"MSC splendida" pleasant sea breeze while the top floor deck in an elegant breakfast

Waking up at sea early、The morning glow sky seen from the cabin balcony of the luxury liner "MSC Splendida" operated by "MSC Cruise"、The glow of the morning sun reflects on the surface of the sea、最高の景色となります! 太平洋の広さは、165,250,000km2 and almost a third of the earth's surface.、地球上で最も広い海! 今回の航路はその大海原を突き進むのです! 時折、There are cargo ships and small ships that come and go、The brave figure which sails the magnificent sea as far as the eye is seen、What is the average speed of the Splendida?、18at a speed of knots (about 32 km/h) and、時の流れを贅沢に感じることが出来ます! この日は、The first day is different from the first day, and the shaking of the ship is intense.、Is it the influence of Typhoon 19?、When I checked with the staff, he said, "It's the biggest tremor in recent years and it's rare." Butler asked, "Do you need to stop getting drunk?" He called on me to visit the cabin.、Our husband and wife didn't take it because the seasickness was okay.。マセラティオーナーの方々の中には数名ほど酔い止めを服用された方もいたようです! 船上での朝食は、"Msc Splendida – Yacht Club(ヨットクラブ)」の専用ラウンジ「Top Sail Lounge(トップセイルラウンジ)」にて用意されるパンやタルト、Prosciutto and cheese、Snacks such as fruit and coffee are also 7 in the morning.:00-11:00まで自由に頂けます! ホットミールを所望される場合は、Rooftop lounge of the pleasant sea breeze top floor deck 18 ' The One Pool (the vampire) "in the、8 am:30-10:30まで楽しめる朝食がお勧めです! クルーズ2日目となるこの日の天候は見事なまでの快晴で冴え渡る青空とはまさにこのこと! デッキ上には、In this night wearing a cover unveiling will see MASERATI Levante GTS"、Do you right it now?、今かとその時を静かに待ちわびているかのよう! 「The One Pool(ザ ワンプール)」 では、 Provides a dedicated Yacht Club pool and Jacuzzi、プライベートな空間を約束してくれます! バーカウンターに用意された朝食を自由に取りパンケーキやワッフルなどは都度オーダー制となります! わたしは「スクランブルエッグ、Bacon、Potato、Salami、Ham、Salmon "plate included、"Croissants and buns.、"Cut fruit"、「パンケーキ」をオーダー! お団子ヘアーが可愛いスタッフのSilviaにフレッシュな果実を用いたミックスジュースをオーダーすると、Banana and pineapple、オレンジをたっぷりとアイスと共にミキシングしスムージー風に仕上げてくれたジュースはとっても美味! 最上階デッキテラスの心地良い風を感じ、The elegant breakfast under the umbrellas with magnificent sea views、これぞバカンスという言葉に相応しいひととき! わたしの8月ネイルも少々浮かれ気味で、"Summer、Sea、Vacation "theme、Using a cobalt blue finish whats glitter! Nail GLITTER (glitter) Nailist Ogiwara Rika-CHAN、ありがとう! 朝食後ものんびりとビールやカクテルを片手にデッキチェアにて寛ぎタイム! 船旅の贅沢さを感じる瞬間です! MSCクルーズ(MSC Crociere S.p.A.) https://www.msccruises.jp/ MSCスプレンディダ(MSC Splendida) https://www.msccruises.jp/jp-jp/Discover-MSC/Cruise-Ships/MSC-Splendida.aspx マセラティ ジャパン(Maserati Japan) https://www.maserati.com/maserati/jp/ja...

"MSC splendida" a fantastic evening and dinner on board spend and bee time!

