Plum work 2022 "Homemade plum wine" Making plum wine to enjoy separately from sake using ome of Minami-takame plum

The plum work season has arrived again this year! Following on from last year、The ome plum of Nanko plum was taken from a splendid plum tree at a friend's house.、5kg from Toyohashi artist Shintaro Ajioka residence、I was able to receive 11 kg and a total of 16 kg of ome from the residence of Toshiro Muramatsu of Maserati Porsche friends in Mori Town、Using freshly harvested ome plums、今年も「自家製梅酒」を作りたいと思います! 昨年、The "homemade plum wine" that challenged was made into a base alcohol、Orthodox "White Liquor Godo"、"Brandy Dilbell Napoleon" that seems to be able to enjoy a rich taste、Sweet potato shochu "DAIYAME~Daiyame~" with a sweet smell like lychee、"Jifar Ginger of the Indes" of herbal ginger liqueur、I made a spicy and adult "Dry Gin Masters London" and 5 kinds in total。Stocked last summer、When I tasted it last winter, six months after it was time to drink、Plum wine using white liquor has a bad alcohol smell、Turns out to be undesirable。What was finished to the taste of your favorite was、Because it was two kinds of "brandy plum wine" and "gin plum wine"、This year, we will focus on them and "2 kinds of brandy plum wine"、"Jin plum wine 2 kinds"、"Whiskey Plum Wine"、"Vodka plum wine"、「ラム梅酒」と7種のベースアルコールを用いて作りたいと思います! 梅は生き物、Freshness is important! immediately、Let's get to work on the plum business! Fill the barrel with plenty of water、Carefully wash Ome by hand while draining water.。Replace with clean water、1Leave in the barrel for about an hour to remove the acne。 Azal Ade、While draining on kitchen paper、Using bamboo skewers, we will carefully remove the spatula of the ome one by one.。Some of them can be taken beautifully with Pollo.、Some children are a little easy to remain.、The more you take it cleanly, the more、In order to become a plum wine with a refreshing taste without gnawing taste、Let's handle it carefully so as not to scratch it! One last time、Carefully wipe up one by one、Removes moisture firmly。 Because the preservation bottle of a large glass is difficult to boil and disinfect、After washing the detergent with hot water, dry it.、Cleanly disinfects edible alcohol with soaked kitchen paper。Carefully laid out ome plums on the bottom、Sprinkle ice sugar from above to fill the gaps、Ome → Ice Sugar→ Ome → Carefully Alternating with Ice Sugar、While thinking about making it delicious、Let's put it in with all our heart! When you have finished putting in all the doses alternately,、Gently pour alcohol from above、Let's put a lid on it。Store plum wine in a cool, dark place、Once a day until the ice sugar melts, rotate the container and move it to make the sugar in it uniform.。When the ice sugar melts away、Just wait patiently for it to become a delicious plum wine。 ❶ Ome 1.6kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Brandy 2.8L (5L bottle) ❷Ome 1.2kg.750g of ice sugar.Gin 2.1L (4L bottle) ❸Ome 700g.500g of ice sugar.800ml of rum (2L bottle) ❹ Ome 600g Ice sugar 600g.100ml vinegar (1.5L bottle) ❶Ome 1.6kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Brandy VO2.7L (5L bottle) ❷ Ome 1.6kg.1kg Ice sugar.Brandy VO2.7L (5L bottle) ❸Ome 1.5kg.1kg Ice sugar 1kg.Whiskey 2.7L (5L bottle) ❹Ome 1.5kg.1kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Whiskey 2.7L (5L bottle) ❺Ome 1.6kg.1kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Gin 2.8L (5L bottle) ❻Ome 1.6kg.1kg.Ice sugar 1kg.Vodka 2.8L (5L bottle) ❼ Ripe plum 1kg.Shochu 35 degrees 100ml.Coarse salt 160g.Honey 100ml (1.5L bottle) Make "plum syrup" with surplus ome、Because this is non-alcoholic、Use it as "plum juice" and "plum sour" to prevent summer battering。Also、I wanted to make about 1 kg of "honey umeboshi" with a beautiful large grain of ome、We are currently ripening carefully selected ome plums。When the ripening date arrives、梅仕事〜第二弾〜が始まります! 半日を要し、Plum work that went on for two days。This year, we have heard from far away voices saying that "a good harvest" is being served.、There were many posts of housewives working plum work in every household.、Thanks to my friends who shared the splendid ome plum、今年も美味しい梅酒にありつけそうです!(感謝) 甘酸っぱくて、"Plum wine" that you can enjoy a plump taste is、Not just delicious,、In addition to citric acid that promotes fatigue recovery、Vitamin B2、Vitamin B6、potassium、Picric acid、Polyphenols, etc.、Contains various nutrients、Its benefits are wide-ranging.。By making it homemade、Change the base alcohol or、Adjusting the formulation and so on、Because it will be possible to finish to your favorite taste、皆さんも自身に合った梅酒を是非見つけてみてくださいね♪...

