Her Lord of the "Temple" Taiga drama / woman Castle straight Tiger II naotora Kanoko

Has a long history、733年(天平5年)に奈良時代の僧であった行基によって開かれたとされる臨済宗妙心寺派の寺院「龍潭寺(Ryoutan-ji)」へ! こちらは、This year 2017 than Taiga drama Onna Castle straight Tiger TV、Increased attention to、井伊家唯一の女領主「井伊直虎(Naotora Ii)」ゆかりの地として名を馳せています!拝観料は大人1人500円となります! 当時、Adviser II, Tiger was in "South stream Mizuki give (what kezu Sanju)" became "Temple" the temple served as the priest、The Dragon Temple、As the temple enshrines 40s II family、Naotora memorial towers started.、We enshrined the II family graveyard。 Getting sound like Thrush of walking "Nightingale floor hallway".、1729 year(0/1729)9世祖山和尚の代に建立された木彫寄木造りの釈迦如来坐像「丈六の釈迦牟尼佛」の前で参拝! この仏様は遠州地方第一の大仏様となります! また、The grounds of about 10000 square meters was named 'forest of Japan ' Multiauthor、Lush green trees、Quiet peaceful space is a proud beauty、In the temple's main hall in 1936, certified nationally designated scenic gardens、In the early Edo era yongdam-ji Temple garden in the garden by Kobori Enshu garden planters appreciation.。In the garden、From Chinese Taoism "horai beliefs" and put his "immortality" and "eternal prosperity"、In the garden room announcements、詳細を説明してくださいます! 花暦によると、Fascinated by the colors of the four seasons garden.、To the end of may, full of、In the dark green、Brightly colored pink azalea and is in perfect harmony、 After、数日もすれば紫陽花が美しく咲き誇ることでしょう♪ 駐車場から大門(山門)をくぐり、After finishing the registration to the main hall。 A treasure-trove of tiger direct started.、And visit the temple's main hall and、Sitting in the garden before enjoy spend every time peacefully。 After that、To discover the local area、Touch the tree, looking up into the 400-year-old finally become sacred and "camphor tree"、壮大なパワーをいただいて参りました! 浜松に足を運ばれる際には歴史を学ぶ散策として「龍潭寺」をお勧め致します♪...

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