Wait for the time for the MSC Splendida luxury liner operated by MSC Cruises to depart、Let's come to dinner on board while watching the beautiful night view in the evening! On this passenger ship、There are buffet restaurant available to free users、 さらに「MSC Yacht Club(ヨットクラブ)」では会員限定の専用レストランが追加されます! 初日のディナーはヨットクラブ専用の「L’OLVO RESTAURANT(ロリーボレストラン)」を利用させていただきました! 船内のレストランやイベントでは、Dress code is provided in each Gala (formal)、Informal (informal)、Casual (casual)、「Theme(テーマ)」の4種類に分類されています!※厳密厳守ではないようです!ロリーボレストランのドレスコードは「Informal(インフォーマル)」となります! 地中海に面した各国の料理を前菜からメインディッシュ、Can be ordered à la carte and desserts、In addition、The percentage of passengers bound for Shanghai here、Due to the overwhelming Chinese and Japanese guests、China、Japan food available。The menu is、日本語表記もされており安心です! ヨットクラブの特典の1つとして嬉しいのが、Not to mention the meals in their restaurants、Drinks containing alcohol are included, free of charge! Because it already is spumante lots of company、スッキリとしたシャルドネで乾杯しましょう! [ロリーボレストランディナー] ・ミネラルウォーター「S.Pellegrino(サンペレグリノ)」 やはりイタリア船ということもありサンペレです! ・前菜「新鮮なマグロのカルパッチョ」 薄くスライスしたマグロのカルパッチョはフレッシュトマトやオリーブにビネガーソースを添えて! ・前菜「ガチョウの胸肉の燻製」 ローストしたグリーンアスパラガスにガチョウの胸肉の燻製を巻いて、Vegetables with mushrooms.。バルサミコソースでいただきます! ・スープ「季節野菜のミネストローネ」 季節野菜を煮込んだあっさりとしたミネストローネ! ・メイン「ラザニア ポルトフィーノ」 港町ポルトフィーノのラザニアは、Become a layer of egg pasta、ジェノベーゼソースにパルミジャーノ・レッジャーノをかけて! ・メイン「鯛フィレのグリル」 鯛フィレをグリルし、Tomato and asparagus、マッシュポテトを添えて! ・デザート「ザッハトルテ」 オーストラリアのチョコレートケーキは、Served with apricot filling、食後のコーヒーと共に楽しみます! 刻々と移りゆく夕暮れの空模様は幻想的な夜を迎え、To finish the meal、すっかりネオンが煌めく埠頭 ! デッキ14「Aqua Park(アクアパーク)」の中央デッキでは「Groove Island Band」によるダンスミュージックライブが開催されておりルーフトップの開放感溢れる生ライブとなります! 出港前には、To all passengers when it comes and say emergency evacuation drills are required by international maritime safety laws、全員参加の避難訓練を開始! 船内に鳴り響く緊急アラームと共に流れるアナウンス(中国語、Japanese、English) in accordance with the、Life vests in each cabin to see attached、Emergency evacuation sites are listed for each cruise card (we are”D”)へ急ぎます! 船内で体験する初めての避難訓練!仮に、May be that it lacked composure during real emergencies。 However,、In each booth crew will guide the evacuation routes、Support for peace of mind and trust、It is calm and can act! In 2000-is a big move 3,000 people from、Panic、Cool cope、やはり事前の訓練は欠かせません! 無事に訓練を終え出港時刻を迎えました!キャビンに戻るとターンダウンサービスがなされていました! 枕元にはチョコレート、In the table、チョコレート掛けの苺が用意! 船内では毎夜様々なエンターテイメントショーが開催されており、On this day、At THE STRAND THEATRE (Strand Theatre) on deck 6/7、ジン・フェリッペがお送りする「THE PEARL OF LABUAN」の公演が観られます! 就寝前に寝酒を一杯いただこうと、Go to the top sail lounge dedicated Lounge、Moist and Moody atmosphere has changed、ピアノの生演奏を楽しむことが出来ます! ミャンマー人のバーテンダーで笑顔が素敵なソーハン(SOE HAN KYAW)くんにスペシャルカクテルをオーダーするとジェームス・ボンド仕様のウォッカベースの「マティーニ」を作ってくれました! アルコール度数の高いウォッカではありますが、Finish up with vodka and shake the Martini the original Gin base and steer by、And light designs、爽やかな飲み口に! バーテンダーのソーハンくんは、Good at any little bit of magic、シェーカーを用いたマジックを次々と披露してくれました ! その後も、Japan's whisky 'Chita', spumante "Alta Langa DOCG Extra Brut Metodo Classico" and I'm looking forward、初日の夜を存分に楽しむことが出来ました! 船内でわからないことは気軽にコンシェルジュデスクでスタッフに問い合わせしてみましょう♪ 海上の揺らぎは全く気にならず微かに聴こえる波音が就寝タイムの心地良いBGMとなってくれました! MSCクルーズ(MSC Crociere S.p.A.) https://www.msccruises.jp/ MSCスプレンディダ(MSC Splendida) https://www.msccruises.jp/jp-jp/Discover-MSC/Cruise-Ships/MSC-Splendida.aspx マセラティ ジャパン(Maserati Japan) https://www.maserati.com/maserati/jp/ja...

