Marriage of food and rare wine of "Ragappu L'AGAPE" to pursue a classic style with careful work

藤枝市青葉町の青島中学校通り沿いのテナントビルの一角にあるフランス料理「レストラン L’AGAPE ラガップ」さんがフランスの国旗を掲げて姿を現しました。Main street from fujieda station is approximately 5 minutes away by car is not、I feel like know shop。Click here to visit the partner's three times in this。My second time.。When you run a WEB Magazine、As much as stores introduce new ideals and we have、4Lade Monday launched a 4 months says lagap's page range 3 times。To the shops you want to visit once in about a month.。This time the、いつもお世話になっているO様夫妻をご紹介したく4人で伺いました♪ こちらのお店は2008年9月にオープン。Owner-chef Mr. Takayuki Matsushita Tokyo.、Gain some experience in your stores in the Kansai region、I was told was trained in France。Interior is simple with 12 seats in the atmosphere、It is a small restaurant。With Chef Matsushita's parents get a little、1Both kitchen and Hall has been Palazzo。Cooking course。Choose from dishes like prefix style。Lunch and dinner is configured on the same menu.、Only lunch main 1 handy provides A course 1890 Yen。This time the、O氏の希望でメーン3皿のコースmenu C 4,210円をそれぞれにオーダーしました♪ menu A(メーン1品)1,890円 menu B(メーン2品)2,840円 menu C(メーン3品)4,210円 menu D(メーン4品)5,630円 menu E(※要予約)8,000円,10,000円 パン、Soup and coffee、デザート付 「エール・ダルジャン2009」フランス 白(持込ワイン持込料ワイン1本に対し1,000円) 世界でもっとも偉大な五代シャトーの内の1つである”シャトー・ムートン・ロートシルト”が造る数少ない白ワイン。And Erdal Jun、Named after the fairy tale named "Silver wings"。Fine up to shining pearl gold color and gloss。Palate is round and smooth now、Filled with dense body is sleek and pomp。Not be outdone, Lagat p's foie gras Terrine with rich dishes、Is a white precious classy palate-pleasing。Exactly this with the marriage of wine and food、至福のランチタイムのスタートです♪ 「フォアグラと豚肩肉のゼリー寄せ パセリ風味」 フランスはブルゴーニュ地方の郷土料理の1つジャンボン(ハム)・ペルシェ(パセリ)。Foie gras、Pork shoulder、Cured ham、I have jelly, parsley。Salt finish and pulled pork shoulder meat, boiled his mouth day pre-embarkation quarantine、Richness of foie gras sauteed with ball、Exquisite taste! The material is dense, the sense of volumes of the leading、Also bring a sense of unity, there keep balance as neutralizing the parsley finely engraved, channeled large amounts of。Even Mr and Mrs O's favorite was、You like what you see、That only brought you all the way from Hamamatsu、御2人の笑みが垣間見れ嬉しい瞬間♪ 「フォアグラのテリーヌ」 フォアグラをコニャックでマリネしてテリーヌし仕立てられています。Jams is attached without let。Faint in agony in the depth of the smooth melt on the tongue and palate。In preparing and cooking method、Taste a very careful job Buri。And after a long day alone、Tastes with plum confiture。This is true for foie gras is。まるでデザートのような1品♪ 「サーモンと海老のムース ブリオッシュ包み」 サーモンと海老のムースをブリオッシュで覆い、Is toasted in a terrine with type。Butter with plenty of rich sense of the combination of brioche filled with、Surface and being scrupulously moist though、Together with grease fill much of the salmon and shrimp mousse melt the sauce is also good。Matsushita says Chef、French Classics、You can feel the obsession and obsession in pursuit of food.。And that、The French who have been eating even if they break their bodies disorderly。There is a proverb that says that the French live not to eat, but to eat.、that's exactly right and、It seems to feel something like vitality different from modern French cuisine.。Matsushita-san's dishes are just、love and pursue that classic style。料理への愛情を注ぐことに力を惜しまない方なのです♪ 「茄子と近海いわしのシャルロット仕立て」 茄子の果肉とソテーした鰯を刻み、It is wrapped in eggplant skin and made into charlotte tailoring.。Look、I couldn't hide our surprise at the appearance like a black pudding、After this, I'm surprised twice by the gap between looks and tastes (laughs) In the mountains wrapped in eggplant skin、Match the taste of the 鰯 smooth eggplant、The sourness of tomatoes is mixed.、It's an inso way of texture and flavor.。I think I've tasted it a few times here.、松下さんは茄子の使い方が絶妙で料理に感動すら覚えてしまいます♪ 「自家製パン」 2種の自家製パンが味わえ、This time the、Campagne and Pandumi of Cramin and Raisins。And the "pandemic"、Unlike the bread hard systems enjoy the flavor of the crust (crust)、Is a bread crumb (contents) to taste of France。Here is、So flour and toasted French bread-flour,、During the surface crunchy texture and the filling is.