすら待つ時間もまた良いものです! 捌きたて焼きたての「うな重」の登場です! 「うな重(上)」3,600円 こちらの鰻は素材にこだわり、Mikawa and Kyushu, etc. without sticking only to the local Lake Hamana、At that time, the owner himself was examined for the best eel with the most fat.、After receiving the order, prepare the eel that remains alive、蒸さずに焼いています! 鰻の骨と頭で出汁を取り、Soy sauce、Liquor、味醂を調合し半年寝かして熟成させた秘伝のタレを使用!お米は新潟産地直送コシヒカリを使用! 蒸さずに焼くことから身の締まりを感じる弾力と脂をしっかりと感じるうな重。To prefer good starting、Personally, I thought it would be good if there was a little more grilling.。For those of us who are accustomed to the elegant sauce of "Kanerin", this sweet and sour sauce that has a slightly darker firm taste。ガッツリと濃い味がお好きな方には良いかもしれません! 古時計が時を刻むような雰囲気の良い鰻店を見つけることが出来ました! 活うなぎ うな天 住所静岡県浜松市西区篠原町20181-2 TEL:053-448-6927 Hours of operation:11:00-14:30(LO.14:00-、16:30-20:00(LO.19:30) Closed:木曜日(公式HPをご確認ください) 駐車場店舗前有(第2駐車場も完備) http://www.unaten.com/...

"Kanerin Eel Shop" Immunity up by attaching stamina with the eel weight of the nutritional full nutrition baked with Kishu Bicho charcoal

To "Kanerin Eel Shop", an eel specialty store founded in 1952 along the Yuto Kaido in Irino-cho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu City Speaking of "Hamamatsu's food" where we live、But first and foremost "eel" to raise、Eel shop very much、Taste sauce and bake、How to Cook rice into a particular、It is thought that there is a favorite shop for each person! In our husband and wife's dogma and prejudice、Storefront、Customer service、Material、Taste、As a cost-performance score、The shop which acquires the No.1 with a very good balance is here "Kanerin-an shop"! This one was originally、That had been operating in the town、 1977In October, and moved here INO-Cho, 39 years、In relation to earthquake-proof outlets、In the form of the new and reformed、2016To set up a Japanese garden on 23 June, the quaint atmosphere has changed、The Japanese space full of restless、While not facing the street was described as too cozy、It will become a famous restaurant that will roar its name more and more! Even before going through the noren、駐車場にまで立ち込めるうなぎを焼き上げる香ばしい香りが食欲をそそります! いつもなら平日でもほぼ満席で、The waiting time is a very popular shop that becomes on the basis of awareness、Is there some effect of the new coronavirus on this day?、待つことなく入店することができました! 店内は、Counter seating around a central courtyard、Table seats、Private room、A sitting room and all 61 seats are available.、This time you will be guided to a table seat where you can see the courtyard! The window is opened and ventilation is improved.、Alcohol disinfection is installed next to the cash register.、Because it is also infection prevention measures here、As soon as we finished our meal without staying long, we left.、I want to make it careful not to become the source of the infection myself.。 "Unashige (line)" 2,940 yen Here、Deprecating quick quality eels to its seasonal's supply chain、I will bake it with Kishu Binkatan! The outside is fragrant and the inside is plump and baked.、It founded 67 years.、A secret kept from his grandfather's long shirttail while sauce three times under、Taste、Luster with the best to finish、大きな釜で炊き上げ米の芯までふっくらと炊きあがった熱々の御飯の上に乗せて提供! 鰻と御飯の間に粉山椒を振りかけ、Enjoy the scent of sansho spreading in your mouth! The eel is soft enough to cut with chopsticks.、Sauce is not too sweet and spicy, which is common in the countryside、Elegant and just right salt plum。 The grain stands firmly while the white rice is small.、In a state of gloss to entangle the sauce、The heavy box becomes the heat which can be able to be in the state of heat while raising the steam to the last minute.、The deliciousness that chopsticks advance unintentionally is exceptional! For sucking eel liver with liver、Bamboo shoots of the season become served.、Pickles、Cucumber、Shiba pickles、It will be three kinds of Takuan! Boost immunity by eating vitamin-rich nutritious eels to help strengthen immune cells、Body building that is not defeated at the virus! eat well、Sleep well.、Laugh a lot! The weight of "Kanerin" with very high satisfaction。 If you eat eel in Hamamatsu、断然「かねりん」がお勧めです! かねりん鰻店 住所:731 Iinocho, Nishi-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-448-9335 Hours of operation:11:00-13:45[O.S]、17:00-20:00[O.S] Closed:Every week Wednesday、3rd Tuesday https://kanerin.net/...