To the VIP luxury passenger ship "MSC splendida" Italy's largest Yacht Club!

This time、Yokohama-Daikoku Wharf voyage to Shanghai、イタリア最大級のクルーズ会社「MSCクルーズ(MSC Crociere S.p.A.)」の豪華客船「MSCスプレンディダ(Msc Splendida)」に乗船! 首都圏における一大流通拠点として活躍する大黒ふ頭にて姿を露わにした13万tもの巨大な船のその迫力たるや、Clearing large neck to look up at the sky、ようやくその全景を目にすることができる程の大きさで圧倒されてしまいます! 18層ものデッキ数を誇り、Passenger capacity: 3247 name、Number of approximately 1370、全キャビン数1,637室となるスプレンディダ!「どんだけ~」と叫びたくなるほどのスケールの大きさに開いた口が塞がりません! 今回の船旅の乗船客数は「Maserati Japan マセラティ ジャパン」が招待したマセラティオーナー約160名を含む日本人ゲスト900名に加え、Chinese 1000 guests、バラエティ豊かな多国籍ゲストで総勢約2,300名の乗船と伺っています! 埠頭に横付けされた豪華客船の前には既に長蛇の列を成すおびただしい数の乗船客の皆さん! 出港までにかなりの時間を要すると伺っておりましたがこの列を見れば納得の光景です! しかしながらわたし達マセラティオーナーは「Maserati Japan マセラティ ジャパン」が用意してくれたVIP用の船上プライベートクラブ「MSC Yatch Club ヨットクラブ」の専用イミグレーションブースの特設ラウンジが利用でき出入国審査が済むまで優雅にスパークリングワインで出迎えていただきました! 優先してチェックインを済ませるためスムーズに乗船することが可能です! 全国に展開するマセラティディーラーが集結するため他県のマセラティーユーザーと交流を共にできる今回の船旅! 「マセラティ 浜松」からは有名なパティスリー「Abondance Patisserie(パティスリーアボンドンス)」のBernard Heberle(ベルナール)&長谷川 豊佳 (Toyoka Hasegawa)さん夫妻とわたし達夫婦がマセラティを愛するオーナーとして参加しています! 乗船準備が整いクルーズ船の専属スタッフに従って進みます! 乗船前にスプレンディダのボードをバックにイケメンのクルーと撮影できる特設スタジオが用意されており一家族毎に船長ポーズで記念撮影! スタッフに先導されていよいよ乗船です!ロビーへ続く階段を上がっていきます! 乗船階段を上ると5階デッキの中央ラウンジに繋がっており一般乗船客はこちらのロビーでチェックインとなります! わたし達はそのまま15階デッキに用意された「MSCヨットクラブ」専用ラウンジ「トップセイルラウンジ」へ! ヨットクラブには、24And are staffed by hour concierge staff or individual's Butler、Private lounge、Private restaurant & bar、There was a private pool、Everything is next to an all-inclusive menu (free service)、船内で快適な船旅を送るために細やかな応対を施してくれる安心のサービス! 会員限定のヨットクラブのある特別フロア15階デッキから最上階となる18階デッキは、For the dedicated band embedded passcode is handed、To unlock the key lock and worn on the wrist, and visitors、船上において最もプライベートな空間を確保しています! コンシェルジュデスクには、Resident and staff、言語の心配には及びません!日本人スタッフのAyaka Tanakaさんがとても陽気で友好的な愛らしい方でした!トゥルットゥルットゥトゥ~が彼女の口癖!?(笑) スタッフのエスコートでお部屋へ向かいます!