Enjoy the Palace stand cabling become a fantastic central Hamamatsu Festival @ tamachi Salon

浜松まつりは浜松市で毎年ゴールデンウィーク期間中の5月3日〜5日にかけて開催される年中行事。Commonly known as Kite Festival (Kite Festival) at least is known。Hamamatsu is the beginning of the Festival、As a record sure doesn't seem、According to one theory、今からおよそ450余年前の永禄年間(1558~1569年)に当時の浜松を治めていた引間城主の長男誕生を祝って城中高く凧を揚げたことが、Is considered as the origin of the kite、Hamamatsu is said to be established during the Edo period the Festival、Said further tasked with vibrant, established during the Edo period in the Meiji era Hamamatsu Festival、In the Meiji era, tasked with more vibrant、It later、今では浜松まつりに欠かせない初凧・凧合戦が本格化したのも明治20年頃で、The first kites fly kites, hope the child's growth when your son is born custom、Enshū-regional spread、Long history the participatory city and Festival。 浜松中心街を幻想的に彩る御殿屋台引き回ししながら練り歩く人々の姿。3 days 3 nights.、Their passion is put、Sounds of the shamisen、Whistle of the summons but the children、With the musical accompaniment of a drum signal around and go殿 stalls、The bustling scene of dazzling placed。 During such、毎年丸八不動産では、Hamamatsu during the Festival opening and art Forum, Salon、Owner as exciting as a place to pick up Center。 3月よりFMHaro!の代表取締役に就任された鈴木清(すずききよし)氏を筆頭にお集まりいただいた皆様。From the salon,、Possible joint March and the Palace stand cabling enjoying views through the glass。 Boat Brigade Director Takahashi and Angela。親子仲良くお召しになった法法被姿が決まっていますね♪ 平野会長自らもた組の衣装に身を包み、Really enjoyed interacting with the many guests for three days 3 night visitors。商売繁盛を願うた組の激練りや豪華絢爛な御殿屋台を間近に今年も無事に終えることができました!(感謝)来年も皆々様にお会いできることを楽しみにしています♪ 丸八不動産 浜松市中区田町326-28 TEL:053-455-0808 http://08artforme.com/...

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