"Chiou Hwa" Special Peking duck representative of the Beijing cuisine and restaurants of authentic for feeding the country feast chef!

Gloria Prince Hotel Taipei Huatai Oji Daihanten is a hotel that is the same as the Prince Hotel in Japan.、 This long-established hotel was founded in 1970 by GLORIA HOTEL GROUP Gloria Hotel Group (Huatai Daihanstore Collection)。 You can stay at a relatively reasonable price、 And it staff can converse in Japan、Guests can enjoy a friendly peace of mind。 Among the guests for years、Japanese stay rate is 70-80% and accounted for the vast majority、 Is very popular in Japan hospitality。 Location is in the heart of Taipei、文化の発信地で至るところにマルチ&クリエイティブな生活の空気が溢れる 立地の良い中山エリアで日本人に人気のあるエリアMRTの「雙連駅」から徒歩5~8分となり繁華街である林森北路沿いとなります♪ 春節のデコレーションで彩られるロビーでは、 There seemed to be a lot of wedding parties.、純白のウェディングどドレスを身に纏った美しい新婦様を多数目撃しました!(祝) 先日日本語通訳で大変お世話になったFront Office Managerの蕭佳妮(Nini Hsiao)と グロリアプリンスホテル台北の隣にある「グロリアレジデンス Gloria Residence 華泰瑞舍」の Front Office Assitant Managerの翁琬鈴(Betty Weng)とも嬉しい再会を果たしました♪ 国宝級のシェフ伍洪成(Peter Wu)率いる中華レストラン「九華樓(Chiou Hwa)」は「正統派広東料理、Authentic Dim sum "of its founding spirit、 Abalone、Sea cucumber、Shark's fin、We serve dishes using high-quality ingredients such as fish belly、 Taste、Smell、Many of the dishes from the Visual、小規模の会食や宴会で多くのゲストを魅了しています♪ 今からおよそ28年前の1988年にグロリアプリンスホテルの会長である陳天貴(T. k. Chen)は、 Seeking the best Dim sum、シェフ探しのために李(Lee)マネージャーを香港に派遣します。 Met there、当時「緑晶飯店」にいた香港人シェフの伍洪成(Peter Wu)です。 Eating his food、その美味しさに驚嘆した李マネージャーは伍洪成(Peter Wu)とその他8名のシェフと共にチームとして台湾へ招きます。 After that、「九華樓(Chiou Hwa)」は、 Suddenly famous in Taiwan、Just two years to politicians and celebrities came to visit and it is。 伍洪成(Peter Wu)は、2002Consecutive years、フランスの2つのグルメ協会 「Cordons Bleus」と「Chainedes Ro-tisseurs」から表彰されています。 Also in 1997 and 2000,、それぞれ当時の総統である 李登輝元総統と陳水扁元総統から中南米、Has been elected to the 16-day visit to West Africa with baby chef。 Current、Chinese Cuisine Executive Chefの伍洪成(Peter Wu)は、 Pour the passion of Cantonese cuisine, as well as、Focuses on the development of the young chef。 It is delicious with Cantonese cuisine with simple cooking methods and materials in their teaching。 And、グロリアホテルグループの飲食のレベルをさらに高めようと、 To study the new menu incorporating art, such as continued efforts day and night。 そんな伍洪成(Peter Wu)と一緒に記念撮影させていただき、 This time the、Marketing Maneger&Communication Dept.の羅晏辰(Eve Lo)と一緒に 「九華樓(Chiou Hwa)」お勧めの料理を堪能したいと思います♪(謝謝♪) 「九華樓(Chiou Hwa)」の店内は、 White table cloth clean and shining a bright crimson contrast、 Under the chandelier shines brightly、クラシカルで落ち着きを放つフロアを提供されています♪ 今回は半個室の円卓テーブルのこちらのお部屋でゆったりと食事を楽しみます♪ 今回もわたし達はChinese Cuisine Executive Chefの伍洪成(Peter Wu)にも 「器と旅するシリーズ」の働きかけを紹介し日本より持参した「釋永岳」の新作を含む6皿を見せ「九華樓(Chiou Hwa)」の料理とコラボレーションしていただくことにしました!(非常感謝!) そして、I was present on this day as an interpreter of the、In the friends of Taiwan、And worked as a graphic designer、 「走走 ZouZou Design...