わたし達は15階デッキの15011号室となります! ヨットクラブの客室は、All 69 rooms and suites and all the、Wider general class cabin、Ensures a luxurious space, balcony suggests watching the sea every hour! The cabin is fine Navy calm x decorated in shades of Brown、セミダブルサイズのツインベッドを用意! 窓際で寛げるソファやメイクアアップに欠かせないドレッサー、With alcohol, including free minibar、冷蔵庫内は充実のラインナップ! ルームクリーニングは毎日の清潔を保ち、Gas free、Gas with mineral water、フルーツ等も毎日補充してくれます! 日本人には欠かせないバスタブも完備されたバスルームには、MSC original base item are uniform、Free-standing closet has been also provide bathrobes and slippers、Safety deposit box、There are also emergency life jackets! Wi-Fi is available everywhere on board、Although there is some instability、何も無いよりかは助かります! ヨットクラブのウェルカムドリンクとしてはやはりイタリアのスパークリングワイン「Aneri Brut Prosecco」で出迎えてくださいます! ウェルカムデザートとしてはマセラティ御用達のカフェ「COVA コヴァ」で作られるオリジナルのトライデント刻印クッキーや提携先の「Bulgari JAPAN」/「ブルガリ・イル・チョコラート」のチョコレートジェムズを用意! マセラティのロゴ入りショッピングバッグの中には様々なマセラティオリジナルグッズのプレゼントが! 荷解きを済ましたら専用の「Top Sail Lounge」へ! プロセッコを片手に軽食を摘みながら出港までのひとときを待ち乾杯! 船内をぷらっと散策すると、15In the ground-floor deck Central、南国感たっぷりの広々としたプール&ジャグジー! 会場中央のステージでは定期的にライブやイベントが開催されています! それを通り抜けルーフトップのデッキへ出向くと、Beneath the sky vaguely celebrates twilight、デッキ上にまさかの「GranCabrio Sport」がスタンバイ! わたし「どうやってこの客船に車(マセ)を乗せるんです!?」 マセラティスタッフ「クレーンで吊り上げているんですよ!」 わたし「台風が来てますが車(マセ)大丈夫なんですか?」 マセラティスタッフ「台風を避け雨の降らない航路を行くためご安心ください!」 わたし「へぇ~」 太平洋上での新車発表会という世界初の試みとなるビッグイベント「Maserati Japan Tridente Experience 2018」だけに何やら凄い力が働いているようです(笑) 今回、Be able to collaborate "MSC Cruises (MSC Crociere S. p. A.) and Japan Japan Maserati Maserati、MSCジャパンのCEOであるOliviero Morelli(オリビエロ・モレリ)氏とMASERATIジャパンのCEOであるGuido Giovannelli(グイド・ジョバネッリ)氏は元々親交が深くあり、Each "Sea King"、「陸の王者」として最強のタッグを実現させたのであります! 出港予定は幻想的な夕暮れ時を跨いで夜20:00と予定通り! マセラティ愛好家が揃うゴージャスな船旅の始まり始まり!Let’s go to Shanghai!! 行ってきます! MSCクルーズ(MSC Crociere S.p.A.) https://www.msccruises.jp/ MSCスプレンディダ(MSC Splendida) https://www.msccruises.jp/jp-jp/Discover-MSC/Cruise-Ships/MSC-Splendida.aspx マセラティ ジャパン(Maserati Japan) https://www.maserati.com/maserati/jp/ja...

Yokohama "Mira! Tama Plaza " Enjoy a glass of wine to go to feel free to Spanish Bar!

