Nagoya Italian Restaurant "BOTTEGON / Bottegon" reopened! A course with the best carefully selected ingredients

Taro Yamaguchi, who develops wine dining centered on Italian restaurants in Nagoya and operates MIPROVINI Co., Ltd.:TARO-CHAN) OPENED ITS FIRST ITALIAN RESTAURANT "VINI DEL BOTTEGON " ON OCTOBER 1, 2012. / Vini del Bottegon"、Last year、After about a month of renovation、2022 June,、The store will be renamed "BOTTEGON / Reopened as "Bottegon"、2023We celebrated our 12th anniversary on October 1.。 「BOTTEGON / What is "Bottegon"?、It means "small workshop" in Italian.。Before independence、「ENOTECA PINCHIORRI / Enotecapinchiori" and "The Ritz-Carlton Hotels / The Ritz-Carlton Hotel" and more、Taro-chan, who has fought in various big box restaurants、The name of the restaurant was named in the hope that anyone can easily enjoy wine and food.。 This store renewal is、Mr. Takeshi Nishimura of Osaka-based Design Create Corporation "Design plus alpha", which is widely active, is in charge of the same as the old store.。The old store design that felt good old Italy has been renewed with a classical modern atmosphere with the theme of "glamour and sunshine"、Facade with stone and leather doors for added dignity。 The inside of the store has also been renewed.、A private room is set up by the window on the right side of the entrance.、In the back, there is a dining room overlooking the kitchen.。 "LOBMEYR" with a delicate silhouette with an elegant design / Shelves with Rob Meier glasses。 We always have 3,000 bottles of whiskey and wine.、Utilizing my experience as an owner sommelier、Abbinamento (Italy):Abbinament)。 Dining、2There are 4 tables for people、With a glass wall that gives a sense of depth、Create a spacious space。 The counter over the kitchen is alive and well.、The atmosphere of a single board、It enjoys an even more profound atmosphere.。 The interior of the store is moist and you can enjoy lunch and dinner in a calm atmosphere.。 It is also fun to see the state of the kitchen inside the counter.。 The pinnacle brand of Italian slicers "Berkel / Berkel" is installed、It makes a mouth-watering prosciutto.。 Nagoya lunch on this day was、Special order of a course meal of ¥14,000 (tax and service charge excluded) served at dinner time。Before meals、I was able to meet the owner Taro-chan, who visits each store for the first time in a long time.。Current、At MIPROVINI Inc.、11Expanded to 8 stores per month、Considering expansion into Hawaii next year、They will work toward further business expansion.。Here Recent、2023on September 23,、We were also able to hear about the new store "Tonkatsu Butaro" that has just opened in Izumi 3-chome.。Tonkatsu restaurant with only 7 seats at the counter、Quite curious! Private room that can accommodate up to 12 people。This time, we will use it luxuriously as a couple.。 Currently known as BOTTEGON / Satoshi Nakagawa, 43, who is in charge of Bottegon's chef,、I joined this company during the Corona disaster.。Aiming at the chef、After graduating from "Mizumoto Gakuen Tokai Cooking and Confectionery College" in Hamamatsu、Long Italian and Spanish cuisine、About 20 restaurants serving Japan cuisine、GRANADA Co., Ltd., which is operated in Tokyo and Nagoya, / Granada"、There was a turning point in the Corona disaster.、Joined MIPROVINI Inc.。After being assigned to each store to understand the restaurants in the group、HERE: "BOTTEGON" / He is the top chef of "Bottegon"。We hear about nostalgic memories of our days as a vocational student in Hamamatsu, where we live.、There is a sense of closeness because there are mutual acquaintances.、We shared a great time。Above all、Who is Kenji Masaki, the owner-chef of the popular Chinese restaurant "Chinese Restaurant Masaki in Hamamatsu"?、I was a classmate of mine at vocational school.