Hamamatsu "Fermented Confectionery Kamoshi" Gluten-free baked sweets made with homemade rice koji yeast and rice flour are popular!

Not far from my home、On the large flatbed that becomes a quiet residential area、To the fermented sweets specialty store "Fermented Confectionery Kamoshi" that opened on December 10, 2022 last year! This is a tree、Gold、Soil、Open 4 days a week on Sundays.、It opens at 10 a.m.、お昼を迎える前の早い時間帯にその日の焼き菓子が全て完売してしまうほどに人気と話題の発酵スイーツ専門店となります! 駐車場は店裏に6台完備されていますが、It seems that the car is already full。I saw that the neighbors were coming on foot.。On this day、Sunday morning。Ask for baked goods to serve to our guests.、I was prepared for the line and went to the line 10 minutes before the opening.、The front of the store is already crowded with people waiting to open.、We are in a dozen pairs。Since admission is limited to three groups at a time, you can enter the store.、Every time one group leaves the store, the next person enters the store.、Waiting about an hour。ようやく私たちの番が回って来ました! 焼き菓子の甘い香りが漂う店内。With a clean and simple design interior、Baked goods lined up on a warm solid wood counter、The space has an atmosphere like European boulangerie。 The menu for this day is、Instagramの公式サイトから拝見しましたが、"Caramel Nut Pound"、"Sweet Koji Bread (Rice flour, gluten free)"、"Gateau of White Willow Navel"、"Carrot cake"、"Banana bread"、"Raw Chocolate Brownie"、"Chestnut Fiyantine"、"Banana Tatan"、"Fabreton"、"Balcanelé (rice flour, gluten-free)"、"Canele Plain (rice flour, gluten-free)"、"Financier"、"Financier Black Tea"、"Lemon cake"、There are about 20 kinds of rice koji yeast scones (plain, raspberry chocolate, cranberry cream cheese, brown sugar walnuts, passion navel, 2 kinds of rum raisins, apricots)".。On the shelf separating the kitchen from the floor、A variety of Western alcoholic beverages lined up。This seems to be used for baked goods.、The handwritten item says "I use alcohol"。 About 30 years on that road、パティシエとして活躍されてきた店主の水野秀幸(Hideyuki Mizuno)さんは、Drawing on our long hotel experience、Aiming for the next step up、Together with his wife Nana, he pursued deliciousness and devised it through trial and error.、Decided to open a fermented confectionery specialty store that sells fermented baked sweets using natural yeast seeds of rice malt。 While incorporating local ingredients、We want you to enjoy the unique aroma and deep taste that brings out the umami of rice malt, which is kind to the body.、Fermented sweets to create。 Fermented food is also one of the food cultures unique to Japan.、Beauty & Health、It is also taken up as the secret of longevity、In recent years、Fermented sweets are very popular! Here we、Fermented confectionery made with homemade rice koji yeast seeds has become the main product.、There are 7 kinds of rice koji yeast scones alone.。 In addition、Many baked sweets that use gluten-free rice flour are conspicuous.、Rice flour that can ingest the high nutritional value of rice with excellent amino acid balance、Lower oil absorption rate than wheat flour、Better digestible than wheat flour、It is characterized by difficulty in stomach upset.。Also、Because rice flour contains more amylopectin (a type of starch) than wheat flour、It is characterized by a chewy texture.、For moist dough。 "Carrot cake" using local carrots。The deliciousness of this "carrot cake" that I received for the first time、It is no exaggeration to say that I decided to revisit it involuntarily。この日も水野さんはとても大きな人参を片手に仕込みに励まれていました! 個包装の焼き菓子も用意されており、This is because the expiration date is about three weeks.、It is also good as a souvenir or gift.。 It is also used for baked goods.、Campbell's Perfect Tea, an Irish tea born from the land of tea.。This black tea with adorable golden yellow is、It seems that it is recommended to have it with milk tea.、Tea leaves are sold。