Ginza L'Arjan Sommelier and Manager

銀座の一等地にあるミシュラン一つ星のフレンチ「レストラン ラルジャン(Restaurant L’ARGENT)」! 今回、Kibou Ogura, who is a sommelier and manager of Larjan,、Although it was a holiday business trip、我が家へお越しくださることとなり、For lunch time、I was able to give you heartfelt hospitality! Between Tokyo and Hamamatsu, it takes 1.5 hours by Shinkansen。Considering the time to return、I heard that the stay time on this day is 2-3 hours、Featuring a Champagne appetizer as the main dish、Pasta、Prepared with a short course of water confectionery。 Summer is beginning to take off.、The welcome drink on a sunny day is "PERRIER JOUET GRAND BRUT"。It's one of my favorite Champagne ever! Sommelier Mr. Ogura served smartly without hesitation、I want them to be "one person in the family" (laughs). Beautiful golden bubbles poured from a well-chilled bottle。It's the start of a great time! "PERRIER JOUET GRAND BRUT" Perrier-Jouët Company, a long-established Champagne Maison founded in 1811,、1861In the year became Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom、In addition, a venerable Maison who was given the life of a purveyor of the French royal family。The solid composition and complexity of Pinot Noir and the heaviness and harmony of Pinot Meunier、And the elegance of Chardonnay, synonymous with the Maison, adds glamour to the finish.、Enjoy an elegant, refined and harmonious Champagne! "Appetizer platter" bowl:MARS HIMAWARI φ250 Appetizer platter、Prepared with my favorite European-style side dish "Küche"、From the front left hand side, "Pathé de Campagne、Mackerel Escabeche、Marinated onions、Kiwi salad with cucumbers、Peperoni Piccante's five-seeded dish! All salty and gentle、Herbs are good、Mr. Küchere's side dish that always gets lost only with the best appetizers for wine。It is also the second kitchen of our house (laughs) "Peach prosciutto roll with sour cream" bowl:Shimoo design Ukisama Marubon φ280 "Peach prosciutto ham roll" that is always made when peaches are in circulation is、Dip the cut peaches in lemon juice and then、Italian Prosciutto、14Rolled in month-aged prosciutto、Served with sour cream and mint on top、A pinch of French Guerlain salt、Sprinkle the EX Virgin Olive Oil and you're done! Because the peache skin is beautiful in color and has different nutrition from the pulp、Half peeled for texture、If you leave the other half of the strong color part, it will be good for the appearance! "Special Potato Salad" "Marinade of Olives、Jalapeño in oil"、A peculiar potesara taught by his wife who is a good cook、I added a little arrangement and it is a dish that has become a staple of our house、We will introduce you to the ingredients and recipes! [Ingredients] 5 potatoes native to Mikata、2 boiled eggs、5 bamboo rings or bamboo kama、Large leaves: 20 sheets、Philadelphia cream cheese 60g、 Mayonnaise 20g、50 to 80 ml of milk (the amount that becomes smooth by adjusting according to the moisture content of potatoes)、1/2 teaspoon French Camargue salt [How to make] (1) Wash the potatoes well and boil them with the skin (2) Peel the boiled potatoes while they are hot、Mash while leaving roughness with a fork (3) Add mayonnaise to cream cheese returned to room temperature and mix with a spatula until smooth (4) Add milk to mashed potatoes and smooth with a spatula (so as not to crush coarse potatoes) (5) Add (3) to (4) and mix (6) Add salt and mix (7) Divide the bamboo ring vertically into four equal parts and cut into coarse dust and mix (8) Cut the boiled egg into coarse dust and mix gently (9) Cut the large leaves into small pieces and add and mix while scattering (10) If you taste them well, lay them down a little in the refrigerator and take them out just before eating.