"Homemade plum wine and homemade plum pickles" Ume work with ome and ripe plum of Nanko plum

This year, I would like to work plum work such as homemade plum wine and umezuke using Nanko ume harvested by plum picking that I experienced for the first time at the home of artist Shintaro Amioka! Homemade plum wine is made by trying various base alcohols.、好みの梅酒を見つけることができます! 今回用意したベースアルコールはオーソドックスな「ホワイトリカー ゴードー」に、"Brandy Dilbell Napoleon" that seems to be able to enjoy a rich taste、Sweet potato shochu "DAIYAME~Daiyame~" with a sweet smell like lychee、"Jifar Ginger of the Indes" of herbal ginger liqueur、スパイシーで大人な「ドライジン マスターズロンドン」と全部で5種類のベースアルコールで作ります! 梅酒のベースを高級酒で漬け込んでみたら、Why don't you taste it? While thinking、When I think about when I failed,、そら恐ろしくて安価なお酒に走ってしまうのが現状です(笑) また、Be careful because the act of making plum wine using sake with an alcohol level of less than 20% is against the law (violation of the liquor tax law).。 Ome soaked in a storage bottle 4L bottle is weighed with 1Kg as a guide by selecting beautiful fruit without scratches。 Plenty of water in the barrel、Carefully wash Ome by hand while draining water.。 梅は傷付きやすいため丁寧に取り扱いましょう! 綺麗な水に張り替え、1Leave in the barrel for about an hour to be without actuing.。 Azal Ade、Draining on kitchen paper、Using bamboo skewers, we carefully remove ome's heta one by one.。 Some of them can be taken beautifully with Pollo.、Some children are a little easy to remain.、Because it becomes plum wine of a refreshing taste without a taste that is enough to take it beautifully、傷付けないように丁寧に取り扱いましょう! 最後にもう一度一粒一粒の水気を確認しながら取り除いていきます。 There are many one-to-one recipes for the ratio of Ome and ice sugar.、I don't like plum wine that is too sweet.、This time ice sugar is made at 600g for 1kg of Ome。 Because the preservation bottle of a large glass is difficult to boil and disinfect、After washing the detergent with hot water, dry it.、Cleanly disinfects edible alcohol with soaked kitchen paper。 Carefully spread Ome、Sprinkle ice sugar from above to fill the gap。 Ome → ice → Ome → ice sugar alternately。 丁寧な作業をしていると心も落ち着きますし「美味しくなぁ~れ」の気持ちも添えて入れていきましょう! 青梅の隙間に氷砂糖が入り綺麗なグラデーションが出来ました! 交互に全ての分量を入れ終えたら、Gently pour alcohol from the top。 600g of ice sugar for 1kg of Ome、そこへベースアルコールの「ホワイトリカー ゴードー」を1.8mlを注ぎ入れ完成です! 梅酒は冷暗所で保管します。 About several times a week until the ice sugar dissolves、Turn and move the container to make the sugars inside uniform.。When the ice sugar melts away、Let's just wait for delicious plum wine.。 Repeat the same process、Potato Shochu "DAIYAME~Daiyame~"。 「ドライジン マスターズロンドン」も「ブランデー ディルベルナポレオン」も「ジファール ジンジャー オブ ザ インデーズ」もそれぞれに作っていきます! 全て同じ大きさのガラス保存瓶があるわけではないため、The amount is adjusted according to the size of the storage bottle.。 【自家製梅シロップ】 青梅600g.氷砂糖600g.酢70ml アルコール無しの梅ジュースのために「梅シロップ」も作っておきます【自家製梅漬けいろいろ】 あなん谷醤油濃口(昆布)、Ananya Soy Sauce Light Mouth (Kombu)、400g each of each lyskyo vinegar (chili pepper)、白キムチ(唐辛子)傷もの種取り1/4カット200g 青梅のカリカリとした食感が好きなので、Soy sauce pickled and 700 vinegar、I will try to add various homemade plum pickles marinated in white kimchi。 Ome 1.4kg min is removed with baking soda and pickled with ziplock after taking。 Because you can start eating this in about 2-3 weeks of soaking、食事やお酒のお供につまみたいと思います! もう一つは青梅を数日段ボール内で平らにし寝かせ、Using ripe plum ripened, we prepared our favorite "y1/2" "y1/2" umeboshi。 6 days of ripening from the harvested day、Ome, which was green, has a sweet aroma and has been transformed into a pale and gentle yellow、Because the flesh is also soft and delicate、Care must be taken further than Ome。 【自家製はちみつ梅干し】 完熟梅(青梅22日~28日まで追熟)900g.ホワイトリカー適量.塩90g.蜂蜜220ml はちみつ梅干しは、a bowl of white ricker、Sprinkle with salt when you wear alcohol.。 Put it in a ziplock disinfected with edible alcohol and let it sleep until after the rainy season.、7月20日過ぎの梅雨明けの晴れ間に2日程天日干しさせて「梅の土用干し」をすれば完成です! 【自家製梅酒いろいろ】 ①1L瓶=青梅250g.氷砂糖150g.ドライジン・マスターズロンドン450ml ②1L瓶=青梅250g.氷砂糖100g.リキュール・ジファールジンジャーオブザインディーズ450ml ③1.8L瓶=青梅400g.氷砂糖250g.ブランデーディルベルナポレオン700ml ④2L瓶=青梅500g.氷砂糖300g.芋焼酎DAIYAME900ml ⑤4L瓶=青梅1kg.氷砂糖600g +100g.ホワイトリカーゴードー1800ml 採れたて新鮮で若々しい青梅や追熟をかけ芳醇な香りを放つ完熟梅を用いて丁寧に仕込む梅仕事。 You can start drinking plum wine around 3 months.、The taste becomes plumper if you sleep for about six months to a year.、The longer you wait, the more depth you will gain.、少しずつ変化を楽しみながら味わいたいと思います! この時期は様々な場所で青梅や完熟梅が販売されているのを多く見掛けるため、Umeshu and umezuke that can be made at any home、While enjoying fine adjustments of taste that can be done only because it is homemade、是非チャレンジしてみてください!...

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