The Toyama dialect means fresh when you come with、Sushi "when you come with sushi.

Fish restaurant called the natural 生けす、氷見に本店を構える「氷見 きときと寿し」さん。Has become a spark a useful presence sparked a boom in sushi in Toyama。By the way "when you come with" and is "fresh" means in the Toyama dialect、As the name suggests、Every day and fresh fresh fresh seafood from the fishing port of、It's delicious sushi is NetA。And you can eat fresh fish、Every day attracts matrix。Koshihikari rice.、The water is alkaline water use and、All our delicious sushi offered。Inside the crowded holiday at least once、Therefore for a while to wait、I need a unique sushi prepared。On this day、The same sushi and sushi ball of that compared to、こちら「氷見 きときと寿し 太郎丸店」さんへも伺いました♪ この日も、It took about 30 minutes waiting, Interior is filled with visitors waiting for。Last name is called、When it comes to the counter。That is good to reach the sushi in front of flowing、Examine the recommendation of the day、カウンター内にいる職人さんにオーダーし握りたてをいただくのもオススメです♪ 「真鯛」 231円 新鮮で歯応えの良い真鯛、Different flavours。However,、Shari is hardened and wearing a、In the countryside often was under the impression that sushi。The last、But when asked here was not that。There are craftsmen in、Will not help... This is sushi if hand grip change taste。 「すずき」 231円 淡白な味わいと弾力が美味しいすずき。But unfortunately、I still think the balance and Shari。もう少しソフトに握っておくんなまし・・・と言いたいところ(笑) 「ふくらぎ」 189円 富山県では、Shusse-UO → Zvi so Cox CL → → fukuraghi → hamachi Gund → Britney would be。This, press menu.。Still nice and different thickness。出世魚は縁起が良いのでたくさん食べましょう(笑) 「はまち」 147円 こちらも同じくブリの出世魚。Hamachi、Shut yourself in fresh and crunchy、Very nice fat by simply。 「かんぱち」 294円 ブリとかんぱちは、Is a fish of the same perch eyes on the subject,。Amberjack, yellowtail genus is the largest。Over the years through a delicious halibut please come to。 「地ぶり」 294円 風立ちぬ公開だけに、Immediately at the location Buri "Ghibli、Studio Ghibli "and we play、On shusse-UO is a really happy person (laughs)、As a champion of the Toyama Bay ferry。 「つぶ貝」 189円 富山に来てからずっと梅貝を食べてたので、This time the shellfish。Recommended texture and flavor of sweetness comes after 堪rimasen。 「しまあじ」 347円 ”しまあじ”という名の由来は、There is a theory that cute yellow "streak" on the body and say。Apparently trevallies meaty new crispy fatty goodness、It is a tasty fish。 「甘海老」 116円 富山はやはり海老が美味しいです。From melts when raw and tasted the sweetness、Named the sweet shrimp。Officially、Say "Pandalus Borealis.。Shrimp shrimp during the 100 g、Protein 20 g and include many。Deep-water shrimp of the tantalizing sweetness、The protein in a glycine、Due to the amino acids, alanine。Also、The chitin shell、Be effective in lowering cholesterol and fat metabolism promotes and。Other、Stroke and high blood pressure、Taurine effects in prevention of lifestyle-related diseases, such as heart disease and also contains many。Shrimp shrimp is rich in sweetness as well as delicious、Is a valuable food nutrition。Sushi、Again from the autumn winter fodder is recommended、It is only this story where you can enjoy summer in Toyama。年がら年中美味しい魚が食べれるということは羨ましい限りですね♪ 「のり汁」 189円 〆にのり汁をいただきました。Please enjoy the sweet flavor of the seaweed stretch to fill the surface of the instrument and green onion。Now、A personal impression of sushi to eat than we are、Is both difficult to rank with freshness、How to unravel the Shak、Look at the balance between story and、Personally, I am ball in it is recommended。After that、Relatives of man to hear and see and sushi is the best! "And recommended!。In the next Toyama、そちらにも足を運んでみようと思います♪ 氷見 きときと寿し 太郎丸店 富山県富山市太郎丸西町2-6-7 TEL:076-420-5999 Hours of operation:11:00-24:00 Closed on Mondays:年中無休