、Abondance, a French pastry shop that we get along well with, / Pastry chef Heberle Bernard Pierre Claude, owner of "Abondons", was a lecturer at a vocational school.、Bloom into ♪ memories Appetizer "Hida Takayama Higashi Farm Paprika Mousse" Delivered from "Higashi Farm", which has been farming in Hida Takayama for three generations、Roast thick and tasty paprika in the oven、Puree in a juicer、A dish where you can enjoy the original taste of paprika finished in mousse with puree and whipped cream。 To bring out the sweetness of paprika without adding any sweetening、A little salt is used to bring out the sweetness.。 Added "Gifu Ena Gobal Pork Prosciutto" Domestically produced ham jointly created by Yoshinobu Niiho, owner of the butcher shop "Sakaeya Co., Ltd." in Shiga Prefecture, where the owner Taro-chan was born, and a prosciutto workshop in Nagano Prefecture。The raw material is healthy pigs raised on feed carefully examined by "Yama no Ham Kobo Gobal" in Ena, Gifu Prefecture.。Handmade prosciutto without any chemical seasonings or additives、Aged over time、The shoulder loin prosciutto, which is finished with a concentrated taste, has a deeper taste the more you chew.、Features a nutty aroma。 Bread "Homemade Focaccia" The original table focaccia that has inherited the unchanged taste since the opening、Sweet potatoes and milk give sweetness and richness、The salty taste of rock salt on the surface is accentuated.、Fragrant outside、Focaccia with a medium fluffy texture、Blends well with meals and sauces.。 Appetizer "Toyosu Yamayuki Oma Main Tuna Hokkaido Untan Onion Based Vinaigrette Sauce Squid Ink Couscous" From "Yamako Group", which is the number one tuna trading in Toyosu Market Oma main tuna to be purchased。Sneak in the texture of squid ink flavored couscous、The melting-flavored fat of Omamoto tuna is connected with an onion-based vinaigrette.、For refreshing tailoring。You can enjoy the umami of Hokkaido sea urchin with caviar olive oil.。 Lunch Antipastomist Speciale (appetizer platter)。The one-plate style that can be enjoyed little by little is also unique to lunch.。 Appetizer "Western-style spring rolls with shark fin, oscetra caviar, shark fin bean paste cooked in beef broth" Even though it is an Italian restaurant、Utilizing the experience that the chef has cultivated so far、Based on Western style、Incorporating Japanese and Chinese elements、For a configuration that will not make you feel bored。Loosen shark fins prepared with beef broth、Cooked with vegetables such as onions and mushrooms and made into spring rolls.、Served freshly fried hot。 Look、Although it seems to be Chinese、The seasoning of the bean paste is Western-style.、The style of salting caviar instead of sauce。 Fish dish "Tachiuo Fresh Porcini Karasumi" Thick sword fish cooked beautifully and plump。Poiret the swordfish fragrant、For sautéed mushrooms cut into large pieces、Using fresh porcini from Italy、Finish with Karasumi oil、A dish with fragrant aromas that whets your appetite。 "Omi beef and jibeef burger Kitaakari's low-temperature potato fries" with a playful touch、Although it is a burger served as a chopstick resting existence、Even if you say "it's a main dish", you will be convinced and it is a hamburger that is so satisfying to eat.。Buns are fluffy homemade brioche、For a thick and juicy patty made with minced Omi beef and gibeef、Thick cheddar cheese sandwiched between、Even though it is a hamburger, it feels like eating meat.、A favorite dish。The potato fries of Kitaakari served with it are、It is slowly fried at a low temperature.、For a garnish where you can enjoy the sweetness like sweet potatoes。 Next, shake the frying pan quickly in the kitchen and emulsify it.、Enjoy freshly made pasta with a sense of heat。 Pasta "Fresh Pasta with Fresh Italian Porcini Kitalla" The first dish of pasta where you can enjoy porcini mushrooms that arrive fresh from Italy in a luxurious and pepperoncino style。...