In addition to、We also sell jams that go well with baked sweets.。 This baked confectionery has a shelf life of "until the day after the purchase date"、Let's eat as much as we can。All of them look very tasty and I get lost.、前回いただいた御品とは異なるものを試したいと思います! オリジナルの「米粉のカヌレ」から「米麹酵母のスコーン」に、Including the French local confectionery "Fabreton" that was said to end on this day、7Buy different types of baked goods、ゲストの皆さんと楽しいティータイムを過ごします! 一つひとつの焼き菓子がどっしりと、To create a solid sense of volume、To compare various foods、カットして少しずつテイスティング! 「白柳ネーブルのガトー」¥340(税別) 細江産の白柳ネーブルは、The fruit is large and fragrant、less sour taste、The sugar content is about 12~13°C、It becomes a mellow variety、It is difficult to cultivate among citrus fruits, and it is called the "queen of fruits".。It is a cuttle curl using such a white willow navel。What is "Quatre quarts"?、In France,、It has the meaning of "1/4 gathered four"。It refers to a "4-equal" confectionery made using the same amount of butter, sugar, eggs, and flour.。Baked goods where you can fully enjoy the sweet and bittersweet taste of marmalade, refreshing acidity and navel flavor。 「米粉のカヌレ」¥340(税別) kamoshiオリジナルレシピの米粉のカヌレ。Canelé、16It is said that it is a confectionery born in a convent in the Bordeaux region of France around the century.、The official name is "Cannele de Bordeaux"。It will be a traditional French baked confectionery.。This canelé uses rice flour.、The fragrant aroma of Western sake wafts in the air and is fragrant.、Outer Karikkari、The inside will be a sticky gluten-free canelé.。 「生チョコブラウニー」¥380(税別) お品書きに「ブラウニーらしくないブラウニー」と書かれたこちらは、With a taste like raw chocolate、Enjoy the rich and moist texture、It is packed with plenty of crunchy walnuts with a good texture.。 「米こうじ酵母スコーン クランベリークリームチーズ」¥400(税別) 型でしっかりと焼かれた縦長寸胴のきのこの様なその姿は、Look、More like a muffin than a scone。However,、The texture is also flaky、Scones after all。In combination of red wine-soaked cranberries and cream cheese、Also for wine guessing。 「ファーブルトン」¥420(税別) この日の提供が最後とInstagramの公式サイトに記されていたため、Here is what I bought without hesitation。Fabreton, a local confectionery that has been popular in the Brittany region in the northwest of France for a long time。In the language of Brittany、"Fur" is "porridge boiled in milk"、"Breton" means "Brittany"。It is characterized by using prunes.、Dried prunes pickled in red wine are used as the center.、So that you can enjoy a taste that is somewhere between pudding and brûlée、Because the grilling is finished rarely、The smooth texture like half raw is unbearably delicious! It may be resumed again at the whim of Mr. Mizuno! and、Because it was written、皆さんもInstagramを随時チェックされると良いでしょう(笑) 「浜松レモンケーキ」¥280(税別)と 「紅茶のフィナンシェ」¥300(税別) 個包装の焼き菓子二種。"Hamamatsu Lemon Cake" using plenty of Hamamatsu lemons、Use plenty of fruit juice and peel、Rice koji yeast is also added and fragrant、You can enjoy the gentle sweet and sour taste。And、The financier using the Irish black tea "Campbell's Perfect Tea" introduced earlier is、To enjoy the flavor of fragrant black tea、It is a dish that you should enjoy with tea.。 This baked confectionery of "kamoshi" is、Trendy fluffy texture and、Melt in your mouth、Unlike melting, semi-raw baked goods、The solid texture like baked goods that are faithful to the basics is impressive.。And still、Because gluten-free rice flour and rice koji yeast are used.、Without feeling heavy、Baked sweets that you can enjoy the depth of taste。Simple and rustic look、The dough is heavy、Gently sweet、With the flavorful taste of homemade rice koji yeast、A mysterious fermented sweet that tastes deeper every time you chew。罪悪感なく食べれることも人気の理由かもしれません! 皆で何種類もテイスティングをし、While chatting with each other、楽しいティータイムを囲むに相応わしい焼き菓子となりました! 発酵菓子kamoshi 住所静岡県浜松市西区大平台3丁目 パレスポート 1F東 営業時間:10:00〜商品なくなり次第閉店 定休日:Moon、Fire、Wednesday Parking:店裏に6台有 https://www.instagram.com/kamoshi_kashi/...

