At Toyokawa coastal Wildflower cooking Vol.5 in Yutani House by Mr. Shintaro ajioka eating wild plants!

There are 94 stations between Toyohashi Station (Aichi Prefecture) and Tatsuno Station (Nagano Prefecture) between 195.7 km、JR East Iida Line with an average distance between stations of only 2.1km。Beyond Yuya-Onsen station (middle station) one in the middle of the IIDA line、Walk 5 minutes IIDA towards a peaceful alley、Little House on the red roof comes into view across the tracks past the island crossing of rice。This is artist Shintaro Amioka's villa "Yutani no Ie"。 Surrounded by green forests and mountains as far as、Peaceful land of cool toilet。Yutani House is located across the line without crossing over。Without crossing this line, manjimaru Yutani home。IIDA line、1At the time one of diamond, however、慎重にスリルを味わって渡りましょう(笑) 湯谷の家では昨年2013年5月より、The four seasons once、3Society to experience the wild dishes over the years, done and done、2014年4月26日(土)は第5回「春野草」の会となります。On this day、Ajioka, organizers for the invitation、Was allowed to participate in a couple。Start time arrived a little more than early ones、Have already started to Pack。 Yutani House opposite the UNO-River (uregawa) flows、At the four seasons, so pretty in the planked River stream、Now you can enjoy fresh young bud。This time the、この付近で採れる野草を野草の達人である山野草研究家のゲーテ高橋氏と食・酒・旅の探求人露久保瑞恵さんの御2人が様々な野草料理で味岡さんの器でおもてなししてくれるというから楽しみです♪ 丸八不動産グループの平野夫妻も到着されたところで、Wild food Association、開幕です♪ 味岡さん自身も準備に精を出しており、Scrapping the brick was used for baking pottery kiln、It is a surprise because they ended up building a pizza kiln and the main dish of the day! To fire everyone interested in inquiring! In this kiln、野草の野蒜(ノビル)を使用してピッツァを焼いてくれます♪ 20名以上の方々が集い、In the House of Yutani、To wild food already prepared more than 20 prior to、And now someone "will!" of before you wait to greet you (lol) chopsticks、主催者の味岡さんからのご挨拶♪ 囲炉裏を囲んで、Our numerous wild food on wooden tables。I was surprised the wild type、Simple is one and the same flavor as well.、Wildflowers of each suit in a well represented nature of palate。そんな野草料理たちを彩るように盛られた味岡さんの無骨で荒々しくも自然に溶け込むかのようなありのままの姿で模る器たちもまた風情があります♪ 春の野草料理おしながき 薮甘草の土佐和え、Geranium carolinianum l. Sesame and miso、Ukogi rice、Braised dandelion root、Boiled salt Beach radish seed、Kojōhama Shiba 漬ku wind、Hostas (URS) with Isobe、Dandelion leaves with Sesame、Salad of hostas (URS)、Green Onion grilled、Nobiru (Nobile) and squid nut、Two-wheeled grass and fried seaweed salad、Chieko pickles、Bush removed and squid with vinegar sauce、Beach radish fruit and shrimp spring rolls.、Oil and fry of polygonum cuspidatum、Mt. Udo (notake) mealy、Green onion and homemade miso、Chieko, topped with bonito dressing、Chive fish cake、Nobiru (Nobile) and hearth baked pizza mozzarella、Cherry tea、Dandelion coffee and a great assortment of 23 species in all。 ゲーテ高橋さん(写真右)が手掛けられた野草料理のレシピや野草の特徴など1品ずつ詳細を説明してくださいます。Especially Goethe Takahashi dandelion coffee brewed aroma drifting throughout the room、Parkroyal on Kitchener road tasted roasted lightly beaten very impressive。Dandelion coffee using coffee beans do not use dandelion root、For non-caffeinated、Patients with insomnia and children、Drinking in women during pregnancy and lactation can be、The hangover or liver、Are also good for constipation。Dandelion、Even the petals served with Tempura、So did not take part of the roots、Enjoy the splendor of this exhaustive our ingredients。Such as boiled salt not eclipsed Beach radish seed、Enjoy a feeling of appetite、Even skilled culinary rare wildflowers、Also the guests salted cherry blossoms cherry blossoms tea、春の香り優しく食卓を華やかに飾っておりました♪ お次は露久保瑞恵さん(写真右)から、We will explain more about 1 characteristics of grasses and wild recipes are handled at a time。Ajioka, more、See recipe for Tempura or ordinary, not、I want to twist "and as was requested in advance、"Can this recipe in the wild! "That surprise found there、We have to eat。Women as a dish full of femininity was、Two-wheeled grass was neatly finished with fruit and fried seaweed salad。And、Or the crisp surface and green onion in the moist fish cakes、The Nobile and mozzarella pizza、And touched the grass is a good dish to be、それ以上に味わいも美味しかったことに大満足です♪ 味岡さんのお嬢様宮田明里さん(写真左)は、Wild food ' this camera has 1 item at a time。In the end、3Ajioka's forthcoming seasons, made wild cooking their books.。前回拝見した花頌抄の生花たちの写真集も素晴らしかったですが野草料理と味岡さんの器たちのコラボ集も楽しみでなりません♪ 様々な野草の中には、Something to eat、Or there are inedible and toxins。Needlessly to say, without knowledge is dangerous。Like this、If under the safety of wildflower studies home、A blessing of nature can be.。And it will work、有難いですね♪ 取り皿と箸をそれぞれに持ち全種の味わいを堪能しようと角テーブルに移動しながら食と会話が進みます♪ 主催者である味岡さん夫妻。It is come taste relishing derived 1 plate one bite at a time。The last time the、Enjoy horse-radish to grow wild in the garden as well as、本当に四季毎の恵みをご存知の御2人です♪ 小さな参加者、Children's perspective、Freed veranda more wild in the playground of crazy is a kind of (laughs)、Feel the breeze of spring、清流のせせらぎが心地良いBGMとなっています♪ シャボン玉を膨らませることに夢中の子供達。Spittle flying and tremble、The light bubbles、Green glitter and projected appearance of the trees filled with the beautiful。Slowly, peacefully passing time、Spend the afternoon calm。 Ajioka, the blind followers of your son CHAN。Ajioka, adorable your son's prior to the、このほころびようです♪ 味岡さん愛犬の花子ちゃんは、In a peaceful quiet、Unfazed even children being touched the tail, is a good boy。However,、Very gourmet doggy、ご飯にはちと口うるさいそうですよ(笑) 味岡伸太郎(あじおかしんたろう) 1949 / 愛知県豊橋市生まれ ART ・デザイン略歴 1日に数本、Spent a while listening to IIDA line trains ran.、A beautiful spring weekend afternoon。The next time、野草料理の会は2014年7月12日に「夏」の会を予定されているようですまた皆さんとお会いできるのを楽しみにしております♪ 味岡伸太郎

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