Hamamatsu, Lake Sanari "Mr. and Mrs. Sakai and Chihuahua Association of Dog Lovers" Tea ceremony with Lake Sanari Wampo during the five-minute blooming cherry blossom season

例年に比べ暖冬の影響で全国的に桜・ソメイヨシノの開花宣言が遅れた今春我が家にて袋井の美容室「SWITCH/switch+」のオーナー酒井夫妻が飼われているチワワンズと共に「佐鳴湖チワワ会」と称してお茶会を開催平日の昼下がりの午後チワワのきなこちゃん(3歳)とわらびくん(2歳)を連れて我が家に遊びに来てくれた酒井大輔さんと奥様の知子ちゃん桜が満開であれば花見を予定していたのですが生憎の開花遅れで春風も強いため家中でのんびりとチワワンズと過ごしますスムースコートチワワのきなこちゃん/ロングコートチワワのわらびくん 二匹は父違いの姉弟とのことでお顔もそっくり! 人見知りをあまりしないお利口な子たちですぐに我が家に打ち解けてくれたようで匂いをクンクンしながら探検を楽しんでますクリクリのお目目にベロを出してつい舌を仕舞い忘れてしまうわらびくんの愛くるしいお顔にメロメロ恒例の我が家ツアーを一通り終えたところでダイニングへお茶会ということで今回はノンアルコールの集いとなります「ミックスフルーツジュース」 南国のフルーツであるパイナップルとパパイヤに苺と葡萄を合わせてミキシングし少量の炭酸で割ったフルーツジュース「自家製バスクチーズケーキ」 我が家のゲストに一度は必ず提供するスペイン仕込みの「自家製バスクチーズケーキ」口溶け滑らかな食感と濃厚ながらにレモンの酸味が後味をさっぱりとしてくれるクセになる一押しデザート「ブール三種(プレーン・苺・ココア)」 「ブルーベリーチョコ」 「ローストココナッツチップス チョコレートがけ」 今年2024年1月にオープンしたばかりのパティスリー「PATISSERIE MIRAGE /パティスリーミラージュ」のザクほろ食感の「ブール三種(プレーン・苺・ココア)」と「マンダリンオリエンタルバンコク」のタイ限定ローストココナッツチップスにチョコレートを纏わせた風味豊かなチョコココナッツ「ケークキャラメル」・「アマンドサブレ」・「ケークフリュイ」 同じく「PATISSERIE MIRAGE /パティスリーミラージュ」のアーモンドを生地にたっぷりと練り込んだクッキー「アマンドサブレ」洋酒を利かせたフルーツケーキ「ケークフリュイ」コーヒーとキャラメルに胡桃をトッピングした「ケークキャラメル」を今時期にぴったりな「WEDGWOOD/ウェッジウッド」の「ワイルドストロベリー」の器に添えて「苺とブルーベリー」 静岡ならではのブランド苺「紅ほっぺ」と「章姫」の食べ比べと大玉で酸味が少なく食べ応えのある「浜松ブルーベリー」を添えてラブリーチワワンズを抱っこして愛犬家の集い「チワワ会」に乾杯! 「まめやかふぇ/クレオパトラ」 我が家の定番・袋井の自家焙煎珈琲豆屋「まめやかふぇ」のコロンビア産「クレオパトラ」苦味と酸味が程良くありバランスに優れたコーヒー美容師時代からの古い付き合いの酒井さんと昔話に話を咲かせながらも話題はもっぱらワンズたちのこと同じ犬種を飼っていることでチワワ特有の習慣をはじめ共感できることが一杯です何事にも動じずちょっぴり臆病で大人しい男の子わらびくんを抱っこさせてもらうと最初はビビってしまっているようでしたが膝の上でマッサージしてあげるとまったりと寛いでくれましたいつも仕事に忙しい酒井さんは普段はワンズを奥様の知子ちゃんに任せてしまっているとのことでしたがこの日ばかりはワンズとの触れ合いを楽しんでいましたきなこちゃんもパパとの濃密なコミュニケーションに満足気我が家のショコラは人見知りはしないものの実は男性がちょっぴり苦手で引き気味になります。But、そのツンデレ具合が酒井さんのハートをくすぐるようで徐々に慣れていっていました知子ちゃんに抱っこされて尻尾を振っては嬉しさを表現するも近付き過ぎると前脚でシャットアウトするショコラ相変わらずの天野邪気さとマイペース振りを発揮する我が家のお姫様「マリアージュフレール/モンターニュドール」 大好きなフランス紅茶「MARIAGE FRERES/マリアージュフレール」の「MONTAGE D’OR/モンターニュ・ドール」厳選茶葉の紅茶にタイ・バンコクの黄金の三角地帯の果物ライチや熟れたマンゴーベンガルカリンのブーケが広がりバラやベニバナキンセンカの花の香りが彩りを添える華やかな一杯ワンズと仲良くなるにはいつも時間のかかるショコラは少し疲れを見せているものの慣れてきたのか自分のテリトリーでまったりそれでも近付けると大人しいわらびくんにガウッと吠えてしまう始末一人っ子(犬)の我儘振りが露見します距離感は微妙に縮まらないものの何とか3匹並ぶチワワンズを写真に収めることができました。Everyone、本当に可愛い過ぎ! 酒井夫妻からは掛川の「赤ずきんちゃんのおもしろ農園」で栽培されている見事な大粒の苺を差し入れていただきました箱を開けると芳醇な苺の甘〜い香りが部屋中に立ち上ります素敵な差し入れをありがとうございます♪ 我が家から徒歩数分圏内で目の前に広がる佐鳴湖へチワワンズを連れて佐鳴湖ワンポ気温20℃と暖かい日和で桜の開花も五分咲きと満開まで後もう一歩マイペースな我が家のショコラはチワワンズに目もくれずいつものワンポコースを黙々淡々と歩きます記念撮影しようとカメラを向けると「またですか?」「早く撮ってくださいね」と言わんばかりの飄々とした顔付きです何とか我が子の良いショットを撮ろうと必死に親バカ振り丸出しで粘るもしれーっとこの表情(笑) 飽きてきたショコラは大あくびもう目は閉じてゆき眠ってしまいそう。 Ah、ようやく目を合わせてくれました!佐鳴湖の桜とショコラのショット2024年バージョン完成です! ソメイヨシノはまだまだ五分咲き満開は今週末といったところでしょうが生憎の雨予報が出ています来週あたりどこかのタイミングで晴れ間を覗かせ満開の桜の木の下でお花見できますように酒井さん知子ちゃんきなこちゃんわらびくんまた遊びに来てね♪...