Yokohama's "Tama Plaza" is、In the exclusive residential area of 25 minutes from Shibuya Tokyu denen toshi line "、 Nearby is the kohoku new town、Quiet residential area expands。 There is "Tokyu Department Store" in front of the station.、Climbed up the first slope shopping、 A bustling Spanish bar "Mira"!There is a "Tama Plaza"。 2010Since it opened on September 7, please feel free to drop by.、"A shop where you can enjoy wine at a reasonable price" spread by word of mouth、Quickly became a popular store、 2012On April 23,、You have ♪ opened a casual Italian restaurant "Barbaro Barbaro" as a sister restaurant nearby. There are 14 table seats.、Counter seating for 10、And the 32-seat patio 8 seats、 Business hours are 15:59-25:59(L.O.)。 Evening 15:59To 18:29Named "Happy Shower Happy Shower"、 Only 980 yen per person! A wonderful event called all-you-can-drink sparkling wine for up to 2 hours and 30 minutes is held ♪ every night at "Mira!On opening "Tama Plaza"、The owner, Hiroki Okubo,、 Thorough research and flow around the store and people、It was kodawara to search for properties along the conditions。 And、The TAMA Tama Plaza North、Although Italian、 Spanish、Spain charges especially authentic food & wine Shoppe is not that、 Also、Not only about the Ramen shop come back by train、 From meet the needs you want to enjoy some yummy food and wine shop、 We incorporate the Spanish style。 「Mira!The shopping street on the street where "Tama Plaza" is located is bright even at night、With many eyes of people home from work for、 Alone as well as casual counter seating many established、 Without charge、The menu offers a great "single meal set" for 1,500 yen (wine, appetizer, 1 dish).、 That worked out the concept that matches the style of the city、 You've ♪ grown into a restaurant loved by many people. Owner Hiroki Ohkubo Chef Okubo during the Faniente era Faniente "Vegetable Terrine" Decorate the cover of Tokyo Emotion Cafeteria Born in 1976、Hiroki Okubo from Kanagawa Prefecture、"Rosso enero"、After "bisboccia]、 1996In the year went to Northern Italy alone、Are trained in the area, such as the "Antica Osteria del Ponte.。 After returning to Japan in Yokohama、As the Executive Chef at Tokyo's Ristorante、 After that、Kawasaki saginuma opened in 2005, the young "fanniente"、 It continued.、2008Italian restaurant called "ultimatum" is to open in。 Despite the location away from downtown.、Quickly became a hot topic among the Italian favorite foodie、 Many repeat customers、Has been noted in most of the major Gourmet magazine。 Mr. Okubo has been aiming to create a store that sticks to the format of "Ristorante".、 2010In backup of the San-m project in Ginza in casual "Trattoria artifice.。 While in the same year to Tama-Plaza of the Spanish casual "Mira!Tama Tama-Plaza "、 2012Open in ├italianbar "Barbaro Barbaro.、Where I am today。 「Mira!Tama Plaza" makes headlines with "Happy Shower Happy Shower"、 On 300-400 of Cava is open。 Due to this project、Instilling the perception of a "wine drinking shop"、Customers say, "Mira!Gather at "Tama Plaza" for wine、 It's amazing that 600~700 bottles of wine are available a month! Wine by the glass、380Circle-centers up to 1,500 yen、Wine of considerable range from casual clientele and respond、 By placing the wine at 380 Yen cheaper than beer prices、Your order and focus on wine、 How to establish a "wine drinking shop"、As we recognize the various。 「Mira!All of the wines offered at Tama Plaza are Spanish wines.、 The wine is kept more regular rate to、 Customers are familiar with glass of wine、Is always noticed the high cost performance。 And、"If you drink wine, Mira!I guess ♪ it became to the manager Hiromi Ueda.、My sparkling top,、 The driver's husband will provide ♪ grape juice "PARES BARTA CAVA BRUT NV" Spanish Cava Glass 750 yen / bottle 3,480 yen Palace Balta is a Penedès region of Spain's sparkling wine "Cava", about 40 km southwest of Barcelona.、 Now for more than 200 years ago in 1790 was founded by home cusine、The family-run producers、2Is a female brewery House。 Cava started.、Casual range of red and white wines、 And better known as the micro-cuvée has been producing a very high quality wines only,。 Commented wine tasting and fully represents the vineyard and varietal character while also、 Majolica "unique home brewed taste, not a natural taste。 2005Years in the United Kingdom、The Decanter Magazine wines of Spain by John Radford,、 "Coming from this Winery、Spain Top20 "on has been chosen、 Introduce the Palace Balta's Winery in the Penedès has become the envy of even the wine advocate、 It has been praised ♪ as "continuing to develop to grow into an international winery" The aroma is very elegant, with aromas of fresh green apples and ripe citrus fruits.。 Is reminiscent of the wine were harvested in the Highlands, in the delicate freshness.、The delicacy is well felt "Svit Most" 580 yen It luxuriously uses the grape variety "Airen", which is ♪ often used in Spanish wine.、 With no preservatives, colourings, sweeteners、Is a premium non-alcoholic grape juice fruit juice 100%。 Is the best suites of the adult thick.、It is characterized by a rich sweetness "Jamón Iberico de Bejota "Joselito"" 1 dish 3200 yen, 1/2 plate 1600 yen Prosciutto is ♪ a jewel of high-class gastronomy.、It is the first in Kanagawa Prefecture! Joselito、1860Years by Mr. Eugene Gomez、Established in 1000 m above sea level is located Spain Midwest Salamanca giver.。 Low humidity in the cooler climate here、Ideal for dry and aged prosciutto。 Using fine craftsmanship、Jamon is evaluated and superlative、20Inherited the family business years ago ....