、Serve with large leaves and lettuce "Pork Lyette Classic" "Brille" classic with pork riette、Bake crispy in the toaster and serve! "Domestic Honeyboy Mix Nuts06 and Cream Cheese Canapés" Bowl:Shimoo design Ukisama KAZARIDAI W500 × D90 × H30 Honeyboy roasted mixed nuts in June nectar of "Honeyboy" made by local senior beekeeper Mitsuru Kawamura with 100% pure domestic natural honey made by m-heating, concentration and no additives at all.、Combine nuts and cream cheese with plenty of nectar、Canapés served with wheat germ crackers。Cream cheese canapés that go well with honey and fragrant nuts that can enjoy refreshing sweetness and floral aroma are、It is a standard menu of our house! Every summer, I ask Shigenori Suzuki of "Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm"、I'll harvest basil.、In the heat of summer、I've been picking fresh basil! With this freshly picked fresh basil、Make "homemade basil paste" every year。Not to mention pasta, soups and salads、It can be applied to sauces for seafood and meat dishes、To be an indispensable all-purpose seasoning for summer treats、Highly recommended! If you can get fresh basil、Please try it! [Material] Basil (weight of torn leaves only)250g、EX Virgin Olive Oil 500g、Dosage of EX virgin olive oil for preservation、 Parmigiano Reggiano (preferably from 18 months to 24 months) 150 g、50g pine nuts、5 pieces of garlic、15 g salt、200g以上の保存瓶5個程度 [作り方] 材料を準備してミキサーに入れるだけの簡単レシピです! ①バジルは茎から外して葉のみにする ②パルミジャーノレッジャーノはチーズグレーターで削る ③ニンニクは皮を剥き縦半分にカットし芯を取る ④ミキサーにEXバージンオリーブオイルを入れ、Garlic、Pine nuts、バジルを蓋の手前まで入る量の順で入れミキシング ⑤少しずつバジルを足してミキシングしバジルが終わるまで都度足しながらミキシング ⑥最後にパルミジャーノレッジャーノと塩を入れ味見しながら調整 ⑦煮沸消毒した瓶に詰め乾燥防止とカビ防止のために表面にEXバージンオリーブオイルを静かに流し込みペーストを隠して蓋をする ※賞味期限は冷蔵庫保存で2週間程度、Freezer storage for 3 months as a guide。 "Special Genovese Pasta" bowl:釋永岳 age 鉄鉢 Φ130 微塵切りにしたニンニク、Talon、Tempered panzettas with olive oil、Add sliced white mushrooms、"Homemade basil paste" prepared the night before with fresh cream and milk、In a sauce stretched with vegetable broth、Add boiled pasta (Millelirege) and a little boiled juice、Emulsified in a frying pan、Finally, add lemon juice and finish! After serving in a bowl, lemon peel is added with cheese grater、爽やかな香りも乗せましょう! 「天使音マスクメロン」 〆を飾るデザートとして私たちが愛してやまない果実の王様「天使音マスクメロン(Amane...

Hamamatsu "Noël Dinner 2021" A blissful Christmas night at home with your dog Chocolat!

My house is always every year and I don't eat out at Christmas.、It will be a Christmas dinner without a couple water、This year、Like last year, my dog Chocolat joined、It will be a Christmas night to spend with chocolat! For days, I worked out a plan to say, "What shall I make this year?"、While referring to the cooking photos of their favorite chefs、I also thought about serving、I will do my best to have my professional photographer's husband take beautiful pictures! Incorporating carefully selected ingredients from the butcher shop and local seasonal vegetables、Take care of the aroma and heat、I'm looking forward with eyes、In addition、Let's make it with all our heart so that you can taste it and be happy! What makes our Christmas table gorgeous?、Regardless of Christmas spec table code、Thanks to the works of my favorite Toyama artists who are always indebted to me。By serving on a nice bowl、いつもの食卓よりも少しだけグレードアップして楽しみたいと思います! 