See S.K. SAKOL MONEY EXCHANGE "good rates in Chiang Mai currency

タイのチェンマイで一番レートが良いとされている「S.K. SAKOL MONEY EXCHANGE」さん。 Commonly known as:S.K.(es Ker)。 The local people、Call it here。 Place、Night bazaar to close、Loikaw and located at the intersection of chalermplatate Street。 On the entrance door、漢字で「両替商」と書かれているので直ぐに判ります♪ カウンター奥の掲示板にその日のレートが書き出されているので確認して両替してもらいましょう♪ 日本円で両替したい分のお金を渡してパスポートを見せれば両替できますこの日のレートは1万円=2,715THB。 3万円分を交換したので、8,145THBのタイバーツに両替できました♪ チェンマイの道路はバンコクと違い渋滞知らずで、 Impressive appearance runs many tuk-tuk (mods 3-wheelers covered) or sǎwngthǎew (passenger light trucks)。 Tuk-tuk、Sǎwngthǎew are slightly below the value guys、それも貴方の交渉次第! 小回りが利き、Riding through the city to light、Because views、一度は乗ることをお勧めします♪ チェンマイの街の中心にあるターペー門。 From th tha phae matching hotels and guest houses in the area around the PIN River、 Restaurants and cafes、There are tour companies。 夜が楽しめるナイトバザールや現地の生活が垣間見れるワローロット市場やモン族市場なども このターペー門を基点にピン川までの周辺に点在しています。 Now、And so that I could safely cash、 「チェンマイハッピーツアー Chiangmai Happy Tour」による観光ツアーのスタートです♪ S.K. SAKOL MONEY EXCHANGE 所在地:Chang Moi, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai, タイ ⇒ Google Map TEL:053-818118 Hours of operation: 8:30To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday チェンマイハッピーツアー Chiangmai Happy Tour

To the glittering neon lights to look into a different day and night face 'Silom' thaniya, Patpong red light district

Sara Daeng Silom landmark "Silom Complex" managed by "Central Group" directly connected to Sala Daeng Station。10After the renovation of the month、Also reopened.。Main entrance of the complex where young people's attire in pop modern atmosphere、Shop in-store shows the most turnover a new face。During the day、Silom, one of Bangkok's leading business districts,、And in the evening、The atmosphere is transformed and、World-famous red-light district。It transforms ♪ into a neon-lit night city Go down the stairs to Exit 3 from Sala Daeng Station、On the right after about 10 meters is Tanya Street ♪, which is said to be the "city of the night" On the side of the sidewalk.、Street shops is 連ne hotels、♪ There was also a chain store "Yum Saap" here.。1It is popular for Thais in the common price range of about B60 ~ B100 (about 200 yen ~ 360 yen in Japan)。However,、I don't feel like trying that spiciness again (laughs) As a precaution during a trip to Bangkok, Thailand、The spiciness of the food or food hygiene、Poor physical condition due to the foul smell of the sewage ditch、Walking down the street、Another thing to keep in mind is how bad the exhaust fumes are。The smoke and stench are so bad that you can't think of it in Japan that it will hurt your eyes and throat。And、Roads that create large traffic jams give priority to cars.、Because it is not a people-first priority、Be ♪ meticulous and agile when crossing Arrive at Tanya Street。It is famous as one of the largest entertainment districts for Japan in Southeast Asia.、Not only that、It is ♪ also famous as a town where Japan restaurants and golf shops gather.、As the first store in Thailand、2012It is open on January 17 of the year and is ♪ also located on Taniya Street.、There is a currency exchange shop with a high rate, and "Tanya Spirit"、It is easy to understand because it is written as "Japan yen exchange" in Japanese、I am also grateful that it is open until late at night (around 10:30 p.m.), seven days a week。In the middle of the journey、If you want to add a currency exchange, we recommend ♪ this counter、Is a notation reflecting the flag of Japan.、It says "¥10,000 = 2,745"。This is、10,000It means that you will get B2,745 by exchanging yen。It will be ♪ a discount rate of B203 (about 730 yen in Japan yen) from the exchange office at the airport.、Japan the number of people increases, so Japanese fly all over the place。And、Japan to sign with neon lit in front of、May remember while overseas。However,、Because it can attract a fluent Japan language is a smattering of fierce、1To go out with people、In a way, it's going to be a dangerous city (laughs). Through Tanya Street、Head to Patpong Road, the main street of the entertainment district The road from Silom Road to ♪ Surawong Road is Patpong Road.、There are two roads, Patpong 1 and Patpong 2。It is famous as one of Bangkok's leading entertainment districts.、Introduction to Japanese、It becomes ♪ a bustling street until midnight with many foreigners Patpong Street is crowded as a night playground。There is also a lot of calls from older sisters who talk to Japan people (laughs). Patpong Street、It's not just about the Red Light District。The "Patpong Night Bazaar" is held every day, and it is bustling with stalls that cater to tourists.、The products are available at quite reasonable prices price negotiable, so it is recommended、Negotiations are poor Botta is so watch out。Now、The end of the night、Let's ♪ go with the night view of Bangkok from the roof of the high-rise tower Bangkok travel special page You can see all the articles about your trip to Bangkok here!

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