Hamamatsu Lake Samei "Garden marché" A rich weekday afternoon spent in the green courtyard on the shore of Lake Sameko

Starting in 2021 in the green courtyard of a modern home standing on the shore of Lake Sanari、Although irregularly in spring and autumn、Go to the "Garden marché" held about twice a year。 This is because the husband runs the architectural design office "Kurata Corporation"、A lovely house with a simple modern structure built to overlook a spacious and lush courtyard。 His wife, who has two children, handmade her original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" & KIDS"、With good friends of writers、"Garden marché" held by making effective use of the well-maintained courtyard。 It was usually held on holidays.、This is the first time that 10 will be held on weekdays.:00-15:00It will be a leisurely start。 It was Halloween month.、The decoration of the marche is also decorated with pumpkins and Halloween specifications.。My chocolate has become a signboard dog。 Original children's clothing brand "Emer BABY" & KIDS" Custom production of dog leashes, harnesses, collars, etc. using paracord "cocolo-shima" Chiffon cake specialty store "55SWEETS" What I'm looking for、"Mont Blanc" at the chiffon cake specialty store "55 SWEETS"。Decorate with cute Halloween-specific icing cookies from "atelier R"、The fluffy chiffon cake is filled with fresh cream, and the low-sweetness marron cream and marron glace are the best.、It was ♪ a blissful snack time after returning to my house Icing cookie "atelier R" using natural pigments In the courtyard、A large whooping red tree is planted in the center as a symbol tree.、A triangular tarp is attached to prevent sunlight。 Fabric panel shop "kitikichipanel" Adult cute accessory "/ link" Girl's Halle Day accessory "amulette" This time、Takehiro Odagi, aka Zen-san, the owner of the French bistro "L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine", was also open、A coffee break while enjoying Zen's mild and fragrant blended coffee with your own cup。 French Bistro "L'ESPRIT Zento Wine" L'ESPRIT Zen and Wine "Blended Coffee" ¥400 (Note):Bring your own coffee cup) This is、It is a neighborhood behind my house and is within a 1-2 minute walk.、I visit every time with my dog Chocolat as a couple.、Relaxing on the lush grass、You can enjoy a relaxing time。 On a pleasant autumn day without a single cloud、The breeze is also pleasant、It's a garden marche day。 While enjoying the sun in the warm sunlight、About an hour in small、Leisurely time。 My dog Chocolat also seems to feel good on the lawn.、The end of the day。   A garden marche held by wonderful artists at a stylish home on the shore of Lake Sanari。Although on a small scale、I'm ♪ looking forward to this cozy event every time Emer BABY & Check out the official KIDS Instagram...

Casual pasta lunch at a restaurant with a superb view standing on the shore of Lake Samei "The Oriental Terrace" in Hamamatsu

Standing on the shore of Lake Samei, another lake in Hamamatsu、To "THE ORIENTAL TERRACE", which boasts the best location overlooking the lake,。Welcomed by palm trees and bougainvilleas swaying in the wind、Let me forget that I am Hamamatsu、Facade reminiscent of a resort。 An exotic approach suddenly appears along White Street。Look for a large palm tree、It is located on a small hill up the hill.。 Founded in 1868。155A stage with a history of the years、The venerable long-established restaurant "Torizen" is、On the 100th anniversary of our founding in 1963 (Showa 38)、Head office from the blacksmith town in the center of the city、here、Moving to the quiet shore of Lake Samei、After that、Reborn as the lakeside resort restaurant "THE ORIENTAL TERRACE"、While respecting the 155 years of history and experience that have been passed down from generation to generation,、Change the sales form with the background of the times、Always creating new winds。 Site area exceeds 2000 tsubo、The venue full of resort feeling is、Boasting a stunning location rich in nature、2009In September of that year, it was renovated into a luxurious space reminiscent of an oriental Asian resort.、After welcoming Chef Tomohiro Maekawa as the head chef of the French cuisine,、Evolving into a high-class restaurant loved by people of all ages、It is also popular as a venue for event parties and guest weddings of both large and small, and it is still a beloved place.。 6After the appointment of Yoshitaka Date as the current owner,、Especially in the training of the next generation has been poured power、Nurturing the dreams of each staff member、We are also expanding the field of activity as a workplace where there is a lot of learning.。 The entrance lobby with an oriental atmosphere and a profound feeling is a summer decoration、It features a tarp and floral furnish that towers against the ceiling.。 Flowers are coolly accompanied by a lovely heart-shaped anthurium.、Welcoming guests。 Lunch time is 11:00-15:00( L.O.14:00Although it will be、10:30Because the reception is open to、Convenient for meeting up。Let's wait in the lobby for a while until the restaurant opens.。Advance reservation is recommended for restaurant use.。 The restaurant "THE DINING" has a high ceiling.、It becomes an open space facing the lakeside.、The calm atmosphere unified by dark brown color is attractive.、Semi private rooms also are in the Hall seats other、The number of seats is spacious but 60。 I made a reservation in advance、Please prepare a window seat.、Enjoy your meal while admiring the scenery。 The terrace seats overlooking the lakeside are very popular.、BBQ on the terrace over the lake, etc.、Event plans are available to meet various requirements.。 On this day、Because it was a lunch meeting that also served as a meeting、Due to time constraints, I ordered the short course "Pasta Lunch (hors d'oeuvres / pasta / café)" ¥ 1,600 (tax included, service fee not included)。 During the day、Overlooking the lush Lake Sanaru、Best location in can't get anywhere else。2018In March、The "infinity pool" leading to the chapel and garden was born.、Design a naturally blend into the horizon of the rich Lake、The sparkle of the water surface is refreshing、It makes you feel cool in summer.。 "Refresh Ginger" ¥550 Toast drink before meals is from non-alcoholic cocktails、Colorful refreshing ginger that crosses ginger ale and cranberries。The refreshing carbonation that moistens the throat and the fresh sweet and vinegary crispness of cranberries spread comfortably.。 Hors d'oeuvres "Terrine of summer vegetables" Plenty of summer vegetables、Terrine of summer vegetables that you can enjoy the texture and coolness、Served with rich mayonnaise sauce of saffron cream。Green asparagus or young corn、Corn、Broccoli、Carrot、Okra、eggplant, etc.、It is a nice cold dish in summer where you can enjoy the freshness of each vegetable.。 Pasta "Spaghetti Summer Vegetable Ratatouille Style Tomato Sauce" You can choose from 3 types of pasta menu.。Fresh seasonal summer vegetables and a refreshing taste of spaghetti with ratatouille-style tomato sauce。 Pasta "Raw Linguine Small Shrimp and Lemon Genovese" with the chewy texture of fresh pasta、Linguine, a flat thick noodle that is easy to get tangled in the sauce,、Have it with a summer-like green basil Genovese。With the pre-puri texture of small shrimp、Although it is rich basil, the aftertaste is light with the sourness of lemon.、Deliciousness that catches the eye。 I visited here in the spring.、I was able to meet Chef Maekawa for the first time in a long time.。You've always been really busy,、Making lunch in the morning with a good father of two children、He is a wonderful chef who has a strong mirror-like image of Ikumen Let's have coffee time after meals in a ♪ quiet space.、Please change the location、To the welcome space "CLUB LIVING" dedicated to the venue of "THE GALLERIA"。Surround fireplace in the center、Provide a relaxing time on the spacious sofa。 Surrounded by the green of large trees、Club living where you can comfortably enjoy the tranquility of the lakeside。This is located directly in front of the view of our house located on the west shore of Lake Same.、You can see the scenery on the other side that is different from usual.。 The lively and lively main dining atmosphere is also good.、You can also relax here with a sense of privacy.。 There are also terrace seats dedicated to "THE GALLERIA"、Enjoy the sparkle of the infinity pool overlooking the lakeside。Is at the moment.、Watch the sunset with a pre-dinner aperitif。 Cafe "Iced Coffee" I appeared on the terrace seats.、Crab clan。I hid myself in a daze.、It is a scene that is often seen on the shores of Lake Samei.。 Currently here、8/18(Fri) to 8/20 (Sun) Sweets festival "Sweets Magic" held for 3 days only、8/21We accept reservations for the "Rakumi Party" held from (Mon) to 8/31 (Thu)。If you want to enjoy an extraordinary summer leisure time, please contact "THE ORIENTAL TERRACE"。 THE ORIENTAL TERRACE ADDRESS:6-8-30 Sameidai, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka TEL:053-447-3241 Hours of operation:Lunch 11:30-15:00 L.O.14:00(*Open for lunch on weekdays) Dinner 17:30To 22:00 L.O.20:00、Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 11:00To 22:00 L.O.21:00 Closed days:Wednesday Parking:Building Front Ari https://torizen.co.jp/...