「ユレ・フレール ブリュット インヴィタシオン  (Huré Frères/Champagne Brut Invitation)」 グラス「木村硝子店ピーボ オーソドックス シャンパングラス」 「WINE BOUTIQUE PANIER(ワインブティックパニエ佐鳴台本店)」の毎年恒例となるプレミアムシャンパーニュ宝くじに挑戦し当たった内の1本がコチラ! フランス国内外や海外で多くの経験を積み、François Yulet pursuing his own champagne。3代続く「ユレ・フレール(Huré Frères)」の現当主で、It is a young producer who attracts attention in specialized magazines etc.。Particularly influenced by winemaking in Burgundy and New Zealand, he、We are challenging new methods with free concepts while emphasizing traditional manufacturing methods.。 One of the most representative methods is、Like an ancestral eel sauce、30年間継ぎ足し続けたリザーヴワインを使うソレラシステムと大変希少なシャンパーニュです! 一口目から純粋に美味しいと感じるその味わいはフレッシュさを重視して造られており、There is a solid fruit feeling、綺麗な酸味とミネラルが楽しめます! 「ツバス いくら おとなりさんちのラディッシュ 柚子と蕪のソース」 器「釋永岳 大工カット」 成長と共に名前が変わる鰤。Tsubas is one of the names in the growth process of yellowtail.。Use a tsubas that has been tightened with kelp overnight with a fence。How much is it on the cut bus?、Baby leaf、I shaved the skin of yuzu、浜松の安心野菜「おとなりさんち」のラディッシュを車輪のように添え、I tried to look like a sled pulled by reindeer! The sauce is a turnip sauce stewed in vegetable soup stock.、Okinawan Nukima With Yuzu Fragrance! The tsubas that I laid overnight can enjoy the smell of kelp.、The umami becomes stronger and moist、蕪と柚子の優しいソースにも良く合います! 「牡蠣とホワイトマッシュルームのフラン 牡蠣のソテー 谷野ファームの自家製バジルソース POWAPOWAのリュスティックカリカリトースト」 器「釋永岳 gen 中鉢」 一年株の大粒の牡蠣は下処理して水気を切っておき、Vegetable broth and onions、Make white mushroom paste with bacon、Strained with egg solution、Steam oysters and sliced white mushrooms in a bowl for about 15 minutes.、We make oyster flan (Western style chawanmushi)! On top of the finished franc、「谷野ファーム」のバジル(ベビーリーフ)を使って作る自家製バジルソースでソテーした牡蠣を乗せ、One-time egoma oil。掛川のブーランジェリー「POWA POWA(ポワポワ)」のリュスティックをカリカリにトーストして添えれば完成です!牡蠣とホワイトマシュルームの旨味が凝縮されたフランにベビーリーフゆえに優しいバジルソースに仕上がった牡蠣ソテーが絶品! 余談ですが、I was uploading a video of the process of making with Instagram stories、From writer Gaku-kun、"Egg fluid is NG in the bowl"I received a message! Chawanmushi and pudding, etc.、You can't stick to the vessel! Especially since the gen series is one of the charms of the skin quality of the frizz、It is serious when egg liquid enters the frizz! The husband who examined that baking soda seems to be good to remove the dirt of the egg attached to the tableware hard.、It is as soon as I survived safely! For handling vessels、以後気を付けます(苦笑) 「鳥市精肉店あいち鴨のパテ POWA POWAのリュスティック  MAILLE種入りマスタード」 器「釋永岳 リバーシブルシャーレ」 豊橋の創業90周年を迎える「鳥市精肉店」の真っ白なブランド鴨「あいち鴨」のパテをカットし、Maille mustard with mayu and charbil、掛川のブーランジェリー「POWA POWA(ポワポワ)」のリュスティックと共に!濃厚なあいち鴨のレバーの香りでワインが恋しくなるお味! 「グリーンアスパラガス 海老 アスパラ菜の花 アメリケーヌソース」 器「釋永岳 薄鉢」 極太のグリーンアスパラガスが手に入ったので、Sautéed butter with shrimp using only the tip、Served with asparagus rape blossoms、I will be entangled in shrimp americane sauce! Because it was a rich sauce that you may make pasta as it is、翌日は余ったソースでパスタにしました! 「鳥市精肉店あいち鴨ロース肉のロティ ヤママツ鈴木農園のオニオンヌーヴォとキャロット バルサミコソース」 器「釋永岳 áge」 同じく「鳥市精肉店」のブランド鴨「あいち鴨」のロース肉の塊を一晩ブライン液に浸しておき低温調理した後に皮面をパリッと焼き上げたロティ!「家庭での低温調理が危険!」という記事が出ていたと主人から聞いていたので、This time I'm putting my eyes on fire.。At the summer BBQ, I charcoal-grilled this Aichi duck.、After all, there is no enemy to the ignition with Bincho charcoal! Garniture vegetables、大好きな「ヤママツ鈴木農園」の成(Shige)さんの所に出向き、Roast onion nouveau and freshly picked carrots that are in season now! The sauce is made with Italian 30-year-old balsamic vinegar! Onion Nouveau has a thick texture and sweetness when heated.、Carrot is also an exquisite vegetable with a sweet potato-like texture and sweetness! Surely、If you were eating this vegetable、玉葱や人参嫌いな子はこの世から居なくなることでしょう! 