No1 Italian is touted as the "SALONE2007" traditional rebuild and leading Yokohama

Yokohama、Shibuya 2、Minami-Aoyama、The SALONE Salone Group, which has five stores in Osaka and all stores,。 Italy regional cuisine with creative cuisine, offering a reputation for restaurant group。 SALONE2007, the flagship store of the Salone Group,。 Always seeking cutting edge culinary Italy、To rebuild the new while retaining the traditional Italian, pride with technology、 Anniversaries and celebrations each and、Fit to produce an extraordinary special moments、 Fame has on hand as Yokohama's Ristorante。 7At the end of November 2014, which marked the year of the year, we moved from a small shop in the back alley of the former Chinatown to the basement floor where the original mod hair of "Barneys New York Yokohama Store" was located.、The store has been expanded ♪. With the double chef system of Chef Kentaro Hosoda and newly appointed chef Yoshikuni Nagashima, it is a high-quality ristorante where you can enjoy dishes that continue to deepen Cucina Creativa (*) based on Italian tradition and wines mainly from natural sources throughout Italy to your heart's content. * What is ♪ Cucina Creativa?、 Italy food traditional cuisine and regional specialties by utilizing the latest technology and the rebuilding of。 There is so much in each region in Italy cooking local rule.、 By complying with the rules、Refers to the dish evolved from the world of gastronomy (gastronomy)。 1Down the stairs from the entrance on the floor, please proceed to the basement floor。 Entrance A moist and calm space based on royal blue, which is also the image color。 The iron art with a chic and modern design is impressive ♪.、Manager Yosuke Yamashita。 5Greeted the birthday month、He is ♪ a young manager who has just stepped into the world of 30-somethings. A calm interior with a modern atmosphere in sparkling wine glasses。 20Front seat only for shops、This has been extended to 16 table 32 seats。 Sometimes a basement floor、As the atmosphere day and night、You will ♪ be able to enjoy the adult world moistly on this day.、CENA Corso di consists of monthly changes as the best dinner in Yokohama 8 Piatti We have asked for a full course in May of 12,960 yen.。 (10% service charge will be added) Bright navy blue table napkins、 Next to it、The carefully written menu is prepared ♪ in a stylish envelope、When you take a break, chef Kentaro Hosoda will greet you at each table.。 It's great to see the chef's face before you cook.。 Here you will、Chef Hosoda and Chef Nagashima in the kitchen、5The course is assembled by the staff of the name.。 Chef Hosoda has an unusual background as a former hairdresser.、 In terms of manufacturing,、There may be things that the world of beauty and the world of food can pass.。 In it、It's ♪ the beginning of a blissful time, and here we have a full and half pairing of Italian natural wines for each dish.、 If it is full, it corresponds to one bottle per person.、If it is half, it seems to be able to enjoy the amount of about one bottle of wine by two people.。 Also、If you want to reduce the number of cups、It is also possible to have it adjusted at any time。 First of all,、Order♪ a toast of champagne from Sayuri Oshiro, caposara in charge of wine "Edmond Surrain Brut Carte Noir" Glass 2,000 yen held by Richard Surlain、70% Pinot Noir under the Negossian brand、30% Chardonnay。 The grapes、Harvested from an average 25-year-old tree。 The palate is、There is a refined plumpness of Pinot Noir、 Crisp acid and well-balanced fruitiness、I feel ♪ comfortable that you can enjoy it even after "inizio / Introduction" A5 Sirloin potato truffle This mouth inizio / Introduction and fish soup filosofia / Only two dishes of philosophy、 And specialties offered in style have been unchanged since opening。 In your appetizer and the meat of the A5、Also changed、 It is a dish to grip the stomach of all the guests who were hungry.。 Sirloin with a white truffle scented make-in puree。 Soft, high-quality meat quality、With a taste full of gravy every time you chew、It is true that gastric juice begins to work actively in one bite.。 against the stomach、A reliable dish ♪ that arouses motivation as a signal that the meal has started Daisuke Suehiro, a hall staff,、I hear you're from Osaka.