Machendranath Temple in bungamati village small village located in Patan revival tour

Visit Machhindranath Temple, the central ceremonial site of Bungamati, a small village in lalitpur district, about 5km from Patan, Nepal、ネパール大震災後の復興状況を視察して参りました! ブンガマティは、"God of Rain"、”豊穣の神”としてブンガマティ渓谷の”谷の守護神”と崇められたマチェンドラナート(Machhindranath)の故郷とされており村の広場の中心にある大きなシカラ様式(Shiikhara-Style)の寺院「マチェンドラナート寺院(Machhindranath Temple)」は当時マチェンドラナートが半年間ほど滞在した場所になります! ※シカラ様式(Shiikhara-Style) サンスクリット後で「山頂」を意味し、It refers to the rising tower of Hindu temple architecture in north India。 ブンガマティ村の区長が挨拶に出向いてくださいました!ナマステ!(नमस्ते)こんにちは! ガイドのマハラジャン ナレス (Maharjan Naresh)さんが視察団を代表して御本尊に礼拝! こちらブンガマティにある御本尊はラト(赤)・マチェンドラナートとなり、I have a bright red face、カトマンドゥにある「マチェンドラナート寺院」のセト(白)・マチェンドラナートのお顔は真っ白だそうです! 地元の人々が”雨の神”に敬意を表するために毎年4月~5月に行う祭り「馬車祭(Bunga Dyah Jatra)」があるのですが、In the event of a major earthquake、偶然にも御本尊のマチェンドラナートは山車(だし)に乗せられ外に出されていたために被害を免れたのだとお聞きしました!本当に神がかり的な不思議なことはあるものなのですね! 全て崩壊してしまった寺院跡地は、As the lime soars、In a state where the pile which piles up the red brick and becomes the foundation is struck、Fewer people work on restoration、I can still hear a state far from the word reconstruction.。 In front of the temple site where Mr. Nales collapsed、While showing me photographic materials that show me the situation before the earthquake、He told me about the sad situation.。 The figure towering over the blue sky of the temple where the people of Bungami are visiting for worship、美しい石造の立派なシカラ様式となり、From the site that collapsed without a trace、想像もできない状況になっています! 崩壊した赤煉瓦の瓦礫は山積みとなり、You can see a mixture of those that are brittle and unusable and those that are not.。 As it was in the old days、I understand the desire to repair without changing the material、Hardness、Stacked with red brick without strength、I don't think it's enough to prepare for a disaster in case of emergency.。 What buildings are about to collapse?、It seems to stick bamboo to the key point and fix it.、A dark cloud will come to me that the state may be forced to collapse at some time.。 It seems to proceed with the repair work based on the blueprint、Not just the temple.、The houses of the surrounding residents have also been destroyed.、The reconstruction seems to be lagging behind the opinions of the government and residents.。 Even though two and a half years have passed since the earthquake、Beyond this village、There are still many scars from the earthquake.。 The statue of God decorated with gold and other decorations、Because there is a possibility that it is targeted by robbers etc.、There were security guards on duty! It's hard to believe.、It is said that there are always people who do punishable things.。 Now the villagers、I'm evacuated to temporary housing.、Some residents said they stayed.。However,、The walls of the houses are cracked.、It becomes a dangerous state that the fear of collapse is left by a trivial impact.。 The reconstruction of Bungamati village is likely to take some time.。...

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