「パティスリーラヴェリテのクリスマス限定品”スノウホワイト”」 器「Shimoo Design 浮様 丸皿」 「自家焙煎珈琲専門店まめやかふぇの”アマレイロブルボン”」 器「Jens.H.Quistgaard Relief(イェンス・クイストゴー レリーフ)」 今年のクリスマスケーキは手作りではなく大平台の「パティスリーラヴェリテ(Patisserie La Verite)」にて、23Christmas limited product "Snow White" sold for 3 days only from ~25th! Raverite is one of my favorite patisserie.、I always follow and check it on Instagram.、真っ白なドーム型の儚げな雪のような美しさに一目惚れして購入! アムッシュティーの紅茶”The mousse using "Orange Fruit Garden"、I matched the caramel inside.、Enjoy the smell of tea that comes through your nose、ムース全体は優しい味わいながらにキャラメルの濃厚な味わいがアクセントで楽しめる上品なケーキです! 我が家の愛犬ショコラと過ごす2回目のクリスマス!今年もショコラサンタに変身してもらい夫婦水入らずでのんびりとお家クリスマスを楽しむことができました! 皆さんはどんなクリスマスをお過ごしになりましたか? Joyeux Noël, bonne et heureuse année 2022! (Merry Christmas、良き幸ある新年2022年を!)...

"Home BBQ" BBQ with carefully selected ingredients in France's three earth chicken pulle noir and aichi duck

"Home BBQ" held during the rainy season! The theme this time will be "Poulet Noir", one of the three major French local chickens at "Forest Farm Eri" in Mitsuke, Iwata City, and the rare and valuable brand duck "Aichi Duck" produced in-house by the long-established butcher shop "Toriichi Butcher" in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, and BBQ with carefully selected ingredients focusing on brand chicken! Dom Perignon 2006 Moet & Chandon" A lavish toast to Dom Perignon, which was successfully promoted by Moët and paved the way for the prestigious Champagne that everyone knows! "Basket of colorful vegetables" Vegetables include "Onion Nouveau" with a rich sweetness and "Zucchini no ko" with outstanding freshness from Mr. Shigenori Suzuki of "Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm", which grows vegetables carefully in Shinohara-cho, Hamamatsu City.、Comparison of carrots from Iwata and hime carrots from Hamamatsu、Colorful "Paprika" from Iwata, such as "sweet daughter" and "gold rush" corn eating comparison of the morning harvested in season right now, etc.、In a lot of baskets! [Production area, producer, vegetable name] Hamamatsu Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm Onion Nouveau Hamamatsu Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm Morning Harvest zucchini child Hamamatsu Toki afua Yume Hime carrot Iwata Suzuki Fujiko Berry Rich Carrot Iwata Noguchi Yuri Paprika Shizuoka Corn Sweet Daughter Shizuoka Corn Gold Rush "Toriichi Meat Shop Aichi Duck Thigh Low Temperature Cooked Stick Chicken Salad (Miso Studio Xita Rice Miso)、"Pickled red onions in sweet and sour sauce" I tried to cook the thighs of the brand duck "Aichi Duck" produced in-house by "Toriichi Butcher" in Toyohashi at a low temperature with plenty of shredded cucumber to make it stick-stick chicken style。Last time, I enjoyed the low-temperature cooking of the loin, so this time I chose the thigh meat and enjoyed the difference in texture! The red onion is sliced and pickled in sweet and vinegar, which I love, and the ♪ sesame miso dressing is、I make it using rice miso of "Miso Studio Xita" made by Mikiko Kinoshita, a miso craftsman introduced by a wonderful couple who I recently met, Mr. and Mrs. Kunihisa Ueno and Ms. Tomoko! This sesame miso dressing is not to mention salads and vegetable sticks.、It is also recommended for meat and fish! [Miso sesame dressing using rice miso from Miso Kobo Xita ~ Recipe~] ・ 1 tablespoon miso , 2 tablespoons olive oil , 1 tablespoon mayonnaise , 1 tablespoon vinegar , 1 teaspoon kikimi sugar , 1 teaspoon soy sauce 1 ・ 1 teaspoon pepper ・ 1 teaspoon grated garlic ・ 1 tablespoon ground sesame * A simple recipe just by mixing the listed seasonings! "Toriichi Butcher Aichi Hime Pate de Campagne Country-style liver terrine with arugula and baby leaf salad" This is also a product of "Toriichi Butcher Shop" and my favorite "Aichi Hime's country-style liver terrine"。 