"Taoyuan International Airport," the discount WiFi "iVideo" by rental to Taipei city at high speed bus

In Taipei, the capital of Taiwan "Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport" "CHINA AIRLINES airlines ' flights departing at night 23 past safely arrived in。 Taipei City, which is located near East Asia and the Pacific between 25 degrees north latitude,、 10A late present、Entering the fall as well as Japan and the、Into the best season! Temperatures average 22-27 ° C in a relatively mild climate and、 During the day、Weather permitting short sleeve、Or fine with sheer long sleeves dress、 Hotels and restaurants、For the attentive public transportation in air-conditioning system、 If you carry a light jacket if the climate of the day and night even better!, was opened in 1979 年 9 月 96 日 "Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport"、 As Taiwan located Ward Dayuan, Taoyuan, Taiwan's largest international airport、 EVA AIR Evergreen airlines with "Airlines" uses as a hub airport、24Hours a day it is!, late at night, but、Unlike airports in September of last month、And filled with tourists, is busy! Let's move on to rely on written insertion boundary inspection to enter the Board. after the quarantine as an immigration、And the documents required for Passport, ticket and entry registration form and customs declaration table。 Because it is passed in the cabin、Will you fill out during the flight and smart! this time in addition to the best season of October、Sunday may、Been pretty busy! After successful immigration、Counting boards and offers domain baggage Baggage claim written on one floor below the baggage delivery area (baggage claim) to go! provides area baggage Baggage claim (luggage delivery Hall) at baggage claim (luggage delivery area)、 Check and passed from airline luggage to serve (baggage tags)、 Properly to make sure no mistakes in your luggage。 When was a victim that should reach the suitcase luggage in the airport baggage、 Sign on counter in the baggage claim (luggage delivery area) area submitted promptly serve (your baggage)。 Professional staff and baggage matching in your PC and will make sure。 Normal、Is very likely that the luggage is delivered to the next day or within a few days、 The package does not arrive soon、Vanity & make-up、About bare essentials such as clothes and underwear thing、 May airline will guarantee on presentation of a receipt。 Preferably as a preventive、Downstairs even had trouble、 It is recommended to keep in carry-on bags per minute (change of clothes and underwear)。 Also、How to contact、Would be better with glasses or disposable contact lenses。 In addition、Valuables and medication、Charger and guide books、Is not in the local alternative、It is safe in the baggage。 If the case cannot be found、In some cases airlines with certain amount of compensation?。 However、In foreign airlines、Language barriers and difficulties in negotiations and proceedings、Seems almost doesn't do compensation cases。 That should not be、Assuming a worst case、 May be compensated by an overseas travel accident insurance and additional insurance of the credit card, so check in advance。 The suitcase、And before deposit in advance, mobile photography should、Helpful accident. after receiving the baggage、Is usually towards the bus station of Taiwan was a rapid schedule、Get the usual Wi-Fi rental arrangements、 Haste、桃園国際空港内で受け取れるという便利な 「iVideo」の海外用モバイルWi-Fiを事前にネットで予約しております! 早速そちらを受け取りに参りましょう! iVideoとは、Provided by Taiwan businesses overseas for mobile Wi-Fi rental service、 Because it can very rental at a reasonable price、海外旅行者に口コミで広がっています! 1日目は、290TWD (Japan at approximately 1070 yen)、 2Days after the first、1Sunny 29 TWD (Japan Yen at around 110 yen) next、 長期間レンタルすればするほど安くなります! 日本で海外Wi-Fiをレンタルした場合、 Our one day depending on the region or ¥ 500-1000 yen for General、 iVideoはかなりお安くレンタルすることが可能となりますiVideoは、Take at a convenience store in the airport within the specified、とても便利です! (※受取可能時間正午12時~) 空港到着が正午12時より早い場合、If you miss or book、 営業時間内に台北駅向かいの「iVideo台北駅前店」又は台北松山空港の付近の「iVideo松山空港店」台電大楼駅付近の「iVideo台電大楼店」の弊社店舗へ直接行くことで、And rental on the spot。 Sales Office was also open in Japan、 JR Shinjuku Station new South exit、高島屋近くの「iVideo新宿店」で受け取りが可能でさらに自宅への郵送もOK! 現在iVideoでは、 Blog、Twitter、By posting comments to FACEBOOK、全額もしくは半額を返金するキャンペーンを開催中です! 詳しくはiVideoのWEBサイトをご覧下さい! iVideo http://jp.ivideo.com.tw/ 桃園国際空港第2ターミナルでの海外用モバイルWi-Fi「iVideo」の受取場所は地下2Fのフードコート内にあるコンビニエンスストアのセブンイレブンになります! こちらのセブンイレブンのレジで「iVideo」のWi-Fiが受け取れます♪ 申し込み完了のメールを事前にプリントアウトして持参し、 Convenience store clerk and submitted with your Passport、「iVideo」と伝えれば受け取りができます♪ コンビニで受け取るのはこちらの袋で中に「iVideo」のWi-Fiが入っています♪ 中には、Wi-Fi router and charger、And the return envelope。 Returned on the final day with the ibon's eleven in the same airport in the Terminal、 Return procedures dealt with touch panel operation、 返却袋に入れてレジに返すだけというシンプルな流れでとってもスマートです! 空港だけではなく台北市内のセブンイレブンであればどこでも受け取りが可能で、 Well as eleven return when received、どの店舗へ返却してもOKです! ハイライフというコンビニだけは受け取りと返却が同じ店舗のみとなるのでご注意ください返却方法の記事はこちらになります! 「台湾桃園国際空港」内のセブンイレブンでレンタルした激安WiFi「iVideo」の返却方法! http://lade.jp/diary/travel-diary/taiwan/45935/ お次は「客運巴士 Bus...

