To Oi iron Senzu Station "Thomas fair 2018" Thomas the tank engine and friends collection!

SL locomotive is on the famous "oigawa Railway Co., Ltd., Senzu Station" campus、2018On June 9, and has held the "Thomas the tank engine Thomas fair 2018" during the period of 10/14! Hero 'Thomas' started.、New character "Winston" to "Percy"、"Hiro"、"Rusty"、"Mischievous freight car.、"Nasty freight cars.、愉快な仲間たちが大集合! フェアでは、Just around the corner, you can watch the tank's and James、観retari tank engine together received at times rolling cars work、You can join rusty tank mini SL bus and train stations to run scenic driving、小さなお子様の居るファミリー向けの楽しい企画が目白押しです! この日わたし達は千頭駅から発車する日本唯一のアプト式電車「南アルプスあぷとライン」に乗車するためにやって参りました! 大井川鐵道SLの終着駅であり、At Senzu Station in ikawa line train station、Souvenirs, restaurants and much more、At truck city、Such as grilled sweetfish and grilled corn sold、出店が揃います! 「めっちゃ美味しいSL焼き」の手書き看板に引き寄せられ、1個150円の「SL焼き」を購入! SLに象られた小豆あんこの人形焼のような焼き菓子のそのクオリティはさておき雰囲気はとても楽しめました(笑) 大自然に囲まれた大井川河川の長閑な風景は夏の強い陽射しを浴びながらも涼を感じる貴重なスポットとなります! 千頭駅から金谷へ向かう普通列車の16000系16002Fの発車を見送りながら線路沿いを歩きます! 駅横に隣接するカフェ「Cafe Grandma(カフェ・グランマ)」でランチをしながらトーマス号の到着を待つことに致しましょう! 2016年の夏に第2の人生を楽しむオーナー夫妻の西條忠孝さんと和子さんがオープンしたこちらのカフェは、But at that time the name was CLUB HUCKLE Oigawa BASE (Oi-based Club Hackl)、Now converted into a "Cafe Grandma (Cafe & Grandma).、Wild boar special of Japanese, Western and local fishermen are caught using rice bowl game and give care、夏にはさっぱり麺やスタミナうどんなどを提供! 元々、Manually created by Saijo zhongxiao, had been President of architectural Cafe、木の温もり溢れる空間で居心地抜群です! 「暑くてごめんね~っ」と店内の扇風機の向きを調整しながら声掛けしてくれる店主の西條さん。 I too much do not like wind of air conditioner、Window to open、自然のそよ風を感じる機会もリフレッシュには最適です! 長閑な線路脇で昼前の「生ビール」500円はとっても美味しく感じます! 「ジビエカレー(サラダ付き)」1,000円 地元の猟師が捕えた猪を用いたジビエカレーは水を一切使わずに野菜やトマトの水分だけで作る特製カレー!程好くスパイシーで旨味たっぷり!じっくりと煮込むことで猪の身も柔らかくトロトロ食感です! 「大根とじゃこのさっぱり麺(川根特産柚子胡椒付き)」800円 夏限定メニューで、In the honkawane specialty with yuzu pepper sauce original、While enjoying the delicious with fish and the texture of the radish and cucumber、さっぱりといただくうどんです! 食事を終えると丁度「トーマス号」が到着する時刻が近付いて参りました! カフェの窓から身を乗り出し汽笛と共に走ってくる「トーマス号」に大興奮! 満席列車に乗車する皆さんに手を振りお出迎え! 駅構内は降車する人々や見学者で溢れ大賑わいの中瞬時に空きを見つけて記念撮影!良い思い出です! さてお次は本題の「南アルプスあぷとライン」へ! 大井川鐵道・千頭駅 住所静岡県榛原郡川根本町千頭1216-5 TEL:0547-59-2065 Cafe Grandma(カフェ・グランマ) 住所静岡県榛原郡川根本町千頭1220-1 TEL:0547-58-7018 Hours of operation 11:00~ 17:00(18:00〜は予約制) 定休日無し(※臨時休業有り)

"Surprisingly Atami" stroll and souvenirs for sale, shopping district of Atami Station crowded in such a catchphrase!

