Hamamatsu Miscellaneous Goods Cafe "70St. (Nanamaru Studio)" A place where the former watch shop was renovated and packed with the owner's attention

There used to be more than 100 shops lined up、Along the Otoko Road, which was very bustling,、2021Lunch time at the general goods café "70 St. (Nanamaru Studio)" opened on May 30, 2010! The "70" in the store name represents the name "Naoto" of the shop owner Naoto Kawai as a number.、Also、Becoming Friendly to Local Communities and the Environment and Achieving SDGs、Named because it aims to be "a shop where you can get about 7 ◯"。And、Other than the business days of the general goods café、Schools and hobby classrooms、We hope to use it as a free space where we can provide new services.、It's called "Studio"! The shop owner Mr. Kawai opened this general goods café on the occasion of retirement、In order to operate leisurely with two couples、Working days are half of the week、Gold、Soil、Day、4 days of the month、Morning 9:00~ 17:00Up to and limited。Tuesday to Thursday is available for rent as a free space! The inside of the store is wrapped in green and dried flowers、In a space full of warmth of wood that feels warmth、A cute shop with Scandinavian furniture and miscellaneous goods that the shop owner is particular about。The tapestry suspended from driftwood is、Decorated with table runners (Armas Coral and Armas Green) of Finland's nearly 200-year-old textile manufacturer "Finlayson"、It is made into a partition with a soft impression。 In the Middle、"This tree、What a Tree、Two four-seater table seats using the familiar monkey pod tree in "The Tree ♪ of Concern"、Below the stairs is Carl Hansen & Sun, designed by the Scandinavian furniture master Hans J Wegner. & SON) has a two-seater seat with the classic "Y chair (CH24)"。The "Y chair" that I strongly wished to put if I were going to do a café was、Waiting patiently for a boat to arrive from Denmark、2It seems to have taken months.。 Table seating is provided with a two-seater by the window where natural light can comfortably shine in.、On the wall、Art of people with disabilities called Art Brut and Able Art is exhibited.。The window is decorated with an acrylic paint original painting "Puskinia" by Masashi Yamano, a registered artist of "Able Art Company" living in Nara Prefecture。 In the back、An antique Brother-made treadle sewing machine is quietly placed、It is active as a display shelf! In the kitchen with counter seating、The owner and his wife are getting ready for lunch.。Inside the showcase on the counter is、Fair trade coffee beans of Maisaka "Beanstalk" and fair trade chocolate of "People Tree" also offered here、Selling handmade jam of independent products of the social welfare corporation "Toe Gakuen"! On the table seat immediately after entering the entrance is、Dried flowers are hung、It gives you peace of mind。My wife and I went to the classroom of "Dried Flower Gallery Dawa" in Japan Taira.、It seems to be made and decorated with flowers harvested in the garden of the house! Because it was the first ride at lunchtime、Before you get crowded、I had time to talk to the shop owner Mr. Kawai。Originally, I was engaged in a jewelry company for a long time.、At the time of retirement、I renovated the site of the "Kawai watch shop" that my grandfather and father ran、Open a general goods café、Second Life、They want to do what they love and have fun! He showed me a photo of the memory of the Otoko Kaido shopping street when there was a "Kawai Watch Shop"。It seems that it is a commemorative piece given by a customer、Although it is a photo at the time of the event、He told me very nostalgically about the state of the shopping street that was crowded like this! In the glass of the store、"Former Kawai Watch Shop" and、Some are preserved with memories of that time.、It has been carefully handed down。 There are remnants of the watch shop in the store、An old-fashioned pendulum clock that no longer works has been arranged as a lighting substitute.。 The soft warm light that gives off a nostalgic impression is、It calms the mind。Swallow's Mobiles、Balance Mobiles of Paper Art, a traditional Danish craft、"Flensted Mobiles", also described as a "moving sculpture"。