At the Yoshida House Yoshida House & traditional pour plain House new year 2014 Shotokan Association Member

Thank you very much for your cooperation as a supporter of the web magazine lade.、コンクリート打ち放しの業界で全国区であったニチエー吉田(※現在木内建設が事業継承)の社長を務められていた吉田晃(よしだあきら)さんの御宅にて行われた新年会に夫婦でお呼ばれして参りました♪ 吉田邸といえば、This beautifully in the Japan grounds。Valuable Japanese red pine, Plum, started.、You can enjoy the wonderful well-kept garden。The vividness of the green in the daytime is also good、ライトアップされた憂いのある趣もまた素敵です♪ この日は、Yoshida and Hirano、And we gathered with dentist Mr. Togo and a couple of us、浜松きっての松濤会メンバーの芸者さんを招いての華やかな新年会です。The dining room of Yoshida House、It is a favorite space of Mr. Yoshida with a structure reminiscent of a restaurant anywhere、一枚板のカウンターが自慢の一品でとても居心地が良いのです♪ 主催の吉田さんより新年のご挨拶と乾杯の掛け声が入ります。1月3日にお誕生日を迎えられ御年81歳になられた吉田さんですが本当にハツラツとされお元気な御方です♪ その昔、About 200 geisha in Hamamatsu。Now, the number of people who follow the intention of traditional performing arts has decreased to seven people.、Including Sister Toshie of Shotokai、Koko's sister、初太郎姉さんの3人衆にお越しいただきました♪ お食事は、Torizen-san's Bento、Sashimi and chawanmoku、While you have a suck on rice、Mr. Yoshida's favorite sake and shochu are available for sake.。The geisha's older sisters' drinks are smart and the sake is also so good、会は和やかながらも賑わいを見せます♪ 酔いが高じてか、Mr. Hirano will take out valuable photos in the flow of old stories.。Hirano's high school photos (right) and his father's photos seem to be taken care of and always have.、He told us about his history from the time he struggled to the present day! Hirano's youth photos of his father's image。純朴そうで今も変わらぬ優しそうな表情を残しています♪ お食事が落ち着くと、Shamisen of traditional Japanese performing arts of geisha in the tatami room changing the room、The performance of the drum begins.。 利枝姉さんと幸子姉さんの三味線に初太郎姉さんの鼓が見事な調和で鳴り響く広間で日本の風情を感じます♪ 「越後獅子(えちごじし)」 新潟県新潟市南区(旧西蒲原郡月潟村)を発祥とする郷土芸能である角兵衛獅子を題材とした地歌、Nagauta、Jobanzu、a song of a popular song。or a performance of Japanese dance。 After enjoying traditional performing arts、Relaxing in the living room、Rushing into the second party as it is。In winter, the hot water is still delicious.、While drunk with fragrant sake, carry a small boar mouth to your mouth、皆で温まります♪ すると初太郎姉さんがお遊びを教えてくれます。This is "Konpira Fune fune"。Facing geisha、Put a bowl-like tool in the middle on the good、Put your hands on them alternately while singing "Kinpira Ships"。If one of the bowls is taken, the other party will goo、If you make a mistake in the rule to put out par as it is, you will lose.。Hataro sister is not defeated by the skill as expected! Those who lose must empty their mouths as punishment! No, no,、飲まされますねぇ(笑) 賑わしく楽しい宴が続く中も平野さんの恒例の「中休み」は健在で御座いました(笑)人生の大先輩方を囲んだ新年会で本年も華々しい年の幕開けです! 松濤会 まつなみかい

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