"Grilled quivering" is specially selected beef "Shizuoka where" of specializes in exquisite Wagyu beef is!

住吉街道沿い幸にある「炭火焼 ゆらり」さん。Meat is Shizuoka Wagyu beef "Shizuoka grows" in the commitment、Pork is the "enshū-dreams dreams pork"、Chicken meat is locally produced "chicken".、"Niigata Koshihikari" rice.、And fresh vegetables from local farmers、Eggs and、Have all ingredients product safety commitment、Are provided at affordable prices。こちらのオーナーである雪ちゃんこと雪嶋さんは「丸八不動産グループ」のひーさんこと平野修会長のお友達ということもあり、Is have we got our couples。For parking in front of the shop is widely equipped up to 21、待ち合わせなどにも困りません♪ 店内は、Table seats 50 people、7 counter seats、And room seats 12 guests in each table、For the partition, which is like a semi private room、It is possible to settle down and enjoy a meal。And in-store background music and jazz flow、And while being a yakiniku restaurant、どこか大人の雰囲気です♪ 「生ビール(キリン一番搾り)」550円(税抜) 焼肉と言えば生!ですが、It is here with her husband recently trying to work、I remain in the non-alcoholic Kirin free driver! Agency fee every time so it is unworthy from! However, recent、Even non-alcoholic Kirin free surprisingly and unexpectedly、美味しいと思えるようになっているから不思議です(笑) 「もやしのナムル」380円→190円(お試し価格) 本日のお勧めメニューの中にお試し価格の超お得なおつまみを発見!豆もやしのナムルが何と190円!(Surprise) and a lot of carrots、Smell of crisp texture and sesame oil is dying, it is delicious! And many assorted、こんなにお得感溢れるおつまみなかなか無いですね♪ 「セロリのキムチ」380円 セロリ好きさんには嬉しい1品!こちらも香り、Better texture、程好い辛さがまたビールに良く合い癖になる美味しさです♪ 「人気の牛タン3点盛り」1,480円 熟成タン、Beef tongue、タンの中落ちと美味しいところを3点盛り合わせてくれてこの価格!リーズナブルですね! 早速、3Let's bake varieties! Beef tongue is round in front of、The thick slice on the far right is aged tongue.、奥の細切れが中落ち部分です♪ 炭火はさっと火が入るので、Yaki magistrate has a round good face in front of my favorite tongue (laughs) First of all,、Served from ordinary beef tongue。Squeeze the lemon tightly.、Tan roll up and take a bite! Overflowing gravy、The taste is outstanding! Next、Naka-Ochi。Here is、Because it is thick, it is more chewy than ordinary beef tongue.、I feel moderately fatty。And、Finally aged tongue! This is quite a thick slice! Aged minutes、The flavor spreads in the mouth、You can also enjoy the elasticity firmly.。Because each has its own flavor、牛タン好きな方は是非この3点盛りをお勧めします♪ 「赤身 塩」1,100円 低脂肪で旨味たっぷりの健やかな赤身の甘さが自慢の赤身をガーリックと塩味で。It corresponds to the part of the shintama and the peach.。There is also a splendid red meat and beautiful sashi、Quickly broil、Salt?、You can enjoy whichever of the yamaoi soy sauce you prefer! This lean meat is the best! It's so soft.、No dullness at all、さらりとペロリといただけてしまう旨さ!カルビとか脂身が苦手なわたし達には最高のお肉です!(激旨!) 焼肉のタレは、3Type。The foreground is quite sweet.、Sesame seeds in the middle、The back is yamaoi soy sauce.、Take your choice。Personally,、焼肉は塩か山葵醤油が好みです♪ 「元気の出る石焼きガーリックライス」(大盛り)780円+大盛り追加100円(税抜) 〆にはいつも石焼きビビンバが多いのですが、This time I asked for garlic rice。Because it is stone-baked、Fragrant garlic scent wafts in the air、The charred part is the best! About 5,000 yen for two people to drink and eat one cup each.。It's cheap! After all, yakiniku is、Just a little bit of good food、Most stomach lean without knowing, seems to be what you want! Snow CHAN、また伺いますね~♪ 炭火焼 ゆらり 浜松市中区幸1-1-41 TEL:053-476-1252 Hours of operation:17:00-24:00(L.O.23:30) Closed on Mondays:On Thursday..

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