Pork or pork liver、Onion、Pistachio、It has spices and so on.、It is the best wine that you can enjoy with a moist, juicy, and mellow flavor while having a gentle taste with high-quality fat! "Toriichi Butcher Aichi Duck Soft Salami" "Aichi Duck Soft Salami" is a gem that I was captivated by the shocking deliciousness when I bought it last time! Aichi duck thighs and fillets are used.、It is light and elegant, and the taste of garlic and spices is also a good accent、More than anything、You will be amazed at its softness and juicy gravy! The fresh taste unique to soft salami makes the chopsticks go well with wine! "Striped green beans from Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm with sesame seeds" Striped green beans disappear when heated.、Become a bright green、Because the texture is crispy and soft and harvested with slenderness, there is no muscle, so you can enjoy the original sweetness of beans、It is simply served with sesame seeds! "Kaneko Farm Lovely Sakura Cherry Tomato" My favorite cherry tomato is a lovely cherry from "Kaneko Farm" from Hamamatsu! Freshly picked, fresh and popping skin full of juice and freshness、It will be a high-sugar tomato with a sugar content of 12 degrees! Recently, not only red tomatoes but also yellow tomatoes are made, so buy two types and make them colorful! "Canapés with cream cheese and wheat germ crackers" Salty canapés made by mixing cream cheese with Iga pickles and combining them with cherry tomatoes、Two types of sweet canapés that combine cream cheese, honey, and nuts are the best way to get a drink! "Amacho Togarashi Stuffed with Cream Cheese, Honbobushi, Raw Ponzu" Remove the seeds of your favorite sweet pepper and stuff it with cream cheese and grill it over charcoal.、Sprinkle with blighted flakes and raw ponzu sauce! formerly、I arranged the "Shishito version" taught by Tomoko with "Amacho Togarashi"! "Forest Farm Eri Poule Noir" The first skewer of the day, which is the main dish of the day, is、Poulet Noir, one of France's three largest local chickens, is prepared with black chicken hen female meat procured from "Forest Farm Eri", which is raised in cage-free! "Forest Farm Eri Poulet Noir skewers" "Momo" to make skewers、breast、Chicken、Furoso、Chicken meatballs、Skin、gizzard、Hatu、Lever" and aligned、Enjoy the flavor of each part! The skewers grilled with the far-infrared effect of binchotan charcoal have a savory aroma and a plump and moist juiciness that does not accumulate! Poulet Noir with moderate elasticity and a deep flavor。In particular, the freshly prepared offal system has a rich flavor and is a treat! In order to enjoy the original elegant taste of the meat, it is served only with French "Guérande salt...

Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm grows herbs and Western vegetables using farming methods passed down from generation to generation