Hamamatsu and Lake Samei "The 34th Lake Samei Fireworks Festival 2023" 1000 fireworks shining on the lakeside, held for the first time in four years!

As a summer tradition in Hamamatsu、The 1,000 fireworks "34th SANARUKO Fireworks Festival 2023" that will be launched on the shore of Lake Sameiko spreading out below our house is、Affected by the spread of the corona disaster、4It was held for the first time in the year.。The fireworks display, ringing Lake、With the wish of nature protection and environmental conservation of Lake Samei、It is held every year mainly by the surrounding residents' association.。 Last year, at the secret event、It was only fireworks for about 15 minutes.、This year, nightfall is coming on 19:3020:301 hour and up to、Held as usual。Let's come with a cup of champagne time from the bright inside to the start time in the living room on the second floor of our house! Champagne "Charles Orban Blancs de Noirs" Champagne made by Charles Orbin from the Champagne region of northeastern France paired with sautéed white fish.。With sparkling champagne gold、Rich taste of black grapes and exotic fruit & floral aroma。A cup with a well-balanced and powerful impression that feels the original flavor of black grapes。 "Peaches, mozzarella and prosciutto" Season when peaches are delicious。Peach and mozzarella sandwiched with prosciutto、Adds umami and saltiness to sweet peaches、Salads to enjoy are、"Organic extra virgin olive oil" from Greece and "Acetaia Cazzola Fiorini", a white balsamic vinegar certified organic from Modena in Italy.、Sprinkle with rock salt and coarsely ground black pepper to your liking.。Served with the microherb "Yakusai Mix (YAKUSAI Mix)" grown by Ryosuke Matsumoto of "MzFarm" sold at "Bio Atsumi Episly Hamamatsu"。 "Fermented Putate Japan、Mortadella、Salsiccia Piccante、 Parmigiano Reggiano aged for 24 months" Made to match red wines、Hatcho miso and sansho、You can also feel the Japanese element from the iburigako "Fermented Putized Japan"、In northern Italy, traditional sausage "mortadella" made in Bologna, the capital of the region of Emilia Romagna.、Spicy "Salsiccia Piccante" with traditional Calabrian red pepper、Accompanied by Italy's signature cheese "Parmigiano Reggiano"。 "Basil salad with octopus and various beans" Boiled octopus and soybeans、Black soybeans、Edamame、Red beans、Mix 5 kinds of steamed chickpeas、Tossed with basil dressing、The perfect appetizer salad for summer。 "Japanese Salad with Salmon and Avocado" Smoked salmon buttled and cut avocado、On sliced onions、Soy sauce、Horse-radish、Lemon juice、Honey、Olive oil、Nagatoro、Japanese salad with white sesame sauce。 "Pickle" cauliflower、Celery、Paprika、Pecoros、Myoga、melon、Cucumber pickles。 "Flat tongue meunier" salt and pepper on the flat tongue and then greased with flour、Lightly sauté the aroma of sliced garlic from the skin with butter transferred、Steamed in white wine、Meunier with a squeeze of lemon to freshen up。Served with green asparagus from Hokkaido。It goes well with chilled champagne。 "High sugar content tomatoes、Sicilian Green Olive (with seeds) for resting chopsticks、For tomatoes with high sugar content that pop crisply、Castelpetrano's green olives feature crunchy juicy flesh from Sicily。 "Honey boy Mix Nuts × Cream Cheese with Herb Bread" with domestic honey from Makinohara City、And awarded the Minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries、"Honey boy Mix Nuts" with fragrant mixed nuts and floral honey that you can enjoy the rich sweetness of "Honey boy", which won the highest gold award in Fujinokuni's new product selection, is combined with cream cheese.、Enjoy served with fragrant herb bread。 When you enjoy your meal、The area is completely dusk、Blue sky over Lake Sanai。Announcement fireworks also go up、Because the start time is approaching、Let's get ready to watch the fireworks.。The people who were camping in the superb view around Lake Sanai、Set up a tent early during the day、Laying sheets、It looks like it was on standby。 The first fireworks in the night sky。My dog Chocolat was also surprised by the sound that reverberated、Looking at a large flower floating in the night sky。 The fireworks display, ringing Lake、It becomes a launch type firework centered on shakudama etc.、In the launch time 1 hour、Launches beautifully while maintaining spacing。It's not a big fireworks display.、You can watch it from the comfort of your own home.、There is no luxury like this。 Allocation of rich color and tail pulling elegant mum of、Peony of ashio draws、Spread of double spherical core of、Heart and Butterfly、Draw various shapes, such as the Saturn "type thing.、"Blow of bees", as globetrotting bee、As the blow of willow down like a weeping willow、You can enjoy various fireworks。 The overlapping figures are beautiful、Fantastic, Fueled by the Wind、Sparks dancing as if dancing On this day、There are many foggy clouds in the vicinity、The mountains reflected in the back are also foggy、For a fantastic landscape。 In shooting using the technique of exposure zooming、Different fireworks zoomed in at different times、The result is a photo that cannot be seen with the naked eye.。 Fireworks full of vitality that feels like living things Summer tradition that makes you feel the precious beauty of ephemeral things woven with the brilliance of each moment Color the night sky with a variety of colors、Captivate the audience with thoughts on each shot。 A big cheer went up at the last star mine、The Lake Samei Fireworks Festival has come to an end、This year was another success.。Watching fireworks at my home、Without tiredness or crowding、Relaxing with your dog Chocolat without entering the water。May you enjoy this rich time again next year.。 The 34th SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2023 Date:2023Saturday, August 5, 19:30-20:30 Launch location: On the west shore of Lake Samei Park, near the clock tower Shooting location:2From the terrace on the floor..

