Stemming from the tradition of "Lagat p L ' AGAPE ' for dinner

藤枝市青葉町の青島中学校通り沿いのテナントビルの一角にあるフランス料理「レストラン ラガップ」さんがフランスの国旗を掲げて姿を現しました。Main street from fujieda station is approximately 5 minutes away by car is not、I feel like know shop。The other day、Visit my work partner shop here、As soon as the home of the rave。Daily、Is quite rare 120% satisfaction face that when you develop new。So come、Me too early to bother you decided you want to go and take I。That usually turns out in two、This study of the young chef also tries to be... and、浜松で話題を呼んでいる中華料理「EVOLVE CHINA LON 龍」さんのオーナーシェフ中西翔くんと袋井で2月に独立したばかりのイタリア食堂「Anello アネッロ」さんのオーナーシェフ山田芳国くんと4人で勉強会を兼ねてのディナーです♪ こちらのお店は2008年9月にオープン。Owner-chef Mr. Takayuki Matsushita Tokyo.、Gain some experience in your stores in the Kansai region、I was told was trained in France。Interior is simple with 12 seats in the atmosphere、It is a small restaurant。With Chef Matsushita's parents get a little、1Both kitchen and Hall has been Palazzo。Cooking course。Choose from dishes like prefix style。Lunch and dinner is configured on the same menu.、Only lunch main 1 handy provides A course 1890 Yen。Order a light Maine 2 dishes we received my last course menu B 2840 Yen。 menu A(メーン1品)1,890円 menu B(メーン2品)2,840円 menu C(メーン3品)4,210円 menu D(メーン4品)5,630円 menu E(※要予約)8,000円,10,000円 パン、Soup and coffee、デザート付 白ワイン「アルザス ピノブラン」4,800円 まずはさらりと喉を潤すため白からスタート。Reputation in foreign countries、Paris and New York、The famous restaurants、Even London's Harrod's Department store who is treated。In the mellow umami rich there、Gentle acidity and rich aroma、水々しさも兼ね備えているので1本目に選んで正解ですね♪ 「ずわい蟹と米なすのテリーヌ」 コンソメで揚げ浸した米なすを香草で和えたずわい蟹でゼリー寄せにしてあります。Oil-friendly eggplant, fried and、It is soaked in consomme, flavor packed Terrine-cold appetizers。Eggplant puts fire and、A very creamy taste.。I think that was a closest to France Eggplant varieties。Ever have eaten their vegetables Terrine、Somewhere too soggy is to join、Too much solidifies and vice versa, were often feel too good.、Terrine of whole feeling thing、Keep the juicier, yet solid shape、食材ひとつひとつの美味しさを良い塩梅で引き出していることが判ります♪ 「フォアグラのテリーヌ」 フォアグラをコニャックでマリネしてテリーヌし仕立てられています。Jams is attached without let。Faint in agony in the depth of the smooth melt on the tongue and palate。In preparing and cooking method、Taste a very careful job Buri。そしてパンに苺とプルーンのコンフィチュールも加えて楽しみました♪ 「パテ アンクルート」 パイ生地で包んだパテをオーブンで焼き、Sink consomme put between the Pate and pies。Pie dough is put my knife was hollowed sense of as good you will be glad。Not too hard、Not too moist and。And as fond of the wine to be salty and umami。噛めば噛むほどにパテのコクが味わえコンソメのジュレとのバランスも絶妙です♪ 「やわらかく煮込んだ豚舌のソテー」 塩〆した豚舌を香味野菜とブイヨンでコンフィしています。My favorite is beef tongue、Eat better pork tongue。That is the、It is very different from the pork tongue you everyday that I was。Melts the surface is crispy and the inside is cooked because?。I am happy there are low-fat beef tongue。Because it is finished with a giggle in front of a spicy sour sauce、そちらを添えてもさっぱりとして美味しいです♪ 「自家製パン」3種の自家製パンが味わえます。 'Baguette' here will give a pan。The slick and bruise、Was exasperating not mild flavor。 「じゃがいものスープ」 ”インカのひとみ”という品種のじゃがいもを使った冷製スープ。Speaking of Inca awake。This is new varieties selected from the "awakening of the Inca" open pollinated seeds sown the following year.。Less moisture in a butter-colored flesh、Like potato potato。その美味しさをミルクと生クリームでよりまろやかに仕上げています♪ 赤ワイン「トゥールド カラン グラーブ 2009」 早春の土手にあるような若々しさに、It helps somewhat with a sweet raspberry flavor。Cinnamon、Fruit flavors、思いのほかタンニン分がしっかりしているので呑み応えがあり肉料理に適しています♪ 「牛ロース肉のステーキ」(+300円) メーンは5種の中から選べたので4種をオーダーし、Each share.。This is a simple Steak of beef.。This potion is 1 thing I am surprised。We put the fire as a yaki-Niku、Mild impression of the source。 「タスマニア産子羊背肉のロースト(+700円)」 こちらも驚愕のポーションです。Elasticity and Jussieu in so always brings a smile。Taste each to flavor lamb smells faintly sweet scent features made in lamb broth filled with sweet sauce will be。 