It has been improved based on the farming method that has been passed down from generation to generation、I went to visit the farm of Yamamatsu Suzuki Farm, which is mainly cultivated mainly for herbs and Western vegetables! We have been delivering lifestyle-related information, mainly for luxury resort hotels and Michelin-class restaurants in Japan and overseas.、Currently, there is a corona disaster, so I do not go abroad as I think, let of traveling abroad.。In there、To start what we can do even though it's coronal、Based in Shizuoka Prefecture, where we live, we have started activities to connect producers and chefs from all over Japan.。 Let's have Shigenori Suzuki, the owner of the farm who has been growing vegetables for about 30 years, show us around the farm! Here, while mainly greenhouse cultivation, alley cultivation is also done.、Including seasonal vegetables grown every season of spring, summer, autumn and winter、You will also see herbs and vegetables that can be grown year-round! First of all,、5Experience harvesting in a greenhouse of summer vegetables "zucchini with flowers" that can be grown from early ~ July! essentially、The harvest of zucchini with flowers is special this time because it is said that it is the most delicious state to be harvested before the morning sun rises.。 "Zucchini" is a companion called Pepo pumpkin of the Uri family and is also known as "no-belled pumpkin"。 As the name says, there is no tinge.、It does not grow vertically, but you can see that large leaves spread widely on the side、It seems that there needs to be enough space for each turnip! Zucchini with flowers is characterized by the texture of the petals and the slight sweetness of the young fruit.、French and Italian restaurants often use it for dishes such as "stuffed flower zucchini" and "frites of flower zucchini".、Because it is not so common in general supermarkets、It's very refreshing to be able to see the cultivation process in the flowering state! By manual pollination work、a fruit that is enlarged by pollination with stass pollen on a pistplist。 Because the frit made with a small zucchini baby before it was enlarged was the most delicious and made me have cute children of different sizes、I'd love to try it at home! When harvesting zucchini with flowers、Because if the petals are damaged, the value will be ruined.、It is shipped as an important product with great care in handling。 By plucking the flowers, it became the zucchini we usually see! Next, go to the "Striped Green Beans" house! Chefs who know Mr. Suzuki's passion for vegetables sometimes ask us to make such and such vegetables.、At first, we stock seeds and grow them by hand.、Select only delicious food while having chefs who go to go to you taste it.、From there, we have established the current quality over a long period of time by self-seeding and growing it。Repeat the interaction with such chefs、Mr. Suzuki is said to have made this vegetable.。 By the way, Mr. Suzuki referred to the chefs as "cooks"。 That nostalgic sound is gently engraved in my memory.、I felt that I was touched by Mr. Suzuki's gentle personality。 Vegetable making in cooperation with farmers on the side of actually growing vegetables and chefs on the side that cooks them deliciously。This farm has the ideal shape! Striped green beans with black stripes in the pods are、It is said that it is treated as the finest green beans in France.。 To harvest in slender、a striped green beans who can take their delicacy into their hands。 This stripe disappears when heated、Become a bright green、The texture is crispy, soft, and slender, and because it is harvested, there are no muscle spots and you can enjoy the original sweetness of the beans! Carefully check the growth process every day.、While keeping the field in good condition、agricultural work that is mostly manual in the process。 