Fresh seafood rich in the sea of Japan, high freshness of the sushi ball fresh sushi

富山で20年と老舗の人気回転寿司「すし玉 掛尾店」さん。Fish is fresh seafood to the sea of Japan Toyama Bay、Himi Harbor、Kanazawa port、And directly, Noto、こだわりの製法で質の良い素材を安心価格でお客様に提供しています♪ 直送ネタが自慢で県外からの観光客のほか、Popular entertainers and athletes visit and by word of mouth。In addition to Toyama Bay、With fresh seafood transported from the port of Kanazawa always offers more than 100 types。Daytime and evening entertainment twice, not to mention、And then use the Toyama Koshihikari 100%、Shari vinegar、Miso paste、Soy sauce、Sweet sauce and obsessed with everything thoroughly Buri。Also、Staff feel free to enjoy a conversation with staff is comfortable.、Any time a matrix。On weekdays、味噌汁が無料サービスされるそうですよ♪ 店内の待ち椅子で30分ほど待ち時間が経過し、As to the last counter seat。There are flowing in front of sushi、せっかくなので板さんにオーダーし握ってもらいましょう♪ 定番メニューから、Until the Board menu of recommended 漁reta in Toyama Bay for the day.、105Reasonably priced from ¥ expensive ingredients and up to 735 Yen、品数の豊富さが伺えます♪ 「ふくらぎ」157円 ブリの子供でふくらぎ。Wipe from the Awn is、ABT 32~40cm(0.5~1kg) until the bris children profoundly.。"Cozucra"-> "wipe from too much" → is profoundly changing according to the "hamachi"-> "buri" and growth from、Called shusse-UO。Even Britney's kids just give too greasy as logo and、ブリほどくどさがなくあっさりといただけます♪ 「あおりいか」105円 イカの種類は日本海域だけでも70~90種類生息していると言われていますが、Among them the most delicious squid is? Answer to、This, most people say "the how"。Since when do and called me "King Squid"、Now join the ranks of luxury goods.。In summer season、むっちりとした身の食感と甘みは最高ですよ♪ 「深〆鯖」105円 鯖は”生き腐れ”と言われるほど痛みが早い魚です。You've got a powerful digestive enzymes、From the dead to the、Is dangerous to handle properly and do not eat。Here you will、Deep finish and superficial finish are provided as is、This superficial finish is not that deep finish whats。Personally,、The superficial finish of choice is。 「活梅貝」346円 活ということで、Freshness is securely transmitted。Teeth meet the shark-梅貝 UH crunchy and good elasticity。You feel the sweetness、富山ならではの1皿です♪ 「大メジまぐろ赤身」399円 クロマグロは、Be some body、3-8 kg for tuna (tuna children)、20about kg, Great Egret.、 40by kg in tuna (kitchen).、50kg more than in adult bluefin tuna is called。A great Egret、Parents as FAT (Toro) because、赤身でも十分に脂がのっています♪ 「平目」399円 「左ヒラメに右カレイ」と昔よく口にしたものです。Parsnips taste a good protein to、Fun texture flounder。To the sea with my local Shizuoka, port、The fresh fish is 漁remasu、漁reru in Toyama Japan Sea fish is no longer beam different。Level of the revolving sushi bar、NetA、With unsurpassed balance of Shak。Let hold you at the counter of the high-end sushi restaurants are also good、I think when you come to the Toyama 1-Please feel free to get sushi taste enjoyed。夏より秋から冬にかけてのネタがオススメですけどね♪ すし玉 富山県富山市掛尾栄町5-8 TEL:076-491-1897 Hours of operation:11:00-21:00 Closed on Mondays:年中無休

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