Nagoya, Chikusa "Matsujuan, a soba shop founded in 1987 popular for raw flour making" tempura soba lunch

名古屋の千種にある1978年(昭和53年)創業と老舗で生粉打ちの蕎麦と天ぷらが人気の蕎麦処「松寿庵」へ! 暖簾をくぐれば年代物の蕎麦猪口や漆器手挽き石臼が陳列され待合の椅子に腰掛けて眺める楽しさがあります蕎麦は茨城県産の「常陸秋そば」種を自家製紛し出汁の鰹節は築地から直送仕入れわさびは静岡の本わさび「真妻」種を使用するこだわりで毎朝の市場からの仕入れに加え全国各地から産地直送している旬の食材を楽しめます店内はテーブル席20席小上がりの座敷20席の40席と立派な構え角に用意されたお一人様席まで御座います窓際なので緑化されている通りを眺めながらの独り蕎麦も良いですね平日のお昼時でも満席となることが多く行列が絶えない日もある人気店なのだとか蕎麦は回転が早いためランチタイムも何回転かされる大繁盛振り! この日は名古屋の車仲間で「onde株式会社」代表を務められ全国に100店舗余りの「MTサロン」を展開されている松波正晃(Masateru Matsunami)さんと久しぶりの再会で蕎麦ランチミーティング! 「MTサロン」とは肌本来の美しさを最大限に引き出すことを目的とした「肌力再生」サロンですこの数ヶ月東海地方進出に向けて試験的に浜松エリアでも大平台の「花みずき工房」本社併設の住宅展示場2階をお借りして「無料体験会」を開催して参りましたが新規顧客様に好評いただいていることから本格的に浜松に拠点を構えサロンを展開していくためにスタッフを募集されています美容の知識や技術は入社後の研修で学んでいけるため素直な気持ちと成長したいという意欲があれば未経験でも大丈夫とのこと「喜ばれることに喜びを」を会社の基本理念とされているため自分のためではなく誰かのために頑張れる方を求めていらっしゃいます自身の成長を目指し美容業や独立にご興味のある方がいらっしゃいましたら是非お問い合わせください「(竹)天ざる(竹)天そば(小海老と野菜天ぷら付)」¥1,800 薄衣でサックサクの小気味よい音が鳴りプリプリと弾力があり甘味豊かな小海老が3匹も野菜天は、Eggplant、Shiitake mushroom、Green beans、Sweet potato。 Here you will、蕎麦の種類を選ぶことができ「生粉」「さらしな」「太打ち」の三種が通年用意されており、Among them、つなぎとして小麦粉などは使わずにそば粉のみで打つ「生粉打ち(きこうち)」が人気江戸時代からの十割蕎麦の呼称ですもちろん「生粉打ち」をオーダー。Occasionally、季節の「変わり蕎麦」を打つ場合もあるようです茨城県の蕎麦農家より直送の”常陸秋そば”の丸抜きを石臼で自家製粉しつなぎを使わず水と蕎麦粉のみで打った生粉打ち蕎麦はそばの香りと風味がより楽しめ喉越しも抜群!また消化に良いため胃もたれ知らずのお蕎麦となりますそばつゆは鰹出汁の風味が香る味わいに奥行きがあり名古屋らしく少々甘めの仕上がりとろみの利いた熱々のそば湯を注いで一服「そばがきぜんざい(温・こしあん)」¥550 甘味は丁寧に仕上げた滑らか食感の上品なそばがきに熱々の漉し餡がよく絡み癒しのひととき別小皿で刻んだ塩昆布が添えられるため甘からの塩っぱいを楽しめ〆のお茶でほっこりと名古屋でも人気の高い蕎麦処でのゆるりと楽しむランチタイムコロナ禍で随分とご無沙汰してしまいましたが松波さんの元気そうなお顔が見れて良かったです♪ 「MTサロン」新店舗浜松店スタッフ募集中!未経験者大歓迎! ご興味のある方はご連絡ください松寿庵 住所愛知県名古屋市千種区豊年町4-13 中京レンガビル1F TEL:052-722-0212(予約不可) 営業時間: 11:00-15:00 17:00-20:30 11:00-15:00 11:00-15:00 17:00-20:00 Closed on Mondays:第二第四水曜日の夜、Thursday Parking:有(マンション内11台・中央列16番~27番を用意)

Nagoya French "Reminisense" Tin wedding ceremony with a course of recollection that a pleasant aftertaste sharpened gently resonates

It is close to "Shirakawa Park" full of greenery in Nagoya.、At reminiscence, a 2-Michelin-starred French restaurant enshrined on the 2nd floor of the Comfort Sakae Building where the high-end raw bread specialty store "Nogami" along Shirakawa Park Higashihonmachi Street、2022年2月22日に錫婚式を迎える私たちの結婚10周年記念のお祝いへ! ※レミニセンスは開業8周年となり、9Now that we are celebrating our anniversary、Taking on the challenge of a new stage、Relocated to the roadway、We have reopened with the aim of becoming a Grand Maison, so please see this article for the details.。 