Home roasting coffee beans specialty shops & Cafe noncurante nonclante this month recommended beans

In the quiet residential area of tomizuka sat quietly、"noncurante" is a home-roasted coffee specialty store and café that offers delicious coffee, homemade sweets, and lunches as a home and shop。With Brazil started.、Aligns the selection of beans from around the world、You can enjoy the coffee with a deep taste by roasting the best for the bean.。In the shop、There is also a café booth.、Coffee recommended that day、Ma'am Homemade Sweets、Pasta and baguette pizza、Lunch with curry and gratin。Because the owner has Fran and Chianti, who are big dog standard poodle sisters.、Only the terrace seat has become OK with a dog、I see a lot of appearances of the visitor who enjoys taking the dog of the family。The name of the store "Nonkrante" is、It is said that it was named ♪ from the owner's desire to "provide a carefree time so that you can spend a rich time" Roasting is ordered and then put on the roaster on the spot.、5Completed in a minute。It is best to leave the depth of roasting to us.、It is also possible ♪ to adapt it to your liking in the store.、With woody construction full of warmth、6 counter seats、Table 8 seats、It is wrapped in the smell of coffee with about 12 seats on the terrace and can spend a quiet time.。At the counter、Hand drip carefully one cup by the owner for each order、Because the taste may change due to weather and humidity,、The commitment to provide after tasting properly。Roasting、You can also ♪ enjoy the aromatic taste of freshly ground coffee here There are always more than 20 kinds of green beans lined up.、Each taste is written in a easy-to-understand way.。All prices include tax, and orders can ♪ be ordered in units of 100g from 200g or more.、It is completely colored in the Color of Christmas、A pretty tree and a small thing are put in a good sense.。There are only a few days left in this year. ♪、12月20日(土)に予定しているクリスマスパーティで使用する100%有機栽培の甘い香りと優しい口当たりの珈琲豆「イサオ スズキ(有機)」200g 1,100円と今月のおすすめ品でブルボン種の最高級品であるシャープな酸味と香ばしさが楽しめる「トップスカイ」200g 1,200円をオーダー♪ 挽きたて淹れたてのコーヒーのお供として先日伺った名古屋のイタリアン「la vena del legno ラ ヴェーナ デル レンニョ」のパティシエールである奥様の智絵ちゃんよりいただいた「Foret フォーレ」さんのシュトーレンを一緒にいただこうと思います♪ 可愛らしいラッッピングで一気にクリスマスモードにスイッチが入れるシュトーレン。It seems that the owner of Mr. Foret is going to be changed generations, and the staff seems to be working mostly now.。There are many kinds of stollen and a mouthpiece、The taste and texture change depending on the ingredients and cooking procedures.。This is Storen.、Because it was made for the texture like biscotti、サクサク食感です♪ 「トップスカイ(ブルボン種)」と「シュトーレン」 シャープなすっきりとした酸味と香ばしいナッツのような香りが楽しめるブルボン種の最高級品「トップスカイ」には、It goes well with storen, which is packed with almonds and nuts.。Nonclante's new year's business、31日(水)の大晦日まで営業(ランチ営業無し)され、2015年の1月4日(日)からの営業(4日・5日・6日はランチ営業無し)となります香り高い珈琲と緩やかなひとときを味わうにはオススメのお店です♪ noncurante ノンクランテ 浜松市中区富塚町1618-120 TEL:053-473-0848 Hours of operation 10:30To 18:00 Closed on Mondays:Moon、Tuesday's http://homepage2.nifty.com/noncurante/...

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