Lake Sanai Hanami "A holiday to spend a comfortable time with a homemade lunch under the cherry blossom tree"

Lake Samei is also famous as a famous place for cherry blossoms in spring.、Kawazu cherry blossoms and Kanzanji cherry blossoms throughout the park with a circumference of 6 km、Cherry blossoms、Oshimazakura、Yamazakura、Weeping cherry、Yaezakura, etc.、About 800 cherry trees bloom in turn.。Every year、我が家から見下ろせる佐鳴湖の開花を心待ちにしており今年は例年より早めの満開を迎え花見日和となった休日平日週末問わずこの時期の佐鳴湖の混み具合を懸念しこの日は早朝6時から準備して主人に一番乗りで場所取りをお願いしました我が家の毎年の定位置は佐鳴湖西岸の桜の木の下大木の桜の木の下は日除けもでき斜面になっていない安定した場所がお気に入りです! 午前中から場所取りをする人の姿も少なくはなくシートで覆われる芝生最近ではキャンプ等の流行りもあり、Due to the increased demand for outdoor equipment, some people are setting up tents.。 This morning was blessed with good weather、Haste、Because I decided to go cherry blossom viewing、I glared at the ingredients in the fridge.、ある物で花見弁当に取り掛かりました! 愛犬ショコラももちろん一緒に佐鳴湖は毎日のワンポコースとなっているためショコラにとっては庭のような存在です(笑) 佐鳴湖西岸は漕艇場があることから休日になるとボート部の学生たちが練習する風景が見られ穏やかな春の風が靡く中湖面に浮かぶボートの姿が優雅なひとときを感じさせてくれますランニングやウォーキングする人の姿や花見の時間を楽しむ家族やカップル和やかな風景が広がります。 Preparations for cherry blossom viewing are finally ready、Cheers with Champagne! "Homemade Hanami Bento" "Soup-rolled egg" Our standard soup-rolled egg is、Japanese-style soup stock、Chin soup stock、Cane sugar、Mirin、a pinch of salt、Soup-wrapped eggs baked with plenty of finely chopped green onions。口中で出汁がジュワッと溢れ出るぐらいのふわしっとりに仕上げています自家製紅生姜を桜の花びらに見立ててカットし添えて「桜と実山椒むすび梅むすび」 桜の塩漬けと実山椒の醤油漬けを使ったおむすびと、Two kinds of rice balls mixed with homemade pickled plums and yukari and wasabi。 "Fried fillet with mozzarella"、"Potesara with smoked bacon" Stretch out by pounding the fillet of brocade chicken with an open、Cut sliced mozzarella cheese into thin strips, bundle and roll、Fried fillet battered and fried in rice oil。It's delicious without sauce, but、Served with dry habanero tomato sauce。Diced smoked bacon with onions、Stir-fry with carrots、Potesara is perfect for applying sake to coarsely crushed potato salad! "Lotus root and carrot boiled pork"、"Beniharuka no University Potato" A Japanese side dish made by simmering lotus root without lye and boiled carrots in pork soboro to a spicy taste.、Beniharuka sweet potatoes are fried with skin、Cane sugar、Mirin、Soy sauce、a pinch of salt、炒り胡麻を煮詰めたタレに絡ませて作る甘塩っぱい大学芋「小メロンと赤甘坊トマトのピクルス」 シャンパーニュ「アンリ・デュボワ・ブリュット(Henri Dubois Brut)」 淡い緑がかった薄黄緑色元気な泡がリズミカルに踊るシャンパーニュレモンの香りから、White peach and herbal spices。The sourness blended well and the sweetness of the fruit are felt.、You can enjoy the refreshing taste! A cup while feeling the pleasant spring breeze、Taste of bliss。 The cherry blossom pattern reflected through the glass is also wonderful.。 If you prepare fillet and sweet potato for chocolate、今日一番に目を輝かせておねだりしてきます周囲を見渡せばプロのカメラマンの姿も多く皆さん桜との撮影を楽しまれているようです! 丁度友人であるカメラマンで「GRAPHYS(グラフィーズ)」代表の杉瀬宏昌くんにも出会しました数ヶ月に一度開催されている1,000円フォトが好評のようでこの日の撮影も朝から日が暮れるまでおよそ30組の方々が予約をされているようです澄んだ青空と桜を背景にナチュラルな表情をおさえてくれる1,000円フォト、That's a wonderful initiative! At the entrance ceremony commemorative photo、The school bag on my back still feels big、You can see ♪ the newcomers taking pictures before the wedding.。 Now is the best time to see it、Somei Yoshino in full bloom。 It's only a matter of time before they turn into cherry blossoms.。 At noon、The number of people has started to increase even more.、The bustling shore of Lake Samei。 Cherry blossoms swaying under the gentle breeze。 The center of the freshly blossoming Yoshino cherry is、Although it has a slight greenish color、It seems that it changes to a light red color when it is scattered.。In the same way, the color of the petals changes from white to pink, which is a sign of scattering.。 In the occasional blizzard of cherry blossoms、The ephemeral production of the scattering cherry blossoms is also engraved in the heart.。 Outdoor chair on seat、ネストテーブルと荷物は多いけれど佐鳴湖まで徒歩圏内と何往復も容易にできる我が家だからこそ成せる技足りないものがあれば直ぐに取りに戻れトイレも心配無用です! ショコラにとっては4回目となる佐鳴湖の桜犬を連れる家族の姿も多く、Lake Samei is a wonderful environment for dogs。 I sincerely ♪ hope that there will be more and more environments where you can spend time with your dog.、Sleep demon is coming。 Chocolat also squints below the knees、Dreamy expression。 「まめやかふぇ」の淹れたてコーヒー「ゴールデンマンデリン」を持参し眠気覚ましに一杯コーヒーのお供には「リンツ」のチョコレートを春爛漫愛犬ショコラと過ごす長閑な休日また来年も一緒にお花見しようね♪...

Summer Festival "Champagne Party 2022 - Soiree Blanche" at The Oriental Terrace

Every year、This year's theme of "Champagne Party" organized by "WINE CLUB HAMAMATSU (Wine Club Hamamatsu)" held annually on "Marine Day" is、As a white-themed summer party born in the south of France, titled "Soiree Blanche"、All White was held with a dress code! The venue is、Overlooking the lush Lake Sanaru、Deep blue sky and sparkling lake surface、"THE ORIENTAL TERRACE" boasts a magnificent location on Lake Samei, which is a co-star of lush nature! à votre santé - toast - good weather、The beauty of the lake surface of Lake Sanaru and、With the sparkle of Champagne、Dressed in a dazzling white dress、With the finest champagne (15 kinds) to moisturize the dry throat、A summer afternoon when everyone's smiles shone brightly.。It's the beginning of a great summer! Everyone who participated、Thank you! Date:2022July 18 (Mon) Marine Day *Ends:14Reception at 30:00、1500:00~18:00 < Membership fee> 16,000 yen / tax included 80 people < cuisine > seated buffet style < Dress code> All white/white coordination Note) Those who do not follow the dress code will not be allowed to enter.。 <会場> THE ORIENTAL TERRACE(ジ・オリエンタルテラス) 〒432-8021 静岡県浜松市中区佐鳴台6-8-30 TEL:053-447-3241 <主催> WINE CLUB HAMAMATSU(ワインクラブ浜松)...

Bring your own lunch with your dog and enjoy the cherry blossom viewing at Lake Sanari, within walking distance of our house.