名古屋・フレンチ「レミニセンス」グランメゾンを目指し移転リニューアル〜新店舗編〜 こちらは、Chef Kishida Shuzo of Quintessence、West is under Chef Hajime Yoneda of Hajime、Chef Masaki Kuzuhara (36 years old) trained at one of Japan's leading Michelin-starred restaurants in the East and West、In the shops opened on the 30-year-old's birthday is 7/23/2015、An instant popularity、20192 Michelin stars in 2008、Even now, the 7th anniversary of this year continues to evolve、And many foodies have to groan quite French、わたし達もお勧めのレストランとなります! 「Reminiscence(レミニセンス)」 コンセプト 生きること=豊かな人生を送ること 豊かな人生とは心地よい余韻と心に残る暖かい記憶の調和が 充実していることだと思います。 Finish with storage。 By making meals、As well as the people's body to create food nutrition、 But the time we spent in reminiscence customers remain customers finish with storage、 素晴らしい人生に思い出という形で残ってほしい 食の豊かさ、And can enjoy the pleasure of food、人生がより豊かになると祈って 柔らかな自然光が降り注ぎ、Clean interior based on white。2018年に再訪した際に飛騨高山にて北欧名作家具をライセンス生産する家具メーカー「キタニ(Kitani)」を紹介させていただいたことを機にテーブルとチェアを一掃され、Everything is made to order with Kitani! One year after the conception I drew in 2018、2019From October 2008、We welcome guests with a dignified appearance as much as possible as a face of reminic sense by changing the decoration。 Jakob Care's masterpiece, also known as the "FN Chair", designed for the United Nations Building in New York-03(Jacob Kjær 1948)」。It is unusual for his work mainly to be classical design、It becomes a modern design that symbolizes the times。Selected "sakura" of natural wood that becomes a pale color、Creates a soft atmosphere familiar to the hand。The square table is delicate and stylish with a round leg design.、We have devised a way to make room around the guest's feet comfortable.。 In the back seat by the window、「JK-03(FN chair) with a chair designed to add a sense of peace to "JK"-05(Jacob Kjær 1948)。Urethane foam is laminated on the back cushion.、The back and seat surface gently wrap the back and support it with an integrated structure。 A meal at Reminisense that has been a long time。"It has changed from before Oita, so please look forward to it"I received a message、どのような変化が感じられるのか心が躍ります! 現在のレミニセンスのコースは「おまかせコース(料理+デザート+食後のドリンク)」20,000円(税込)のみとなりますが、2022April 1- -、"Short course" 15,000 yen (tax included) will be introduced for lunch.。This time, 9,800 yen of "Wine Pairing Half", which can be paired with 6 kinds of wine (*including Champagne), is added to each full course。 飛騨高山にて行列の絶えない人気ブーランジェリー「TRAIN BLEU(トラン・ブルー)」の成瀬正(Tadashi Naruse)氏との出逢いにより、If your goals and beliefs align with each other、As a partner who respects each other and can trust、「レミニセンス × トラン・ブルー」のコラボレーションが此処で実現しています! Sommelierの松永新一郎さんがセレクトのワインペアリング先ずはシャンパーニュから! 