Great summer gifts from Manazuru Tanaka brewery shop Maserati Hamamatsu and GLION group

Every year、This time the chorus of cicadas、素敵な夏の贈り物として「マセラティ 浜松(MASERATI HAMAMATSU)」の親会社である「GLION GROUP(ジーライオン・グループ)」から有難い御中元が届きます! オートビジネスを中心にグローバルで多種多様な事業を展開されており、Not only currently comes with automobile-related business、Premium beverage business、Wedding business、Hotel business, etc.、フィールドを広げられている「GLION GROUP」です! 今夏の御中元の品はグループが運営する酒蔵「真鶴 田中酒造店」にて厳選された夏にピッタリの日本酒を2種類用意してくださいました! 宮城県加美町の「真鶴 田中酒造店」は、And wine cellar with 230 years of history, established 1789 (0/1789)、"True kakuzan yamahai" and "tianlin life based on special rice", will become the representative、This product is、Summer becomes a limited sea special rice (Yamada-Nishiki) summer sake and sea special junmaishu sake! Enjoy a drink at dinner time at home according to two types of "sea"! Summer limited edition "sea special rice (Yamada-Nishiki) summer wine" / "glass:釋 Yong Yue too drinking glass of white "during the summer is the only sea、宮城県産山田錦100%使用(精米歩合60%)で吟醸酵母仕込みの特別純米酒! 香り穏やかながら吟醸香がしっかり残り、Sour、Sweet、Good balance of flavor、キレ味の良いお酒となります! 「真鶴 特別純米酒」×「ワイングラス:RIEDEL (Riedel) "so here is that gem was awarded the gold medal"in the wine delicious sake Awards 2017' main divisions、Let's enjoy the home who also served in wine glasses! Contract cultivation of Miyagi Prefecture, Miyama Nishiki 100% used、With a gentle mouth while the effect that a certain、A crisp and refreshing、A refreshing taste! In the sea to drink menu ♦ "Octopus Carpaccio" x "with:Wing Yue release (Gaku Shakunaga) Gen light Bowl Φ 230 "in thinly sliced raw Octopus sashimi for、Tomato、Red yellow paprika、Soy-based and spicy Japanese style Salsa over chopped cucumber! ♦ "Eggplant and chili pepper fresh fried soaked in" x "with:釋 Yong Yue blue white light Bowl Φ 180 "Eggplant and cut in half, put the fine cuts on the surface、Every open hole, the chili pepper with a kitchen knife to stab pig butt、The deep fried。After the Slinger、SOMI and mellow and blend white bouillon with vinegar、Prepared with yuzu pepper flavor、Sprinkle finished for the summer and the chill in the fridge to marinate、Can the White Sesame Seeds just before serving to the table! ♦ "grilled sweetfish" x "with:Shimoo Design (caudate, Kazuhiko (Kazuhiko Shimoo)• Caudate Saori (Saori Shimoo)Floating like round dish Φ 280 x H30 "♦" red shrimp with sweet chili pepper and white mushrooms and spicy hot garlic Saute ' × ' instrument:釋 Yong Yue áge Φ 320 "fit for Red Lobster shells with long sweet peppers and white mushrooms, and fried、Spicy sauteed with garlic. ♦ "Jinjiang fresh chicken wings in deep-fried" x "with:釋 Yong Yue reversible Petri Φ 250 "easier to eat than chicken wings、Has less fat than chicken wings in my favorites! Toyama [Anan had soy sauce (usukuchi) "and sake (1:1-、Garlic、生姜の摩り下ろしを加えて浸け置き20分で片栗粉にまぶして唐揚げに!レモンかライムを絞っていただきます! ■「自家製ぬか漬け」×「器釋永岳 gen 薄鉢 Φ180」 我が家のぬか漬けは、Easy care because it can maintain in the refrigerator tsukemonowith。On this day、Overnight soaked cucumber and turnip.、Burdock and carrot、Eggplant、大根もとってもお勧めです! 盛夏に相応しいスッキリとした味わいの日本酒に舌鼓しながらの晩酌タイムで夏を満喫! 最高の夏をありがとうございます! マセラティ浜松 住所:Kitajima-cho, Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 772 TEL:053-589-4366 Hours of operation:10:00-19:00 Closed on Mondays:Wednesday

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