「フランス シャラン産窒息鴨ローストとコンフィ(+800円)」 前回、Is the rave Super duck。Painted breast honey duck with ETFE, roasted、Provide in the confit thigh。And étouffée (suffocation)、Originally、Put the needle to the back of the neck、And in a State of suspended animation、The bird carcass without removing blood.、Is there a way to ETFE with electric shock in recent.。By letting ETFE、With engorged blood in the body of the duck、As a result the blood into the meat rotates。Thereby、Strong flavor of duck meat containing iron is delicious。Is that first you bite from a roasted chicken breast、Moderate elasticity and chew, juice comes out overflow。And spread, rich with juice、Body and soft and moist and rich, smooth。The confit、The skin is crispy texture well、Please wear soft。At this time、4Is the request again with 4 people、Roast duck。2人前を追加オーダーしました(笑) 本日の鮮魚料理「メヌケのポワレ ソースアルベール」 メーンの魚はその日の鮮魚でその日の調理法で出されています。On this day of Menke is a kind of fish in the Pan。Sauteed with shallots and mushrooms、White wine and Vermouth、Menuet I pour the boiled down、Seems that emulsify with butter.。 Dessert、Select a choice from the written on the Blackboard。Each little increments that it's possible、It is likely to ask for more。The hyouka、The choice of two from written on the Blackboard。香辛料や磯自慢酒粕など一見アイスに?と言った変わったものもあり興味津々です♪ 「ラズベリーのムース、Cattle call (organic butter cake)、Tartfroge、イチゴ(あきひめ)とヨーグルトのソルベ」 こちらは1人前を撮りましたが、This time four and each dessert all in small chunks to the total domination was。Impressions、Ice cream is extremely delicious ♪ road is of akihime and yogurt ice cream、Available in caramel, hazelnut flavor is different at all。And spices were interested remains faint scent of mint、Would be nice in the summer, refreshing dish。ISO boasts Lees、Lees of unique rich feel a sense of、Bittersweet sweet taste has a kindness。And the traditional sweets of France in a cattle car、4 types of eggs, flour, butter and sugar is compound by four equal parts butter cake、Think like a very nostalgic taste moist and。Tartfroge the cattle call over moist, but taste、The sweetness is not persistent, so、After dinner we only this amount、It is gentle enough so you can instead you。And Sweet-Sour raspberry mousse belongs into melted in the mouth, no longer。In this simple dessert、素直に美味しいと感じられたのは久々です♪ 「コーヒー」 表面がクレマできれいに覆われているコーヒーでしたね。Good Crema is more detailed、Stir well away、To mellow the flavor、Scent lasted into the mouth.。 「ハーブティ」 松下さんが知人の紹介でハーブ専門のお茶屋さんから仕入れられているようです。I am at a beauty salon、Many dealing with the various manufacturers of herbal teas、That is what each and every day and drink、This amazing goodness of herbs is extracted to the location. this time around、Whats the perfect blend of Chamomile mainly after meals and at night. Unfortunately it was never sold in stores.、もしお分けいただけるのであれば購入したいと思えるハーブティーでした♪ 「ガレット ブルトンヌ」 バターの名産地でもあるフランスブルターニュ地方の郷土菓子。Will France、Butter is rich with salted butter cookies。Enjoy a crust with texture、しっとりとしたとても美味しいガレット♪最後の最後まで大満足でいただける最高のディナーです♪ 食事を終えたあと、The young chef and we、Managed to catch Mr. Matsushita, elicit a variety of information! To visit better Tokyo Matsushita, and seems to be eating out as a French study、その中に六本木にあるフランス料理「レスプリ ミタニ」さんの名前もありました。French industry stalwart.、And what France serves traditional cuisine and enjoy an exciting shop seems to。Speaking of his mitani's、浜松で大好きな「レスタミネ エマ」さんのオーナーシェフ江間さんはこちらで修行されていましたね♪美味しいもので共鳴できる話題や情報交換をする中、Very peaceful talks and friendly personality of Matsushita's graces、Around 11 pm I find, was a five-hour marathon study sessions: (laughs) fujieda from Hamamatsu is about an hour and a half away by car is、その距離を感じさせないスペシャリテな料理の数々がリーズナブルに味わえることは間違いありませんよ♪ ラガップ L’AGAPE 藤枝市青葉町3-3-28 電話:054-637-0290 Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Wednesday

Fujieda French restaurant "lagap L'AGAPE" dishes are excellent!