Go to Sanaruko Park, within walking distance of my house.、It is cherry blossom viewing with the pet dog chocolat by bringing the lunch by hand! This year's cherry blossoms on the west bank of Lake Sanari、There is a delay of one to two weeks from last year or because of the effects of a warm winter.、4It's finally in full bloom at the beginning of the month! Prevention of infection of the new coronavirus、4From the moon, especially raise awareness、Even in my house, i have continued to live in a cage.、To touch the outside air when the weather is good、Thank you for the environment where you can change your mind with your dog Chocolat and Sannako Wanpo! Cherry blossoms shining in the blue sky、Dandelion shimmering on the grass、With the strength of various trees sprouting、A natural environment that gives us healing、Sanaruko Lake。 Kawazu cherry blossoms are in full bloom as soon as possible.、After that, Somei Yoshino and Oshima Cherry Blossoms、Yaezakura in Yamazakura、In spring on the shore of Lake Sanaru, where you can enjoy about 700 cherry trees in order, such as red te-don、It is crowded with a lot of cherry blossom viewing visitors originally.、This year, it's a little more than a chillahola.、互いに距離を取り合っての鑑賞となります! この日(2020/4/10 Fri)は天候に恵まれ気温も暖かかったため、I was seen many people who took a walk, too.、わたし達はアウトドア用チェアとチャチャッと御手製弁当を作って持参! 《佐鳴湖御手製花見弁当2020》 ・二色手毬(山形県産秘伝豆と桜の塩漬け酢飯、Remi Hirano's all-purpose sauce with nira soy sauce and thymejako large cigars) ・ dashi roll egg (egg)、Chiyo's Best、It's white.、Sugar、Green Onion、Cherry-shaped red ginger) ・ Deep-fried chicken (Nishikiso chicken)、Soy Sauce Dark Mouth of Anantani from Toyama Prefecture、Japanese sake、Garlic、Ginger) ・ Mini tomatoes and eggplants from Kinko Farm、Cherry tomato、Paprika、Homemade pickles of pepper caponata, herbs and spices (Hamamatsu cellies)、Carrot、Paprika、Radish) and pickled pepper (soy sauce in Ananya, Toyama Prefecture)、Pepper、Salted kelp、Sesame oil) - Chinese soup of wakame and green persimmons Commemorative photo while defending the likely to be deprived of dashi rolled egg to your dog Chocolat! I asked Chocolat to settle down with a dog snack.、Taking a deep breath in the clear air of a pleasant spring breeze、儚く咲き誇る桜を愛でる美味しいひととき! ショコラと過ごす初めての佐鳴湖の花見家に居る時よりも伸び伸びと走り回れて御満悦のショコラが伺えて嬉しい限りです! 今年は昨年の花見とは違い、I felt lonely that it became a cherry blossom viewing that no one of my friends could invite.、This destination、I think that I was able to spend time to feel the welcome of nature quietly without worrying only by the family.。 The next year、I'm looking forward to having a fun cherry blossom viewing with many of you!...

30, ringing Lake fireworks event 2019 summer Fireworks, ringing Lake Fireworks

Summer comes and the Reiwa early Fireworks、1000 Fireworks struck at home below sanaruko Lake "No. 30 times, ringing Lake fireworks event 2019 (SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2019)". The date and time of the year、2019August 3, (Saturday) 19:30-20:30For an hour and、Every year we are launching in the near the sanaruko Lake Park West clock tower! This Fireworks、In the size of the launch but not as much、The biggest attraction is、You will be blessed with a nice vantage point you can watch from anywhere, played around with it! Our House lies on the western shore, played for、2To that location in the view from the terrace、After moving、The first Fireworks、Would you like and enjoy at home! Evening from the start knob makes the drink、Dressed in yukata、2The setting is done to the floor terrace! And cheers at the "champagne Baron-de-Rothschild, Brut (Champagne BARONS DE Rothschild Brut).、I await and take time for the launch! Champagne evening produces the famous Rothschild family appeared on the wine-themed popular manga "Kami no shizuku"、Grand Cru、And use the selected in the Premier Cru vineyard、Bottled after 4 years of aging through、Fresh and truffles in a delicate, floral scent! Granular and persistent bubbles is smooth elegance.、Excellent balance also strong despite of good softness、Also enjoy lingering Cup! Hasegawa produce mushroom pot Vera set just recently、Japan Fuji know using the latest cultivation techniques become the first Netherlands mushroom farm see produce Hasegawa"assorted pot Vera sets Fuji jewelry Atelier" LA-ROUX (La Roux) "of because it was sent from Uematsu Machiko、You want me to you immediately! Pot Vera set、There fresh safe mushroom organic, unbleached、Brown mushroom、White mushrooms "snow white" started.、Diameter 9 cm and 7 cm in diameter and Palm-sized white species "giant" Brown seeds 'pot Vela"with four kinds of mushrooms you can enjoy! "Hasegawa produce white mushroom salad with" x "with:Wing Yue release (Gaku Shakunaga) áge thin pots Φ 240 "will enjoy the white mushrooms of the Netherlands celebrates the appropriately named"snow white"whiteness in salad! Lettuce and bean sprout、Early lead in paprika、With plenty of salad including tomato on sliced white mushrooms、In a refreshing lime will lightly after salt & pepper! The crunchy texture of distinctive mushrooms and shakshak、To enjoy the sweetness with a subtle scent, mellow taste! "Hasegawa produce pot Vera meat stuffed with" x "with:Shimoo Design shimoo, Kazuhiko (Kazuhiko Shimoo)• Caudate Saori (Saori Shimoo) Floating like round dish Φ 280 "in diameter the Brown seeds are 9 cm"pot Vera"、Using its size and have fun with your stuffed! Hollowing the shaft of two pot Vera、Along with the half-onion pieces chopped and、1 clove garlic、Salt & pepper、A little butter、Saute the time it cools。 Pork meat 100 g salt & pepper and、Egg half step、Bread crumbs、Nutmeg、Time、Add chili powder, lightly 揉mi込mi、Seed when completed、Sprinkle the flour pot Vera back, and stuffed with meat、3It wishes the kinds of cheese, stone ware roaster in 20 minutes! Source for 1/4 onion and garlic sauteed a little shaft with pieces、Torii sauce and ketchup、A little consomme、Red wine、Soy sauce、Add the butter, and add one、Finishing up source、If 盛ri付ketara instrument is finished! The gravy is Superfine magnesium outbid pot Vera juicy with flavor! Cheese sorting / "instrument:釋 Yong Yue reversible Petri Φ 250 "the purchase includes 10 species in the world of cheese cheese sort、先ずは「5種盛り+ドライいちじく」で楽しみます! 1.モザレラ 2.レッドチェダー 3.マリボー 4.クリームチーズ 5.スモークチーズ 辺り一帯が薄暗くなり始めた頃に、1 from the first sounding sound with the addon、夜空に大輪の花を咲かせます! 佐鳴湖の花火大会は、StarMine (fireworks barrage of fire) and a length ball and launch type of heart Fireworks、In the launch time 1 hour、間隔を保ちながら綺麗に打ち上がります! 色彩豊かな「割物」や尾を引き優雅な「菊物」、Peony of ashio draws、Spread of double spherical core of、Heart and Butterfly、Draw various shapes, such as the Saturn "type thing.、"Blow of bees", as globetrotting bee、As the blow of willow down like a weeping willow、最後は大スターマインで夜空を飾り終焉を迎えました! 我が家での花火鑑賞は気疲れや人当たりすることなく、A couple excellent。 7My father died on may、Quietly and watch、Smile I love my father and I recall the flower of the large flower in the night sky at night。 Husband and wife to each camera set up day、Because the summer beautiful Fireworks moment of joyfully photos、The spermatic look from my home will be filled with、皆様にも夏の風物詩として夏空に広がる佐鳴湖の打ち上げ花火をお裾分け致します! 来年は家から飛び出し、Traveling on the East Coast (cherry blossom tunnel Street)、湖面越しの艷やかな花火も撮影できたらと思います! 第30回佐鳴湖花火大会2019(SANARUKO Firewoks Festival 2019 Date and time:2019August 3, (Saturday) 19:30-20:30 Launch location: On the west shore of Lake Samei Park, near the clock tower Shooting location:2From the terrace on the floor..

