A pet-accessible café where you can relax in the 50-year-old atelier and lush garden of "Garden House Kamakura"

A three-day excursion with my dog Chocolat to Zushi and Kamakura in late May when the greenery is getting darker。 Daisuke Matsumiya, the manager and representative of the operating company of the old private house hotel "Kamakura Kokoko" where he stayed (Daisuke Matsumiya)I was renovated from the atelier of 50 years of construction to introduce the café where ♪ can be accompanied by pets and go out to morning、Go to garden house KAMAKURA, which is popular for relaxing in a lush garden! The place is about a 3-minute walk from the west exit of Kamakura Station.、It exists in a good location between "Kinokuniya Kamakura store" and "Starbucks coffee Kamakura Onseicho store"。 Kamakura is dotted with pet-accessible restaurants and cafes。 This is a restaurant and café that was born in Kamakura in October 2012.、We have restaurants in Kamakura and Shinjuku.、Bakery shop in Sokanyama、In addition, it is a group that there are dealers in Yokohama! Windy garden terrace。 Because it is a popular café、The garden terrace full of openness is almost full! The natural and woody interior also calms down。 The concept will be "Season-inspired" and "Fine-works".、With the theme of season and handmade、The dishes were made with shonan's seasonal ingredients.、A variety of daily small plates, pizzas and pastas、Pancake、Prepare exciting main dishes such as roasting a whole pigeon、Collaborated with kamakura ham maker "Kamakura Ham Tomioka Shokai" with local Kamakura、Northern CALIFORNIA style dishes using handmade loin ham that can only be eaten here! Select products handled in Kamakura are also sold in the store、You can also get souvenirs after enjoying the meal! Also、It is also collaborated with Kamakura Beer, which is making craft beer in Kamakura.、Garden HOUSE original craft beer according to the season is packed in a barrel first thing in the morning and sent directly、ここでしか味わえない出来立てクラフトビールやソムリエ厳選のナチュールワインも楽しめます! ガーデンテラスで外の風に当たりながら楽しむクラフトビールやワインはきっと美味しくいただけることでしょう! 私たちは愛犬ショコラと共にガーデンテラスへ。 Morning 9:00-10:30The time zone until becomes a morning menu、朝食がいただけます! 「トーストセット」700yen+350yen 新鮮な彩りの良いグリーンサラダにドレッシングが添えられ、Boiled egg、Pando Campagne is served with the restaurant's original homemade buttermilk。 こちらに+350yenで「鎌倉ハム富岡商会」のグリルドベーコンを追加オーダー! 厳選した小麦と自家製酵母で焼き上げるパンドカンパーニュ(田舎パン)は、You can enjoy a strong sourness and rich umami with a firm texture、自家製バターとの組み合わせも絶妙です! 厚めにスライスされた鎌倉ハムのグリルドベーコンは、Pork belly salted for more than 5 days with aged bacon、香ばしさと旨味がほとばしります! 「スープ ‘ピストゥ’」980yen 南仏プロヴァンス風、Soup with plenty of beans and vegetable herbs。 Pistu is a sauce made with basil from the Provance region of France.、This is "Soup opistu" finished in a warm soup。 The smell of basil is refreshing、The dashi stock from the vegetables creates a gentle taste.。There is also a sense of volume of white green beans、食べるスープとして朝食にピッタリです! サイドメニュー「ガーデナーズサラダ」ハーフサイズ600yen 瑞々しいグリーンサラダはハーフサイズでもこのボリューム! やはり朝はフレッシュサラダに限りますね♪ 愛犬ショコラと一緒に楽しむことができるガーデンテラス! 他のお客様でもワンコ連れの方がいらっしゃったりとワンコ同士の交流も。 There is no food menu for dogs.、While giving water and snacks brought with you、楽しいひとときを過ごせます♪ セットドリンク「アイスコーヒー ホットコーヒー」 ホットコーヒーに関してはマグカップにたっぷりと注がれてくるのでゆったりとした時間を過ごしたい方にも最適です! とても可愛いお子さんを連れた外国人親子の姿がありガーデンテラスの雰囲気とマッチして海外にいる気分が味わえました! 鎌倉ではお洒落なレストランや雰囲気の良いカフェ散策が楽しめ訪れるたびに新しい発見があります! さらに、A city in Kamakura that is friendly to dog。お勧めです♪ ガーデンハウス鎌倉(GARDEN HOUSE KAMAKURA) 住所神奈川県鎌倉市御成町15-46 TEL:050-5872-3379 Hours of operation:9:00-20:00(L.O.19:00) Closed:不定休 ※ガーデンテラスのみペット同伴可 https://ghghgh.jp/...

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