Beauty salon "Cardia Russo total beauty coordination of beauty and well-being

Enshu Railway (commonly known as:赤電)の第一通り駅を降りたところに所在されていた本店を池町交差点付近に移転オープンされ多店舗展開されている美容室「CARDIA LUSSO カルディアルッソ」さん“LUSSO”とはイタリア語で”贅沢”を意味し、And reliable technology、Modern techniques that take into account the seasonal、And the condition of the hair and aftercare advice to、And hospitality while standing in front of the customer always、Proposed style best customers a wide range of ages and continue to meet various demands、より贅沢な時間を味わっていただきたいという想いからCALDIA LUSSOと名付けられたそうです。On the front of the shop、5-car parking、その他近隣に第2駐車場もございます♪ 店内は、The white tea system combined with a clean interior with、Set seven to shampoo booth four、And、身体が完全にフラットな状態になる最高級シャンプー台「YUME」が設置されたヘッドスパ専用個室を完備されています。On this day、旦那様はスタイリストの平田千絵さんに担当してもらい伸びに伸びた髪をバッサリと20cmほどカットし、I give head massage、It was。I、Cut just because we want to extend、Mature hair with daily fatigue, enjoy the healing Spa。45分5,000円のベーシックスパは、In the basic course of the Spa、Will giving basic care from the dirt of the scalp hair treatments can。After the scalp and hair diagnosis、Giving out a massage with a shampoo that suits each、Us establishes a condition of the scalp。You can go to sleep with the smell of the shampoo stand, the warmth of the steam and aroma healing。担当してくれたヘッドスパ担当の山本有紗ちゃんのおかげで、The scalp becomes lighter and、Shiny hair is moist、Mind you face than lifting effects as well、至福の時間を過ごすことができました♪ 施術を終える頃カルディアの専務である伊藤進太郎さんが出向いてくださったので今月末のマセラティ展示会のイベントのご案内を兼ねて情報交換させていただきました。The Executive Director has just been married recently、Another seems to be dad soon! It comes with、伊藤先生もバァバと呼ばれる時期が来てしまうのですね!?(笑)赤ちゃんの無事のご出産をお祈りし楽しみにしておりますね~♪ CALDIA LUSSO カルディアルッソ 浜松市中区尾張町125-18 TEL:053-456-1388Closed on Mondays:Monday's opening hours:Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 9:30-19:30Gold 10:00-20:00Saturday, Sunday and holidays 9:00-19:00

In Fukuroi Yatomi Shinsaibashi hairdresser switch is OPEN!

On the Internet streets of Fukuroi a Hairdresser SWITCH I of branch switch plus (+) and I、Today 5/7 (Tuesday)、Because it was OPEN in Yatomi Shinsaibashi pre-opening celebration! When I was around 14:00 PM the waiting time and the owners friend Daisuke Sakai。 A peaceful place filled with the nature of Yatomi to suddenly appear presence plenty of bins。OPEN on the first day that there、Parking lot jammed with cars。At the entrance was there was festive flower vase。 On the wooden deck click here、Either on the terrace-style tables and chairs are put。A refreshing summer sunshine、The terrace in the spacious relax。 So are colours white beige exterior and interior are natural、Very spacious and clean.。The head of the check-in counter at the entrance、Germany antique light taste to it。Also see with antique furnishings in some places、That was responsible for the design of、SWITCH本店と同じく浜松の「アパートメントストア」の日内地謙、Because hina-Chan.。 Forest green spread out in front of set。Is this landscape are like watching one painting、Sakai chose this land.。 4-Shampoo booth includes private booth。Sticking to the original organic shampoo、Staff head Spa course。 This is a counseling room of the Salon.。In the spacious、Treatment rooms, 4 rooms available。It is said Vecchio aesthetician has 3 name。 In the shop、So from the original product manufacturer shop sales are also various availbale、お気に入りのシャンプーやヘアケア商品がきっと見つかりますよ♪ 今回、switch +, a new trial was、This bakery was established in the shop's is a small cafe。Because views in the kitchen、Find out what the world unfolds in this cute pastry kids suites。Are today's cake、Was sold, without having to wait for snack time。OPEN初日から大盛況ですね♪ 本店と支店を行ったり来たりで多忙なスケジュールの酒井さんでしたが自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」さんから仕入れている、switch + original blend iced coffee and feast.、暫し新規店舗への想い入れを聞かせてもらうことができました♪ 最後に、Together with Sakai and his wife Tomoko Chan shot ♪ Sakai、またゆっくりお話ししましょうね♪ 美容室 switch+ 袋井市久能2715-3 TEL:0538-44-3311 Closed on Mondays:Monday、Second Sunday opening hours. 9:30-19:00

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