The traditional French "L ' AGAPE lagap retreat-like atmosphere and tasty delicious lunch

Tenant building in Aoba-Cho, fujieda Qingdao junior high street corner、Although flying the flag of France、Sat and quietly retreat to like、知る人ぞ知るぞフランス料理「レストラン L’AGAPE ラガップ」さん。That is about 5 minutes away by car from fujieda station、Because it is not Maine Avenue、Enjoy the peaceful and quiet residential area。The shop is not even very big announcements, etc.、Popular gourmet tourney people go by word of mouth and referrals、Us couple is your favorite is a favorite shop located in the top。On this day、But Sunday was already occupied in the book、Stagger a little by Matsushita, who enter the shop for me。It is long and I haven't had a、およそ10ヶ月ぶりに足を運ぶことができました♪ こちらのお店は2008年9月にオープン。Owner-chef Mr. Takayuki Matsushita Tokyo.、Gain some experience in your stores in the Kansai region、I was told was trained in France。Interior is simple with 12 seats in the atmosphere、It is a small restaurant。With Keiko-CHAN's hand a little wife is the chef's marriage last summer was Mr. Matsushita Yuki、Together has been Palazzo。Cooking course。Choose from dishes like prefix style。Lunch and dinner is configured on the same menu.、Only lunch main dish made includes A course: 2200 Yen。This time the、皿数2皿の3,300円をそれぞれにオーダーしました♪ menu A(主菜より1品)2,200円 menu B(前菜+主菜2品)3,300円 menu C(前菜+主菜のお好きな3品)4,500円 menu D(前菜2品+主菜2品の4品)6,000円 menu E(※要予約のおまかせコース)8,000円,10,000円 すべてのメニューにパン(ポークリエット)、Soup and coffee、デザート付 現在ラガップさんではオープン6周年を記念して島田出身で藤枝市を拠点に制作活動を行う画家・奈木和彦(なぎかずひこ)氏の近作を展示されていますラガップさんのイメージカラーである「青」を貴重とし「花」を主題にした油彩画が4点タイトルは「枯れない花」と称し、Coloration varies per trick of the light, smooth and sleek satin oil who works。Feel a large campus with quietly dignified strength and sorrow。And present the pricing works、Because it is possible to buy、スタッフさんにお声掛けしてみてくださいね♪ 「奥会津産 天然発泡性ミネラルウォーター心水(軟水500ml)」700円 心水(しんすい)は、From the source of the Swampy Lake in the Aizu district, Fukushima Prefecture and a lush beech forest green is a beautiful mountain town water in a purely natural mineral water、"Super soft" (hardness 30 springs in Japan) for the、わたし達日本人の体に合った飲みやすい水となります♪ 前菜「サンマと茄子のベーコン巻き オリーブ風味」 ローストした茄子にオリーブペーストを塗り、Sanma (saury) flavor soaked overnight ride、Wrapped in bacon、Roast in the oven。Served with baby leaf salad with dried tomatoes。Brevoort fragrantly roasted eggplant with mushroom smell spread in the mouth、Motivating the appetite the saltiness of the bacon、一体となって楽しめる一品です♪ 「フォアグラのテリーヌ いちじく添え」 フォアグラをコニャックと白ポルト酒で香り付けしテリーヌに仕立てられています。Jams is attached without let。Faint in agony in the depth of the smooth melt on the tongue and palate。In preparing and cooking method、Taste a very careful job Buri。And after a long day alone、Match made in heaven with fig compote and jams、まるでデザートのような1品♪ 自家製パン「ドイツパンくるみパン」 焼きたての自家製パンが味わえ、Enjoy the sense of taste with plenty of walnuts with tasty with a crunchy texture was judged these walnuts will be two kinds of bread。So who served with pork rillette、是非そちらと一緒にお召し上がりください!滑らかなポークリエットは病み付きになりますよ♪ 「人参のスープ」 余計なものは入れないシンプルなスープはしっかりと人参本来の味を楽しむことができます♪ 「熊本産黒豚のロースト」 熊本産のロース肉をじっくりロースト。Response of bite is packed with thick-cut pork、Bouncy fun with fine textured meat, so it is juicier。Dare was remove the fat poor。The original sauce Tapenade with grain mustard sauce meat soup with white wine and Madeira finish also good、Good fit with vegetables。Hokku (s) enjoy the crisp turnip、Pumpkin、Such as yacon。特に水分たっぷりで甘く美味しかったのが小蕪です♪ 「シャラン産 窒息鴨のローストとコンフィ」追加料金+600円 こちらのお店でわたし達夫婦の一押しメニューです。Do not eat the duck in this shop!、Will life.、I'm sure (laughs) étouffée (suffocation) painted honey duck with chicken breast, roasted、Confit with two delicious taste of duck thigh meat, provide。And étouffée (suffocation)、Originally、Put the needle to the back of the neck、And in a State of suspended animation、The bird carcass without removing blood.、Is there a way to ETFE with electric shock in recent。By letting ETFE、With engorged blood in the body of the duck、As a result the blood into the meat rotates。Thereby、Strong flavor of duck meat containing iron is delicious。First of all, from the chicken breast roast。At the moment put the knife、You can imagine the taste、Get big smiles。Moderate elasticity and chew, juice comes out overflow。And spread, rich with juice、Body and soft and moist and rich, smooth。The confit、Skin texture well in parisparis、Please wear soft。The gem of the Supreme chanceller oneness in red wine and port wine source extracted from the bone! Served with Girolle mushrooms France and trumpet。And the flavour was strong、There are differences and Japan、きのこ好きには堪らないです♪ 「デザートの盛り合わせ」 デザートは黒板に書かれている中から選びます。The three desserts、No matter which you choose、It is possible also that little by little each。The hyouka、Vanilla、Spice、Caramel、Pistachio、Yogurt、Choose from 6 different types of grapes in two、Please fit the desserts with assorted。Baked apples wrapped in burned brown with the look and texture to enjoy part flow is、Thick baked in the hot almond cream and Caramelized Apple is here! Also sweet as yaki-Niku、Visit the moment of bliss。Transderma and mouth melt good fresh passion fruit mousse、Use valrhona chocolate、After Braising in a low-temperature oven and curvy moist rich Gateau Chocolat、どのデザートも派手に着飾ってはおらず素朴な顔をしていますが安定した美味しさです♪ 小菓子「レモンケーキ」 こちらは、Petits fours the last until satisfaction is high。However,、I was wrapped so eat this day is too belly Cup。お家で美味しいコーヒーと共にいただきたいと思います♪ 「コーヒー」 表面がクレマできれいに覆われているコーヒー。Good Crema is more detailed、Stir well away、To mellow the flavor、香りを口の中に持続させてくれます♪ 奥様の由佳子ちゃんにサーブしてもらったのは初めてでしたが、Shy by Matsushita, a poor talker、Lovey picture Babe is cheerful and cute, Keiko-CHAN's serve might be appreciated by our clients (laughs) difference in height from 2 to 1 shot! Two people who、またダブルデートしましょうね♪ L’AGAPE ラガップ 静岡県藤枝市青葉町3-3-28 電話:054-637-0290 Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:水曜日