Arrived at Taoyuan International Airport! And entering the Taiwan Bus inouchi guests luck in Taipei City

台湾の首都・台北の「台湾桃園国際空港-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport」へ 「CHINA AIRLINES チャイナエアライン」のフライトにて夜22時過ぎに無事に到着しました。 Taipei City, which is located near East Asia and the Pacific between 25 degrees north latitude,、 9A late present、Entering the fall as well as Japan and the、 気温は平均23~30℃前後で比較的過ごしやすい気候となります。 China's short-sleeved、Or sheer long sleeve、そして軽めの上着を着用すれば朝晩の気候にも対応できます♪ 機体から降り、Boarded a shuttle bus waiting、The move to the airport。 1979年2月26日に開港された「台湾桃園国際空港-Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport」は、 As Taiwan located Ward Dayuan, Taoyuan, Taiwan's largest international airport、 EVA AIR Evergreen airlines with "Airlines" uses as a hub airport、24時間営業です♪ 夜遅くということもあり空港内は、Feel it was very quiet and face the day。 Let's move on to rely on written insertion boundary inspection Board. after the quarantine as an immigration、And the documents required for Passport, ticket and entry registration form and customs declaration table。 Because it is passed in the cabin、Will you fill out during the flight and smart ♪ safely after immigration、Counting boards and offers domain baggage Baggage claim written on one floor below the baggage delivery area (baggage claim) to go! provides area baggage Baggage claim (luggage delivery Hall) at baggage claim (luggage delivery area)、 Check and passed from airline luggage to serve (baggage tags)、 Properly to make sure no mistakes in your luggage。 When was a victim that should reach the suitcase luggage in the airport baggage、 Sign on counter in the baggage claim (luggage delivery area) area submitted promptly serve (your baggage)。 Professional staff and baggage matching in your PC and will make sure。 Normal、Is very likely that the luggage is delivered to the next day or within a few days、 The package does not arrive soon、Vanity & make-up、About bare essentials such as clothes and underwear thing、 May airline will guarantee on presentation of a receipt。 Preferably as a preventive、Downstairs even had trouble、 It is recommended to keep in carry-on bags per minute (change of clothes and underwear)。 Also、How to contact、Would be better with glasses or disposable contact lenses。 In addition、Valuables and medication、Charger and guide books、Is not in the local alternative、It is safe in the baggage。 If the case cannot be found、In some cases airlines with certain amount of compensation?。 However、In foreign airlines、Language barriers and difficulties in negotiations and proceedings、Seems almost doesn't do compensation cases。 That should not be、Assuming a worst case、 May be compensated by an overseas travel accident insurance and additional insurance of the credit card, so check in advance。 The suitcase、And before deposit in advance, mobile photography should、Helpful accident. after receiving the baggage、Head to the bus terminal。 Rather than pick up tour、The married couple we had got much free travel、Now that most is-free journey。 The goodness of the tour、I think that still overseas trips for beginners is an integral part。 And even those speaking languages is still、I right or left;、 How do conversation took、サポートしてくれる添乗員さんは天使のように映ることでしょう(笑) しかしその一方で、Some are familiar to travel abroad if、 Free travel at your own pace、Also excited about and certainly stay there again and recommend。 Rent and overseas Wi-Fi (global WiFi recommended)、 スマートフォンの翻訳とGoogleマップがあれば何も怖いものはありません♪ GLOBAL WiFi グローバルワイファイ http://townwifi.com/ 「客運巴士 Bus to city」と書かれた掲示板を頼りにバスターミナルへと向かいましょう♪ 空港内は、Understand the Kanji characters used in other than English so easy、 台湾の公用語は中国語(北京語)で漢字は中国本土で使われている簡体字ではなく繁体字を使用しており台湾のことを臺灣や台灣と表記したりしてします。 Jōyō kanji of Japan at about middle of both "traditional rather than characters and simplified、 Simplified until the characters enough to not simplified ", right?。 Is pronounced、ピンイン(pinyin)というアルファベットを使った記号で表現され、 Read the other outside than language difficulties may not be。 中国語は405個の発音に加え、4声という声調の組み合わせで構成されているからです。 The language barrier is thick.、But as a means of communication、Getting used to not even more often than not、 Efforts one can say is the minimum, such as greeting words。 So is writing in Chinese characters and easy-to-understand each other、メモ用紙とペンを持つことをお勧めします♪ バスチケット売り場 台北市内行きのバス会社は「國光客運」、"長榮 tomoeshi"、"With BA's.、「飛狗巴士」の4社ありますが今回も前回同様に2番窓口の「國光客運」のバス会社にお世話になります♪ 桃園国際空港より台北A駅までのバスチケットをクレジットカードにて2枚購入しました。 Will be available in the cache、Let's Exchange in advance at a currency exchange in the airport。 Airport currency exchange rate is high、Take charge、In Exchange for minimum required、 残りは台北市内の中山にある手数料ゼロで両替できるお茶屋「昇祥茶行」をお勧めします。 The bus fare is、1人当たりNT$125(日本円にしておよそ460円)。 If the taxi、片道NT$1,000(日本円にしておよそ3,700円)ほどとなりそちらに高速道路代も追加されるため割高になります。 The choice is up to you。 To the taxi drivers in Taiwan、Drivers speak English not only because Japan Japanese、 行き先を中国語表記で記したものを用意しておくと良いでしょう♪ 乗り口3番の「國光客運」へ並びます。 This company is、2014年11月より深夜バスも運行するようになり、Is very good access。 still、Current、空港⇔台北市内を繋ぐMRT(地下鉄)の建設が着工されており、 As early as before the end of operation scheduled to be announced。...