結婚10周年。There were many twists and turns.、いつも素敵な刺激を与えてくれる主人に感謝して乾杯! 「キュヴェ・743・エクストラ・ブリュット(CUVEE 743 EXTRA BRUT)/ ジャクソン (JACQUESSON)」 ブドウ品種:Chardonnay 50%、Pinot Noir25%、ムニエ25% 創業1798年と200年を超える歴史を持ち格式高いメゾンの「シャンパーニュ・ジャクソン」。Focusing on the own fields of Dizzy village and Gran Cruai village where it is based、52We create the world's highest champagne from the fields of ha。Jackson's representative cuvée 700 series、A generous blend of the grapes that were once used for vintage、It is a popular series that has been enhanced to the quality comparable to The Prestige Champagne。Among them, this cuvée 743、In the first non-dosage、In the best possible in the history of the series selected as all Champagne No. 1 by the world's best sommelier、良質な果汁のボリュームをギュッと締まった酸と研ぎ澄まされたミネラルが見事に調和した最高峰のノンヴィンテージシャンパーニュ! 御料理は第一章〜第三章(余韻・記憶・安堵)に分かれ、It is composed of a four-part work up to the tea confectionery that becomes the last chapter (recollection)、先ずは余韻を楽しむ第一章の一皿目からスタートします! 第一章〜余韻〜 「雲丹」 葛原シェフが食材の中で一番心地の良い「余韻」を感じる食材は「雲丹」だと仰います。And ingredients had changed his life, and、"Sea urchin" seems to be indispensable among the ingredients that you want to express with "reminisense".、The start of the afterglow of Chapter 1 is decided as "Sea urchin"。佐賀の有田焼「カマチ陶舗(Kamachi Toho)」のドーム型の真っ白な陶器に添えられた最初の一品は手でそのまま頂くフィンガーフードです。Sea urchin on a tuile with the scent of the sea。Lily root oil and rock nori、Micro-amarantus。一口で頬張ると溢れ出る極上の甘味と鼻に抜ける磯の香りで余韻を楽しめます! 「コトー・デュ・ロワール ブラン・レフレ 2019 (Coteaux du Loir Blanc L’Effraie)/ ドメーヌ・べリヴィエール(Domaine Belliviere)」 ブドウ品種シュナン・ブラン100% コトー・デュ・ロワールにある6つの区画の樹齢50年以下のブドウを使用。has the scent of flesh-filled yellow fruits such as apricots and yellow peaches、A transparent fruity taste that spreads smoothly in the mouth。A dry type with a faint bitterness of minerals and firm acid that tightens the milky aftertaste。While enjoying the scent of the slightly fragrant sea, match the next Shirako。 第一章〜余韻〜 「白子」 香ばしくソテーした口溶け滑らかな鱈の白子に、Rubbing the oni-down of winter melons and adding it in a flowing style、A little jam-like yuzu is a good accent。The beautiful greens around you are the oil of shiblets.。Herbs and Flower Hoshiso、Powder chili pepper、Served with nuts、A gentle dish that is easy to adapt to the body incorporating Japanese elements。 トラン・ブルー「あられ」 「トラン・ブルー」から調達されるパンは、Three types are offered between course dishes、8~90% of the finished bread is baked in the oven and completed.。Here is、by combining hail made from rice with wheat bread from the same grain、Each of them claims a texture and aroma、A dish to enjoy the taste。