The wind played with cherry blossom breeze and sparkling Lake! Enjoy cherry blossom viewing, sound shore party 2019

Kawazu cherry blossoms are in full bloom as soon as possible.、After that, Somei Yoshino and Oshima Cherry Blossoms、Yaezakura in Yamazakura、In spring on the shore of Lake Sanaru, where you can enjoy about 700 cherry trees in order, such as red te-don、It is crowded with many cherry blossom viewers! Since our house moved within a few minutes' walk of Lake Sanaru in October of last year、This year, I was able to fully enjoy the first "Sanaruko Hanami" with many friends! Speaking of cherry blossom viewing in Hamamatsu、The Hamamatsu Castle Park that I visited last year also looks like a castle.、But there were lots of challenges, such as the long line here but scenes abound in person while in place of struggling and secure car、This year is a quiet residential area, ringing around not knowing because of congestion in、Having that kind of time to admire the cherry blossoms gently thanks! Here's the best location! Fixed location、Near the rowing ground on the west shore of Lake Sanaru, which is the closest to my home! Unlike the Sanaruko Park side, this is an ideal environment that says that there is no need for a battle and the toilet is close! Every year、I'm enjoying making cherry blossom viewing bento.、This is most often has challenged 15 servings、This is truly hard, get up 3:00 morning、That had been reduced to a MOM with the deli、I was able to improve by getting the point every time I repeated the number of times to make a bento! Cheers Champagne at Bernard Remy Carte Branches Brut at WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER (Wine Boutique Pannier) Sanardai Honten! The family-run champagne maison Bernard Remy is based in the alman village of Armand in the Cote des Blanc, south of Eperne, France! Pinot Noir 60%、Chardonnay 35%、The Maison's standard cuvee, built at 5% Pinot Meunier,、You can enjoy a refreshing taste with a scent like lime and honey with creamy foaming! [Hanami Bento Menu] With it taste-friendly and easy to eat even when it cools down、I finished it in colorful cherry blossom viewing bento! Yuzu-maki egg (egg)、It's golden.、It's white.、Nagatoro、Snap peas、Sakura-type red ginger) fried chicken and fried shrimp (soy sauce from Anambaya from Toyama Prefecture)、Black Tiger and Tartar Sauce) Shrimp and Cheese Stick Spring Roll ,1 Shrimp, Loin Ham and Pakchi、2 Salmon, Cheese and Large Leaves、Vegetables are mizuna and pepper.、Red and Orange Paprika) Ham Salad (Hamon Serrano)、Handsome Red、Potherb mustard、Celery、Brocorise Prout) Yume Herb Pork Chashu and Boiled Egg Boiled Egg (Takewa Pepper)、Onion、Ginger、Shrimp、Carrot beef bowl) spicy meat potatoes made by the husband (potatoes)、Carrot、Onion、Pork、Snap Peas) Soaked Spinach from The Husband (Soy Sauce from Ananya, Toyama Prefecture)、Golden soup stock、It's white.、Hon-No-bushi) Three-colored rice-made rice-savbre (1 sakura starch with shrimp and bonito and bonito soup maro vinegar、Cherry Blossom Salted Ornament (2) Yamagata Prefecture Secret Beans and Crispy Ume Shiso、3 rice chicken soboro-wa、Silky egg、Sakura-type ham) Pork loin roll with asparagus, crab, spicy salmon and tomato Indian curry and baguette (cumin)、Mustard Seeds、Coriander、Turmeric、Garam Masala、Chili Peppers、Cardamom、Ginger、Garlic) Duck Fillet Cutlet Sandwich (Dream Herb Pork Fillet、Iptodo raw bread、Cabbage、Hamamatsu Trii Sauce) Mini American Dock for Children (HM、Fish Sausage、Tomato ketchup) 3 kinds of pickles (1 pickles of pepper, salted kombu and red pepper)、2 Pickled pepper, celery, carrot and red radish、Assorted cheese and dried fruit (1 Hokkaido Co-working School Of Shintoku Farm white mold type "Coban"、2Sakura, a seasonal product of Hokkaido Co-working School Shintoku Farm、3 Dry Mango and Branched Raisins (Hot) Golden Dashi and Toro kombu Sweet aoi Daifuku (Shohime)、Koshian、White ball flour) Fresh green sprouts、心地良い風が吹く季節到来! 佐鳴湖湖畔の芝の上で足を伸ばして風情溢れる桜の舞いと湖畔の雄大な景色をバックにのんびりと穏やかな午後のひとときを楽しめます! 今年も沢山の楽しい花見会が出来ました!また来年お会いしましょう!...

Hamamatsu, ringing Lake moving salt eyes party! Friends would gather, great thanks!