The burden on the body is also felt by repeatedly bending down and stretching。 No matter how much time and effort you spend carefully raising it、It doesn't start without a place for harvested vegetables.。 This farm also received the aori of coronal evil、In March last year, we were hit hard by the severe conditions.、This place is a stepping place and it is carefully cultivated by facing forward.。 In the vacant space, it is called "experiment" and a new seed is sprinkled and raised、We are also focusing on discovering new vegetables with the desire to make and eat delicious vegetables not only in Japan but also around the world.。 This is a small ball with an adorable "onion blanche" with a high water content、If you bite into it raw, it has a juicy freshness and you can enjoy the sweetness! Although there is some spiciness in the aftertaste、It can also be eaten raw。 By adding heat, you can enjoy a sweeter texture、小振りなその容姿からガルニチュール(garniture)に採用されることの多い野菜となります。 In fact, there is "Onion Nouveau" which is registered as a trademark as one of the vegetables representing this farm.、こちらは時期的に12月~3月ということでお目にかかるのはまた来年までの楽しみにとっておきたいと思います! 「錦爽鶏もも肉のロースト 筍オニオンブランシュカラフルキャロットのグリル 新玉葱のソース」 収穫したばかりのオニオンブランシュやカラフルキャロットは早速おうちのメインディッシュのガルニチュールとして登場!錦爽鶏もも肉は筍と一緒にカリッと香ばしく焼き上げ身はふっくらとローストオニオンブランシュとカラフルキャロットは石窯ロースターにセットし400度の釜でじっくりグリルするとオニオンブランシュのその味わいは甘味がありとろとろ食感で主役級の美味しさとなり皮ごとグリルしたカラフルキャロットは芋のようにほっくほくの食感で甘味も香りも抜群の美味しさです!もし野菜嫌いな子がいたとしてもこの野菜なら絶対食べれるんだろうな…と思わせてくれる味わいを前にこうした野菜を食卓に並べることが食育に繋がるのはないかと心底感じる晩餐となりました! 風に当てられないようにネットをかけられていたのは周年ハーブの「ルッコラ(ロケットサラダ)」です。 With arugula that you can enjoy a sesame-like taste with a delicious herb with a tangy spicy accent of salad、This place is finished softly for salad、Improved to reduce bitterness and hotness。 Arugula growing up in the net (right)、If you compare the arugula (left) that has grown up outside the net、葉の硬さや味わいが見事に違います! 風に吹かれ勝手に育ってしまったルッコラは葉が硬く渋味や苦味もあるのに比べ、Arugula raised in the net is soft and delicate leaves and fragrant、フレッシュ感溢れる中にほろ苦のアクセントも利いており美味しく味わえます! 土づくりの基本となる堆肥は堆肥舎に山のように盛られ、I'm sleeping quietly waiting for that time of activity.。 The compost of "Kawai Ranch" of three days is adopted here.、The ranch provides the high-quality food necessary for the health of the cows.、The feces are mixed with ogakzu and carefully cut back again and again (stirring) It becomes compost made so that there is no fermentation shortage.。As a result、こちらの堆肥の匂いは全く臭くありません!これには驚きました!近隣の方に御迷惑がかからないように匂いや音に関しては特に気を配られているそうです。 The farm uses high-quality ripe compost that can be slept in this compost house for several months.。 If compost is sown in the field during fermentation, it will ferment in the soil, and the ground temperature will go up and the roots of the vegetables will be damaged.、Because feces and urine are raw materials, strong ammonia is not good for vegetables.。 In order to grow by taking advantage of the nature of the land called dune immature soil in this area、Thorough soil improvement by spraying plenty of finished high-quality ripe compost。Supplement nitrogen and minerals by adding compost、We will raise the sand dunes peculiar to this area to a good state.。そうすることで野菜の根張りも良くなり美味しい野菜が出来るのだそうです! 土壌改良された土地をぐっと踏んでみるとスポンジのように戻ってきます!砂地に堆肥を混ぜることでスポンジのような状態を作り出し適度な水分を保つことができるそうです。Also、In the surrounding area, safe and secure tenryu water well water, which is also used as drinking water, is used for cultivation.、Can properly nourish the field。 路地栽培の畑も見させていただきましょう! ふっさふさの葉が風に揺られるフェンネル畑! 英語でフェンネル(Fennel)、Fenouil in French、In Italian, it's called Finocchio.