Every time the entrance door is opened,、It is impressive to see it gently swaying in the wind.。 While looking at the menu book、Order a Neapolitan and hamburger set from the lunch menu! In the menu there is a、For some reason, there is a breakfast set of Taiwan's standard breakfast "Shen Tong Jiang and fried bread" and "Lu Lohan"、There was a rare Taiwanese menu for a café menu, so I was curious、It seems that he was posted overseas for about 2 years at the Taiwan branch (Taipei) of the company where he worked before retirement、I liked the "deer bean serum" that I ate every morning、It is also added to the menu。In an unexpected place, the story of Taiwan became lively! Until the food comes out、Let's show you the miscellaneous goods that are exhibited and sold! Miscellaneous goods are、Artists that shop owners and wives have met in their lives so far are lined up、Rings and necklaces、Starting with handmade accessories such as earrings and earrings、In the works of woodworkers and candle artists、Colorful socks、Pouches and pen cases、Fair Trade products, etc.、There are various accessories that are fun just to look at! Real Flowers and Pressed Flowers、Flower accessories of "chieno.sou" created by confining dried flowers etc. to resin (resin) are also cute lined up、There are many things that can be used everyday, such as hair decorations! Handmade artist "Hitomi" from Kanagawa Prefecture is made、猫好きには堪らないニャンコグッズもあります! フェルトで作られた「SOBANi」のクリエイターであるニール敬子さんが作られるカンガルーのめがね置きはもふもふ姿が堪らなく可愛いです! 店内の壁には壁一面の黒板が設置され、Shopkeeper's original chalk art is featured。Current、「浜松市美術館」にて、2022"Heidi Exhibition - I can hear her footsteps" is sometimes held until September 11, 2011、It depicts a child resembling Heidi and Peter in the background of the Alps rising in the morning sun in a place where the shop owner can look down on Mainfeld, the model land of "Heidi the Girl of the Alps", which has been his favorite anime since junior high school。In the store, leaflets of "Heidi Exhibition" of "Hamamatsu City Museum of Art" are also distributed, so、ご興味のある方はご覧ください! 黒板の下に展示されているフィギュアは店主のコレクションの一部だそうで、Heidi or Clara as you blend in with the majestic Alpine landscape、Alm Onji and Goat Yuki-chan、Peter and the others gather、「ミニハイジ展」を開催されています! フィンランドの白樺組み立て飾りをつくる「ロヴィ(lovi)」の作品も飾られており、Moomins and pointy hat snufkin with Finnish forests at home、There is also a cute little bun! The new hedgehog (hedgehog) is also very adorable、メルヘンな世界観が楽しめます♪ 丁寧に手作りされているランチセットメニューが出来上がって来ました! 「もちもち太麺ナポリタン(サラダ付)」770円 カフェメニューには欠かせない「ナポリタン」をうどんのような太麺で提供されており、Tai noodles with a response to eating appeared! Sticky thick noodles seasoned with a ketchup-based sweet sauce make it easy for children to eat! "Cherry tomato stewed hamburger set, with grilled vegetables (with rice, salad, pumpkin soup)" 970 yen In a colorful and balanced set、Rice can be changed to garlic toast、A service that is also nice for those who are bread lovers! onion、Shimeji mushrooms、The hamburger stewed in a sweet tomato sauce with plenty of cherry tomatoes is moist and soft and juicy! There is also a sense of volume firmly、Paprika and carrots、Eggplant、Broccoli, etc.、It is also nice that it is served with grilled vegetables with a feeling of rumbling size! I think that the cost of this hamburger set is quite high! The mother who was visiting the store with a small child、Order this stewed hamburger set、I could see that the child was enjoying being asked for waffles.。Waffles and French toast、Because there is also a rich menu of sweets、It is good that you can enjoy lunch and café menu at the same time! Detox water installed at the counter is free of charge、On this day, "Lemon、orange、Mint" and a refreshing scent。 While feeling the remnants of the former watch shop、"70St. (Nanamaru Studio)" where you can spend a moment of peace of mind as if you have gone back in time to a nostalgic and harmonious era。In this place full of obsession、Spending time surrounded by what you like、I am sure that it will be an irreplaceable place for Mr. and Mrs. Kawai。I would like to ask again 70St ♪. (Nanamaru Studio) Address:Shizuoka Prefecture Hamamatsu-shi Nishi-ku Oto-cho Ufumi 7986 TEL:053-596-3620 Hours of operation:9:00~ 17:00 Closed on Mondays:Fire、Water、Thursday https://kawaigold.wixsite.com/nanamarustudio...