2018October 1, sanaruko Lake after moving to, and after 3 weeks early、10/21 (Sunday) 18: from the restless the accustomed to everyday life、我が家に友人達にお越しいただき「引越しお披露目パーティ」を開催致しました! 当日は、Every time friends started.、Neighborhood, ringing around to become friends、All the way how from the East come's up to senior、Together for a total of 22、我が家初のお披露目パーティはとても賑やかで楽しいひとときを過ごします! この日の我が家の装花アレンジメントを担当してくれたのは、At the omuro style flower arrangement home is、フラワーショップ「flower&design SOWAKA (ソワカ)」のオーナー永井 裕心 (Yushin Nagai)くん! メインダイニングに飾るガラスのフラワーベースには、And to fit the image of a soft impression of natural wood home、ワックスフラワーの愛らしさとスモークブッシュの可憐さにトルコキキョウの華やかさをプラスしてアレンジメント! 玄関先廊下のお出迎えの装花としては、SOWAKA original tornado technique、Petrochemical broom、Giant nisogaram、Anthurium、The three roses、Hydrangea、Baseline、テマリ草の花々が慶びの舞いを披露してくれています! そして、A favorite of Ryukyu-tatami floor、For the elliptic cylindrical tall two vases、Petrochemical celosia、Bell rose、アジサイを余白を上手く使ったアート的な感覚で装い見事な作品に! さらに、The love bud vase、The dainty Anemone flower! In the sense of this mind Yu-kun had been facing! As is expected、Season with feeling、家中を明るく彩る生花のある暮らしは良いですね! さて、From the party about 3 days ago、Went to all sorts of places to buy、In the dishes they prepare、On the day from early in the morning until start sucking in kitchen、メインディッシュとなる「インドスパイスカレー3種」と12種類の料理の仕込みラッシュです!早めに来場してくれた料理好きのお友達が手伝ってくれたおかげで、I won't prepare、皆様が揃う頃に整えることができました! 乾杯は「WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER (Panie sanarudai shop)」のオーナーである小野 哲義 (Tetsuyoshi Ono)And I'm more chilled with kin in celebration "Miraval miraval coat-de-Provence, rosé", and available to everyone、We will be taking the liberty toast、いよいよスタート! わたし達ladeのコンセプトである「出会いをつなげ、Be yourself、It said that。"Keep in mind、We join you in his solo alone introduction thank you for your、Of the "familiar" people "meet" and ask people to connect to the machine even better border control which、改めて乾杯! [我が家引越しお披露目パーティのおもてなし料理MENU] ■デトックスウォーター (ローゼル、Lemon、Lime、3種のミント) ■柿と蕪と生ハムのディルサラダ (柿、Turnip、Cured ham、Shikuwasa、ディル) ■ミニトマトとモッツァレラバジルのピンチョス (金子農園の高糖度ミニトマト、Mozzarella in phthisis、バジル) ■クリチとハニーナッツのカナッペ (小麦胚芽クラッカー、Cream cheese、牧之原産Honey boyのハニーナッツ06) ■スパイシーポテトチーズコロッケ (ジャガイモ、Onion、Minced pork、Cheese、スパイス数種) ■いろいろきのこと胡桃のパテ (椎茸、Maitake mushroom、Pleurotus eryngii、Shimeji mushrooms、Brown mushroom、Walnut、Garlic、White wine、It pace、バゲット) ■バターナッツカボチャのレーズンサラダ (バターナッツカボチャ、Raisins、Milk、マヨネーズ) ■しっとり鶏胸肉のグリーンアスパラ巻き (前夜にウォーターマリネした鶏胸肉、Green asparagus、ローズマリーオイル) ■スパニッシュオムレツ (ジャガイモ、Wiener、Garlic、Egg、Milk、チーズ) ■クラムチャウダー (浅利、Seafood mix、Onion、Chinese cabbage、Carrot、Thick-cut Bacon、Garlic、Bouillon、ベシャメルソース) ■鯖とミックスビーンズのトマトカレー (鯖、Mix beans、Celery、Tomato、スパイス数種) ■チキントマトカレー (玉葱、Tomato、Chicken thigh、Garlic、Ginger、スパイス数種) ■チキンココナッツミルクカレー (玉葱、Tomato、Chicken thigh、Coconut milk、Garlic、Ginger、スパイス数種) ■ターメリックライスとナン ■我が家の白キムチ (白菜、Celery、Cucumber、Carrot、Salted kelp、唐辛子) ■チーズ盛り合わせ (マンステールとクミン、Mimolette cheese、ロックフォール) ■あとりえMOMOのチーズケーキ ■長野県産シャインマスカット おもてなしワインは、Their professional wine "winebtikkpanie" of 18 wines,、Foam 6、White 6、Us a balanced selection and Red 6、Great wine list carefully who wrote book 1 book 1 comments so far、ワイン好きの皆様が各々自由に楽しんでくださっていました! 楽しい時間は本当にあっという間に過ぎ去って行き、24Justification of the dishes are fine up to seem to clean up and、24Wine and sake becomes empty、気付けばラストのゲストをお見送りした時刻は何と真夜中の25時でした! 参加してくれた友人達からは、It would have gotten it to celebrate with a nice sense、Also、Cancelled due to work participation difficult people purposely mailed celebration products in advance,、本当に皆様の温かなお気遣いに感謝してもしきれない1日で御座いました! また、Is expected to continue various interesting programs、The Home Office, and because we are also the Salon generally tend to wait at home for、お近くにお越しの際は是非気軽に立ち寄って頂ければと思います!皆様のお越しをお待ちしております!...

Nature of rich, ringing Lake moving & moving salt eyes party notice

I was our Lade、事務所兼住まいを浜松市西区にあります佐鳴湖湖畔の閑静な住宅街の一角にある戸建てに移り住むことになりましたことを御報告させて頂きます! お引越し日は甚大な被害で各地に大きな爪痕を残した台風24号チャーミーが過ぎ去った日の10月1日(月)! 猛烈な暴風雨に見舞われた前夜未明に複数の電線が切断されたことにより、Become a major power outage in Shizuoka Prefecture、That the next morning and a difficult recovery work。 Call it the blessing in disguise?。 On Monday mornings、台風一過の見事な晴れ間を覗かせとても暑い1日に! 停電中で多くの信号が可動しない中にも関わらず引越し社のスタッフはほぼ予定通りに到着! 4tトラックに乗り込んだ若手20代のスタッフが、4人掛かりでテキパキと丁寧に引越し作業に励んでくれました! 有難いことに、Staff had planned another move、That has become a time change in relation to Typhoon、Suddenly help 2 MWP to cheer on join us、Track thanks to one day in cues 2 Pistons to should have at one time、およそ5時間で引越しを完了させてくれました! お陰様で、Can be carried out smoothly in the cleaning and unpacking too bright during the day、Dark is the night、TV sound no BGM、But in the light of the moon shines brightly、キャンドルの灯りを頼りにロマンティックで静かな夜を過ごすことができたのです! 中部電力が4日中に全面復旧を目指す中、Move from Nishi Arai power fight、And the net 53 times、3日の早朝に電力復旧の時を迎えます! 電気が付いた瞬間には夫婦2人して拍手喝采の大喜びの舞い! 停電僅か3日のことではありましたが電力の有難味を十二分に痛感した次第です! 引越しをして約1週間経ち、A peaceful Sunday morning。 New 居内 are some favorite places、今回はテラス風景をご紹介! 大好きな「豆乳オムレツ」と「チキンバーガー」フレッシュなパイナップルとレモン果汁で作った「パイナップルジュース」に淹れたての「コーヒー」でブランチタイム! すっかり新居での生活にも慣れつつありとても快適な日々を過ごしています! 佐鳴湖が望める自然豊かな眺望はとても穏やかで、Sunrise awakening.、今時期は過ごしやすい気温で散策にもピッタリ! 何より佐鳴湖は、Well-maintained trails surrounding the Lake 6 km、Enjoy seasonal scenery made of various plants、Running or walking、犬の散歩にはもってこいの場所となります! 夏は我が家から佐鳴湖の花火大会も一望できるため来夏の訪れを今から待ちわびている状況です! さてここでお知らせです! 新居となる我が家にて仲良しの皆様を集めて10月21日(日)18時から「引越しお披露目パーティ」を開催予定! 当日はフィンガーフードをはじめ、In the summer Dharma unit will prepare drinks such as wine, spiced with plenty of "home-made Curry.、皆様と一緒に楽しいひとときを過ごせることを願っております! 是非気軽に御参加頂ければ幸いです! 料理やワインの用意もあるため参加してくださる方は早めの参加表明をお待ちしております! 現時点で既に20名を超える方々に参加表明を頂いておりますので当日は賑やかとなることでしょう! [引越しお披露目パーティ] 日時:2018年10月21日(日)18時~開始 場所:Nishi-Ku, Hamamatsu City (near the sanaruko Lake rowing Park) Traffic:2 minutes walk from bus stop rowing field、JR高塚駅からタクシー ※参加される方には直接「新住所」をメッセージ致します 駐車場:Ago the House is three、その他は当日こちらで御案内させていただきます 参加費無料 連絡先info@lade.jp...