、The Japanese name in Japan is a plant of the genus Seri family Ukyo called 茴ka, a herb that has been widely used for food and medicinal purposes since ancient Greek and Roman times.。 Fennel is often used as a spice or herb.、Marinated salads and fish、a part of a leaf used in meat dishes、Delicious stems and rhephil parts can be used for soups, etc. even if eaten raw or pickled、The part of the flower can be eaten not only in appreciation.、Because aroma oil can also be extracted from seeds、花・葉・茎・根球・種と上から下まで全て無駄にすることなく使うことができる万能ハーブです! 繊細な羽根状の葉が広がる中、Yellow buds are in bloom.。The parasol-like gleas become adorable even if they accompany the dishes、It is characterized by a sweet and refreshing scent similar to anise, and you will be intoxicated by this goodness.。 こちらの赤いのは「ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)」 イタリアはキオッジャ地方発祥のビーツで中は白とピンクのうずまき状になっており断面美が映えるためサラダなどにお勧めです! 「旬野菜のシーザーサラダ ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)フリルレタス、Kale、赤と黄のパプリカ縞インゲンラブリーさくら(赤と黄のミニトマト)」 こちらもおうちでサラダにしてみましたがこの「ビーツキオッジャ(うずまきビーツ)」が入るだけでインパクト大!| 風味豊かな味わいを存分に楽しめました! 収穫体験させてもらいながら、A fulfilling day will pass quickly by listening to the experience story of a farmhouse。 紫色の花が美しいジャガイモ「インカのめざめ」 北海道産がメインのジャガイモですが端境期にはこちらで栽培したものを出荷されています果肉は鮮やかな黄金色で栗のようにねっとりとした甘味と濃厚な味わいが特徴となるためマッシュポテトなどにお勧めです! こちらのオリジナル栽培となりエシャロットと玉葱を掛け合わせて品種改良した葉玉ねぎその名も「浜松の雫」 生のままだと辛味がありますが火を入れるとねっとりとした食感で甘味とコク深さが楽しめます! オニオンヌーボーが終わる頃の3月~5月に楽しめる葉玉ねぎとなります日暮れ前の農園はとても静かで朝が早い農園にとって、During this time, the vegetables also seem to be resting in the ground.。 A green onion boy with a cute round figure like a dandelion cotton hat。 I've heard that tempura is delicious.、This is not edible because it is left for seeding.。 There are still other fields on the farm.、また違うシーズンに見学させてもらうことに致しましょう! 野菜ができるまでの流れを勉強しながらの収穫体験はとても勉強になりました! 鈴木さん貴重な収穫体験をさせていただき本当にありがとうございます! 事務所小屋へ戻るとヤママツ鈴木農園の専務であるワイマナラーの「アール・グレイくん」が豪快な鳴き声で出迎えてくれました♪ ワイマナラーは垂れ耳で艶やかで美しいグレーの毛色を持つ猟犬です。 A muscular body with a solid skeleton and beautiful lines, and has a dignified and elegant posture。 Waimanaler is very clever and affectionate about his family.、It is a breed that is often vigilant and distanced from others.。 "If you show up two or three more times, you'll get used to it," Suzuki says.。グレイくんに慣れてもらえるよう通わせてもらうことに致しましょう! 別日になりますが農園見学の御礼に鈴木さんを我が家のおうちBBQにお招きしたところたくさんの採れたて野菜を抱えてお越しくださいました! 細長く美しいカラフルキャラットに朝採れズッキーニとズッキーニの赤ちゃん世界一早く収穫される期間限定のオニオンヌーボー立派なそら豆と春~夏にかけて代表する旬野菜ばかり! 今回のBBQは愛知県豊橋市の「鳥市精肉店」が誇る希少ブランドの合鴨「あいち鴨」と他では味わえない美味しさと安心安全を追求した「ヤママツ鈴木農園」の旬野菜と共に味わいます! 「あいち鴨の生ハム 金柑のマーマレード クリームチーズのカナッペ」 手で塩を打ち天然ブナ材チップで冷温燻製した後に熟成庫でじっくりと寝かせた生ハムはあいち鴨の旨味を存分に味わえるように2.5mmと少々厚くスライスされており脂肪融点26度のあっさりとした脂が舌先でとろけ噛めば噛むほどに味わえる鴨の旨味が広がります!自家製の爽やかな香りを放つ金柑のマーマレードとクリチと合わせることで美味しさ倍増! 「あいち鴨の低温調理 サラダ添え」 低温調理したあいち鴨は下味が付いているので厚切りにし粗挽き黒胡椒をかけていただきます!じっくりと低温で火入れしているためしっとりとした食感がたたきのように楽しめずっとずっと噛みしめていたい美味しさ! サラダにはちぎったレタスに胡瓜ラデッシュ黄うずまきビーツを千切りにして色鮮やかに仕上げますうずまきビーツの土の香りと風味豊かなほろ苦さが良いアクセントに! 「飛騨牛シンシン 茗荷 大葉添え」 シンシンは1頭から2kg程しか取れない希少部位で肉質はきめが細かくとても柔らかく歯がいりません適度な脂の旨味があり風味ある赤身肉で唸る美味しさです歳を取るとカルビより断然赤肉が恋しくなります備長炭で焼く野菜は水分を保ったまま中までふっくらと焼き上がり香ばしさと甘さが尋常なく肉と肉の間の箸休めというよりも御馳走のレベルに! 「あいち鴨ロースのグリル」 皮面に隠し包丁を入れ皮は香ばしく身はふっくらと何とも美味しそうに焼きあがりました! 脂肪融点26度のあいち鴨は脂がヘルシーで旨味がありまろやかでコク深い味わいが絶品です! 半身ずつ焼いて少々レア気味とミディアムレアの両方の火入れを試しさらに食べ方も薄切りと厚切りの両方の味わいを試してみましょう! ポテンシャルの高い鴨肉ですのでシンプルに塩胡椒のみで楽しんでみましたが焼き方切り方を変えることで肉質の奥深さが異なりどちらも最高に美味しかったのです!強いて言うならば個人的な好みとしては口に収まらないぐらいの厚切りにしていつまでも頬張っていたいというのが本音かもしれません(笑) 美味しいものをつくる農家さんと囲む楽しい食卓のひとときは最高に口福な時間を過ごすことができました! 鈴木さんまた次回も楽しみにしております! ヤママツ鈴木農園 所在地静岡県浜松市西区篠原町725 TEL:053-447-5794(鈴木)

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