、Sweet。滑らかなソースを吸収しやすくなっておりフレンチならではのパンです♪ 「ポークリエット」 こちらは、If you like, we will give a pan。The slick and bruise、Was exasperating not mild flavor。Mrs. O、I've been repeatedly asking you to take it home.。わたしも同感です(笑) 「南瓜の冷製ポタージュ」 キンッとひやされた器に、Smooth Pumpkin Potage。It is a simple taste that does not put anything unnecessary、奥が深いです♪ 「クプラ オアジ・デリ・アン ジェリ 2009」イタリア 赤(持込ワイン持込料ワイン1本に対し1,000円) イタリアでも幻 のワインとして崇め られ、"Kupra" made with 100% of the ancient variety Bold of average age of 100 years or more。Velonelli and Espleso claim to be phantom wines.、There are 6,000 bottles produced annually.、Kupla produces only 560 of the two barrels in less than 1/10 of its annual production! It is a very rare wine! From the field to the brewing in winemaking、A wine that shows the attitude of mr. Marco, a producer who maintains a thorough perfectionism without any compromise。It was officially released from the 2006 vintage。After that, Mr. Marco will release only a convincing vintage.、Until now 2006,2008And only this 2009 vintage is out there! There are a lot of fears to taste、Delicious and fun wine (laughs) Rich red fruit compote and herbs、The spices and other seamlessly spreading and dense fragrances will entertain you with an elegant and high-quality background。This is、There is no reason why it does not fit the roast duck offered by Matsushita! When you rave about the selection of wine as expected、Mr. O said a single、"Do your best! "I always ask myself。本当に格好良い御方です! 「タスマニア産子羊背肉のロースト(+700円)」 肉汁が広がり味わうごとにほのかに香る子羊の甘い香りが特徴。I will have you serve it with a gentle sauce full of umami made with lamb broth。Because I liked the part where the fat was less last time、次回は予約の際にお願いすることにしましょう♪ 「フランス シャラン産窒息鴨ローストとコンフィ(+800円)」 こちらのお店でわたし達夫婦の一押しメニューです。Painted breast honey duck with ETFE, roasted、Confit with two delicious taste of duck thigh meat, provide。And étouffée (suffocation)、Originally、Put the needle to the back of the neck、And in a State of suspended animation、The bird carcass without removing blood.、Is there a way to ETFE with electric shock in recent.。By letting ETFE、With engorged blood in the body of the duck、As a result the blood into the meat rotates。Thereby、Strong flavor of duck meat containing iron is delicious。Is that first you bite from a roasted chicken breast、Moderate elasticity and chew, juice comes out overflow。And spread, rich with juice、Body and soft and moist and rich, smooth。The confit、The skin is crispy texture well、Please wear soft。骨から煮出したソースで一体感をもたせた至極の逸品♪ 「デザートの盛り合わせ」 デザートは黒板に書かれている中から選びます。This time the、He said he cut the chalk.、Matsushita's handwritten menu appeared。It may be like him of the B type obedientness which does not decorate (laughs) Peach compote、Lemon Pudding、Blueberry tart and three desserts、Each bit may I have come that as you have in your stomach、Let's all types。Because all of them are really what you want to taste! I choose two kinds of ice confectionery from the written on the blackboard.。This time the、Hazelnut、Spice、Caramel、rice malt、Yogurt、Select yogurt and caramel from 6 kinds of sweet fruits。Peach Compote、At this time when peaches began to come out、Compote with white wine and vanilla beans and flavored syrup。A dish that forgets the sultry heat of summer with peaches by pouring gelatin into syrup and jure。Lemon pudding has the most refined acidity and aroma。The sweet taste of the bullberry tart、Moist addition and subtracting of the tart is also preferable。It looks simple.、However,、A dessert with Matsushita's love in its simplicity、最高です♪ 「コーヒー」 表面がクレマできれいに覆われているコーヒー。Good Crema is more detailed、Stir well away、To mellow the flavor、香りを口の中に持続させてくれます♪ 「ガレット ブルトンヌ」 バターの名産地でもあるフランス、Brittany regional confectionery。Will France、Butter is rich with salted butter cookies。Enjoy a crust with texture、Moist and very delicious galette。With rare wine from noon、It was a lunch that felt luxurious in the afternoon。それも常に美味しく提供してくれる松下さんの料理とO氏の頭脳明晰な解析力とイメージ力によってセレクトされたワインの初共演の賜物だからですね!本当にありがとうございました♪ ラガップ L’AGAPE 藤枝市青葉町3-3-28 電話:054-637-0290 Hours of operation 11:30-14:00 18:00To 22:00 Closed on Mondays:水曜日

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