I eat lunch in fujieda became fujieda go work so、To find the net and where do。Italian cactushouse friend's Yamamoto Hiroshi is doing well.、So monotonous and uninteresting to do new development! Discover the bothers and as usual in surf shops。そのお店はフレンチの「ラガップ」。I go immediately make a reservation。 This restaurant is open to the 9/2008。Tokyo Matsushita, the owner-chef.、Gain some experience in your stores in the Kansai region、I heard were trained in France。Restaurant is pretty tiny restaurant atmosphere with 12 seats。Only courses in food、Choose from dishes like prefix style。Lunch and dinner is configured on the same menu.、Only lunch main 1 handy provides course。There for lunch this time, the choice was a light menu B 2840 Yen。 menu A(メーン1品)1,890円 menu B(メーン2品)2,840円 menu C(メーン3品)4,210円 menu D(メーン4品)5,630円 menu E(※要予約)8,000円,10,000円 パン、Soup and coffee、デザート付 「2色のアスパラとズワイ蟹のテリーヌ」 佐賀産ホワイト&グリーンアスパラをズワイ蟹と共にコンソメで固めたテリーヌで、(B)--seasoned with fresh dressing flavored with rie.。It looks beautiful、Flavor is very delicate、This is followed by food so expect.。Many shipments of asparagus in Saga Prefecture, is a famous breed of "Welcome"、Ear opening is characterized by soft and chewy varieties other than small to moderate。Greasy so be sweet and fine、Such a simple dish of perfect ingredients。 「自家製パン」 3種類のパンがお店の袋に入って登場。This is funny!。Most bakeries!。 「グリーンアスパラのスープ」 スープはすべてのコースに付いてきて、Depending on the season of the season giving the soup ingredients。Taste is never dark because it's not.、1 plate, left a deep impression and feel the spread in the mouth tastes of the ingredients and。 「フランス シャラン産窒息鴨ローストとコンフィ(+800円)」 エトフェした鴨を胸肉はハチミツを塗ってロースト、Offer in the confit thigh that、I thought how to come、I was surprised because it appeared in volume terrible。And étouffée (suffocation)、Originally、Put the needle to the back of the neck、And in a State of suspended animation、The bird carcass without removing blood.、Is there a way to ETFE with electric shock in recent.。By letting ETFE、With engorged blood in the body of the duck、As a result the blood into the meat rotates。Thereby、Strong flavor of duck meat containing iron is delicious。Is that first you bite from a roasted chicken breast、This is really delicious! I recently ate duck most in is not?。Anyway delicious rich flavor! The soft moist and the flavor is smooth and even。Bite and moderate elasticity and gravy spreads in the mouth。Now、It's confit and delicious too! Relatively where eat duck confit PASA! and the texture a lot in、Skin was crispy texture well、Soft body、It is juicy。Only just baked duck thigh、Tough and difficult to eat so the confit is great.。 Dessert is like BBQ from written on the Blackboard。Each bit by that choice can mean、It is likely to ask for such。Hyoka is written on the Blackboard in the choice of two。And black pepper、I had some strange ISO boasts Lees。 "Passion fruit mousse、Cattle call (organic butter cake)、ブルーチーズのタルト イチゴ(あきひめ)とネーブルのソルベ」 今回はすべてのデザートを少量ずついただくことにしました。Relatively、The feel good food from the appetizers to the main desserts is quite disappointing pattern, which is、Dessert was delicious!。Traditional sweets of France in particular cattle call was very tender and flavorful。By the way cattle in France,、Number 4、Carl represents 1/4。Candy called cattle car butter、Sugar、Egg、Is made, put ingredients flour four 1/4 butter cake。Like a pound cake is easy to express。This restaurant is really dessert is great、Tourists to visit this woman there。Was all women except for us, actually had to come。 「コーヒー」 表面がクレマできれいに覆われているコーヒーでしたね。Good Crema is more detailed、Stir well away、To mellow the flavor、Scent lasted into the mouth.。 「お茶菓子」 食後の飲み物にはお茶菓子までついてきます。Real business and lying is of course。 And honestly I have finished eating it、There is no greater satisfaction and only so that they can。High cost-performance anyway is too。I think I pretty much eat food it's just with this amount of money is。3 both the appetizer and main、4So choose from the type you want to eat everything we'd、You may come in a large number of people because a considerable volume, share。In the standard course content so、8,000Circle、10,000Yen upon booking courses and earth come what you will be expecting.。Only、That is unfortunately far from Hamamatsu。More and more are now without a job in this shop go to fujieda。Want to introduce anyone lade article content, variously heard from Chef when we interviewed the following。 ラガップ L’AGAPE 藤枝市青葉町3-3-28 電話:054-637-0290 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00 18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:水曜日

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