Taxi based ride at higher speeds than the Keelung City, Taipei City at night enjoying home

基隆市より高速を走り台北市内へ戻ります時刻は20時をゆうに回っていましたがとても充実した楽しい1日だったため 印象としては、There is a sense of accomplishment that there was an image of sightseeing until midnight (laugh) In the night view from high speed、I was able to see the illumination of "Taipei 101 Taipei Eilin Ye" in the distance.。 Because I was only watching the state of the day、I'm lucky! The building in front of it、金融センターの「Farglory Financial Center(遠雄金融中心)」です台北101周辺は夜のネオンが美しいようなので 時間のある方は昼も夜も行かれることをお勧めします♪ 対の王宮のように美しい高層タワーが並ぶのは高級ホテル「GRAND MAYFULL TAIPEI(台北美福大飯店)」さん。 Here is、高級肉食材を取り扱う「MAYFULL(美福國際)」さんの運営する新しい高級ホテルとなります奥に小さく見える円形ネオンは「Miramar Entertainment Park(美麗華自樂園)」というショップングモール内の観覧車ですこの周辺一帯は開発が進んでおり高層マンション、There are a lot of construction of the hotel, etc. the other day、The buildings with high-end restaurants such as "Japanese cuisine Shoun Ryugin" and "RAW Low" introduced are also♪ located in this area.、"Onaobashi" with beautiful cable form。 There was also a time when i was free to go home.、およそ30分程で中山(ジョンシャン)の街に到着しました♪ 「囍壺人間茶館」 以前「春水堂」だった場所に「囍壺人間茶館」さんが新規オープンされています。 Here is、質の良い台湾茶葉を使用しタピオカミルクティーをはじめとした各種ドリンクに加え お茶菓子や麺類、Lo (suitable for have ウ ェ イ)、点心など幅広いメニュー展開となっています中山の街に着くと突然テリーさんが車を降りてこちらのお店「囍壺人間茶館」に入店し何かを購入しているようです。 We waitin in the car、I was waiting for Terry's return. From Terry.、I got a farewell! (Impressive) Terry-san、謝謝! 「珍珠奶茶(タピオカミルクティー)」NT$75(日本円にしておよそ290円) テイクアウトしてプレゼントしてくれた「珍珠奶茶(タピオカミルクティー)」は タピオカ用の太めのストローで簡単に吸い上げれるタピオカがゴロゴロと入っており 上品な香りと優しい甘味のミルクティーと一緒に飲み込る程好いサイズ感のタピオカですそれでいてモチモチの弾力は面白くあっさりとしているミルクティーはとっても美味! 思わずあっという間に飲み干してしまいましたタピオカミルクティーって甘過ぎる飲み物で苦手と思っていたのですが、I was able to overcome the weak consciousness with this♪, and it was a fan of "Botan Senko" that Terry gave as a souvenir.。 The fairy of the glossy peony flower is drawn.。 The price of the meal at the night market is summed up.、I've paid for it.、The time of farewell has come though it is regrettable.。 Mr. Terry.、日本語がとってもお上手でとてもハートフルで親切な方なので 心と心でコミュニケーションが取れる素敵なドライバーさんだと思います。 Nothing else、タクシー料金や高速料金さらに待機料金込み込みの1日貸切でこの価格は格安です! 多くの日本人観光客の方に、1日観光タクシーツアーをお勧めしたいと思います♪ 台北旅行記の特設ページはこちらをクリック! タクシーツアーで巡る観光スポットを一挙にご紹介! パソコン用 http://lade.jp/taiwan/ HTTP for smartphones://lade.jp/category/diary/travel-diary/taiwan/...

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