Mini kaiseki lunch of seasonal ingredients served at the owner's omakase of Japanese restaurant "Shin kappo Swada"

Using seasonal ingredients that increase in taste with the change of the four seasons、At "Shin kappo Swaddan", a Japanese cuisine that carefully cooks and serves the taste of the ingredients, the owner's hospitality lunch with two people of the real estate industry's living character in Hamamatsu! The location is、From Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering, go down the slope on the way to the Super Housewife's Store Tomizuka Store、It's just beyond the danko river bridge.。It's not even the main street.、Become a shop of hidden existence、Every time you visit, it will be your favorite place to calm down! formerly、I used to visit Tomizuka when I lived there.、After I moved, my feet were far away and I was a lot of talk.、I was relieved that my husband remembered when I put in the reservation phone! The store has 3 counter seats and 4 half-private table seats、There are 4 seats in the 炬燵 of private rooms、It has 4 seats in the back room。Lunch is popular, such as 1,300 yen for a limited edition of 20 meals and 1,750 yen for "Kozen".、If you present the amount in advance and make a reservation、You can enjoy the omakase course of Atsushi Sawada, the owner、This time, we have pre-booked a mini kaiseki course (reservation required) for 3,000 yen! I have a private room today.、You can enjoy your meal 炬燵 your feet in the small digging room! Mr. Atsushi Sawada, the owner、Kanto、Hotels in Kansai、Independent after gaining experience at Lake Hamana Royal Hotel、We have a store that serves as a home、2006It is open in the spring of 2008.、今年で15周年を迎えられています! 澤田さんのこだわりは”最良の状態で食べていただくために作り置きをしないこと”。 Due to the、After the order is placed, I will order sashimi.、Fried foods、Because you can start cooking grilled food、somewhat、待ち時間に余裕を持ってお出かけしましょう! 私たちは、Even the time to wait is also one of the pleasures to see sawada's detailed work、Until it comes out.、While responding to the gentle voice of the landlady who is the wife、楽しいひとときを過ごします! 冷たい麦茶をいただきながら、Waiting for a while。二段重ねの千筋籠や小鉢が添えられたお膳が運ばれて参りました! 店主の澤田さんにお願いしお品書きも書いていただきました!いつもながらに素敵な手書き! 見目麗しく細やかな手仕事を感じ取れる小鉢たち! 「小鉢」 夏バテ知らずの冷菜としてに欠かせない「うざく」ならぬ「鱧ざく」は、Add kinshi egg to the color、鱧 enjoy the texture of the rice and cucumber、さっぱりとした味わいで! 「姫鉢」 茄子と桃にねっとりと濃厚な胡桃ソースを和えた胡桃和え、Ishikawa's Bigai、さざなみ有馬煮の姫鉢三種! 「差(刺身)」 刺身には、High-quality fish kochi that is said to be "summer kochi to winter river pigs" appeared! Koci no Kombu that you can enjoy a crunchy texture while enjoying a light taste、Kombu of sebum、もっちりとした柔らかさが美味しい赤烏賊の三種盛りです! 「焼物」 店主の実家である福井は日野川で獲れる鮎を焼ひたしで、The body is soft and soft、The taste oozes firmly and is ideal for accompanying rice! This is a sweetfish that Sawada's father caught! Sawada-san is already 56 years old.、Your father is in his 70s and 80s even if he is young.、元気に鮎釣りをなさるとは流石お若いですね! 「焚合せ」 長芋と南瓜含煮、Mananji Temple、White Datsu、Octopus simmered。It is said that it is boiled over time over low heat so as to include the taste.、It has become an elegant taste that really makes use of the taste of the ingredients、「やっぱり和食はいいね♪」と思わず顔を見合わせてほっこりしてしまいます! 「油物」 天婦羅は、Salt or dashi soup sauce。We are solely salty! Angel's shrimp is fried in the head and clothes.、The aroma is irresistible! For lotus root with good texture、You can enjoy the aftertaste of the refreshing scent that pulls out to the nose、とろっとした舌溶けを楽しめる茄子と野菜の天婦羅も絶品です! 「御飯、Guk (soup)、香の物」 ゆかりの添えられた御飯はお代わりができ、The soup is red dashi miso soup.、香の物は三種と大満足なミニ会席! 「水菓子」 水菓子は澤田さん御夫妻にも私たちがお勧めする「天使音マスクメロン」を食べていただきたくて、Let me bring in the best food、最後に提供していただきました!天使音マスクメロンだからこその芳醇な香りと上品な甘味で締め括る至福のひとときで御座いました! 夜は仕出しの注文が入っていたようで、I was busy with preparation.、I was happy to see your face looking energetic! I would like to go to the beans a little more from now on! Sawada-san、Madam、お身体大事にしてくださいね! 心割烹さわだ 住所:1101-37 Tomizukacho, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu-ku, Shizuoka TEL:053-476-4966 Hours of operation:11:30-14:00、17:30To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:Sunday (*8/8-8/31):まん延防止等重点措置期間中の営業時間はお店へお問い合わせください)...

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