Eel restaurant "Live Eel Eel Heaven" Eel eel weight on doyo's day

Live eel on the spot、To "Live Eel Eel Heaven" boasting outstanding freshness! This is、It is a new store of the son who inherited "active eel eel heaven" on December 19, 2008 from the father of the future who has been operating an eel restaurant since 1985! The place is located at the intersection corner on the playground side of Shinohara Elementary School.。 旧店舗は店名を変え「昔のうなぎ屋」として「うな天」より200mほど東にありお母様が切り盛りされ現存しています! 今から13年程前に新築で建てられた店舗ではありますが、The tiled roof uses tiles collected from many old private houses.、It is reproduced the old private house in a conventional wooden building so that you can feel the remains of the good old days、The restaurant feels comfortable in a calm atmosphere with its store style and comfortableness。This is、It is born from the desire of the owner who wants you to taste the eel dish that has been passed down since ancient times in a tasteful appearance and taste。 Today is "Doyo's Day of the Ox"。 Midsummer ox to eat the "eel" is a habit from the Edo period、Is reported as the origin、Scholar of the Edo period, gennai hiraga、To jazz up the acquaintance was no sale of the summer eel eel "today、Midsummer ox "and wrote, the signs on the storefront、その宣伝効果のおかげで大繁盛をしたのがことの始まりとされています! ”丑の日(うのひ)”には「う」の付くものを食べると良いとされ、"Udon"、"Umeboshi"、And a "melon"、In the recent、From the stamina to stick "beef"、And join the "horse" as well as、"Eel" is one of them, and the above origin theory is famous! I usually go to my favorite "Kanerin Eel Shop" in the neighborhood.、I visited here this time to try to develop new ones once in a while! There are 5 private rooms、One table seat for 6 people for barrier-free support is also provided、In addition、There is a large room where about 20 people can sit in the back、間仕切りで人数に応じて対応してくださいます! 今回は、I was guided to this private room.。Because it's coronal disaster.、個室対応は嬉しいですね! 和製アンティークの大正浪漫を感じさせるガラシシェードの暖かな照明。 Looking forward to the time when you meet while inging green tea、何処からともなく漂う香ばしい香りに包まれ鰻が焼けるのをひたすら待つ時間もまた良いものです! 捌きたて焼きたての「うな重」の登場です! 「うな重(上)」3,600円 こちらの鰻は素材にこだわり、Mikawa and Kyushu, etc. without sticking only to the local Lake Hamana、At that time, the owner himself was examined for the best eel with the most fat.、After receiving the order, prepare the eel that remains alive、蒸さずに焼いています! 鰻の骨と頭で出汁を取り、Soy sauce、Liquor、味醂を調合し半年寝かして熟成させた秘伝のタレを使用!お米は新潟産地直送コシヒカリを使用! 蒸さずに焼くことから身の締まりを感じる弾力と脂をしっかりと感じるうな重。To prefer good starting、Personally, I thought it would be good if there was a little more grilling.。For those of us who are accustomed to the elegant sauce of "Kanerin", this sweet and sour sauce that has a slightly darker firm taste。ガッツリと濃い味がお好きな方には良いかもしれません! 古時計が時を刻むような雰囲気の良い鰻店を見つけることが出来ました! 活うなぎ うな天 住所静岡県浜松市西区篠原町20181-2 TEL:053-448-6927 Hours of operation:11:00-14:30(LO.14:00-、16:30-20:00(LO.19:30) Closed:木曜日(公式HPをご確認ください) 駐車場店舗前有(第2駐車場も完備)

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