Cosmos coffee home roasting coffee roaster coffee fragrance selection of baked goods

牧之原の国道150号線の静波海岸入口の交差点(実家の食事処 峰の交差点)を真っ直ぐ海岸へ向かい、1本目の十字路交差点を右折したところにある自家焙煎珈琲屋「COSMOS COFFEE コスモスコーヒー」さん。The original、In the owner's family 橋向、Extend your shop was started from a small shack、After the relocation of 2 號舖 eyes on Jing-Bo、さらに2013年10月新たに近隣に新居兼コーヒーショップを構えられ、Is a specialty store for home roasting coffee that attracts not only local but also many coffee fun。All big house 1st floor space has become shop、Co. also provided、オーナーである蒔田大祐さんのこだわりのコーヒーと奥様の作られる美味しいケーキや焼き菓子をいただけます。Parking is in front of me is equipped with、遠方からの来店も安心です♪ 店内は、Warm natural wood grain an.、オーナーの蒔田さんが淹れる姿が目前にできるカウンター席とテーブル席合わせて22席とゆったりしています。Serving counters、20About roasting green coffee beans are sorted and、There is a menu、直接蒔田さんに好みを伝えても良いですし、Can interest smell and roasting at the show。Coffee beans、良心的にも100gから購入が可能で自宅にもしミルが無ければその場で挽いていただき自分で挽かれる方は豆のままの購入をお勧めします♪ この日は、Interviewed after the evening for、店内は静かで焙煎室で入荷仕立ての珈琲豆を焙煎している蒔田さんの姿がありました。And、丁寧に一粒一粒確認するようにダブルハンドピックを施していらっしゃいます。Lovingly, over the effort.、一杯の美味しいコーヒーが誕生いたします♪ 先日正月休みに実家に帰省した際にいただいた珈琲と焼き菓子が大変美味しかったために、If you again go back to my parents ' House、Buy sweets and baking。However,、Still a popular place for、You must be early showcase pastries and baked goods are made much scarce become like。お目当ての「コーヒーメレンゲ」はありませんでしたが他の焼き菓子を数点セレクトしました♪ 「フロランタン」250円 厚焼きサブレの上にアーモンドスライスたっぷりのキャラメルをかけて焼き上げています「チョコチップサブレ」120円 チョコチップとオレンジピールをサクサクのサブレと共に焼き上げています「メイプルサブレ」100円 品の良い風味のカナダ産メイプルシュガーを贅沢に焼き上げています「ダブルチョコチャンク」160円 ココアクッキーにチョコチップをたっぷり入れて焼き上げています「チョコボール」250円 サクサク食感のクッキーをチョコレートでコーティングしています「マドレーヌ(プレーン)」150円 たまご風味豊かに昔ながらのシンプルなお菓子「スノーボール」250円 粉砂糖で雪化粧したアーモンドスライス入りクッキーです「マグフォリアブレンド」100g 700円と「焼き菓子」 前回いただいた「マグフォリアブレンド」は藤枝にあるこだわりのスニーカー屋「sneaker-café MAGFORLIA マグフォリア」さんとのコラボレーションブレンドで、Taste the bitter impact of a dark roast、Sauce and baked goods is also good。実家に帰る時にまた立ち寄りたいと思います!蒔田さんありがとうございました♪ COSMOS COFFEE コスモスコーヒー 静岡県牧之原市静波2263-6 TEL:0548-22-6685 Opening hours Mon-Fri 12:00-21:00、Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10:00-21:00( L.O.20:30) Closed:Tuesday's http://cosmoscoffee.jimdo.com/...