'Portetheater' Hamamatsu Viola, born as a nightclub and event venue!

ポルテシアターは、As a professional live theater to imagine CottonClub, Blue Note、浜松ビオラ田町1Fに誕生しました。City instruments、Hamamatsu。この街だからこそ”音楽を愛する人々を育てたい”。Such desire or intention、丸八不動産グループ会長兼ポルテシアター館長である平野修氏が長年の夢でもあった様々な音楽シーンを演出できる空間を自らプロデュースしています! 200名収容可能なシアターはコンサートやライブ会場としてプロ仕様の音響照明設備を完備しています。In addition、シアターという名の多目的パーティ会場としても幅広く活用でき仲間たちとの本格的な演奏やダンスをしながら食事をお楽しみいただけます通常のパーティ会場としてセミナーや会合などでも思い思いのレイアウトが可能です県下初の最大級のライブシアターあなたの視覚、Hearing、味覚でまずは体感してみてください。Here is、入り口入って直ぐのウェイティングギャラリーとなっておりライブ入場の受付はこちらでさらに喫煙所W.Cを設置していますステージを見渡すことのできる2階にプロ仕様の音響設備照明機材その他設備が充実していますフロアー内のレイアウトも自在に変更可能なためパーティを思い通りに演出していただけます同フロア内にあるバーカウンターではアルコールからノンアルコールまで幅広いドリンクメニューに加え同施設内に併設されたキッチン設備で調理する本格フードも一緒にお楽しみ頂けますジャズをはじめとする多様なジャンルのアーティストたちがここポルテシアターに定期的に集い臨場感溢れるステージを繰り広げ熱い一夜を演出。Future、ポルテシアターを中心に浜松の夜が生まれ変わりますポルテシアターはアーティストが演奏しやすいように大型のステージを用意しています客席はオールスタンディングで400名以上収容可能で着席では130名となりどの席からも臨場感溢れる体感型フロアーを完備していますシアターという名の多目的スペースは食事を楽しみながらの貸切パーティ会場としてプロ仕様の音響照明設備を用い思い思いのステージを活用することが可能となります企画の段階からご要望を伺い一緒に作り上げていく過程も楽しんでしまいましょう! 通常のブライダルでは物足りない!というそんな貴方に贈るのは音楽と密接したウェディングライブ・シアターウェディングです二人の門出に最高の思い出となるドラマティックなステージを描きましょう! ウェディングやパーティなどを映像、Music、パフォーマンスであなた好みに演出。Here is、佐々木料理長自らが演出するデザートパフォーマンス!フランベの美しく華やかな炎で観客を魅了します! ポルテシアターではシアター会員を随時募集しています。Current、In the opening campaign first year membership fee can register free of charge。 特典1.特別な会員価格をご用意! ジャズをはじめとする多様なジャンルのライブ・コンサートが一般価格より大幅にディスカウントされます。You will have benefits, such as coupons also are available at portebonur in the facility。 特典2.ステージ目前の特別S席を優先予約! ステージ目の前にして適度な距離感の中、Loud dynamic and acoustic quality taste.、Seats can be seen without leaving the full picture of the stage where if I special S seating area will be。S-seats and good seat reservations will be。 特典3.スケジュールやお得な情報を定期配信! 定期的に開催されるライブスケジュールを定期的にメールまたはDMにて配信いたします。Do not miss your favorite artist information and membership benefits available。 ポルテシアター会員について http://theater.porte.cc/members/ このポルテシアターにて4月17日に各メディア関係者の方々を70名ほどお招きしポルテボヌールならびにポルテシアターのお披露目会としてマスコミサミットを開催しました! そのときの模様はこちらの記事でご紹介していますのでご覧下さい県下最大級のライブハウス「ポルテシアター」にてマスコミサミット開催 ポルテシアター 〒430-0944 静岡県浜松市中区田町223-21 ビオラ田町1F TEL:053-413-3908Closed on Mondays:On Tuesday us time.:9:00-17:00 http://theater.porte.cc/...

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