In the crunchy texture of the most fragrant hail、In the fabric that is crispy and chewy、It goes well with soft, light and soft wheat.、While snuggling up to reminisense dishes as delicious meal bread、Appeared in perfect standing position。Be honest、Personally, butter feels unnecessary.、優れたバランスの旨味の強いパンです! 「ブルゴーニュ アリゴテ 2016 ブノワ アント (Bourgogne Aligote Benoit Ente)/ ドメーヌ・ブノワ・アント(Domaine Benoit Ente)」 ブドウ品種アリゴテ100% ムルソー村の頂点に君臨するアルノー・アントを兄に持ち、1990A phantom Burgundy produced in a very small amount from a field of only a few ha that has been released since 1998, inheriting the fields of grandparents since 1998。We want to create a more elegant and balanced wine with a strong impact、Pruning reduces yields and harvests only grapes that are mature。a blend of age planted about 70 and 20 years ago planted in Purigny Montrachet。It has a thick yet rich acidity and a crisp and firm taste、Full of minerality、樽由来の柔らかな余韻も楽しめるアリゴテはお次の牡蠣に合わせて! 第一章〜余韻〜 「牡蠣」 富山は八尾の木工ユニット作家・下尾和彦&下尾さおり夫妻が手掛ける「Shimoo Design」の美しい木目が引き立つ浮造りの技法を用いた「浮様シリーズ」の美しいオーバル皿に盛り込んだ三皿目。Lightly stewed with oysters and eggplant、Wrap it in spinach.、Wrapped in part filly and baked in the oven。Underneath, a smooth cream with oysters and potatoes、Mushroom paste in front of you、Served with a sweet sauce made with Madera。Top is oysters grilled over charcoal and cream with fromage blanc、Fresh herbs with kumquat jam and kumquat chips、Oyster scallops are marinated in blue benier dough and finished with a light frit。サクッとした食感の中から牡蠣の旨味が溢れ出る一品でハーブが良い仕事をしています! 「ドメーヌ・ツィント・フンブレヒト ゲヴュルツトラミネール 2018 (Domaine Zind Humbrecht Gewurztraminer)」 ブドウ品種ゲヴュルツトラミネール100% アルザス地方ゲベールシュヴィールのフンブレヒト家は、1620With a venerable family that has been making wine since 2000、1959In 2005, Leonard Humbrecht joined Junuviève Tsint, the creator of The Alsace region of Vintsenheim.、Domaine Tsint Humbrecht established in Turkheim。From the commitment to the quality of the wine、Converting all of our own fields to biodinami farming methods that are more stringent than organic cultivation、In brewing, high-quality juice is squeezed by pressing grapes overnight under soft pressure、By the method of winemaking which pursues the maximum quality such as long-term fermentation in the large barrel using only native yeast、It produces a pure, condensed wine that maximizes the individuality of Alsace's supreme terroir and grape varieties。Citrus fruit、The aromas of fruits such as lychee and spices are gorgeous、It is in harmony with rich taste、Fresh finish。The ultimate Alsace Gewürztraminaire by natural biodinami farming to the next shark fin。 第一章〜余韻〜...

