Historic Taiwan around! Seeking a new attraction to major hotel and restaurant coverage

20162 weeks from March 27 (Sun) ~ April 10 (Sun)、 LADE is located in Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan.、 Kenting、Kaohsiung、Tainan、With Yilan、This time, I went around Taiwan、Interview travel。 The Taipei City, Taiwan、And the capital city of Taiwan well on the banks of the river flows through the northern part of Taiwan and on descending River。 Taipei City, which is located near East Asia and the Pacific between 25 degrees north latitude,、 Characterized by a subtropical climate affected by Mongolian high pressure and warm and humid Pacific high pressure system、Remarkable seasonal variation area、 Generally 3-spring month of may、6-August, summer、9-Fall for 11 months、12Between February and winter、 Current、Like Japan, the temperature in Taipei City, which is in spring, is around 13~26°C.、 And the climate of Japan in spring and autumn、Is somewhat warmer than spring in Japan。 In addition, Kenting and Kaohsiung, which are in the southern part of Taiwan、The Tainan、15-At around 29 ° C will be warmer than Taipei.。 The best season for the Taiwan travel、3-May、Also, because it will be October ~ November、今回は絶好の台湾日和となります! 日本との時差はマイナス1時間なため、Not to worry about jet lag。 The Taiwan currency、NT$(ニュー台湾ドル)で、2016年3月27日現在のレートでNT$1=3.47円となります親日家の多い台湾の治安は、Has been relatively safe and。 The last、2015年1月7日(木)~1月15日(金)に訪れた台湾旅行では、 The newly opened and major hotels in Taipei Steakhouse and freest run has been covering mainly、 This time the、台北だけに留まらず台湾の第2の都市である高雄をはじめ台湾の最南端にあるリゾート地である墾丁などメジャーなホテルを中心に台湾グルメな旅となり丸ごと台湾の新たな魅力をお伝えできればと思います。 And edit the article after you return home、アップ致しますのでお楽しみになさってください♪(再見♪) 【滞在HOTEL】 台北「PALAIS de CHINE(君品酒店)」墾丁「GLORIA MANOR(墾丁華泰瑞苑)」台南「Silks Place Tainan(台南晶英酒店)」高雄「CHATEAU de CHINE (翰品酒店高雄)」宜蘭「Silks Place Yilan(蘭城晶英酒店)」台北「The Sherwood Taipei (台北西華飯店)」 【取材Restaurant】 「La Rotisserie」「Le Palais」「MU lounge」「MU RESTAURANT」「夜市」「ROBIN’S」「Pasadena」「晶英軒」「Harbour Restaurant」「Red Lantern」「Yi Yuan」「TOSCANA」「B-one」「Yellow Lemon」「Bencotto」「品川蘭」「No.168 PRIME Steak 敦化館」「駿宇飯店」「春餘園子」、Fishermen who ferry heads yum cha、「32行館」【前回取材の台北特設ページ】 http://lade.jp/taiwan/ ※Smartphone Site http://lade.jp/category/diary/travel-diary/taiwan/...

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