The chef Omakase course at "THE DINING" in the "di Oriental Terrace Torizen"

White Street along the Palm tree becomes a landmark、There you can climb the Hill and located on a hill、佐鳴湖を一望でき最高のロケーションを誇る「THE ORIENTAL TERRACE TORIZEN ジ オリエンタルテラス トリゼン」さん旧名である「鳥善」さんは明治元年の創業であり、With a background in the age and changing business forms、今年2014年で何と151年の歴史を誇る老舗となります昭和38年に鍛冶町にあった本店を現在の閑静な佐鳴湖湖畔に移し、2000Venue over the square from fine until the location became a hot topic、As now, wedding ceremony and wedding reception halls、Or is a long-established restaurants as venue for parties and events as well as numerous celebrities to visit, and the very popular。For a long time、Restaurant has been operating as a Japanese restaurant 9/2009 a Oriental Asian resort and redesigned in the luxury space, renovated、Young had trained French chef:前川智裕氏を迎え入れられてからというもの幅広い年齢層に愛される高級レストランへと進化しております♪ 重厚感に溢れており、The Asian style of Oriental terrace entrance、And the Hamamatsu like me forget all that、異国の高級リゾートホテルやオーベルジュでお出迎えを受けているかのようなあつらえです♪ エントランス ラウンジ フロントロビー 館内にあるレストラン「THE DINING ザ ダイニング」の店内は、And by the dark-brown color、The ceiling is high and spacious atmosphere is produced。Semi private rooms also are in the Hall seats other、Capacity 60 seats.。20~ 50 or so Charter is available。Table seats along the wall sofa seats installed、Such as indirect lighting and table candles、リラックスできる演出が満載で女性心をくすぐる造りとなっています♪ 昼は、You can view the Lake, played in front of、Get the best location can't get anywhere else。On this day、Though the weather, it was、The scenery outside was painted in the rain, and also in Kumamoto city。The other day、Click here for catering in the Maserati dei second day made Hamamatsu dei chef:前川智裕氏に御礼を兼ねて挨拶に出向き、1人5,000円の予算でおまかせコースをオーダーしました♪ 「純白のトマトのムース」 真っ白なムースはまるで雪のような口溶けの良さとふわふわ食感でありながら形を崩さず綺麗な形状を保っています。Away from the cool sour tomato mousse、セミドライトマトが仕込まれておりアクセントとなっています♪ 「フォアグラのテリーヌ 貴腐ワインのジュレ」 フォアグラの濃厚なテリーヌの上に甘い白ワインの貴腐ワインを使用したジュレを添えていただきます。Kumquat and orange confiture、Balsamic vinegar、Carrot puree、岩塩を添えてくださっているのでお好みでお召し上がりください♪ 「プチバゲット」 オリーブオイルが添えられますが先程の金柑とオレンジのコンフィチュールを添えても美味しくいただけました♪ 一瞬、A unique wonder to think wine is a no order came from here、実は前川シェフのスペシャリテとなります。Robes warm original soup of the day in the new wine bottle from、In the new Cork seal。Director of open wine opener also included preferences。エチケットには「CHATEAU TOMOHIRO MAEKAWA」と書かれており(笑)オリエンタルテラスさんのロゴが刻印され、A complete original and。This treatment is、Bridal also very popular in the 8% 9% of our customers order by option。Design of etiquette is to free printable、In applying the two names and designs you like、記念に残る1本を制作できるそうです♪ スープ皿に由比の桜海老とクルトン、Parsley and endured the wait。待っている間もワクワクされてくれる演出が憎いですね♪ 熱々の出来立てスープが上品に湯気を立てながら静かに注がれていきます香り立つ魚介の凝縮された香りを堪能♪ 「魚介のクリームスープ」 海老や蟹などの甲殻類をふんだんに使用したクリームスープ。To have condensed flavor in the soup and the broth isn't heavy enough, despite the、So I drank lot。先程のワインボトルに満タンに入れられており「おかわりはいかがですか?」と、Contains the voice。So truly why can't break free end up eating course、But I do more.、Her husband told us 2 cups (lol) in、全て飲み干す方もいらしたそうですよ!(驚)それほどに美味しさと楽しさが詰まったスープなのですね♪ またまた面白い器で登場です。White smoke is there and enjoy the food in。Intrigued and excited such finely、一気に食事の楽しさを味合わせてくださるのでしょう♪ 蓋を開けると、White smoke from beautiful colorful Tartar is a hit。By the way this smoke is intended to be smoked, so、Now inhaling and choking.。Actually I smell and want to snuff、Face peered at musemashita (Please note that you are:Lol) staff apparently I said、前川シェフの気合が入り過ぎていつもより多めにスモークされているのでは?とのことです(笑) 「スモークした鮪のタルタル仕立て 人参のソース」 スモークされた香りを楽しみながら、Because whipped cream tartar with fresh and fried and ate。玉葱のシャキシャキとした食感もあり美味しかったです♪ 「スズキのポワレ マリニエールソース」 身厚ながらにふっくらしっとりと仕上がったスズキのポワレは、Mariniere source will be。Mariniere (Buddha:marinier)とは漁師という意味だそうで、This time the、浅利やドライトマトが入った魚介ソースです♪ 「鴨肉の真空調理 ブルーベリー入りの赤ワインソース」 鴨肉のポーションをわたし達夫婦の胃のサイズに合わせてくれて小振りで、Nice attention to detail.。Vacuum-cooked duck meat is juicier。Do you served with a Blueberry peppery red wine sauce it?、コーヒー塩のどちらかお好みでいただきます♪ 「モンブランとバニラアイス」 チョコレートケーキに栗のクリームとバニラアイスを乗せたモンブランです♪ 「コーヒー」 ゆったりとした空間でいただくフルコースは、Creates a graceful time。一皿一皿に想いを込めて作られた前川シェフのおまかせコースじっくりと堪能いたしました♪ 料理の手が空き挨拶に出向いてくれた前川シェフと一緒にしばらく歓談タイム。After I said thanks and apology for the event、前川シェフの経歴や料理に対する想いを熱く語っていただきとても楽しい時間を過ごすことができました♪ 会場THE GARDEN TERRACE ガーデンテラス(席数100名) テラス チャペル 会場THE GALLEIA ギャラリア(席数130席) ギャラリアよりテラスに降り立ち、Looking at trees in extensive grounds、I felt more beautiful colored leaves shine in the clear air。Autumn leaves、And enjoy the Cherry Blossom Spring、桜の時期のウェディングは桜吹雪がまた彩り美しく見応えがあるようです♪ 雨が上がり、With clear skies and bright serene。Maekawa chef to work first thing in morning、The views from here、1Switch off the start of the day is put。It is in really nice places like our couple space! Is also a great venue、前川シェフの素晴らしい料理と柔軟な対応、And one of our staff we were attentive to the various events each optimal space! Chris、是非また面白い企画を一緒に企てましょうね♪ THE ORIENTAL TERRACE TORIZEN ジ オリエンタルテラス トリゼン 【旧店名】鳥善 浜松市中区佐鳴台6-8-30 TEL:053-447-3241 年中無休 営業時間:Lunch 11:30-15:00 LO:14:30(※平日ランチ営業) ディナー 17:30To 22:00 LO21:00、Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 11:00To 22:00 LO21:00 http://www.torizen.co.jp/...

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