Nagoya "Bistro Culture Western Restaurant" Old private house bistro lunch developed by a long-established Western restaurant

The long-established Western-style restaurant "Bunka Western-style restaurant" was founded in 1983.、In addition to the head office set up in Ike lower、A long-established Western-style restaurant that has many stores in Nagoya, such as the Midlands and Meitetsu Department Store、Lunch time at one of the thousand kinds of "bistro culture Western restaurant"! "Bistro Culture Western-style Restaurant" within a few minutes on foot from Chigusa Station has been renovated from an old private house、隠れ家のような落ち着いた雰囲気ながらに気軽に利用できる洋食店となります! 店内は玄関先で靴を脱ぎ、It becomes a style to go up to the floor of the small rise、In a tasteful atmosphere that has changed over time、歩めばきしむ木の床の昭和レトロな雰囲気がそそられる店内! 1階にテーブル席24席、216 seats on the 1st floor、4 terrace seats、A total of 44 seats and a number of seats are well prepared.、With a structure that feels spacious between tables、Hand disinfection and acrylic parting are installed, etc.、コロナ感染予防対策もされてます! こちらは、We are particular about ingredients such as organic vegetables from China and fresh fish purchased at the market.、Including "Kanikoro of culture" that brings out the rich taste of boiled crab over 8 hours every day、山形平田牧場の三元豚を使ったハンバーグやオリジナルのビーフカレーなどが人気です! 昔ながらの洋食店の雰囲気が大好きな私たち! それにプラスして落ち着いた雰囲気の古民家リノベということで興味をそそられ、I entered the store between jobs.、やはり人気店ということで活気のある様子が伺えます! 本日のランチメニューから文化洋食店伝統の「ビーフカレー」と「三種のチーズ焼きハンバーグ」をセレクト! 「ランチセットのサラダ」 ランチセットでは、Because you can choose salad or red dashi、私たちはサラダをチョイス! 優しい酸味のドレッシングで和えた粗微塵のキャベツがたっぷりと忍ばされており、Mizuna and lettuce、Purple Onion、In a salad with tomatoes, etc.、セットのサラダにしては食べ応え感があります! 「ビーフカレー」880円 2日間かけて仕込む昔ながらの製法のルーで作る文化洋食店伝統のカレー。The umami of softly stewed domestic beef is soaked in、You can enjoy the texture of torohororo、スパイスの奥深さとコクがありつつもまろやかな味わいのカレーライス! 「ピクルス」 ビーフカレーに付いてくる野菜や根菜の優しい味わいのピクルスは、Daikon radish、Carrot、Sweet potato、パプリカなどとカラフルで箸休めになります! 「三種のチーズ焼きハンバーグ」1,320円 モッツァレラ、Gordashred、Using plenty of three kinds of cheese of Edam cheese、The cheese-baked hamburger baked in the oven、more than a clenched fist、I feel destructive power from the look! Grilled vegetables、Crispy and fragrant potatoes、Hohokuho no Carrot、Broccoli that left a colorful and beautiful texture moderately、1/4カットで皮ごと焼き上げた甘い玉ねぎと野菜もボリューム満点! 三種で絡み合うチーズの濃厚な味わいと良い塩梅の塩味がハンバーグの肉の旨みを引き出し、It is a well-balanced finish with a rich tomato sauce that feels a sweetness that goes well with cheese、グリル野菜にも残ったソースをたっぷりと絡めて楽しめます! 「コーヒー」 色彩の魔術師と呼ばれ、19French painters active in the 20th century、彫刻家のアンリ・マティス(Henri Matisse)のアートが飾られた空間で癒されながらのランチタイムとなりました! ビストロ文化洋食店 住所愛知県名古屋市千種区内山3-21-5 TEL:052-733-4072 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-15:00(L.O.14:00)Reservations not accepted、Dinner 17:30-23:00(L.O.21:45)予約可 ※緊急事態宣言下での営業時間は店舗へ直接直接ご確認下さい。 Pets:テラス席のみ可 駐車場無(近隣にコインパーキング有)...