Ramen noodle shop swallow in Shizuoka Edam

Not only the local Shimada、"Noodle shop" of the super popular ramen shop that makes its name known throughout Shizuoka。The other day、Because the ramen which I ate at The Sister Shop of Mr. Tsuji was very delicious and favorite ramen、I wanted to taste the main house, so I decided to stop by on the way back from Yugawara.。 Even though it's a weekday, the parking lot is full and the inside of the store is packed.。This shop is a business style peculiar to this district that is open from 6:30 in the morning to noon.。In fujieda, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan、There is a "morning ra culture" where you eat ramen in the morning.、And fujieda、In the area of Shida, Shimada、Have many ramen shops are open from early in the morning.、Noodle shop Mr. Tsuji is one of them.。Around the region、Because there are a lot of people who work from early in the morning in the relation related to the fishing industry and the tea industry、There is a theory that it is the beginning that the shop was opened early in the morning because of the needs of the customer.。Therefore, there are a lot of ramen which is comparatively light.。This noodle shop Tsuji-san's simple salt ramen is on the signboard menu.、There are various variations of salt ramen.。How to order、After all ticket vending machine。 「燕らーめん塩」650円 まず注文したのは一番オーソドックスな燕らーめん塩。The clear soup、There is a lot of oil on the surface.。”Mikawa chicken”The soup extracted from the brand chicken that、Unlike a common chicken, the fragrance is good.、It's tasteful, isn't it?。Just、Compared to the white hot water soup of the return, the salt seems to be a little tight.。I had imagined a little more light、When I looked back at the menu, it was written that "Shina soba salt" was easier, so I might have liked it if I did it there.。Noodles are thin straight noodles。It is very supple, has a waist, and is often entangled in soup.。Even we who like thick noodles like this noodle.。The ingredients are soft chashu and green onion.、Chopped white leeks、Menma、It's served with Naruto and nori.。 「極みネギ塩ラーメン」730円 こちらは燕らーめん塩をベースにネギ油に揚げネギ、I put five kinds of green onion and white-haired leek in the chopped white leek.、I add flavor and sweetness.。Unlike the reputation of "easy ramen" that I often hear from people around me, I felt that the taste was a little strong.。The depth of this ramen is common.、If you feel that it is rather easy、You may feel quite thin when you're so sick.。It is difficult to say which ramen is delicious because the taste is clearly divided.、わたし達には燕かえしさんの白湯スープのほうが合っているようです♪ 麺屋 燕 島田市御仮屋町8770 TEL:0547-34-2223 Operating hours: weekdays 6.:30to 900、10:30-14:15 On weekends and holidays 6:30-15:00(Discontinued) Closed:On Tuesday、第三水曜日...

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