Moist highly rare Japanese lemon Meyer lemon fresh scent and gentle sweet Madeleine

A variety that is said to have been born with natural cross-breeding of oranges and lemons、Domestic products are not worried about pesticide residues and antifungal agents, can be used for jams with peace of mind, and in Japan, the number of production is still small and the rarity is high "Myyer Lemon"。Compared to a typical lemon, it has less acidity and a mild taste.、The smell smells a little sweet, too.。It's not as vinegary as lemon, so you can eat flesh.、It is also very easy to use for the ingredients and dishes of sweets.。This also、Using this rare domestic Meyer lemon、しっとり爽やかなマドレーヌを作ってみようと思います♪ マイヤーレモンのしっとり爽やかマドレーヌ 材料(シェル型マドレーヌ16個分) 薄力粉100g、1g baking powder、100g unsalted butter、2 eggs、80g granulated sugar、塩ひとつまみ マイヤーレモンの皮(表面のみ摩り下ろし※白い部分が入ると苦味が出るので要注意)1個分レモン果汁大さじ1 ※無農薬で皮が使用できれば普通のレモンでの代用も可 マドレーヌといえばこのシェル型が本当に可愛いですよね!今回、I was looking for this shell type on the net.、Steel chrome plating type and steel fluororesin processing type、Iron and silicone resin baking coating type、Fluorine coating on albrid aluminum、Tin plated steel plate, silicon coat、Silicon type and、Available in various types of materials、I was seriously worried about which one was better.。Price、It is wide in the low price one from 500 yen to the high one about 3,000 yen (there is the one with the postage or free shipping separately)。But、In fun stuff、Because there are many cases where sweets tools are not used frequently、While considering various things on the net、For some reason, if you go to a 100 yen shop, you will ♪", isn't this all right?" There is a great thing that I think (laughs) and this time too、The result of a erring head、やはり100円ショップにも足を運んでみました!初生のアピタB1にありますダイソーに。When、After all, there was a shell type of disk type 5 metal type! I can't hide my surprise at the assortment of 100 yen shops right now.。I'm worried.、安さゆえの仕上がり具合。However,、This type、I baked it twice in a while.、100For a good work of work that I can't think of as a circle! (Glad) If you are thinking of purchasing from now on、If you want to give it cheaply, go to Daiso! (laughs) Well、First, butter the mold.、Pour the flour in a sieve.、Turn upside down, remove excess flour and leave to cool in the fridge。 Eggs and granulated sugar in a bowl、Add salt and pour into a hot water bath.、Melt the granulated sugar with care not to foam with a whisk.。 When granulated sugar melts, it is grated from hot water.、Add the grated zest and squeezed juice of Meyer lemon、Mix well。 Mix light flour and baking powder and put 2-3 times in a sieve、Add little by little、Let's mix it up.。 With rubber flats、Mix gently so that it cuts quickly.。 When the powderyness disappears、Pour in the unsalted butter melted in the microwave little by little.、Mix each time。 When the fabric is glossy、Remove the mold from the refrigerator.、Let's put the dough in with a spoon.。The standard amount to put is about 9 minutes。(※膨張するので満タンにしないように注意しましょう) 石釜ドームを180℃で余熱し、13分~15分ほど焼き上げます。(※Because the time varies depending on the oven)、見ながら調整してください) 2回に分けて焼き上げる際、Wash once if you get attached to the mold.、Butter again、Please put on light flour.。This type is、Because I was able to take it beautifully、I put a little flour and baked the second time as it is.、2The second time was also very beautifully finished! Baked Madeleine removed from the mold、Let it cool completely on the net。When it cools down、Ziplock so as not to get damp、Or、お菓子の乾燥剤などを使用してラッピングしてください♪ マイヤーレモンの爽やかな香りと程好い甘味のある優しいマドレーヌの完成です!とっても簡単ですので是非お試しくださいね♪...

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