Vini del Bottegon, a casual Italian restaurant in Nagoya

Taro Yamaguchi, who operates "MIPROVINI Co., Ltd.", which operates wine dining mainly at Italian restaurants in Nagoya, opened his first Italian restaurant in 2012 at vini del BOTTEGON! Mr. Taro, the owner、"Enoteka Pinchioli" and "Ritz-Carlton Hotel"、I have been active as a sommelier in various Italian、Using that experience to launch a company,、飲食店を多店舗展開されています! 地元の師崎や伊良湖より仕入れる鮮魚をはじめ、In addition to abundantly handling fresh pesticide-free vegetables from the 60th Peninsula、Because Taro is from Shiga Prefecture、メイン料理には滋賀の「肉のサカエヤ」より仕入れる極上の熟成肉や近江牛を使われるなど、Carefully selected ingredients are finished in a unique style。By the selection of Taro who is the sommelier owner、常時3,000本以上を保有するワインも楽しめるワイン&ダイニングです! 店内は木の温もりと落ち着きのあるクラシカルな雰囲気で居心地の良さがありコロナ禍でありながらも多くの常連客に愛され連日大盛況のレストラン! この日は名古屋での仕事を終え、After the peak of lunchtime、ラストオーダーにギリギリ間に合い滑り込みセーフでかろうじて空いていたカウンター席を用意していただきました! テーブル席よりカウンター席にて厨房の臨場感を味わうのが大好きな私たちカウンター席のあるレストランが大好きです! 前菜の盛り合わせの盛り付けに入る堀シェフの真剣な眼差し美味しそうな香りが立ち込め食欲をそそられます! 仕事の合間ということもあり、It's a good feeling that you can't enjoy wine with this dish.、I am glad that I can take lunch time after a long time! There are a lot of restaurants that I want to visit when I come to Nagoya for lunch.、When it comes to eating smoothly in a short time, it is not only a course dish、After all, shops with à la carte are available as an option.。You can enjoy both course meals and à la carte dishes here.、調整できるのが有難いです! 「前菜の盛り合わせ」 手前から、Irako Bonito Carpaccio、White peach and ullahta cheese、Braised Omi beef cheek and three kinds of platter。 First of all, from the strongest combination with peach, which is a seasonal fruit, and fresh and creamy ullahta cheese。And fresh bonito ed with sea grapes from Izenami Island, a remote island in Okinawa where the petit texture is unbearable、Taste and deeply enjoy the grilled eggplant grilled with charcoal with the flavor。最後にはランチにも関わらず近江牛がいただけるという贅沢なアンティパストミストです! 堀シェフと中川さんの御二人で満杯の店内を回しているようで、While you're going to be busy、丁寧に対応していただきました!(感謝) 「自家製フォカッチャ」 ふわっと柔らかな仕上がりながらに、Focaccia that you can enjoy a chewy texture that is easy to eat、Salted plums are also a good feeling! I will put it on the pasta sauce! "Spaghetti Fresh Fish Arlio Ario e Peperoncino Bottarga Flavor" To finish with plenty of Bottarga (karasumi)、目の前に出されると立ち込める香りにノックアウト! ふっくらと柔らかく仕上げた身厚の白魚との相性も抜群で人気の高いメニューです! 「オーストラリア冬トリュフたっぷりのマッシュルームペーストスパゲティ」 メニューにはイタリアの夏トリュフと書かれていましたが、On this day, they shaved off australian fragrant winter truffles! Winter truffles with a more mellow aroma than summer truffles。Plenty of pasta to hide。まさに贅沢の極み!ランチタイムでもこのクオリティで提供されているから素敵です! 「北海道 礼文島の生雲丹たっぷりのクリームソースのスパゲティ」 カラスミ、Following truffles、その圧倒的な存在感たるや!日本最北端の離島礼文島の生雲丹のお出ましです! 北海道産の生雲丹の中でも濃厚で旨み溢れる味わいと絶賛されている礼文島の生雲丹をふんだんに用いたクリームパスタ! 上に添えるだけでなく、Because tapuri and raw sea urchin are also used for cream sauce、香り豊かに濃厚な味わいが堪らない! 濃厚な生雲丹の甘みをソースに絡めながらフォカッチャにも添えて楽しみます! 「本日のドルチェ」 甘さ控え目のティラミスに、Ripe mango with a thick richness、そしてミルキーなジェラートとデザートまでしっかりと楽しんでしまいました! 「食後のコーヒー」 気付けば最後の客になってしまいましたが食後のコーヒーをいただきながら満ち足りたひとときに大満足! 太郎さん、Staff、有難う御座いました!またゆっくり伺いたいです! ヴィーニデルボッテゴン(VINI DEL BOTTEGON) 住所:Tsukasa Building 1F TEL, 2-21-3 Izumi, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture:050-5593-7568 Hours of operation:Monday to Sunday lunch 11:30-15:00( L.O.14:00-、Dinner 17:30-24:00(L.O.23:00) Closed:Occasionally parking:無し...

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