、The splendid Kansai dialect does not come out at all.。 However,、While it is a soft serve、The area where laughter is also firmly incorporated is the Kansai people (laughs) "STAGI / Sicilian Aroma" Green tomato, ricotta, bonito Using green tomatoes harvested in Sicily this season、Finishing with gazpacho and a。 Blue tomato slices、With a cinnamon-scented ricotta cheese、Spearmint、Skin-Muscat、 And then marinated in various spices、Served with cold cooked bonito。 Fresh bitterness of blue tomato blue feel wrapped in mild ricotta cheese、 And sweet scent of mint and Muscat.、Produce a refreshing cool glass、It is ♪ a suitable appetizer for early summer "fusione" pork, crow, pistachio in Italy、Many dishes combining seafood and riches of the soil、This is a combination。 Piglet fillet surface to clothe [mustard、And then burned at a low temperature, soft finish、 Sauce is filled with delicious melted crowded broth made from pork and Sicilian tuna and mullet roe。 Pistachio paste and powder and malt sec、Interweave crushed pistachios also in flavor and texture than can be enjoyed。 With the texture crisp green asparagus。 Potion in one bite you feel very very good volume。 Bizen-yaki is also nice、Carefully handmade pottery, each dish has a different ♪ flavor. "Filosofia / Philosophy" Fresh fish, octopus, clams This is also the same as the mouth.、Vapore fresh fish specialties provided by the style from the first。 The marbled sole pleuronectes yokohamae with Octopus from Akashi and Chiba prefectures, clam、Are raised tender steamed clam broth alone。 The soup with a very refreshing aroma of olive oil pressed with orange has ♪ a gentle taste that permeates the stomach "Trebiano d'Abruzzo Damigiana 2013 Labasco" Italy ....

Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu minatomirai Mirai's enjoy the Ferris wheel and the harbour view hotel

It is about a 1-minute walk from "Minato Mirai Station" on the Tokyu Corporation Minatomirai Line in Yokohama, and has good access.、 Located on the waterfront、Offices, concert hall、Department store、Specialty stores、 And "Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu" in "Queen's Square Yokohama" with a green park。 From the rooms、Location of Yokohama's beautiful and sparkling ocean view、 And、You can enjoy ♪ the glittering night view of the large Ferris wheel of Minato Mirai Hotel Lobby If you take the escalator from the hotel entrance to the 2nd floor, you will be on the lobby floor of the atrium.、There is a reception。 A colorful cylindrical shades full impact remains in the impression。 On this day、Yokohama travelers suddenly decided the night before to、We will be ♪ indebted to this hotel "Room 1601 Grand Corner Suite" this time、This grand room is your room。 Panoramic Bay View bedrooms and offers in a separate type of living room with a balcony、 It boasts an area of 101 square meters.。 Yokohama Minato Mirai into sweeping corners、1This is ♪ a special suite with only one room on the floor. View from the living balcony Ocean view in front of you、And、In the back, you can enjoy ♪ the Bay Bridge and the Minato Mirai Ferris wheel nearby. Night view、Jewel-studded night。 Colorful Ferris wheel that color is、Water reflection of the light on the surface of the water is also a fantastic and beautiful shine、 You can ♪ also enjoy the countdown to the ticking of midnight. Panoramic bedroom Twin bed bedroom with panoramic view。 Hope glass Windows when、180It is possible ♪ to blend in with that wonderful view of the panorama close to the sunrise at 4 o'clock in the morning.。 Waking in a noisy roaring of bikes and should、 In front of a magnificent Sunrise spreads。 Sunrise gradation The gentle morning sun begins to peek out from the pale clear blue sky.、The moment of changing to Orange。 The overlap is fine up to and tinged with pale purple gradient、 I was able ♪ to enjoy a fantastic world that disappears every moment Early risers are a three-sentence virtue。 It's ♪ the beginning of a wonderful day with the morning sun Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu 2-3-7 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, YokohamaTEL:045-682-2222(Representative) http://ybht.co.jp/...

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