Grand Victoria Hotel "XI GARDEN" Luxury Yilan Beijing Duck course

2014The Chinese restaurant "XI GARDEN", which was just reopened in May of this year,、 It is located on the 2nd floor of the Grand Victoria Hotel。 After the evening hotel、Along with the clock tower is lit up、 It has ♪ a different brilliance from the face of the day.、We provide professional chef's taste。 And the taste of China、The atmosphere is centered on Cantonese cuisine with luxurious ingredients and seasonal flavors.、Guests can enjoy Chinese cuisine。 Using two "magpies", which are considered auspicious birds in Greater China、Designed logos。 The character "囍" attached to the store name is、It is also called "Xuanxi" because of the overlap of two "Shi".、 Meant to overlap pleasure each and、And good luck Chinese、 "I hope that all the guests who come here will have many happy events." ♪、White and black colours and、Images filled with restless comfortable, while also、 Decorated with color saturation also、There are ♪ 100 seats in the spacious space.、Unified with chic colours。 As a VIP room、There are 4 private rooms ♪ that can accommodate 6~24 people.、 With the interpretation of Mr. Kenji Takahashi, Sales Assistant Manager、 I sit around the ♪ dinner table with Elvila Chen, PR and marketing manager I also had a mutual acquaintance with Kenji Takahashi, a sales assistant manager.、 Inviting Mr. Hieda, a Japan friend living in Taipei、 He told me ♪ about various Taipei situations from the perspective of Japan Sales assistant manager Kenji Takahashi、 Including "XI GARDEN"、 The executive chef of all aspects of Chinese cuisine is Hong Kong chef Kevin Ho、 Elvila Chen, PR Marketing Manager。 Kenji Takahashi, Sales Assistant Manager,、 Your hobby is in the camera、Previous、The countdown fireworks of "Taipei 101" were filmed.、 He is so skilled that he was hired in "How to Walk the Earth"! (Amazing!) The camera was previously、It seems that it was the same "Cannon" as her husband、Currently, he is using "Nikon"。 Mr. Takahashi、Is like taking a landscape painting、Holiday go out shooting well and、Especially from Xiangshan town do you like.。 Climbers take elephant mountain is 20 minutes ' walk、The views of the city from there、 Better on the net often, great sunsets version。 The next time、If I have time when I visit Taipei, I would like to climb it! Ms. Takahashi、The rest should fit、Please come and accompany us ♪ Italian food in the hotel、Steak House、 Who is Executive Chef Thomas Chiu, who is in charge of Western cuisine in banquet halls?、 I had communicated with them on Facebook beforehand.、He went out of his way to say hello! (Xie Xie!) Thomas Chiu, who is cheerful and always smiling,、It was ♪ a wonderful chef as I imagined "Alpine Organic Oolong Tea" On this day、宜蘭産のダックを用いた贅溢れる 「粵式松露烤鴨(香港式トリュフ北京ダック)」4人前6,257TWD (日本円して4人前でおよそ23,150円・1人当たり5,790円と大変お得!)なフルコースを堪能します! こちらのコースは、5-In the 6 available on、And the Peking duck can be order separately。 In a large number of people sharing a duck、It's around the dinner table with even better。 During the meal、台湾茶の中でも爽やかな香りと美しい茶葉で人気の高い「高山有機烏龍茶」をいただきます。 It's also nice teapot、湯呑にも「囍」の文字が描かれたロゴマークが記されています♪ 「小菜」 まず最初に小皿で日替わりで変わるおつまみ2品となり、It is golden kimchi and "peanuts and dry with hot sauce.。 Small fish、Appetizer Salad is spicy, green onions and、 Golden kimchi mellow finish with eggs、ビールの当てになりそうな2品です♪ 「雙囍迎賓蝶(シーガーデンウェルカムおつまみ)」 続く3品は、Sea Garden welcome snack。 1The item is、In the mushrooms and carrots wrapped in bean curd appetizer、Also is recommended for vegetarian。 湯葉の食感と共に懐かしさを感じる優しい味わいを楽しみます♪ 「雙囍迎賓蝶(シーガーデンウェルカムおつまみ)」 2品目は、Spicy carrot and cucumber tossed by a jellyfish appetizers。 コリコリとした食感が堪りません♪ 「雙囍迎賓蝶(シーガーデンウェルカムおつまみ)」 豚足の肉を豚の脂で巻き、Soft and moist stewed pork。 プルンプルンとしたコラーゲンが女性のお肌にとっても良さそうです♪ 「粵式松露烤鴨(香港式トリュフ北京ダック)」 今回のコース料理のメーンディッシュの登場です! 台湾でも有名な宜蘭県産のチェリーダックで、 Spring onion and ginger、Garlic、Star anise、And then marinated in various spices and cinnamon with、 After the coated in sauce cooked in the oven、Finally crisp skin surface finish。 Old soft duck meat within 3 months of the outside is crisp and、And while juicy finish、 Chef's great in front of me。 And finished in a very sleek、食欲が湧いてきますね♪ チェリーダックの皮の部分を削ぎ落としていき、You placed the Chinese bread、 While meat and bone、コース内の料理で用いるとのこと! まさに北京ダックの美味しさを余すとこなくフルコースで楽しめてしまいます♪ 薄く削ぎ落としていただく北京ダックの質の高い脂は甘味が上品で口溶けよく味わえます♪ 1枚ずつ丁寧にスタッフさんが中華パンに挟んでくださるのでお行儀良く順に待ちましょう♪ 蒸し器で温めておいた中華パンを開いて、 Special Sauce sauce sweet face and sliced cucumbers and onion、そしてパリパリに焼かれた北京ダックの皮を挟みます♪ 中華パン(蒸しパン)は、The texture of the skin of the pork buns like an sense of satisfaction.、 Peking duck wrapped skin is sweet jucie an.、Flavours of green onions、Enjoy a taste of cucumber、風味豊かです♪ 「干貝響羅曼波魚(帆立とマンボウのスープ)」...

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