The importance of being aware、Toggle switch where your story is your switch

今日からスタートしたLife Style WEBマガジン ladeをクリックしてくれた皆さんおはようございます♪ いつも元気に笑顔を絶やさず愛溢れる日々を過ごすことをモットーに生きるladeのライター担当ayacoです。 Today、Diary of a rough、Let's talk about the kind of things I think。 It's the story of "switch"。 "What a human being thinks with his head、すべて実現可能である」 これはアインシュタインの言葉です。 Who do I know?、I often use such words like a habit of saying.。 "What can I imagine with my head?、必ず形になる」と。 What?、似てませんか?この2人(笑) 相方がアインシュタインに似ているかどうかはさておき、 Since I met him,、I learned the importance of imageting.。 And as a result of inflating the image and shaping it one by one、I have happiness now.。 As in the lyrics of a song in life、If there is ease, there is suffering, too.。 every day、Time goes by casually、every day、If you send it casually、 The Importance of Breathing、I'm going to forget even thinking about the importance of living。 What if the length of life is fixed?、 Breathe in as much delicious air as possible、I want to live as fulfilling days as possible.、That's how I began to think.。 Looking back on me in the past、Is the big character of type B a disaster?、 Everything that is envisioned in my mind without taking things deeply becomes a word.、 Like a bazoocar gun.、to the character of responsibility the moment you let it go、I've lived without too much weight.。 Without thinking about how many people the act had hurt。 Of course、I don't feel like hurting people by saying、I just wanted to have fun.。 However,、I've been told a lot about my partner.。 "I don't think of myself.、相手がどう思うかなんだよ」と。 This was a word of scales from my eyes.。 I take it for granted.、It was the moment when the sense of values that I felt natural collapsed.。 Then I、I've come to feel a strong sense of responsibility for what I've said.、I'm still not immature.。 Future、the sense of responsibility associated with the voice、I'd like to make an effort to learn how to be.。 When I think of it,、The act of writing articles every day like this、 First of all、There's an inspiration.、and thought、Learn、Because it spells it while taking shape、 For me who was a single-celled, simple and clear bazoocar gun、Isn't it a very good training?。 People are funny.、There is a trial that hits various walls while repeating the encounter and the parting、There is always growth ahead.。 Even if it's a fixed fate、What if you can choose to make it easy or to buy hardships?、 自分の選択はスイッチ一つでいかようにも変わるのではないかと。 I say that happiness and unhappiness are a piece of paper.、It depends on how you think about it.。 困難を容易のスイッチに無意であるものを有意のスイッチに悲しみを喜びのスイッチに変えてみよう! スイッチと言えば、As you may know, there was a commercial song like this.。 "Motivation Sui-Tchi、君のはどこにあるんだろ~う?見つけ~てあげるよ~♪君だけの~やる気スイッチ~♪」 わたし好きだな、This song。I'm feeling better.。 What is my motivation switch?、It seems to be "forehead".、今日もポチッと押してみましたよ! さぁあなたのやる気スイッチがどこにあるのか探してみよう! ← クリック!...

Encounters with people and relationships we will express at lade

<Cakes to ★ kaketa>I had saw、ご無沙汰しています! 2012年9月から更新をお休みしていまして、What shape is also struggled for more than six months of this, or we'll delivery information、ブログというスタイルをブラッシュアップしてWEBマガジンとして再スタートすることにしました静岡へ移住して早6年が経ちましたが、Through the cakes to encounters with various people is、Also many people "connected".。そんな人との「出会い」や「つながり」をこちらのWEBマガジンでも表現できればと思っています今回のWEBマガジンは、Articles on each of the genre and our behaviour diary will be subject。Coverage is what will lead to future articles。またこのWEBマガジンを通じて知り合いサポートしてくれた方々をご紹介していくコンテンツとして「lade supporters」も用意していますのでladeがどんな方々と関わっているのかという相関図がご覧いただけますladeを通じでまた新しい出会いがあることをイメージしながらいろいろなジャンルの情報を定期的に配信していきますのでよろしくお願いいたします! ...

Lifestyle WEB Magazine lade start!

"To encounter、Be yourself、It said that。"This is our concept.。 Want to enjoy life more! Life Style WEB Magazine lade in feeling started in 2013 年 6 月。 Food is repeated in our daily lives、It also acts as a breath and we create a body。Design daily life、Watch touching those things we all changed our sense of value。Day to day life、Never say so to speak, live for lifestyle 1tsu1tsu、It is to nurture all life founded on habit。 So we are lade、Who acts as a bridge between the various areas of each、Spell writing out themes related to life style articles、好きなことや関わった人々を紹介しながら自分らしいスタイルで日々を楽しむアイデアを発信していきます!...

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