"Kamakura Koko-ko", an elegant Japanese breakfast with a view of the Japanese garden where you can enjoy the flowers of the four seasons

鎌倉の古民家ホテル「鎌倉古今 Hotel Kamakura COCON」での静かな朝は心地良い鶯の歌声で清々しい目覚めを迎えます! 客室の半露天風呂の窓を開放しお庭の木々を眺めながらの入浴タイム! 繊細な泡立ちのマイクロバブルバスで身体の芯から温まり肌も瑞々しく潤い艶々です! お風呂上がりに煎れた「ごぼう茶」が喉の渇きを潤し身体に染み渡る美味しさ! 2階窓からの景色は心に安らぎと癒しを与えてくれます! 庭園を囲むように広がる山の自然は緑に溢れており、Spacious garden as well、Mochino木 and Japanese black pine、Tsuge、Cypress、Surrounded by pomegranate、For the show vary depending on seasonal flowers、Because there is a luxurious space where you can enjoy the scenery of the four seasons with Nishikigoi swimming in the pond、Dressed in yukata、暫し朝の散策を楽しむことに致しましょう! 散策の甲斐もあり、When I started to feel hungry、朝食時間を迎えます! 朝食は、To choose a room meal or a private room meal、今回は中庭を堪能できる個室食をお願いしました! 個室で庭園を独り占めしながらのゆったりとした朝食タイムは至福のひととき! 用意してくださったおしぼりは「ひのき」の癒しの香りが漂いオリジナルブレンドとして開発された温かな「健康茶」でホッと一息! 「健康茶」 改良を重ねて開発された健康茶は、5000000000000、Brown rice、枇 is blended with the leaves of the 韨、Healed by fragrant fragrance、With a friendly taste、身体喜ぶ一杯となります! 朝食は色彩豊かに栄養たっぷりの御膳で用意され、Several side dishes that go well with freshly cooked rice cooked in a kettle are lined up in a well-balanced way with Yamagata prefecture brand rice "Tsya Hime"、身体に優しく嬉しいものばかり! 「釜炊きつや姫」 山形県が誇る白米「つや姫」は、Like the name、The luster of cooking is good、大粒が揃っていて真っ白なお顔が美人さん! 全体的なバランスに優れており、It is said to be more delicious than Ishihikari、コシヒカリよりもあっさりとしているため和食に向いています! 冷めても美味しいことで有名な「つや姫」ですが、You can also enjoy the depth of the taste of the charred food that can be done by cooking it in a kettle! "Kamakura Vegetable Salad With Balsamic Vinegar Dressing" Baby Leaf and Broccoli Sprouts from Kamakura、A well-balanced mini salad with tomatoes and seaweed added to greens such as podded peas。 自家製のバルサミコ酢のドレッシングに山形県のイタリアンレストラン「アル・ケッチァーノ」の奥田 政行 (Masayuki Okuda)シェフが取り扱う特別な塩「月の雫の塩」を一振りしさっぱりといただきます! 「漬物」 大根、Nana Nozawa、Three kinds of pickles of umeboshi、It is a treasure that came out of the brewery when I renovated an old private house、100年以上も前の漆器を大切に使われています! 「鎌倉釜揚げしらすとおろし大根」 「味噌汁」 旬の筍と豆腐、Chinese cabbage、What is the miso soup of the leek?、鎌倉の「味噌屋 鎌倉 Inoue」の信州の熟成味噌を用いているため、You can enjoy the taste like a restaurant with a fragrant and mellow taste! "Aunt's handmade cancer" "Cancer-mo" handmade by grandma who buys a small shop in Kamakura、Elegant but nostalgic taste、A treat filled with tenderness including dashi stock that otsumitsu otsumi that otsumi and seeuwat when you cheek! "Princess's Egg Dashi Maki Egg" The dashi roll egg made with "Princess's Egg" created by "Iwasawa Portley" on the Miura Peninsula、 Richness and umami are condensed with a moist texture、出汁が滴るジューシィさがあります! 「尾粂の鯖の干物」 干物は築地で100年続く老舗「つきぢ 尾粂」の干物を提供されており、I had mackerel on this day.、旨味が強く箸が進む味わいの絶品干物! 「尾粂の干物ならば、I would like you to eat "Kintaro Iwashi Meshi" which has been featured many times in the media! Mr. Matsumiya, the manager。Because there is also an online shop、ネット注文してみようと思います! 「袋井名倉メロンの完熟メロン」 前回同様に食後のデザートには袋井の「名倉メロン農場 cafe niji」の甘い完熟メロンがいただけます! 我が静岡県が誇る袋井のメロンも、affected by covid-19、Because it was the arrow ahead that I was sorry for the situation that I had to sell at a low price and how it was covered in the news、わたし達が食することでお力になれるのであればと思い味わって頂戴しました! 「コーヒー」 食後に温かいコーヒーを淹れていただきながら、Enjoy a chat with Mr. Matsumiya! Finish breakfast、When I'm in the room、Tsussy tsushima Hiroki who is an old friend of the husband (Hiroki Tsushima)I got a call from you.、Because he stopped by because he was nearby at the right time、館内を案内させていただきました! こちら「鎌倉古今」では、It is also compatible with various meetings, etc.、"Chartered" or "time-reserved", etc.、In to respond flexibly、On the job、顧客や同僚たちと落ち着いてミーティングできる場所に最適だと喜んでくれたツッシー!是非とも御利用いただければ幸いです! 1泊2日の鎌倉旅の記事もこれで御終い。This time the、I made it a trip that narrowed down to one point of "Kamakura Koko" without sightseeing other、I had a very luxurious time.。 Now I'm in my house、It is a day to enjoy life with my dog Chocolat that I welcomed as a family、It will be difficult to travel abroad for a while in the future.、When you start to see the light of convergence、I would like to tell you about my trip around Japan again.。 鎌倉古今(Kamakura Cocon) 住所神奈川県鎌倉市二階堂836 TEL:0467-81-4435(Phone hours:9:00To 18:00) https://www.kamakura-cocon.jp/...

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