Based on the concept of the catchphrase "Surprisingly Atami"、 Atami City has been in business for three years since June 2013.、Launched a tourism promotion Division of the Atami、 And fresh seafood、Beautiful night view、Tourist attractions、Referring to the abundant local products、 Only hot leaked、Atami City carrying out a project to rediscover the charm of Atami。 This time the、In Honor of My November Birthday、As a birthday present from her husband、 Heal daily fatigue、I went to Atami to soak in the hot spring leisurely, ♪ and there is a square in front of Atami Station、So far only three minutes shuttle car parking spaces、 It caused chronic congestion in the vehicle entering the taxi pool taxi and shuttle。 Therefore, Atami city、And moved to Tokyo taxi pool、By installing 19 new drop-off spaces and temporary parking spaces、 And the congestion of the station、To improve the convenience of the user station、Has been relaunched。 Good news is that、Parking here is、Midnight-to 12:00 PM 24 hours a day、 First 30 minutes of parking is free。 After that parking rates are、30400 yen is added every minute。 The parking fee is more expensive settings compared to the paid parking、 This temporary parking lot for a long time for parking, but not、 As a station for transfers、1Is anyone available to many people on purpose。 In front of the station、There are also "Nakamise Shopping Street" and "Atami Station Heiwa Street Shopping Street"、 Tourists often visit for souvenir purposes、30Free parking within minutes、 It became ♪ very convenient because you can have time to shop quickly Locomotive of Atami Light Service In front of Atami Station、Atami mopeds locomotive is on display。 1895(0/1895) since 1900 (0/1900)、Bean phase between Atami and Odawara opened people car train、 The 0/1907 is people who drive train、And developed into a light railway to use steam locomotives、 1923Affected by the great Kanto earthquake of the year (0/1923), will be discontinued、 1925(0/1925) in the lurch (now JR) elongates to Atami、 Tokyo-Atami is now tied in approximately 3 hours.、Come grow in leaps and bounds is the number of water customers、 Atami hot spring development、Followed closely with the development of transportation。 Atami's local specialty products were certified as "Atami Brand A-PLUS (ATAMI COLLECTION A-PLUS)"、 We disseminate information nationwide。 The symbol mark、Represents the Atami located on Mt. Fuji and the South-East and、 Expresses the aim at Japan's regional brand。 International sommelier Shinya Tasaki as jury member、 Introduction to Atami city、Applying for the many tourists who visit Atami、 The 28 masterpieces certified through strict screening are ideal for souvenirs ♪ The history of "Nakamise Shopping Street" in front of the station is old、 Its establishment 60-70 years of plenty、As the street where one of the famous locals。 In the recent、More new restaurants、It is a street where old and new stores are mixed and it is bustling, ♪ and the shopping street is、Or enjoy the seafood of the Atami Japanese restaurant、 Started a new Cafe, bakery and other food and beverage outlets.、 Shops handling products、 35 shops selling daily necessities that are closely tied to the local community are ♪ registered 1st floor "Hobby store Akao"、"Taste very much,"、2Floor "Cafe AGIR" A general store with special products "Hobby store Akao"、 Next to it is、Serving cauldron rice full of seafood "Ajikura Akao"、 On the second floor、There is "Cafe AGIR Cafe Azir" where you can enjoy delicious coffee。 "Marufuku Takahashi Shoten" Sun-dried dried food, wasabi pickles, etc. "Ahaki no string" Traditional string making "Iwai Meisan Store" Yuhana and Izu incense "Guri tea" sold "Nakamuraya" Buns and Mizuyo bamboo mainly on kogane mochi "Tannaya" Manufacture and sale of traditional hot spring buns "Akayama Fresh Fish Shop" Dried fish shop in the back alley Another shopping street in front of the station "Atami Station Heiwa Street Shopping Street" is、 Onsen manju of the specialty shops that started.、Sweets shop、Dry shop、Eating and drinking places、There will be 30 cafes ♪ and other stores in the shopping district.、The image of the colored leaves、It is ♪ colored with decorations of autumn leaves "Tsunamoto Marufuku" Fresh fish caught locally and rare fish ordered from all over the country、 Is a string and then dried in the Sun and sell specialty。 "Cedar Apiary" Honey Specialty Shop "Sakurai Shoten" Selling Homemade Onsen Manju "Iso-fried Maruten" Ise-Shima Specialty Iso-fried "Izumiya" Onsen Manju Specialty Shop "Ichiraku" Japanese Confectionery and Sweets Shop "Tokuzo Maru" String Specialty Shop "Rikyu" Onsen Manju Specialty Shop "Genraku" Japanese Confectionery Specialty Shop "Japanese Confectionery Murakami" Japanese Confectionery Specialty Store ...

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