
Covid-19 infection is spreading in Japan as well。. A state of emergency has been declared in Tokyo。. The situation is even worse in Europe。. The UK has a strong curfew。. In Spain。, as many as。 10% of the population are infected。, and restaurants are usually difficult to open。. In Barcelona。, 西班牙, Japanese michelin chef Hideki Matsuhisa。 (Restaurant Koy Shunka。) is working hard to break through the situation by opening a takeaway shop with famous chefs。. He is trying to survive with new ideas without giving up even in difficult situations。! KOY SHUNKA’廚師松井賢二是一位專業的日本廚師, 年輕時就接受過日本料理藝術培訓. Since繼續閱讀 米其林舍夫松久秀樹在巴塞羅那掙扎,科伊順卡引起了人們的注意,在科羅納感染的傳播中!