Strawberry is sold exclusively at "Hasutsu Fruit Park Tokinosu". Let's make plenty of homemade strawberry jam!

We went to the event "One Coin Strawberry Pack Sale", which is held at "Hamattsu Fruit Park Tokinosu", where you can enjoy fruit picking and glamping at BBQ. This event is、Strawberry is very popular in strawberry picking all year.、Due to the effects of emergency declarations issued in preventing the spread of new coronavirus、It has been closed for the time being.、Because many strawberries have lost their place to go、抽選会を行い当選者のみが苺の購入権を得られるというもの! 前日にたまたまTwitterでイベント情報を拝見し、I applied by the deadline slip、見事に当選の通知が届きました! 《 ワインコインいちごパック販売 》 ◆限定人数:150Per person、2パック限定) ◆料金:500円/パック (1パックにつき、About one kilometer or more、Mixed varieties、Ragged、過熟) ◆引渡し日:2020Sunday, May 17, 9 a.m.:00-12:00 ◆Application date:2020年5月14日(木)〜16日(土)まで 当選通知を受け取った翌日の5月17日(日)の午前中が受け渡し日となるため、Book the pick-up time at ten in the morning.、浜松市北区都田町にある 「はままつフルーツパーク時之栖」の第一駐車場へ! 第一駐車場に設置されたテントにて、A drive-through sales meeting has been held as a measure to prevent infection.、To be sold in limited receiving time and number of people、渋滞することなくスムーズに受け取ることができます! テントでは、Mr. Shinozawa, who is in charge of sales, sales, planning, and public relations of the fruit park, greets the female staff with a smile! The prepared salmon is packed in a big pack! "It's time to eat!" The nagisa who was told、甘~い香りが漂い完熟の様子! わたし達は予約した苺2パックを受け取るとクーラーボックスへ収納家路に着き早々に袋から取り出し御対面してみると本当に良い香りが部屋中に充満! 愛犬ショコラもあまりの甘い香りにクンクン病が止まりません! 大・中・小と様々なサイズの苺があり、2The total weight of the pack is 2.3kg and you will feel the weight! I think that I will make "homemade strawberry jam" because there are a lot of salmon which are over-ripe this time! This time, we used 2kg of persimmon after taking the heta, 2kg, 600g of granulated sugar, 100cc of white wine, lemon juice.、2 lemon seeds (1) Gently wash the salmon with plenty of water (2) After draining the monkey gently wrap it in kitchen paper and remove the water from the surface (3) Take the heta of the salmon and cut it to about 1cm square (4) Measure the total weight (5) 600g meter to put 30% sugar for 2kg of persimmon (use granulated sugar this time) (6) Wrap the cut persimmon with granulated sugar and leave it for half a day (7) Granulated sugar melts、浸透圧により苺から水分が出てきたら下準備OK ⑧レモンを絞る ⑨レモンの汁と種に分けておく ⑩ボウル内の全てを鍋に移し強火にかける ⑪沸騰したら小まめに灰汁取りをする ⑫灰汁が落ち着いたら中火にし、Float a monkey with lemon seeds (13) Add more white wine、Boil it down while stirring it with rubber bella occasionally (14) When it boils down to the softness of your choice、Put out the lemon seeds.、Add lemon juice to the finish and bring it to a boil.、By adding lemon, the color is also beautifully finished) (15) Boiling disinfection of the glass bottle for storage (16) While it is hot, pour it into a glass bottle that has been boiled and disinfected and remove the coarse heat, then store it refrigerated (it will increase the melt when cooled) (17) Strawberry jam、Served with bread and pancakes、I put it on yogurt.、You can also put it as a panna cotta sauce or as a tea! While I was making strawberry jam、My dog Chocolat is waiting for me smartly on the sofa.、Warm cheerfully tinged utout and nap time ~ ♪ is the best healing dog in our house♪ Because a lot of strawberry jam was completed、いつもの如く御近所さんにお裾分け! 来年は「はままつフルーツパーク時之栖」にてフルーツ狩りを楽しみたいと思いますが今年は旬のフルーツジャムで美味しい食卓を囲みましょう! はままつフルーツパーク時之栖 住所静岡県浜松市北区都田町4263-1 TEL:053-428-5211 Hours of operation:9:00To 18:00(Orchard Zone is 17:00まで) ※営業時間は季節により異なるため公式サイトをご覧ください 入園料:Adults and high school students 700 yen、Junior high and elementary school students 350 yen、未就学児無料

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